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I am a Military Recruiter and would like to clear up some misconceptions.

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posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:00 PM


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Chillidog1

I dont want you to take this as disrespect, but what is a passing score?
Do you know? Does She? I do know, I am a recruiter. If she has a HS diploma she needs a minimum AFQT of 31. If she has a GED she needs a minimum AFQT of 50. I know this, If someone is test, physically, and morally qualified I will spend all my time to work with them. If they are not, I dont waste it. Mind you, she didnt pass the test. The army is not sexist, but you have to be qualified. The your man that enlisted probably re-took the ASVAB 30 days later and passed. Did she re-take it? I promise you if she can pass the test, and she is physically and moraly qualified she can enlist, until then there is nothing that recruiter can do. It falls on her to put forth the effort, study and re-take the ASVAB.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Kryties

Nah, it's not that easy anyway

As I said I am using the U2U to answer questions that Members ask of me. Some wanted to ask questions that they thought would disrupt the flow of the thread, or others wanted clarification of my OP. so they asked me personally.

Not to mention all that hate that has been spewed at me through the U2U system.

Again, mods or somebody else have the authority to dig into my U2U's, and if someone believes that I am violating the T&C, I'm sure the great mods on this site will handle it.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Kryties

I think its a bit silly that you would even say that. And I'm sure even if it were true we would have alreayd heard about it via anyone he may have tried to "recruit" U2U.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was getting messages from people who specifically messaged him to see if he would do so. Come on now, as you yourself said, this is a conspiracy website!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:09 PM
I was personally approached / attacked by a few recruiters a while back very unpleasant experience!! Seems like you are trained to make somebody think that there life is worthless and going nowhere so join us and kill and be killed yata yata yata….. I probably hit the nail on the head with this one!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Seyana

Considering some of the REAL conspiracies that we now know to be true (eg Watergate etc etc) that were laughed at by countless people at the time, I would not say it is such a far stretch to be considering the possibility of this thread in itself being a conspiracy.

I just thought it had to be said as I know some other people were also thinking it.

[edit on 19/6/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Juston

so many people so full of hate, and yet preaching peace. its disgusting. Not the recruiter guy, but the rest of the people here. its disturbing how small their world gets once faced with something they don't like.

its good to see someone who is willing to come up and put forth their side of things tho, especially around here with all the bile spewing aging liberal hippy douchebags that inhabit places like this.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by CoffinFeeder

especially around here with all the bile spewing aging liberal hippy douchebags that inhabit places like this.

These people are called "other people with opinions that do not match yours" - something that I think you do not like very much. Damn those pesky people who have other opinions to your own!! Damn them to hell I say!!!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by paradiselost333

You probably walked into those career recruiters! Look man, Im a recruiter and I despise them myself. They are nothing but salesmen. But, that is not 99.99% of recruiters. Im a recruiter, and I could care less what you decide to do with your life. THe Army is great, but its not for everyone. I have turned away more people than I have put in the Army. The majority of recruiters are recruiting with integrity, mind you there are bad apples out there. You should have came to me. I would have told you the truth. The army is great, it sucks sometimes and pisses me off, but doesnt any job? Iraq sucked, scared the hell out of me but I am proud that I did it.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:20 PM


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Kryties

Originally posted by iraqvet85

Iraq sucked, scared the hell out of me but I am proud that I did it.

So you are proud that you attacked a country that had no proven ties to 9/11 and no WMD's? You are proud to have killed innocent civilians caught up in the "War on Terror" that actually had nothing to do with Iraq at all?

I actually think I feel sorry for wait that's disgust.

Yes proud!... lemme see, I cant remember weather it was 13, wait wait... its was 14 babies that I threw into the well.. Babies are dangerous in packs. You are the expert on Iraq, because you were there correct? I can read all about WW2 but I would never preach it to you because I was never there. For the record I have never killed an unarmed civilian. I shot a mujahdeen fighter from syria in the throat though. Oh thats wrong? Sorry but after he detonated an IED which killed 23 Iraqi civilians, and shot and killed one of my friends, what should I have done. Do the liberal thing, sit him down and talk about his feelings and why he wants to wage jihad on americans? you talk about how I am wrong, and I shouldnt be proud.. You have never had to pick arms and legs of a child off of the street because and IED blew them off. You didnt smell the blood and charred flesh of this innocent child... but you probably saw pictures on liveleak so that makes you right.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by iraqvet85
I shot a mujahdeen fighter from syria in the throat though. Oh thats wrong? Sorry but after he detonated an IED which killed 23 Iraqi civilians, and shot and killed one of my friends, what should I have done. Do the liberal thing, sit him down and talk about his feelings and why he wants to wage jihad on americans?

Nicely worded, completely missing the point about the fact that you should not have been there in the first place, that the IED wouldn't have exploded and killed civilians if the Western armies had not invaded in the first place, the fact that the reason some Muslims have turned to "Terrorism" is the fact that Western countries have been involving themselves in Muslim affairs for decades without asking and without the Muslim people wanting them there....

It's rather convenient that you should skip these important points - perhaps it helps you sleep at night to be ignorant.

you talk about how I am wrong, and I shouldnt be proud.. You have never had to pick arms and legs of a child off of the street because and IED blew them off. You didnt smell the blood and charred flesh of this innocent child... but you probably saw pictures on liveleak so that makes you right.

Again, that child would never have been in ANY danger if the western forces had not wrongfully invaded in the first place CAUSING this bloodshed.

You still haven't answered the fact that Iraq should never have been invaded in the first place - again I'm assuming it helps you sleep at night to be so ignorant of this very simple fact.

Oh and the very fact that you seem to take pride in the fact you shot another man in the neck, thereby extinguishing another human's life, there is something distinctly psychopathic in that.

[edit on 19/6/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:47 PM
Again, I go back to the question... A man is beating the hell out of a woman, attempting to rape a woman that lives next door to you. With your logic you would let it be, simply because thats just how it is next door. You would sit on your ass, listening to the screams simply because its against the law to break and enter. You probably think the same way about the two reporters that have to serve over a decade of hard labor in north korea. Why, because they wanted to report on the mistreatment of the women there... but *Snip* em right? They shouldnt have been there in the first place.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6/19/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by iraqvet85

I'm not a liberal, and I would personally be ashamed of myself if I had went to Iraq. I am ashamed of myself for supporting the Afghanistan war at the start before I woke up to the manipulation going on.

I am thankful that I didn't have to do such things which I was in the military.

You gave a typical ignorant response. You jumped up on a high horse, pointed fingers at the bad things others have done as justification for your own actions, and then proceeded to ridicule people with name calling and sarcasm.

Is this what they mean to support the troops? Supporting fallacies such as what you say to make the "troops" feel good rather than look at what they are doing? Am I a "Bad American" as well for pointing these things out?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:50 PM

MA3 USNR Here... The Navy has been one hella of an experience for me I love it
My recruiter was the nicest guy...He'd never beat around the bush and tell me up front, He never bull #ted or anything....great guy, He's probably a Chief now but some day I'll look him up and thank him, hell even called my Chief and asked how I'm doing...

I DEP'ed at 17....and figured I'd like the best of both words Military and "the college" life...mind you if anyone is interested in joining or just would like to get a taste of the military I believe the Reserves is the way to go

I'll be taking my E-5 Exam this August...hopefully I'll make it, I'd be one young 2nd class at 21 years of mind you my birthday is Next month woot!

I'm majoring in CS...with hopefully a Minor in math as well...I'd like to put on some shoulder boards some day and give back to the Navy


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Kryties
You still haven't answered the fact that Iraq should never have been invaded in the first place

I see what you are saying here but it is unfair of you to blame this man for the actions of our government. The fact is that it did happen, regardless of anyones opinions on if it should or shouldnt have.

That being said whats done is done and no enlisted soilder can change, or could have ever changed that. The most they can do is make the best of a bad situation and do their best to defend the innocent people being affected as well as defend themselves when nessicary.

Also I don't think he was stating that he was proud to have killed someone. he was just being honest about the fact that, yes he had killed someone, but given the situation, only did what he had to do to see to it that he did not have to watch any more of his friends (or himself) die at the hands of that person.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:52 PM
Juston -

From one squid to another, well met! (I, too, used to be stationed in Japan... Yokuska, onboard the Midway) I haven't read all of this thread, and I really don't plan to; I'm just going to respond to the initial post and leave it at that.

My naval recruiter was always straight up, never making promises. However, when I was shopping around the different branches, I was put off by the Army and Marine recruiter; I initially wanted demolitions / ordnance type duties, but both of the ground branches continued to push other fields, not even taking into consideration what I wanted, or why... their responses (yes, both of them) were "we can get any idiot off the street to do that, we could really use you in - "

It wasn't until I was fully into the Navy way of things that I learned recruitment centers are required to get specific roles filled, quotas if you will... however, before anyone complains, let me state right now, at the MEPS station, you are able to change your rate; I was even offered the chance to change my rate at boot camp. Just because the recruiter is required fill specific roles does not mean you are required to take them.

Also, people need to keep in mind, there are two different Navy personnel; sea duty and shore duty. Two very very distinct mind sets. From I recall and have experienced, shore duty persons ARE NOT TRUE NAVY. Let me clarify... those who started on shore duty, those who want shore duty, are not true Navy; they tend to be more militaristic, more straight and by-the-book... anal, if you will. Sea duty, well... if you ever want to watch a good movie that describes sea-duty, then may I suggest Down Periscope... nothing, and I mean nothing, fits better then that. (I was sea duty)

There is a difference between recruiters who were sea versus shore... *laughs* I once caught my recruiter faxing a photocopy of his genitals to the Marine recruiter; yes, he was sea duty.

I've come across shore duty mentality recruiters, a rather stiff breed. Hmm... seem to have been rambling...

Okay, last thing... keep in mind that what the recruiter says and what the recruiter types in your enlistment papers are totally different things. GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING! If it isn't on record, it never happened!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by iraqvet85

We are not talking about singular people, nor are we talking about a next door neighbour dispute (which, by the way is COMPLETELY off topic and has NOTHING to do with the war in Iraq) - we are discussing your pride in invading innocent countries and depriving the citizens there of their lives - and then gloating about it. Why was that again? Oh yeah - you were there to find WMD's - you know those metal things that make a big BOOM sound when they explode - you know, the one's that you couldn't find and don't exist!!!

Stop skating around the point by making silly analogies to a next door neighbour dispute. The two are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum and you should be ashamed for even trying to compare the two.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Juston

Please consider the following articles:

Neo Nazis are in the Army now

Also, just for lulz, do a search on Salon or the web at large on the topic. You liken the bad apple ratio to that of other professions, I am afraid the numbers just don't bear that out.

The military has a record systematic disingenuousness and flat out deception in their recruitment practices, that is a well documented fact.

Now whilst I appreciate that not all recruiters will go to nefarious lengths to meet their quotas, to attribute the "bad apple" context when this is obviously a top down, culturally and organizationally engrained approach, is in my opinion flat out erroneous.

I suspect that is why you are meeting such resistance on this thread.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by iraqvet85
Again, I go back to the question... A man is beating the hell out of a woman, attempting to rape a woman that lives next door to you. With your logic you would let it be, simply because thats just how it is next door. You would sit on your ass, listening to the screams simply because its against the law to break and enter. You probably think the same way about the two reporters that have to serve over a decade of hard labor in north korea. Why, because they wanted to report on the mistreatment of the women there... but # em right? They shouldnt have been there in the first place.

Again, you just made another false claim. Where is the man that is beating the hell out of the woman in Iraq? Are you going to use the "Saddam was a bad person" claim?

Because there are bad people all over the world, who are much worse than Saddam. Like I dunno, how about the fact that N.Korea has gotten a nuke in that time. I guess they should be thankful they don't have oil.

You point at the actions of others in order to justify your own actions.

You know how I knew Iraq wasn't a threat? Because that isn't how we treat those who are actually threats. When they are a threat, then we deal with them diplomatically. We can use N.Korea, China or Russia as an example. They both do/did horrible things. We surely didn't treat them the way we did Iraq. That is how we deal with actual threats. FACT.

And how would you feel if someone came to America and invaded us because they thought GWB needed to go? Would you have the same opinion then?

Furthermore, to use your example. The way we handled things would be the equivalent of beating the crap outta everyone in the town over what that single man did.

Yes folks, go join the military and you can be just like this recruiter here. Peddling lies and justifying your actions by pointing out the actions of others and ignoring your own. It's the same kind of low level thinking people like that nut who went and shot up that museum carry. Just think, you can be just like that! You to can give your life to be a hypocrite.

Next, we can go around and arrest everyone who is of the age 15-30 and male, in an effort to reduce crime. Sure, we will likely round up a bunch of innocent people in the process, but just think of the "lives we will save". Gosh darnit, we are going to stop those few criminals 1 way or another, even if our own actions make us more of a criminal and evil than they are.

BOOOOO to you sir. And I do mean sir.

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