posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 12:50 PM
I'm one of those who bore easily with their avatar. I started out with KITT from the now cancelled remake of Knight Rider, then Scooby Doo
(before the member of the same name), then a variety of comical pictures. But as of late, I've been using Spock Avatars, due to the constant
reminder to check my emotions and use logic while in heated debate. It doesn't always work, but apparently it has other benefits... Someone put
this in the comments section of my profile page: "Just want to let you know that your subtle mind-game is working flawlessly. Because of your
avatar, I read all of your posts in Spock's voice. One does not argue with Spock." I can live with that! So far there are two in the collection,
but I'm sure more will follow...