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Nasa prepares to bomb the moon

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posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

hehe , well it resonated anyways , i recall they where astound at the fact that it kept on going for hours after they had landed ,

wich might point to the moon being very hollow at parts if not completly, but thats beside the point i was trying to make ,

if the lunar lander thrusters did that to the moon what would impact of a bomb do to it , ,
H.g.w i think mentioned it in timemachine that the humans when mining on the moon cracked it sending pieces of it falling towards earth.

people find truth in neos passport , then why not H.G wells

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by zerbot565

...when the first man made lunar touch down was done, the moon it resonated for hours , litteraly shaking from the strain it was put under by the lunar lander.

Oh, really?!?!

Well, I'm 'literally' shaking with laughter, at that one!

I have heard of the "ringing" of the moon many times. Maybe you should research it some yourself. I am not saying it is fact, but there are a lot of scientific anomalies that point to it, like gravitational anomalies, even the moons own orbit, and the fact that it doesn't rotate. There is some solid science behind the "hollow moon" theory.

I do not think we can blow it up, or damage it significantly. But I do think an extended mining operation is dangerous. I also think adding mass to our earth by bringing extraterrestrial resources home is very dangerous.

I would hate to reach a critical mass that moved our orbit closer and closer to the sun (talk about global warming). Increased our gravity. Mass leaving the moon, and moving to Earth has many very scary potentials.

I would rather not have Earth looking like Mars in a few years. I like the green color!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by 0010110011101

Maybe to destroy, "and" to blind the view of what may be going on there. With 2012 coming maybe they're going to build something for the elite to resort to if necessary..

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Has no one noticed the fact that this will bring us NEW and HIGH REZ photos of the Lunar surface including NEW photos of the original Moon Landing locations?!

I guess no one noticed that they're also testing the Lunar surface for the presence of water!

This is exciting!! We'll have tons of new info to pour over!! Questions will be answered! New questions will be born! There's even a chance for a whole new conspiracy theory!!

Maybe we'll get new photos of that area that was supposed to have the "ancient crashed alien ship"!!

Come on people! We're supposed to be excited about scientific advancement not fearful like some medieval serfs!! That new particle collider didn't make the universe blink out and this won't make the moon crumble!!

People! High resolution photos of the dark side of the Moon!!! COME ON!!!!!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I have heard of the "ringing" of the moon many times.

Try this: Put your ear on a big rock, then hit it with a hammer (the rock...not your ear
). Hear that 'ringing' sound???

I am not saying it is fact,

Got that right!

... but there are a lot of scientific anomalies that point to it, like gravitational anomalies,

Nope. Gravitational anomalies have to do with what are known as 'mascons'. It is simply the slightly uneven distribution of the mass.

..."The Moon is extraordinarily lumpy, gravitationally speaking," Konopliv continues. "I don't mean mountains or physical topography. I mean in mass. What appear to be flat seas of lunar lava have huge positive gravitational anomalies—that is, their mass and thus their gravitational fields are significantly stronger than the rest of the lunar crust." Known as mass concentrations or "mascons," there are five big ones on the front side of the Moon facing Earth, all in lunar maria (Latin for "seas") and visible in binoculars from Earth.

The mascons' gravitational anomaly is so great—half a percent—that it actually would be measurable to astronauts on the lunar surface...

...even the moons own orbit,

What? It orbits normally.

...and the fact that it doesn't rotate.

Please. Follow your own advice, and do the research. For the umpteenth time, the Moon rotates about its axis. IF it didn't rotate at all (an extremely improbable occurrence) then we would see all 'sides' (both hemispheres) as it orbited.

There is some solid science behind the "hollow moon" theory.

No, there isn't. Not from reputable sources.
This all seemed to start from the "ring like a bell" comments, because everyone knows bells are hollow....the mental image stuck.

Besides, there would not be enough mass, in a "hollow Moon", to produce the amount of gravity that has been measured at the surface. ALL of the orbital calculations would be off, as well.

But I do think an extended mining operation is dangerous. I also think adding mass to our earth by bringing extraterrestrial resources home is very dangerous.

No. You should research the data that estimates how much mass the Earth accumulates every day just from space debris. It's in the millions of tons...per day!

I would hate to reach a critical mass that moved our orbit closer and closer to the sun (talk about global warming). Increased our gravity.

Won't happen.

Mass leaving the moon, and moving to Earth has many very scary potentials.

NO, it doesn't. We will NEVER be able to move sufficient quantities to make even the slightest difference!

Maybe you should research it some yourself.

Heed your own advice...

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Ok, so this is like the 20th "thing we've shot at the moon(astronauts and all) And out of all that, we still have crappy photos or blurred out images.

So now , we should get another set of high res images to examine....

for some reason, I have this feeling that the images are going to be compressed beyond detailed examination(in certain areas), or tampered all to he||.

But hey, I'm a glass is half full kind if guy..

Does anybody know where the impact point is set to be, maybe we could watch it.
June 23rd @ 4:23 est....Guess I won't be able to watch the impact
But Europe should be able to see it if the Target is on the earth side of the moon.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

No way man, there going to blow up the moon!! OMG I don't care about the new high rez low altitude photos. Nor do I care about the mapping of mountains craters using a "sonar" like device that would be able to draw a 3d map with all the craters, mesas, gradual inclines, cliffs etc. that would be able to map objects in the shadows(used to find good landing spots). Why should I care? Didn't I mention they blown up the moon man!?!

Okay I do hope we get the pics and the topographical maps too.. I didn't hear they would be public or not. But I guess I'm one of the few who actually looked at all the stuff in this mission. Those pics and especially that topographical map would be great for finding out if some anomaly's are what they look like.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by badBERTHA
What about the old story about the moon ringing like a bell when it has been struck in the past?

(one of the times this has been discussed)

Do you think whoever is hiding inside will come out to answer the doorbell this time?


That is cool, but NASA didnt bring any acoustic or sonar equipment with the LRO, Japan JAXA did though but that mission is over and they crashed the Kaguya on the moon last week.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by reugen

And China's crashed back in March 2009...

More space junque
hech tere is so much crud skattered around out there we won't be able to tell if an anomaly is alien or piece of space junque

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Alien Mind
You know i was thinkin, If there is a "Alien Moon Base" up there and we go bomb it, wouldn't that make the aliens want to attack us?

The base is on far side, this 'bombing' is at the south poll. The effect would be like dropping one in Antarctica while the base is in northern Russia

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux

Has no one noticed the fact that this will bring us NEW and HIGH REZ photos of the Lunar surface including NEW photos of the original Moon Landing locations?!

The skeptics told us that with China's probe, they touted that with Japan's HDTV and then with India who took 40,000 images

Still waiting... not expecting much better from LRO

I guess no one noticed that they're also testing the Lunar surface for the presence of water!

Yup your right... no one noticed, but then no one reads my posts or follows my links either so its no surprise.

DoD News Briefing
Tuesday, December 3, 1996 - 1:45 p.m.
Subject: Discovery of Ice on the Moon

Q: That translates to what in volume?

A: We were very conservative in the press release, but if you take basically 100 square kilometers by roughly 50 feet, you get a volume of something like a quarter of a cubic mile, I think it's on that order. It's a considerable amount, but it's not a huge glacier or anything like that.

Q: Can you compare that with something you know?

A: It's a lake. A small lake.

Maybe we'll get new photos of that area that was supposed to have the "ancient crashed alien ship"!!

"A bird in hand is worth more then 20 in the bush"

Still waiting and while we are at it why can I not order the Apollo 15 reel 83 images that they have thumbnails of on LPI?

We're supposed to be excited about scientific advancement not fearful like some medieval serfs!!

From where I sit its good to have serfs [vassels]... only problem is they get expensive to feed

People! High resolution photos of the dark side of the Moon!!! COME ON!!!!!

Where are they? I will get exited when I have them in my hand...

OH and BTW there is no dark side of the moon. So much for science

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I just hope that people put down the pitch forks and extinguish the torches in time for me to set up my telescope, nothing worse than light pollution.

It's the dark side of the moon in the sense that I will never see it with my telescope and therefore am in the dark lol

And yeah, I know, if there is really anything good on those photos we may never see them but at least new shots of the landing site will be neat.

I just can't take this dark ages fear of science in the 21st freakin century

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by broli

That's not funny at all. In the late 1990s NASA had several failed rocket launches where they blew up seconds after takeoff over the coastline. It was so bad that people in our neighborhood had betting pools on when a rocket would explode, not if they would. One of the explosions was so close to the rocket site people had to run for cover, the observation area was only something like a mile or two from the site. NASA later released the video to the media and it was horrifying to watch the debris come down around them, especially since they were breathing fuel the whole time. I believe that was when the agency revised its policies of how close the observation decks could be since they were afraid a shuttle launch could go wrong again.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Is it me or did some people on here not get past fourth grade nature science, much less seventh grade earth science?

Launching a probe at the moon is no more likely to "blow it up" than a satellite falling back to earth, they get hit by meteors just like the earth and so far, they are still in one piece after taking some BIG hits.

If nothing else, maybe it will attract enough aliens' attention so they will out themselves to us instead of waiting for the government to do it....

I owe a couple of you dinner if that does happen, if memory serves.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by SvenTheBerserK

Because Mars is a big, hot angry planet infested with giant angry spiders, 50-foot aliens and reptilians who will beat the snot out of us if we do that. Ever watch the Sci Fi Channel?


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Galileo carried 34.5 pounds of plutonium-238... slammed into Jupiter
Cassini carries 72 pounds of plutonium-238... going to slam into Saturn
Nakasaki bomb had 12 pounds of plutonium-238

Now that's a very misleading comparison if I ever saw one. Radioisotope thermoelectric generators that are used in some spacecraft like Galileo and Cassini are nothing like nuclear bombs. RTG's will not explode under any circumstance as they do not use either fusion or fission.

Oh, and the Nagasaki bomb used plutonium-239, not 238.

They still don't know what happened so are sending another spacecraft to check

Comet was supposed to be a ball of ice... it was NOT supposed to explode

What do you mean they don't know what happened? The reason for sending a second spacecraft is so they can get a better look at the crater and the comets nucleus, not to figure out what happened.

And yes it was supposed to explode. What would you expect is going to happen when a 370kg object travelling at about 10km/s hits another object?

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Shadowflux

Has no one noticed the fact that this will bring us NEW and HIGH REZ photos of the Lunar surface including NEW photos of the original Moon Landing locations?!

The skeptics told us that with China's probe, they touted that with Japan's HDTV and then with India who took 40,000 images

Still waiting... not expecting much better from LRO

Who told you that those other probes would be able to image the landing sites? China and Japan can only image at 10m/pixel (the HDTV camera isn't even close to capable), India's at 5m/pixel. The LRO will take images at 0.5m/pixel. It will be able to see the decent module's left on the Moon.

Shadowflux and to anyone else interested. I started a thread that has a link to site (here) where you can request areas of the Moon that you'd like to see in high res. Not all request will be accepted, but if you really want that "crashed alien ship" to be imaged, then try requesting it.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by jraRTG's will not explode under any circumstance as they do not use either fusion or fission.

So spreading 72 pounds of plutonium 238 all over a crash site is okay by you?
You know they had planned to smash it into Europa until cooler heads prevailed

What do you mean they don't know what happened? The reason for sending a second spacecraft is so they can get a better look at the crater and the comets nucleus, not to figure out what happened.

Exactly what I said they were NOT EXPECTING the secondary explosion, the big one after the initial impact. Since that probe did not detonate, what caused the big bang, several minutes after the initial impact?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by jra
Shadowflux and to anyone else interested. I started a thread that has a link to site (here) where you can request areas of the Moon that you'd like to see in high res. Not all request will be accepted, but if you really want that "crashed alien ship" to be imaged, then try requesting it.

As you say though...

"Do note, however, that your request must have a scientific or engineering rationale behind it. "

What rationale do we use for a "crashed alien ship"

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:51 PM
That should be some explosion.
We might see it from Earth.

Now I hear about this.
Some one said the new 'orbiter' was to de orbit and crash
to determine the moon gravity.
The only way.
Not from my posting today, this is a sort of combo info from
various posts.

If this crash from obit was to be visible it would disavow the
Lunar Landing Conspiracies.
No way.
His dumb 'crash landing from orbit' is now a bomb visible to
any moon looker.
Any thing to keep the Lunar Landing in the history books.
Its like the invention of the radio and zilch afterward.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:52 PM
Sorry for being off topic but why is it that I keep noticing European and especially UK media making several headlines while it used to be mainly American, now even for details of NASA missions UK media are the first to notice.
What's wrong with the American media lately?

[edit on 19-6-2009 by spacebot]

Also I really doubt NASA will make any real attempt in the future to colonize the moon the way US economy is going.

[edit on 19-6-2009 by spacebot]

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