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Anna Nicole Smith: The Case Reviewed

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Welcome Ladies and gentlemen! Its a pleasure to have you back in this third installment of the "case reviewed". The first two: Marilyn Monroe: The Case Reviewed and OJ Simpson: The Case Reviewed. In this edition we will be delving deep in the mysterious and sudden death of Anna Nicole Smith.

So without further wait, I present to you:

Anna Nicole Smith: The Case Reviewed


Brief Biography

Born Vickie Lynn Hogan on November 28, 1967, in Mexia, Texas, Anna Nicole Smith rose to fame as a model for many companies, the biggest was playboy. She was even named Playboy's Playmate of the Year in 1993. Anna Nicole also appeared in a few films, such as Naked Gun 33 1/3 and The Hudsucker Proxy, both in 1994.

A high school dropout, Smith’s dramatic life began quietly in a small Texas town. She had a difficult childhood, growing up without her father who left the family. Smith married Billy Smith when she was only 17 years old. The couple had a son named Daniel in 1984, but the marriage later broke up. Not content with small-town life, Smith dreamed of becoming the next Marilyn Monroe.

Now we have yet another incident of a dramatic young life which emulated in adulthood. Another difficult childhood, much like Monroe. Much like Monroe, Anna Nicole grew up without a father, she married young and the marriage ended in divorce. But what is different is that Anna Nicole had a son and that child would be her light, her soul and her love in life...

Before her big break, Anna Nicole Smith worked numerous jobs, including as a waitress and later a dancer in a strip club. While working at a club in Houston, Smith met Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II. They married in 1994. At the time, she was 26 and he was 89. The marriage ended with Marshall's death the following year. Smith spent years fighting his son, E. Pierce Marshall, in court over her husband's estate. The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2006. The court's decision opened the door to Anna Nicole Smith collecting some money from her late husband's estate.

Yet again, we see trouble in her life.

While her professional life appeared to be on the rise, Anna Nicole Smith experienced both joy and tragedy in her personal life. She announced that she was pregnant during the summer of 2006 and gave birth to a daughter on September 7 at a hospital in Nassau, Bahamas. She named her child Dannielynn, and was thrilled to be a mother again. But her happiness was short-lived. Her 20-year-old son Daniel died only three days later from an apparent drug overdose. Later reports indicated that the interaction of methadone and two different types of antidepressants may have caused his death. Anna Nicole Smith never truly recovered from the loss.

This was it. The cause of her death, after Daniel died, her light disappeared. Her life changed. And worst of all she lost: her soul and her love.

Smith found herself in the middle of media frenzy with reports on her son’s death appearing on entertainment news programs on an almost daily basis. She also became embroiled in a paternity lawsuit regarding her daughter.

Having so much thrown at her at once, its no wonder that she needed help.

Anna Nicole Smith died on February 8, 2007, at the age of 39, after being found unconscious in her hotel room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida. Authorities announced several weeks afterward that the cause of death was an accidental drug overdose. Smith had been taking nine different kinds of medication in the days before her death.

Nine different kinds of medication.

Now that we know her brief Bio. Lets get to the scene of the incident/timeline:


Timeline Source
Thursday afternoon after she was discovered unconscious in her hotel room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida. She was 39.

Cops say Smith's private nurse called a hotel operator at 1:38 PM EST. Before paramedics arrived on scene, Smith's bodyguard performed CPR. One of the first paramedics to arrive claimed that she was dead when he got there. Smith was rushed to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood.

[2:55pm] Anna Nicole Smith has died, this according to her attorney Ron Rale. She was 39.

Desperate attempts to save her life were made by paramedics en route to Memorial Regional Hospital. Smith did not survive, despite receiving CPR and emergency intubation to facilitate her breathing.

Smith was found unconscious in her hotel room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

Anna had been transported to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood just after 2:00 PM EST and died around 3:45 PM EST.

WFOR-TV in Miami reports that Anna was found unresponsive in her hotel room. Local streets were closed off to rush Smith to the hospital, three miles away. Paramedics were seen pumping her chest as she was taken from the hotel.

Anna had been hospitalized for a week last November with pneumonia.

[4:08pm] TMZ has learned that the Broward County Medical Examiner has been dispatched to the hospital to retrieve the body of Anna Nicole Smith.

[4:10pm] TMZ has learned that the Seminole Police Department will participate in a press conference at the Hard Rock Hotel at 4:30 PM EST

[4:18pm] is reporting that Anna's 5-month-old daughter, Dannielynn Hope, was not with her at the time. Sources tell the magazine that she is being cared for in the Bahamas by the mother of Shane Gibson, a high-ranking Bahamian official who is a close friend of Smith's.

TMZ has also learned that the hotel room that Anna was occupying at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino will be sealed off as a part of the investigation.

[4:55pm] Bill Stroum, who co-wrote two movies that Anna Nicole Smith starred in during the 1990s ("To the Limit" and "Detour"), tells TMZ, "I am shocked, but it is not a surprise. I thought she would have died 10 years ago."

[4:32pm] David Granoff, Anna's former publicist, told MSNBC that he was "sad, but not shocked" by Anna's death. He added that there was "Just no spark in her anymore."

[5:24pm] NBC affiliate WTVJ in Miami did an on air interview with a Hollywood, Florida paramedic who was one of the first to arrive at Anna's hotel room after she was found unresponsive. The paramedic said she was not alive when he got to the room.

[5:49pm] Attorney Ron Rale, who had been representing Anna Nicole in her paternity battle with Larry Birkhead, tells TMZ there will be a court hearing tomorrow. He says he was contacted by reps for Larry Birkhead and they will go to court to discuss the matter of DNA testing.

[5:58pm] Attorney Ron Rale says Anna had been under the weather with "flu-like symptoms" the past week and she "showed signs of a fever" last night. According to Rale, Anna's lawyer-turned-partner Howard K.Stern is at the Miami hospital now and is overwhelmingly distraught.

[6:52pm] Guess Jeans founder Paul Marciano, who employed Anna as a model in the 90s, has issued the following statement: "This is a very tragic and sad day. Personally I feel she did not survive the loss of her son Daniel, who was the love of her life."

[4:36pm] In October 2006, Anna Nicole Smith's mom, Virgie Arthur, told Nancy Grace on CNN Headline News that after the death of Anna's son, Daniel, she was concerned that Howard K. Stern was the one in line to inherit Anna's millions.

"If Howard Stern marries her and she ends up dead, then who does the money go [to]? Danny's not there," Arthur said.

This is so IMPORTANT! This makes a case for use to investiagte upon. Whats odd is that not only did the son die but the mother died the same way and under the same circumstances. Coincidence?

[4:37pm] According to Seminole, Florida Police Chief Charlie Tiger, Anna's bodyguard administered CPR before paramedics arrived.

Tiger also said that Anna's private nurse was with Anna at the hotel. He did not know why a nurse was with her.

[4:56pm] A casino witness says that Anna Nicole's body was already covered when she arrived at Memorial Hospital, according to a report on CNN.

Now for the suspects:

The Suspects

1) Anna Nicole Smith (Suicide/Overdose)
2) Howard K. Stern
3) The Doctors (Connected With Stern)

Continued Next Post.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Psychological State

1) Had just lost her son.
2) Reports from people close to Anna stated that she was not the same.
3) She found her son dead
4) She was taking many pills, pills for pain and some for depression
5) She has a new baby
6) She is 'lost' which can be seen in many videos of her. As if she was brainwashed, but I personally think it was PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
People with PTSD have persistent frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal and feel emotionally numb, especially with people they were once close to. They may experience sleep problems, feel detached or numb, or be easily startled
She looked emotionally numb. Seriously.
7) There is a power struggle for the baby
8) The baby brings memores of Daniel back (most likely, I am assuming.)

Now for the theories:



Howard K. Stern is the first suspect to come to mind. After all Anna's own mother stated:

Virgie Arthur, told Nancy Grace on CNN Headline News that after the death of Anna's son, Daniel, she was concerned that Howard K. Stern was the one in line to inherit Anna's millions.

"If Howard Stern marries her and she ends up dead, then who does the money go [to]? Danny's not there," Arthur said.

More than 20 witnesses will be called to testify, including one who allegedly insists that Stern gave Daniel methadone before he died. Stern was in the room at the time of Daniel Smith's death.


Uh, what? Did i read that correctly.

Also why are all these people dieing around this man? Does he not see what he is doing. He is continuing to make fun of her, laugh at her and worse! He states in many times that this video is MONEY! Interesting.

Howard on Greta. And boy does she get him many Listen to him and you will see something is not right.

And as Judge Judy stated on larry King: How many 20 year olds just die? How many 39 years old just die? And healthy 20 and 39 year olds at that?


And in recent events, things are coming to light very fast:

Stern, 40, Kristine Eroshevich, 61, and another doctor, Sandeep Kapoor, 40, each face six counts including conspiracy.

Conspiracy of what you ask?

Each defendant faces up to five years, eight months in prison if convicted.

The three defendants were each charged March 12 with three felony counts of conspiracy and several other charges of fraudulent prescriptions last month. Prosecutors said the doctors gave the drugs — including opiates and benzodiazepines — to Stern, who then gave them to Smith.

Not only that, but this:

The prescriptions for Smith were issued between June 2004 and January 2007, just two weeks before Smith's death. The attorney general's office has been pursuing its case since shortly after she died.

Just 2 weeks before her death! This is rabbit hole goes much deeper.

Why would Howard do this?

1) Money
2) Money
3) More money

He mentions it countless times! Over and Over in the videos, he is a money addict. And what would have happened to dannylynn? Well he would have waved that child around to show that he is a loving and carrying father, IF he was able to win the Paternity Case. And now it has all exploded in Howards face. He has no money from Nicole. His plan backfired completely.

The criminal complaint also alleges Kapoor wrote prescriptions for Smith under a patient alias Michelle Chase. Prosecutors allege the doctor gave her excessive amounts of sleep aids, opiates, muscle relaxants and methadone-like drugs used to treat addiction, knowing she was an addict.

Now why do you give someone excessive amounts if you know they are an addict? That is very simple and I am sure you can figure it out....

Eleven prescription medications were found in Smith's hotel room the day she died, according to the medical examiner's office. More than 600 pills — including about 450 muscle relaxants — were missing from prescriptions that were no more than five weeks old when she died. Most of the drugs were prescribed in the name of Stern, her lawyer-turned-companion, and none was prescribed in Smith's own name.

Written in his own name! Not to mention the witness who saw him give Methadone to her son which was found out to be true. Infact he was giving methadone to Anna and Dan. Now come on people! A huge conspiracy is here and why is this not being talked about? Interesting...

Now i will leave you with this:

Under California Statutes: According to a lawyer who went on record about this case:

#1 If Anna died without a will, then everything would go to her daughter, UNLESS she and Howard K Stern were legally married.

#2 If she and Howard K Stern were married, and there was not a will, then one half of the estate would go to Howard and the other half to her daughter.
Here are some possible issues-

#3 If Howard believed he married Anna Nicole Smith, but in actuality did not, he could still be afforded the rights of what is known as a putative spouse.

#4Inherited property is separate property which means that even if she was legally married, the money Anna was receiving from her deceased husband can all be left to her daughter if she provided for her daughter in the will.

#5 Mr. Birkhead is NOT entitled to any money even if he is the father, and would probably not be able to touch any of his daughter’s money except for Health, Education and Welfare. HEW would be her necessary expenses. In this kind of situation, that money will be tremendous and Mr. Birkhead will no doubt live large, but HE will not actually own anything.

#6 Even IF Mr. Birkhead is judged to be the father, he would not automatically gain custody of his daughter. The court would decide who would be the best parent of those who petition the court.

#7 Her son’s death should not have any effect on this proceeding.

#8 The money she is going to get from her deceased husband is still in litigation. The fact that her adversary in that proceeding is also dead will mean that it will be an estate vs estate battle.

Now, if Daniel was alive. He would have been the rightful heir, since he was the son of Anna Nicole. However, with Dan out of the way. The next person in line would be DannyLynn and guess what all that money would go to her and her guardian! There is much more to this story.

More evidence suggesting against a suicide:

There is no evidence for Anna Nicole Smith ingesting a large amount of pills shortly before her death. This speaks against the likelihood that she intentionally ingested a heavy overdose of pills.

Accident, suicide or homicide. At this early stage, no one can jump to conclusions. However, it would be professionally irresponsible to not consider all three possibilities.


Now Howard said something interesting. He stated before that when he told her to stop, she did. Why is this powerful? Because it goes to show that he possibily could have had her drugged up enough to take the pills necessary to kill her. Especially over a period of time. A period of say 5 days, he mentioned that she was feverish and that she was batteling flu like symptoms, the month before she had pneuminia Whoa! Hold on, this is showing a women with a very low immune system. And what happens when you have a low immune system?

Immune responses can be depressed by various external influences including emotional stress, physical stressors such as inadequate sleep or athletic overtraining, environmental and occupational chemical exposure, UV and other types of radiation, common viral or bacterial infections, certain drug therapies, blood transfusions and surgery. Dietary habits also have an impact on immune response. Excessive fat, alcohol or refined sugar consumption or inadequate protein, calorie, vitamin, mineral or water intake fosters decreased immune performance as well. In addition, the biological state of aging counteracts immune function, particularly after age of 40.

If you have a low immune system and take heavy drugs to combat depression, pain, and other medical/psychological needs. It lowers it even more and then! After the medicine starts to work on a low immune system, releasing its chemicals and whatever. These chemicals can cause strain on the stomach, intestines and liver. A necessary and balanced immune system is important when taking medicine, because if its not balanced your immune system cannot repair, cannot protect and cannot neutrilize affects of pills and illnesses. This fever that night was probably a reaction to one of the drugs and since her immune system was so low the drugs continued to ravage her.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:41 PM


Of course the most obvious.

With the death of her son, everything went down hill. But there is one flaw in this theory, one MAJOR flaw. She had a daughter. Now if Dan meant so much to her, imagine what this baby would have done for her! It would have motivated her to do better for her, just like she did with Dan.

She could have killed herself by od'ing or as the examiners stated an accidental overdose. That does not happen first of all. if you have all those pills you make sure which ones you take and which ones you don't. You pay ATTENTION, I knew she paid attention with what she took because nothing happened to her the month before or the month before that. I mean come on!

You can read the Autopsy Report here

However, as the theory goes:

1) She wanted to BE Monroe and wanted to leave like Monroe and now she had her reason.
2) Daniel was dead, her soul and her light.
3) She had and faced so much pain from her past that it caught up to her and she died.

Personally, this theory does not work. She would not have left her child on purpose, which brings us to: The Accidental Death.

Accidental Death

"We are convinced this was an accidental overdose," Florida's Seminole Police Chief Charlie Tiger said.

However, this is the same police chief who wondered why her nurse was with her and where Howard was.

"We found nothing to indicate any foul play," Tiger said.

But we know this is not true, due to the above. In which we found out that Howard was giving drugs to Anna and Daniel, drugs that were obtained illegally...

"There was no suicide note," the medical examiner said. "She was in good spirits."

Good spirits? Idiot, if she was in good spirits she would not have killed herself.....

Perper concluded that Anna Nicole died of "combined drug intoxication" after taking a concoction of the sleeping medication chloral hydrate and at least eight other prescription drugs, including methadone and Valium, used to treat depression, pain and anxiety.

This does not make sense to me. I just cannot grasp, how a woman who took this pills over and over and over. Throughout the course of a few years all of sudden dies from a concoction of drugs that she took regularly? Come on, theres something else going on here...

Conclusion/ My Theory

Anna Nicole Smith, the evidence according to the Autopsy stated in their professional opinions that it was an accidental overdose. However, the evidence for it suggests on the contrary, especially with the new evidence arising this year. Howard apparently had the motive, the means and the opportunity.

Especially, one KEY piece of evidence (actually 2), or what I think are KEY pieces of evidence:

Smith had also been receiving injections of drugs in her buttocks. On the Monday before she died, a blood infection from one of those injections caused a 105-degree fever.

Smith's friends asked her to go to the hospital to treat the fever, but she refused. If she had taken the advice, Perper said, her death Thursday may have been prevented.

Recieving injections in her butt, the day before she died. Now hold on! As far as I know and as far as anyone else knows these syringes were never tested or looked upon. These syringes could have killed her, they could have contained many of things, things that cannot be traced, things that contain medicine specifically to look like an overdose and have her die. People the SYRINGES! Why were they not looked at.... I loved this:

The similar deaths had initially raised suspicions among some that Smith's longtime companion and "personal lawyer" Howard K. Stern had been somehow involved in the deaths of mother and son. He was present or nearby at both deaths.

Howard, people are not dieing around you without a reason.


The above shows the doctors and howard stern. All face conspiracy charges and there lawyers were quick to state that the drugs were prescribed for Legitimate Medical Reasons. Perhaps Stern told the doctors that he would pay off them off when he inherited millions.

And now for the second key piece of evidence:

Star has broken the world-exclusive story that Anna Nicole Smith married her long-time attorney and close confidante, Howard K. Stern, shortly before 10:30 am in Nassau, Bahamas on Thursday, September 28! The wedding occurred only 18 days after the death of Anna's son Daniel, 20, from an accidental drug overdose in her Nassau hospital room on September 10.

Seems rushed doesn't it? Also, guess what. If The marriage was legit, which it was found it was not a legitimate legal marriage. BUT if it was real Howard would have inherited MILLIONS of dollars as stated above. Luckily this did not happen and Howard didn't see a dime...

Infact Larry Birkhead, the true dad to Dannylynn Stated:

"That’s not a grief-stricken mother. He [Howard] wants to take over paternity and that’s his maneuver. Nothing shocks me now. It gets crazier and crazier.”

Birkhead knew that Howard was brainwashing her, he knew that Howards goal was to gain custody of the child and inherit millions for himself...

NASSAU, Bahamas - Reality TV star Anna Nicole Smith exchanged vows with boyfriend Howard K. Stern on a boat near Nassau but there was no formal marriage and the ceremony is “not legally binding,” her attorney said Friday.

Howard you needed to think your things through more..

The couple “exchanged vows before God” but did not obtain a marriage license, Scott told The Associated Press.

Luckily, this was not official! Could you have imagined...

The below shows Howard and the doctors and just how much trouble they are in...

Howard K Stern Arrested 2009

Howard K Stern and Doctors arrested for conspiracy

Conspiracy. Stern and Doctors could face 12 years in prison

The evidence in this one suggests that there was foul play involved. So I can say without any doubt that she was indeed murdered. Anna Nicole Smith was not stupid by any means, she would not have ODed, accidently or on purpose. She kept track of her meds and this is shown because of the months before her death. Anna Nicole Smith, will forever remain and icon. Unfortunately, her death may never be reopened or re-investigated. I suppose this in itself is something poetic, allowing Anna Nicole Smith to go out like her idol Monroe. Perhaps this was the best thing for all of us and especially her.

But her legacy will live on through her gorgeous daughter:


and her daughter will be raised by a man who truely loves her, her Father, Larry Birkhead:


Anna Nicole Rest in Peace....

And here we go ladies and gentlemen, as always a tribute to the victims:

Much Thanks for reading, I appreciate your continued support in the Case reviewed threads!

I hope you enjoyed this one.


[edit on Jun 16th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

On a roll aren't we?

Great addition to your anthology. ATS needed some entries like this, more 'general' and mainstream, but still very provocative and important. Another GREAT THREAD, your best one yet of the series. Keep it up! I got some reading to do,lol.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Gotta keep Best one of the series, huh. Thats good at least I know I am getting better. And enjoy the reading, because I certainly enjoyed writing it!

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Nice post!! I have read all of your case reviews so far. They are very interesting to me.

As for this one...I use to watch her show and Howard just always bothered me. Something about him did not seem right in any way. When she died the first person I thought of was him. I just felt he had something to do with it. I never thought she killed herself. Yes she lost her son who was her world but she had her daughter who was also her world. She would not leave her behind alone. I just dont believe she would have killed herself. Either it was an accident (the point you made is how I have felt) or it was murder and I lean towards murder.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Its a pleasure that you have enjoyed them. Howard has always bothered me, he definately had something to do with her death. I am confident that he did.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Yeah he just looks guilty whenever they ask him something. His body language says it all.

I would love to see you do one on Princess Diana. That one confuses me!

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Stern is such trash. IMO he killed Anna and her son. When he was trying to steal the baby, saying that he was the father but unwilling to take a paternity test it was pretty obvious he wasn't the dad, and if he was lying about that he was probably lying about everything else. I was posting on message boards that he was a liar and not the daddy, that in fact Birkhead was, and I got a cease and desist letter from Stern. Can you believe that? He said he was going to sue me for bad mouthing him and the pig was lying the entire time!
He's a piece of work and I hope he goes to prison for a very long time.
Star and flag - geat post

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

A question...

What were the eleven drugs she was taking??

A comment...

I think that it is likely that Anna was passively murdered, meaning that Stern was purposefully enabling her habit to such an extent that he knew where it would lead, he was hoping for a premature death, probably not as soon as it happened but sooner than 60 none the less. Either that or he did aggressively kill her, with a forced overdose. I would like to know all the drugs she was taking if you do not mind.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

I'm not sure of the entire list, but I know this:

1) Trichloroethanol

2) Trichloroacetic acid

3) Diphenhydramine hydrochloride

4) Clonazepam

5) Diazepam

6) Nordiazapam

7) Temazepam

8) Oxazepam

9) Lorazapam

10) Some Medicine injected into butt

11) And Some other drugs I listed in the OP, Methadone, Hydrate. And some others. I got these from the Autopsy Report. Its much better than what I can offer.

And this website as well, not all the drugs are listed though:

List of drugs found

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Well she sure knew how to 'party like a rock star'. Funny all those drugs are benzodiazepines, sedative/hypnotics, and Benadryl(diphenhydramine, common ingredient in Tylenol PM as well). Was the only opiate methadone? I would guess she would have been one hydrocodone or oxycodone, with all the other drugs she was taking, drug abusers generally move to to oxycodone (Percocet, Oxycontin) or hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin). It also said she was trying to get off of the drugs as well. It is well known that Suboxone (buprenorphine) is the new marketed drug (like methadone but a little different) for addicts to get off opiates. It is also well known by the medical community that Suboxone and benzos (ESSPECIALLY INJECTED) CAN CAUSE IMMEDIATE DEATH BY OVERDOSE, as Suboxone is 3 times more potent than morphine and has extreme synergetic (intensifying) effects with benzos and barbiturates (phenobarbital, pentobarbital).

Here is a interesting bit about the trichloroacetic acid found in her system...

Trichloroacetic acid (also known as trichloroethanoic acid) is an analogue of acetic acid in which the three hydrogen atoms of the methyl group have all been replaced by chlorine atoms.

It is prepared by the reaction of chlorine with acetic acid in the presence of a suitable catalyst.

CH3COOH + 3Cl2 → CCl3COOH + 3HCl
It is widely used in biochemistry for the precipitation of macromolecules such as proteins, DNA and RNA. Its sodium salt is used as a weedkiller. Solutions containing trichloroacetic acid as an ingredient are used for cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels and tattoo removal and the treatment of warts, including genital warts. It can kill normal cells as well. It is considered safe for use for this purpose during pregnancy[3].

Salts of trichloroacetic acid are called trichloroacetates. Reduction of trichloroacetic acid results in dichloroacetic acid, a pharmacologically active compound that shows promise for the treatment of cancer[4].

[edit on 6/16/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:17 PM
Loved it!

I have attention Deficit dissorder and normally i could never read anything of this length in one sitting, but i did it

Agreed. Howard is the brains behind these brutal and senseless murders.

Nice job.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Most people in hollywood know how to Especially if you got millions of dollars coming out everyone you turn. But I like that list you made, it puts things into perspective. That will be useful and should be looked upon by everyone.
Excellent Post!

[edit on Jun 16th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Glad to hear that your enjoyed this thread. But most definatley, Howard was the brains...

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Thanks, I was planning on majoring in Anesthesiology for a little bit so I know a little bit about chemicals,lol.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:23 AM
A great thread Myth!
as always S&F! As for Stern and his accomplices they are done unless one of the other two decides to try and save themselves and testify against him.Around the Houston area it's common knowledge that Howard K. kept her doped up all the time.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:52 AM
Nice work Mythlives.

I followed the Anna Nicole saga pretty closely. This is jmho but I don't think either one of them were outright murdered. I believe the drugs just did them in. My only nephew died 2 years ago of a methadone overdose. He had od'd at least 3 times in the past several years, but that time no one was around to revive him and get him help. Anna liked her some drugs, Daniel I think he just took the wrong mixture and didn't have the tolerance. Junkies take 100 mg of methadone at one dose; 10 mg of methadone could kill a person with no tolerance to it.

I agree Stern was a sleezeball, but I don't think he killed Anna; Anna was his world, not that he loved her really, he just didn't have a life, he lived thru hers.

Great work OP.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:19 AM
Thanks for the kind words everyone, keep up the great work and speculation!

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Interesting. Common knowledge that he kept her drugged up. That is also important, it allows others to see that this happened first hand.

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