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Make Gangstalking/Gaslighting a terrorist criminal act now.

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posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77
whatever..and people who tell others what to do need to be told to shush and sit down, listen to the master speak.

Wow, ego, it's kind of self-contradictory of you... lots of people on here have been suggesting things to you, which I think you can appreciate is different.

Originally posted by mastermind77
What im just playing the game everyone seems to play with me. So as of today no one in this country or world is authority. Your all hypocrate humans who mess everything up and blame the weaker one whos confusion leads them to self destruct. The world is criminal and the populace blind to justice.

So, you're no better than anyone else, sinking to "their" level... also, could you give me an idea of your definition of "justice"...

Originally posted by mastermind77
Now that I have knowledge of a greater power i retain called the love of universe, i will use it for good. To stop evil in its tracks and force there faces to my torturous pain inside they made me feel, and the blame will solely be on there such mature faces. Do not test me at this point. I am tuned to the earth and sun and my emotional responses appearently influence what takes place in the world event wise.

Right, so go out and do good then, you're only coming up for ridicule in my eyes (due to your inconsistencies etc). How is "forcing their faces to your torturous pain" in any way an act of good? It sounds like, hmm ~ Torture! That's mean. Secondly, I'm quite keen on testing you, so far you're, well I'll use the word again Inconsistent. How do your emotional responses influence what takes place in the world? In any way other than any other average-joe's?

Originally posted by mastermind77
I dont do anything but work, and live a life. Yet the universe found lil ol me. Needing comfort. It made me the measure of our species. Of course im crazy now thanks to losers. And yes i did make it myself by not kicking more people in the face and telling them to shut up before i was 18.

Ok, then why are you on here? Who or what is using you as the measure of our species? That last sentence is very telling "Kicking more people in the face" ~ wow, you sound just as bad if not worse than anyone you've accused, there's no proof (yet) for your claims of gangstalking, yet you're freely admitting to acts of violence.

Also, you've still not addressed my question of why you removed references to Satanism from your first post? It seems you're backtracking, getting confused and trying to shift the playing field in your favour - at best this makes you come across as being unfair and at worst...

Also, please note where I've quoted from you ~ those parts can't be changed or re-edited by you.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:46 AM
Hello mastermind

First off ...Sorry this is happening to you

Second, I am also a target of this covert war that was forced upon are not alone.

Have a look at this video and you will see that there are lots of us targets spread across North America who are fighting the bozos who do this to other people. In this short you tube video you will see one person of fame who has fallen victim to this crime and her name is Gloria Naylor. She is a black author who has been featured on the Oprah show and in fact she is a friend of Oprah's. we believe that Oprah is sympathetic but she will not touch this topic..the powers that be have arms that stretch long and wide and do not want this crime to come to be common knowledge.

Third point, this forum is not friendly to what I call organized group Stalking, there are still too many naysayers who refuse to believe.

Fourth point, your video is discrediting to you..sorry to say that but you might want to get more education on this topic before you start to post on ATS because you gotta be prepared to back up everything you post with evidence..this is the nature of this crime that is perpetrated against targets of this covert war.

There are many sites that have good info about this crime and there are also forums for targets who network and offer support and activism ideas.... if you get onto the right forum you will see that we in the targeted community try to educate newbies on the correct things to say and what not to say...we do this so that if you want to go public (activism ) you sound sane and credible.

Here is my site and I have link to other sites and forums..have a look at all the links I supply and then feel free to U2U me or contact me through my website...

Through my activism in my city, I have found 18 targets in this small city. Our estimate is that 1 out every 100 people globally are victims of this crime..Most of them do not know they are a victim..this crime is much like what the Nazi Brownshirts did in Germany pre WW2..only now there is far more surveillance technology available for the perpetrators to exploit and use against us.

You need to get an education before you try to present this crime to the average Joe. This crime is very complex. This crime is plausibly deniable.

I am working on doing a post for ATS about this topic, but I am sooo busy that it is not complete..yet

I am hosting a podcast on June 28 and will feature a target in Kansas who successfully took one of the perpetrators of this crime to court and won. He successfully proved that he was stalked and harassed in the community and successfully proved that directed energy weapons were used to attack his body. Even though he won, the attacks to his body and the community harassment still continues. He is now working on a lawsuit and he will discuss some of his further plans on this podcast.

Any one who is a target or non target can contact me and I will supply them with the info for this will be well worth while listening to and participating in this podcast.

[edit on 19-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by jokei

Nice attempt at taking dry text and applying false meaning.

Im not against your analysis of my problems. Im just against this constant disbelief people keep shoving in my face, i dont know how much clearer i can get.

The rich, namely rich communist or socialists, have infected our agencies and civilian gangs. Recruited them into picking on people of there choosing.
Obviously they have been doing more than just remote mind alteration for a while now. As I see myself relating to so many things that sync with my views, and personal attacks from the past, for the future when I see this, implicating an unnofficial secret operation which takes people either from birth or an early age and uses them in a remote mind control scheme to create good people or criminals based on there already faulty legal system set up behind this facade of control and manipulation. I see it being merely a socialist/communist/monetary or religious operation. And they use technology such as microwave emitters, audio oscillators in electrical equipment containing fan motors or rotors. I am seeing that since i didnt live up to theere expectations of the mind control they abuse me further to get me to go away from life, they are eugenists as well i believe. Encouraging self destruction through suggestion. They will frame, slander, lie, accuse and use you whenever they can to insult you. They make every attempt to nose rub, or smirk or mock whisperedly to make you feel bad. Its a criminal enterprise of gangs, and their rich masters manipulating them through money and the false alure of other tokens of false success through theft and manipulation. Never in America though..never.

Ive experienced hell in life firsthand in a country which promised me freedom, then robbed me of it in the name of a lie, and slander by manipulative powerless dolts who believe there power is money. What happens if someone takes it away. What happens if an asteroid falls on your houses? I wont cry one bit for your sorry behind.

Watch for bears on the path. They are growling.

people who are super wealthy and snooty are the worst kind of person. Your kindess and self justified greed and usury is self deception and overt lies to the world around, slowly taking on a magic carpet ride until finally one day, the musics over. Im not taking anymore of this crap by the way.
I dont care if im accused as being as bad as them, i deserve to exact revenge for a stolen life. THis is merely part of that revenge.

I personaly dont give a rats backside what people who dont care think of me, and people who are authoritarian and nazi style control freaks I care even less what they think or say. If the whole world is turning lame, that just makes the reject the coolest one of all according to natures revenge.
its coming..ive seen it.

Those that society accuse and reject will one day be the capstone and main mode of living. And the violent religious and political minds which justify there unjust actions on the innocent or misunderstood, will reap oppression when the tables have through justice, been turned on them. And the two faced criminal who shapeshifts through lifestyels, will be forced into one they hate to see themselves in as that would be justice. Not this corporatocracy of rich old men who force there weight upon the masses using larceny and threat of loss. Also the people need to be more inventive and invent a way out of your apathetic happiness, there is no more time for this, if you believe that you are dellusional. Happiness in a time when people are in growing numbers becoming slaves by a system of manipulators and slave masters. its time to fight back fuly armored in reality and overcome them with love and truth.
[edit on 19-6-2009 by mastermind77]

[edit on 19-6-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:31 AM
I can sympathize.

I have a good friend that is paranoid schizophrenic. He has the classic "persecution complex" seen in many of these type of individuals. In his mind, he is the target of organized persecution for some silly little thing he believes he may have done. The key point is that the level of persecution that he believes himself to be under is completely at odds with what he has done.

His supposed crime is that he offended someone, by accident, who was politically active and may or may not have been involved in organized crime. This happened almost 20 years ago (which is about when he was in his mid-twenties) and yet he swear to daily harassment. I have been witness to this "harassment." From what I can tell he simply cannot understand why everyone isn't always nice to him nor why things don't always work out the way we wished.

Yesterday, I take my friend to the bank. Unbeknown to us at the time, his bank's ATM was broken. After half hour of arguing with the lady behind the counter, and he angrily leaves. In the car, he tells me that, "Those #ers have it out for me!" He genuinely believes that the bank broke the ATM just to screw with his ability to get money that day.

I am not saying that everyone who is being gang stalked is paranoid schizophrenic. I do believe that gang-stalking is true at a local level. I think people are being stalked by ex-friends or enemies and their clique. I also think that gang-stalking is self-limiting because cliques and groups break apart and change and because people tend to get bored quickly.

What I think is that people who believe there is an organized nation-wide group that is destroying their lives since childhood for little or no reason have a very high probability of being paranoid schizophrenic. These folks speak about a lifetime of persecution because they are special or different. I believe these people need some help understanding the ways in which their patterns of thought differ from those of others.

Originally posted by iamcanadian2
Through my activism in my city, I have found 18 targets in this small city. Our estimate is that 1 out every 100 people globally are victims of this crime..

Which is pretty interesting because schizophrenia is thought to occur in about 1% of the human population.


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:37 AM
your going from point A to point B, god forbid someone else is heading in the same direction.

this gangstalking stuff in my opinion, is just paranoid people thinking everyone is out to get them.

i mean...obviously your going to see the same people...i see the same person drive past me when im heading to i think they are keeping tabs on me? trying to survey me? think they are headed somewhere that i just happen to be crossing paths with.


my point is, no one is following you. if you show me video taken over the span of 2-3 months showing the same people where ever you go...then id be impressed. other then that, its normal people YOUR freaking out cause you dont stop looking at them. so they look at you weird.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by iamcanadian2
Through my activism in my city, I have found 18 targets in this small city. Our estimate is that 1 out every 100 people globally are victims of this crime..

Which is pretty interesting because schizophrenia is thought to occur in about 1% of the human population.


Im not crazy, Im not sick in the head, im not a criminal of any kind. Im an american and love parties, worthwhile work, and trips to the lake. And strongly love and cherish liberty. Things I view removing such liberty are socialists, certain factions of religionist activists, nit pickers, fascism, and exclusivism.

The enemy within is on overdrive walking around, driving around touting that America has no rights unless your part of something they made. That is not the intent originating this nation. Therefor I argue that the predication for subsistance and wealth are based solely in the attempt to drive us all into submission or suicide. Im not suicidal. I love life and the living free minds and hearts I have met. Unfortunately there views of me have been tainted by this criminal group using and ruining me over time. For what, i can only take guesses right now. But with each passing moment, things become much much clearer to me. Im merely trying to make it clear that my attitude can and will get mean as this progresses, and equally I can ruin the ruiners. Equating it all to nothing. two negatives after all form a singular positive.
God is an American
Bowie gets gangstalked by trent.
[edit on 19-6-2009 by mastermind77]

[edit on 19-6-2009 by mastermind77]

[edit on 19-6-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster

Originally posted by atzmaz
I've asked people who post these gang stalking threads time and time again to produce some proof of what they are saying is happening. Not one time has someone been able to substantiate in any way, shape or form anything that they say has been happening.


Please I urge anyone who is having this happen to them to step forward and show some proof. I definitely think that if something like this exitsts it needs to be provable if you ever want someone to do something about it

Hate to sound like a dubunker but this is just one of those topics I can't seem to get my head around.

The whole point is that if you are a target, the people who do this will keep finding ways to torment you without ever leaving you with any proof. People circling around spouting "coincidences" and veiled threats at you, that sort of stuff.

It certainly would be a very difficult thing to prove, due to the nature of the beast. It is extremely cruel and insidious - and that's why they do it.

I had a friend's mother who beleived that she was being gang stalked. She eventually spread that same belief to her daughter, whom I was dating at the time. Over the next few months I set out to show them that no one was following them, listening in on their conversations, tapping their phone, listening in with lasers from across the street and a variety of other paranoid delusions.

The simple fact and what ended up winning the day is....Who has the time? Seriously! When I think of all the things I have to get done everyday, I hardly have time to follow, harrass or think about anyone else other than my family and friends. If you feel its never going to end then just ignore them, stop looking for the person looking at you, following you, etc.

I can only cringe at the way you must feel day to day with this happening in your perception, but I can only conclude from real world experiences with people that beleive this... that it cannot be real.

That said I would like to help and if there is anything I can do to that end please post here or U2U me. I do urge you to seek professional help in terms of a pyschologist, psychiatrist or anyone that you can just talk to to get some of this stuff off of your chest and out of your head. I beleive it would be a great weight to lift off of your shoulders.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by atzmaz
The simple fact and what ended up winning the day is....Who has the time? Seriously! When I think of all the things I have to get done everyday, I hardly have time to follow, harrass or think about anyone else other than my family and friends. If you feel its never going to end then just ignore them, stop looking for the person looking at you, following you, etc.

I can only cringe at the way you must feel day to day with this happening in your perception, but I can only conclude from real world experiences with people that beleive this... that it cannot be real.


I've made so many enemies in my day, that when one of these occurrences happens, my question is no longer "what the hell was that??? some sort of organized group harassment conspiracy??", but rather, "Huh. I wonder which set of enemies that one was from?"

I don't know; here I am, still alive and breathing and in one piece, so I guess I shouldn't complain. It's an incredibly exasperating thing, though.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 09:39 PM
I know i sound like a broken record but this stuff is real, in most cases the group is about thirty people who use the illusion to make it seem like it's more, theres many reasons this stuff happens but it's wrong on all accounts.

If you go see a shrink of course there gonna label you paranoid schizophrenic because they base everything on science you would be labeld a paranoid schizophrenic if you told the same shrink you beleaved in god so what's the point.

Doctors base everything on science plus they lack the understanding that there is proof out there on this topic, and until they get proof it's gonna be the same old thing.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 09:51 PM
here's a cross reference link to another post relating to this. As I type this I believe i might be experiencing a microwave emitters beam. Luckily my eyes have been tuned to the suns multiple spectrums through time. I can like ancients detect certain waves and pass them off or be entertained by the attempts at this charade of self agrandising humor time at others expenses.

I also believe Class has a part to play in this. Or clique mentality?

[edit on 19-6-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:09 PM
I have read your posts and even me, a fellow target, can see that you are discrediting need to educate yourself about this crime and network with other targets so that you can learn to deal with this crap.

I know this is happening for you..but you can not vent here..Find targets to vent with.
If you want to get vocal about this crime then do so after you have knowledge and a good understanding of it. Any target who exposes this crime WILL have more unwanted attention in the form of directed energy weapons (DEW). The stalking and harassment is usually a precursor to the DEW attacks. If you do not stay calm and ignore the community interference, then the DEWs they use on you will be far more effective and far more painful.

Many chemical, hormonal imbalances take place when the target is in the "Fight-or-flight response" on a continual basis. Continual stress of any kind compromises the immune system. They need you in a constant state of panic fear, fight or flight response..thus that is why so many weird thing bizarre things happen to you...Ignore them and be happy despite the perpetrators. Find coping skills..laugh at them..defuse the situation somehow

Here is what happens to the body when the fight or flight response is activated
Now imagine whats happens to your body after prolonged stress and the fight flight response is continually triggered. The body is far more receptive to the weapons that will come your way Mastermind...You need to get a handle on this crime and the games they play.

I have a list of 100 patent abstracts that describes technology that can alter the mind and damage the body. This list was a piece of evidence to the Kansas court and proof these weapons exist. I am not sharing that with you now because I am saving that for the future post I will make on ATS about this crime.

Just for interests sake, I have been studying this crime for 4 years and I am still learning about the technology used on us..It is freaking amazing!!
I have been a target for 16 years. I have a background in social work/corrections. My targeting started as result of a ritual abuse case I took on from the Edmonton Child Protections services. I have been stalked and harassed ever since I took that case on 16 years ago.

[edit on 19-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by iamcanadian2

Any target who exposes this crime WILL have more unwanted attention in the form of directed energy weapons (DEW). The stalking and harassment is usually a precursor to the DEW attacks. If you do not stay calm and ignore the community interference, then the DEWs they use on you will be far more effective and far more painful.


I have been a target for 16 years. I have a background in social work/corrections. My targeting started as result of a ritual abuse case I took on from the Edmonton Child Protections services. I have been stalked and harassed ever since I took that case on 16 years ago.

So you work with vulnerable children/teens as a social worker/corrections officer and you believe as a consequence of that work , you are being targeted by Direct Energy Weapons ?

Have you told your supervisor yet ?

Originally posted by iamcanadian2

The stalking and harassment is usually a precursor to the DEW attacks

My targeting started as result of a ritual abuse case I took on from the Edmonton Child Protections services. I have been stalked and harassed ever since I took that case on 16 years ago.

When did first experience the DEW attacks ......?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

My targeting started as a result of one ritual abuse case that I took on as an independent case worker. This referral came through an agency I worked for who did early child and family intervention. The supervisor at this agency called me into his office and tried to talk me out of taking this case. He would not tell me why I should not take this case. In hindsight, he knew this was going to happen to me
The ritual abuse victim was 6 year old girl with 5 personalities.
She was a MONARCH experiment basically, but it was reported that she was handed over to a satanic cult at birth. Child protection apprehended her and I was doing a week of respite care for this little girl while her foster parents took a break/holiday.

Yes I have been attacked by DEWs (directed energy weapons) very severely in the past and now I can barely feel them..I evolved and learned that FEAR is their greatest tool..I never react anymore to the stimulus. I also meditate and this helps a lot!!

I did not contact the agency when I bolted from Edmonton as I had not put the pieces to the puzzle together until years then it was too late to file any sort of complaint.

The little girl who was the victims of the ritual abuse will either be a target of this crime today or she may be one of those loose cannons ready to go off at any moment. with a little help from the handler of course.. MONARCH programming is what it is called when the target is abused and held capture as a child.
The targeting that happens as adults is more like the MK-ULTRA programming with a COINTELPRO spin...only it is perpetrated in the community and in the (not so) privacy of the targets home.. I am not affected by the mind intrusions that take place for many targets. I have most definetly felt the body pain and attacks to my internal organs.
Like I said in a previous post this is a very complex crime...and it is being covered up.

[edit on 19-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

[edit on 20-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

[edit on 20-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:03 AM
Open communication is the best form of communication. If society is closed it means there is shame in what they do. Why not leave shame and join the real people of the world. Its way more exciting and real to yourself and others. its not to be rude but being confused and frustrated ive likely upset someones viewpoints on what is going to be real and what isnt so to speak.

Yet I still see the future randomly. I left it in life to others to choose their path, yet someone seems intent on altering mine using cheats called collective machines.

Maybe you think im discrediting myself yet i in my mind know the real and whats right for my oppressors.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by mastermind77


I am on your side and I do believe everything you have described on your thread.....but if you want to regain control over your own body and mind then you have to calm down take a deep breath and learn about this crime. Also it is very important to take care of yourself and use your mind to beat the bastards that do this to you.

I had an 8 year period of where the attacks from the energy weapons (DEWs) were so severe and painful that I wanted to put a bullet in my head. I was determined to get my health back though. During this 8 year period I had no clue I was attacked by weapons. My life was in constant turmoil and I was full of rage and hate. I began to study miraculous healing and I read everything I could get my hands on and then I began a vitamin and herb program that gave me just enough energy and pain relief that I continued to regain control over my life and I became happy again. For a couple of years I felt as if everything was okay and then the stalkers and harassment in the community went from being covert to very overt. Within months of me noticing that I was stalked and harassed in the community I began to get the same symptoms that I had during that 8 year period. At this moment I clued into the fact that the community harassment was a precursor to the weapon attacks and the harassment was necessary to put the body into a such a state that the weapons attacks were effective. I began to meditate, sometimes 3 times a day just to try to stay calm. The perpetrators of the crime tried to stop me from meditating by directing DEWs at me..I was persistent and was able to get into that meditative state. During my meditative state I sent LOVE out to the perpetrators of this crime and sent LOVE out to the universe...Amazing things started to happen to my life as a result. I won't get into what changes took place for me now, but I would like you to have a look at another thread on ATS

This thread talks about 'life force' and the power we have within us to heal and beat the directed energy attacks. A few posters on this ATS thread have mentioned project Blue Beam, HARRP and other electromagnetic interference. Our bodies are also electromagnetic and through the power of your own mind you CAN either accept or reject the electromagnetic frequencies that are all around us...I have learned how to do this and that is why I can get away with being such a bold activist and expose this crime. However, there are many targets of this crime who are too far gone and wallow in their own self pity and hate for the perpetrators that they will never regain their health or happiness. I do feel the attacks to my body, but it is nothing like how I felt years ago and I believe that I can alter my electrical imprint so that the attackers who remotely attack me are not so successful.

If you want to become an activist and expose this crime you first need to take steps to evolve and believe in your mind, heart and your spirit that you can beat them...but you can not do this if you have pent up hate for the perpetrators who do this to us.

I know targets who have done the same as me and put the activism signage on their car, write letters to politicians, pass out flyers and educate the public, but they are horribly beat up by the DEW attacks as a result and it is because of the state of their mind and all the negative emotions that go along with being a victim of this crime.

read my signature below.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:33 AM
Im just joking here, but wouldnt it be somewhat funny to buy a paintball gun and take the ticket i get for paintballing the noserubbers. I mean how fun would it be just to splotch a giant paintball onto the nice cars these people are driving.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77
Im just joking here, but wouldnt it be somewhat funny to buy a paintball gun and take the ticket i get for paintballing the noserubbers. I mean how fun would it be just to splotch a giant paintball onto the nice cars these people are driving.

I hope you know that in some states, like the one in which I am currently prisoner, paintball guns are considered weapons. Use of a paintball gun in the manner you advocate would be felony assault. You wouldn't get a ticket; you would get a cell.


posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by mastermind77

You would be no better than the perpetrators of the crime if you did something like this. The perpetrators who do this to me have paint balled my house and my car. Then they went after my young adult children and assaulted them with a paint ball gun...this was an attempt to instill fear into me and my family and shut me did not work!!

There are other ways to 'get' to the perpetrators and it is through education, activism etc. Because of my activism I have caused some of the perpetrators to stop harassing me...however, there will always be those perpetrators who are so brain washed and yes they are mind controlled and they will never stop doing this to other people. There is also a element of FEAR for the perpetrators and they fear if they do not do as they are told and attack the target then they will be on the receiving end of the community harassment and DEW attacks.

How is that the perpetrators are so manipulated to do this to other people?..The perpetrators are sheeple and do not think for themselves. Have a look at this experiment called the Milgram shows how people WILL do what they are told just because a person in authority has directed them to do so.

or watch this video

[edit on 20-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:35 PM
relax relax i was joking, hence why i stated that first, so you would get it. Im not looking to cause trouble. Im looking to cause anti-trouble.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by iamcanadian2
reply to post by mastermind77

You would be no better than the perpetrators of the crime if you did something like this. The perpetrators who do this to me have paint balled my house and my car. Then they went after my young adult children and assaulted them with a paint ball gun...this was an attempt to instill fear into me and my family and shut me did not work!!

There are other ways to 'get' to the perpetrators and it is through education, activism etc. Because of my activism I have caused some of the perpetrators to stop harassing me...however, there will always be those perpetrators who are so brain washed and yes they are mind controlled and they will never stop doing this to other people. There is also a element of FEAR for the perpetrators and they fear if they do not do as they are told and attack the target then they will be on the receiving end of the community harassment and DEW attacks.

How is that the perpetrators are so manipulated to do this to other people?..The perpetrators are sheeple and do not think for themselves. Have a look at this experiment called the Milgram shows how people WILL do what they are told just because a person in authority has directed them to do so.

or watch this video

[edit on 20-6-2009 by iamcanadian2]

i super agree with you, they are immature accusers of nothing with 4 fingers pointing back at them. And good, be vigilant we unwitting victims will one day soon unite and sweep the streets clean of filth.

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