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Strong radio signal at 1420 MHZR eminating from a location off of the planet!

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posted on May, 10 2004 @ 04:17 PM
antipigopolist, how did you find out about ATS?

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 04:39 PM
You're the 6th person that has asked me this via post/u2u in a month. Time to delete/change/misdirect my personal info.

I am noone!

Seriously, I found the site I think last Dec. when researching audio data correlational to Noise Cancellation (Stealth Technology), EMI Shielding and ITU-R (CCIR) 2 kHz-weighting (Dolby) with respect to digital audio and EM pollution.
You asked.

I was curious...and now I'm here! I think one of my first posts was forensic analysis for Valhal in regards to her audio recording of a potential ghost.

Now if I could just find the BS filter I'm set!

[Edited on 10-5-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 06:36 PM
Has anyone tried using this to analize the wave file?

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 08:20 PM
wave surfer, thanks pal ive been looking for that program for ages, saw it at a friends place now i got it,

Thanks heaps

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 10:14 PM
We're getting off topic here but...

WaveSurfer is a simple audio editior. Entry level at best. By their own admission it is meant to "dabble" with audio editing. It allows basic calculations on audio source files only. Not really appropriate for critical forensic analysis or critical recording.

Audio Forensics Soft Requirements (the short list):

1. A higher education in Audio Engineering and Applied Physics.
2. A long list of complex software algorithms such as precision x/y location of pitch curves movements and spectrogram by overlay over cepstrogram and by overlay of formants over sonogram, respectively (speech analysis).
3. A Polynomial Filter which allows the user to enter specific mathematical expressions into the software to manipulate the source.

For work in pro-music studios the higher education is not required but why go to battle unarmed. And be prepared to work 6-12 months, 12-16 hour days cleaning cables, mopping floors, documenting every setting of outboard gear, console e.q., and getting the client food, coffee, brown M&Ms before you even get near a session of your own. And we can't forget the phone calls....just as you and you're date settle into a romantic mood, the phone WILL ring with some expletive telling you to come in and finish the session as the engineer is on a contact high from the band and he can't reference # for frequencies anymore. "Oh, and they just brought 2 Mossbergs in to record the pump action but don't worry. I've made sure they put the ammo back in the band manager's SUV. Yes, the chambers are empty. I'm waiting. Hurry up!" True story...I almost felt bad for the guy until I remembered! my come uppins. Sign on the dotted line!

I won't even go into the hardware aspects. Suffice to say, if you really want to get into audio engineering beyond the armchair home enthusiast level and do REAL research/recording prepare to spend about $90K on education and software and $200K (minimum) on Monitoring System/Console/CPU's/Displays/Outboard Gear, Recording Decks...yada yada. (Did I mention the days of soldering or the fishing of miles of Mogami and CAT5 cabling through conduit???)

You have to KNOW what you're looking at as well as what to look for and then have the tools to process what you hear and see!
I would suggest you have another look at the Radio Waves 101 link of my post on the previous page and reread.

But it is fun to tinker...that's how we all get into this business!

If your interested in audio forensics, DC LIVE/Forensics software is pretty much the standard. Very efficient (DEA, FDA, US Customs, CIA, NYC Police Departments and a host of independant audio labs such as mine rely on it). But you need a host of other gear for it to work. OK...this is turning into a novel. Time to move on! Adios!

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 10:19 PM
Oh...and still nothing new with regard to Perseus-]+[- or authoritative info. on the signal. My amateur with bad info.

[Edited on 10-5-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 07:29 AM
An alert member, parrhesia, sent a message to me, and I confirmed as indicated below: > Someone forwarded this to me, claiming it was from you. >I wanted to confirm before we posted this. Yes, that was indeed my email. You may post it (provided full credit is given to The SETI League), but to put it in context, you might wish to post the entire thread (reproduced below). Although online discussion is interesting, following our Signal Detection and Verification Protocols requires that I communicate directly with the principles, not merely with those posting second-hand reports. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet in the present case; I'm hoping it will. Here's the thread: --- For the historical record, I am forwarding a dialog regarding a rather questionable signal claim. The author of the original email is a regular columnist at the website, but otherwise not known to me. What follows is his original emailed claim (forwarded to me by Allen Tough), my response, and Mr. Bernard's reply. Below those is my assessment of the signal's impact, using the Rio Scale metric . Anyone care to try to verify this detection, given the rather vague frequency reports and total lack of date, time, or aiming coordinates? Cheers -- Paul ------------ Hi this may seem a little odd but bear with me, A local radio operator in Greece has recorded pulse type transmissions between 1418mhz-to 1420mhz. Signal Strength 9+ He requested a listening watch and a ground station in Nigh county Nevada confirmed a signal source in that range and at that strength. I contacted another ham in the US and he is also receiving a pulse or a beacon type signal at a signal strength 5 or better but offset at about 1430. The originator does not appear terrestrial in nature given the wide footprint of the signal. What can you do to triangulate a likely source or orbit? Any help you can give or advice would be appreciated Stan Bernard edmonton -------- Stan, I have been hearing rumors about this alleged detection for about a week now, but not one person directly involved has stepped forward to contact me. Since The SETI League is the world's largest organization of radio amateurs directly involved in monitoring the frequencies in question, I would have thought one of our 121 active radio telescopes would have been among those reporting reception. However, that is not the case. Science cannot be done on the basis of anonymous, anecdodal evidence. If the radio amateur in Greece, or the "other ham in the US", or the listening station in Nevada will contact me directly, there are very specific, well established and widely published verification procedures which I will be more than happy to follow. But unless those individuals who report reception are willing to contact me, detail their observations, equipment, and technical particulars, and cooperate with the verification process, their claims cannot pass beyond the category of rumor. If you are in touch with any of the principles, please pass this message on to them. Yours for SETI success, Paul ------- Dear Sir, Thanks for taking the time out to respond, I have forwarded your letter to the two US radio operators and the originator of the enquiry in Greece. Sincerely Stan Bernard Edmonton Alberta Canada ------- Rio Scale computation on 12 May 2004, 0130 UTC, by HPS: Giving the claims the benefit of the doubt, "Beacon or pulse type signal" suggests Classification can be provisionally categorized as "Earth-specific beacon to draw our attention." Assuming the confirmations are true, but not carried out by or reported by a Project Argus station or any other SETI facility, we can assign "Non-SETI/SETA observation; steady phenomenon verifiable by repeated observation or investigation" for Type of Discovery. Given the claimed signal strengths (S9+ and S5 or better) we must assume Apparent Distance is "Within the solar system." And since I have only second-hand reports with no identities of those detecting and verifying the phenomenon, I set Credibility at "Very uncertain, but worthy of verification efforts." So, FWIW, Rio 2. -- H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D. Executive Director, The SETI League, Inc. 433 Liberty Street, PO Box 555, Little Ferry NJ 07643 USA voice (201) 641-1770; fax (201) 641-1771; URL email work: [email protected]; home: [email protected] "We Know We're Not Alone!"

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 08:24 AM
I have listened to this signal with the basic windows sound recorder. Optimal length for pattern detection is 1463.78 seconds.

After a little more research, I will put my P4 3.2Ghz Extreme CPU w/ 4GB RAM to work using Sonic Foundry Sound Forge and see what I can some up with.

This signal is not natural. Maybe something manmade..who knows.

If I discover something, will need a host.

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by crisko
If I discover something, will need a host.
[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

You got it. I'll host your findings on no problem.


posted on May, 13 2004 @ 08:54 AM
This isnt just one signal, yet two. I was attempting to modify the pitch (yet maintain the ratio) to be freindly to human ears...every other peak is represented by two values. The second is not discovered until the primary is modified

Will post a screen shot in a sec.

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:04 AM
Okay, I got something..i reloaded the raw data and had it exported to a bar graph...looks like the lower frequencies repeat, with bursts of higher frequency anomalies...

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:21 AM
To strong to be far.....yet far for being strong hmmmm.
interesting. Its probably terestial in origin.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:21 AM

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:22 AM
looks like you craped out!

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:28 AM
Didnt crap out
this board just doesnt like the PNG format. Look at the visual rep of the audio so far....still working...damn...its gonna take 7 hours for rendering to be complete!

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:33 AM
When this is played, it sounds like the humming of a flouresent light.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:54 AM
Okay, going back to when I said there were two signals in this singular "signal".

Thi pic above shows the default pitch. However, it is a little harsh on our audio sensories. So I wanted to tone it down a bit while maintaining the same ratios. This proved impossible.

Notice where the 6th box is (including the one half visible on the left), this is me attempting to change the pitch, but a second underlying one remains (the 5th). The 5th box (a pitch peak) is an underlying signal.

Truely a mystery!! Please compare pics if you are confused.

I use this software on a daily basis, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

I will be spending considerable processing power over the next 24 hours filtering out the primary and resolving the secondary. Thats where the fun is.

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by crisko]

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
An alert member, parrhesia, sent a message to me, and I confirmed as indicated below:


"We Know We're Not Alone!"

Thanks for sharing that with us SO! I've still not heard from CRAF about any verifiable confirmation of the signal. I'm still putting my money on EM interference from a localized 1.42 GHz CPU clock.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 12:24 AM
To crisko:

I understand how much fun it is to mess around with audio editors (it's how I got my start 16 years ago in this field) but you are a bit out of your realm with regard to analysing and interpreting representative audio data with respect to EM (radio) wave transmissions. What you and many in the general public do not understand is that an EM or Electromagnetic wave is not a sound wave and therefore cannot be treated as such. The .wav file you are using is an audio representation of an EM (radio) wave. It is NOT a true audio source file.

Taken from
"No scientific knowledge would be gained by converting the radio waves received by our radio telescopes into audible sound. If one were to do this, the sound would be "white noise," random hiss such as that you hear when you tune your FM radio between stations."

This is for the most part true but there is one use for audio analysis. Please see my previous post for this explanation:

There is no "primary or secondary" signals here. This is not the original EM (radio) signal data which one needs to perform critical Radio Spectrometry analysis. Unless what you meant was that it looks like there are two source frequencies within this recording. As you probably know, record a guitar and a bass onto one track and you will see one waveform in your editor from two sources and can remove (filter) certain frequencies to enhance the desired instrument recorded (terminology is critical in analysis reports). This is the less sensational fact. There is NOT some hidden "signal" as you imply.

But again, I want to stress, this is neither here nor there as this is not a true audio source. The only analysis that can be performed on this source is for pattern detection. You were correct that there is a repeating waveform within this file. A repeating square wave @ 703Hz after the EM wave was demodulated from the 1428MHz signal. A square wave is typical of CPU clock EM interference in radio wave observation.

Originally posted by crisko

Truely a mystery!! Please compare pics if you are confused.

I use this software on a daily basis, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

I will be spending considerable processing power over the next 24 hours filtering out the primary and resolving the secondary. Thats where the fun is.

There's no's simply the limitation of your equipment. I dumped this into my rigs and did 6 pitch shifts at each location referencing the envelope in your 2nd screenshot. Performed as expected. No problems.

And you mention "its gonna take 7 hours for rendering to be complete!" Something is wrong with your equipment or software configuration! It took 10 minutes total with .56 to 1.3 seconds of processing for each rig to filter out everything and expose the square wave.


Signal Paths:
22050Hz/8bit Source File -> ProTools HD
22050Hz/8bit Source File -> Apogee 1000 DCs -> SonicSolutions
22050Hz/8bit Source File -> Apogee 1000 DCs -> DC LIVE/Forensics Version 5

SonicSolutions System w/ "NoNoise" Filters (G4 Dual 1.25GHz/Filtering Rig)
Digidesign ProTools HD 192 System (G5 Dual 2GHz/Source rig)
DC LIVE/Forensics Version 5 System (Custom built 3E GHz Pentium/Filtering rig)
Apogee filters
AnalogPrecision SYS-2722 Audio Test and Measurement System
Motu Digital Performer Triggering

Audio Monitoring:
Genelec 1031A and 1039A

Loaded source @ 192kHz to preserve integrity
NoNoise Processing removing voltage noise and "clicks"
Compression triggering on broadband noise (if any)
FFT analysis for patterns:
Main Reference Catagories: Electrical, Computer.
Sub-Reference Catagories: EMI, RFI, Voltage.

But AGAIN...this is practically moot as there is only one process that is relative to this audio representation...and it's NOT speeding up/slowing down/pitch shifting the audio to find the hidden John Lennon message. It's pattern analysis PERIOD!

PLEASE READ AVAILABLE INFO CAREFULLY and more importantly RESEARCH your data if you are going to post technical information here. Incorrect data hinders the discussion!


One last time for the record:

It is not an actual sound coming from space but an EM wave from unknown origin (earth or space) demodulated into a representative audio signal and there has been no confirmation of this signal.

[Edited on 14-5-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:15 AM
quote from Paul at The SETI League, Inc. within S.O.'s post:

"I set Credibility at Very uncertain, but worthy of verification efforts.

So, FWIW, Rio 2."

And here is the graphic explanation of the Rio Scale that Paul mentions:

[Edited on 14-5-2004 by antipigopolist]

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