posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:23 AM
Originally posted by Common Good
This whole birth certifercate issue just needs to be handled, or it will be 40 years down the road and we still wont ever really know.
That's the thing though.
already has been handled. The people who uphold these theories are never going to accept any evidence he presents, and its mostly due to a
widespread internet mythos surrounding the issue.
There are people who claim the certificate he has presented is a forgery. This has been debunked numerous times. See the links in my previous post.
There is a myth that he is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to 'lock up' his private records. This is false, the entire rumor is based on
his campaign lawyer's reimbursement and a few exaggerated WorldNetDaily stories.
There are still people who think because his step-father enrolled him in
elementary school under his own name (Soetoro) instead of Obama's
birth name (Obama), that there is solid proof he has led double lives, even though this occurred when he was
7 years old at the time. That's
right folks, Obama's step dad's last name was Soetoro! I guess that's solid proof he was leading a secret double life as a Muslim back when he was
learning how to write in cursive.
This is what really aggravates me. We pride ourselves as deniers of ignorance, yet so many on this board are too ignorant to look up a few simple
facts about the president's life before they rush to assume such things.
Before anyone calls me an 'obamatron', or says I'm worshiping the 'obamessiah', please note my post history and my relatively critical stance on
our sitting president. There are many things about him that don't sit right with me. His citizenship, or his use of his step-father's name during
his childhood, don't exactly rank up there. They're non-issues, being thrown around by those who are either too partisan, too ignorant, too lazy, or
some combination of the above to actually
look up the facts.