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Many of you are actually Neanderthals

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posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:18 AM
This posting fits in many different forums. I picked this one because of my views regarding psychiatry -- the profession whose practitioners ought to be taking there own medicine -- specifically Haloperidol.

There seems to be growing recognition that some of us seem to be so different from most other people it is as it we belong on another planet (, May I suggest something that makes a bit more sense than we are aliens that somehow look amazingly human -- hybridization with archaic hominids.

Don't assume you are not an Aspergian just because you don't have severe negative symptoms and manage to pass as normal when it counts.

The Neanderthal Theory by Leif Ekblad

Possible ancestral structure in human populations
PLoS Genetics
Vincent Plagno, Jeff D. Wall

Vincent Plagno and Jeff D. Wall made the phosphors on my monitor glow in such a way as to indicate that "...Using sequence data from the Environmental Genome Project, we find strong evidence for ancient admixture in both a European and a West African population (p ~ 10^[-7]), with contributions to the modern gene pool of at least 5%. While Neanderthals form an obvious archaic source population candidate in Europe, there is not yet a clear source population candidate in West Africa."

[edit on 20-6-2009 by BSndsMPBlk47]

[edit on 20-6-2009 by BSndsMPBlk47]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Well I have always felt different and special and alienated from those around me. I feel I exhibit the things you have listed, so therefore I am sure I am a Neanderthal. I know many of you wont understand some of the special gifts we Neanderthals have, but dont let us make you feel inferior because of our specialness.

Many times when I meditate the Neanderthals come and speak to me. I have even been abducted, probed, and mated with Neanderthals. Some of my children are hybrids. I am not sure why they chose me but I have always had a certain sensitivity and awareness that most of the rest of the world lacks.

I have been diagnosed with ADHD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder, but I am sure it is part of my Neanderthal genetics that make me more evolved than the rest of the humans around me.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:43 AM
I'm confused?
Just last week many of us were aliens. Which is it, or is it both?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Dont be confused. Aliens last week, Neanderthals this week, Flying Monkey people next week, Bigfoot after that, then rotate.

I will put it all in an electronic calender for you so you dont show up dressed as the wrong character one weak and we all have to laught at you.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47

I was just having fun. Really this is a great OP, and makes a heck of a lot more sense than people being Aliens, Indigos, Star Seeds, etc, etc, etc

Plus it may explain their lack of science education. The Neanderthal brain was not quite as complex.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 01:11 AM
Actually, there are more connections between neurons in the Autistic and Aspergian brains. Processing in a given region in the brain is probably better. As long as there aren't certain requirements such as different regions of the brain having to communicate heavily with one another (especially between distant regions) to handle a given task or dependence on large working memory all is well.

The brain design is different, I doubt it is less complex.

Aliens, Indigos, Star Seeds, etc, etc, etc makes no less sense than the Defective Mutant Theory of the Medical Establishment, especially in light of the high prevalence. One in 165 is an awful high rate even for one defective gene. There are so many cognitive and other differences that numerous genes have to be involved. So the establishment theory quickly becomes just as silly.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47

I have a theory about how we get 1 in 165 kids with autism. It is called a lack of butt whooping and parents wanting to label their kids with illness because they arent willing to make them behave.

I have seen real autistic kids and some kids that just exhibit certain behaviors that appear autistic because it gives them a warped sense of control.

Not that some people arent Autistic, but Autism has rose in proportion to the decline of physical discipline. Look at the stats.

Maybe them crazy Christians were onto someting when they realized spare the rod spoil the child.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47

I am pretty sure my ex was one. Big head, lots of hair on his face and chest, pretty rude guy too.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47

I have a theory about how we get 1 in 165 kids with autism. It is called a lack of butt whooping and parents wanting to label their kids with illness because they arent willing to make them behave.

I have seen real autistic kids and some kids that just exhibit certain behaviors that appear autistic because it gives them a warped sense of control.

Not that some people arent Autistic, but Autism has rose in proportion to the decline of physical discipline. Look at the stats.

Maybe them crazy Christians were onto someting when they realized spare the rod spoil the child.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

Unlikely, since we should have gotten those rates much, much earlier if it were true. Plus aversives/torture would "straighten them out" if it were true.

This is the crap crackpots like Michael Savage are paid good money by TPTB to spread.

When the environment is filled with assaults on your senses and demands are put on you that you aren't capable of, and then you are ridiculed, invalidated, punished, and can't have a rational dialogue with authorities above you how would you react? Eventually you'll be screaming "enough is enough!!!" when nothing else works.

It is past time to respect their rights and figure out what they are capable of learning and how they are capable of learning it and design appropriate programs and policies around these realities.

Just as there are appropriate (relatively speaking) programs and policies for educating, socializing, and training the neurologically typical, there needs to appropriate systems in place for such large segments of the population. Anything less is discriminatory and fails to respect the rights of minorities which violates the basic principles of republican forms of governance that requires respect for minority rights. Assholes like Michael the Savage and 60 Minutes Andy Loony don't understand this.

Indeed, considering the mistreatment of those on the autistic spectrum, it is a wonder why they aren't more --much, much, much more --resistant and violent, not less.

One of the good things about the decline in disciple is that it is probably a factor in the push for recognition of the problem. While the rod is being spared raising neurotypicals, eventually many neuroatypicals still end up subjected to conditions Obama won't subject terrorists to -- the process / downward spiral just takes a little longer.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:42 AM
Nobody is a Neanderthal. The idea is that neanderthals became extinct for a number of reasons but that some some interbreeding occurred. Let's be honest...the human race always has certain members that like to experiment by sticking things in places most of us wouldn't consider
Goats, horses, sheep etc. The Neanderthal was fairly similar in appearance so interbreeding would be inevitable. The question would be how often pregnancies were carried to full term.

In this sense, there will be a Neanderthal legacy in our genomes. Natural selection will have played it's part.

Look at this image. It's a recreation of a Neanderthal child based on skull fragments found in Gibraltar. This fella could walk through any city without too much attention. If he became a man with a homo sapien wife, their kids could be unremarkably normal looking...

Reconstructing the face of the Gibraltar 2 (Devil's Tower) Neanderthal child

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:52 AM
Indeed if anything, the problem is that those on the Autistic spectrum need to be like Jews in 1920s Germany and Gays in America in the '90s and get in the haters faces. If Michael the Savage ended up with his jaw wired shut for his asinine comments maybe that would send a message. It is time "conservative" haters who have allowed the majority to oppress minorites in contradiction of the principles of the republican form of governance and been the worst violators of the Constitution started having much needed cups of shut the f--- up. They need to think before saying the stupid things they usually do.

And yes, all that stuff about socialism being unconstitutional is crap. Corporations are state chartered bureaucracies -- in other words they are governments. Corporations have no rights. They are not persons. Only domestic enemies would argue otherwise. It is time to go back to the days when they were required to serve the public interest (before 1886).

The Tenth Amendment is not a license to violate the principles of the republican form of governance. When states disregard these principles the 10th Amendment rights are forfeited. It becomes the obligation of the federal government to step in under Article IV Section 4: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion." Fascist/Corporatist domestic enemies have taken over. Unfortunately, it looks like they own Obama as well.

I think I'll reevaluate my views on disproportionate response now.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:22 AM
Thx for bringing this up !!!

I don't think the kid from the picture above would blend in that easy! there are dozens of factors you should keep in mind before making a proposal like that. Things like : Height ,weight ,bonestructure ,growth ,Overall intteligence ,maybe even their haircolor...

But i admit (and i've done some personal research on it) that the chance of Humans and Neanderthalers mixing up excists but is rather small. When i look at the skeletons of neaderthals and compare them with human ancestors from that time, they just don't match up at all IMHO .

With all the glaciers melting down over the world maybe soon we will have some decent DNA to study and eventually maybe even clone some of our ancestors for study...

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Spartannic
I tend to agree with you here...we don't have enough evidence to really have an understanding of the wider population of Neanderthals. The evidence we do have doesn't support interbreeding.

Physically, the sample we do have, shows similarities that fall within the parameters of our own species differences. Skulls are larger than average human skulls, but some human skulls will be on the outer edges of the bell curve. Some Neanderthal bones indicate they were shorter and stockier than us...again theses features are within the bell curve of human anatomy.

Intelligence? They had a marginally larger brain capacity if that means anything. More significantly, they used tools specific to Neanderthals. This indicates that they had a comparable intelligence to us.

With all the glaciers melting down over the world maybe soon we will have some decent DNA to study and eventually maybe even clone some of our ancestors for study...

There already is decent DNA to study...the Neanderthal genome is over 60% mapped ( Neanderthals 'distinct from us' ). We could do with more samples and it'll be good to see what shrinking glaciers will reveal. Otzi the Iceman was an information gold mine

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:23 AM
Since the population was rather small -- as I recall a maximum of around 15,000 at most at any given time -- you'd be lucky to find much if any obvious evidence of interbreeding. Only those trait which were positively selected survived. The rest would be washed out due to genetic drift. If autistic traits were positively selected, they must help the hybrids exploit niches that others would either not be able to or have a great deal more trouble doing so. So much for the Medical Establishment's various crazy hypotheses.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Plus it may explain their lack of science education. The Neanderthal brain was not quite as complex.

Hardly the case. Autism seems to be related to systemizing, mathematical ability and inventiveness, while the neurologically typical seem to excel at literary forms of creativity and generalizing. I doubt you will find many autistics writing plays and novels. The works of Simon Baron Cohen and others are examples of what I mean.

If anything, the contribution of "normals" is that a small percentage of them are spreaders (apparently too few, especially among those with any real decision-making authority), so those with at least some autistic traits do not constantly have to "reinvent the wheel," allowing progress to succeed.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:31 AM

Nope we are not all Neanderthals.

I dont recall myself with a huge skull, and a massive gap between my eyes.
pure bs from what I can see and archialogical eveidence suggests the Neanderthal was wiped out because they was not very social.

They had better tools and spears but lacked the social skills to survive like homo-sapien did.
evidence points towards a flute like intrument that the homo-saps had, making them more social, aswell as arts and bigger communities of hunter gatherers.

some of these threads make me laugh though, its amazing what you can learn from a little history, go check it out......

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Sparkey76]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
Well I have always felt different and special and alienated from those around me. I feel I exhibit the things you have listed, so therefore I am sure I am a Neanderthal. I know many of you wont understand some of the special gifts we Neanderthals have, but dont let us make you feel inferior because of our specialness.

Many times when I meditate the Neanderthals come and speak to me. I have even been abducted, probed, and mated with Neanderthals. Some of my children are hybrids. I am not sure why they chose me but I have always had a certain sensitivity and awareness that most of the rest of the world lacks.

I have been diagnosed with ADHD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder, but I am sure it is part of my Neanderthal genetics that make me more evolved than the rest of the humans around me.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

I was actually a deep thinking neanderthal in my past life, I keep having

dreams and premonitions that I was the brains behind the neanderthal

revolution and eventually the neanderthal civil wars.


posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Great thread the link to the Guy who describes Autism as a Neanderthal behavior is 100% correct.

I have a buddy who works for me, who was diagnosed ADHD 15 years ago, no one ever understood him his step father beat the piss out of him... because like another really, really ignorant poster he thought the poor guy was just not listening as a teenager... at the time Autism was so little known that he was diagnosed ADHD but really he had something else going on.

I had made the leap to that he was of Neanderthal genes over a year ago... he completely shows it in appearance (most don't) so I had the luck to visually be able to see this...

Stocky, covered in hair, heavy set lower body, exceptionally strong thick legs and bones (almost look like a giant baby) larger head... different senses, can't look you in the eye... etc, etc

and... the poor guy has suffered his whole life

he can hardly hold a job because people don't take well to has lack of social cuing...

and I've been taking care of the guys all year, something that causes me allot of difficulty because even his own mother thinks that he does it on purpose...lazy etc...

But THIS is 100% correct, i'm sure it rings like a Bell, this is real... even down to the sexual habits and differences

There is nothing to actually doubt here, it's apparent at a glance.... and there was NO WAY we didn't mix with Neanderthal Females... some people will sleep with Goats let alone a side species of man, we definitely bred the in...

They say Autism is new, I'd say thanks to inbreeding... the positive gene traits are re emerging

These people get treated like garbage too... and it's just another genuine clue as to who we are, it's a tragedy.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47

You obviously hit the nail on the head in terms of how some of these traits could survive.

But I am willing to go a step further and say the difficulty of some of these people in terms of mating has preserved a large number of these traits, in the end, there are some who only were able to socially mate with others who shared the traits effectively... so you do actually see some minor preservation to this day as a result in more ways than you would think possible...

Judging from my buddy, i'd say it's entirely possible that... some of them fail to reproduce with anybody generation after generation except others that share these traits.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:12 PM
Neanderthals were totally anti institutional.
They disappeared from this world because they didn't want to make themselves into robots/slaves like most people today are.
They were anti-conformists.
They were philosophical pragmatics, not exploitative pragmatics.
They didn't develop slavery, which Hss did, so now we have prevailing slave indoctrinated civilizations where people are convinced they are free, while in truth they have signed the contract of slavery.
Their measure of intelligence was creativeness and their relationships were not competitive, as opposed to today's prevailing degradation and denunciation of anyone who isn't like "us".
They didn't have cults and "leaders" and "followers". They didn't have "shepherds" to lead the "sheeple" from one failure to another.
They didn't build stupid political projects like pyramids to impress stupid, uneducated people.
They didn't massacre those who didn't want to "obey" them.
The list of their characteristics is very long and mostly opposite to our "culturally" accepted "values".
They were better than us and had much more guts and stamina.
They were never obsessed with survival, a thing that doesn't exist.

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