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Make Gangstalking/Gaslighting a terrorist criminal act now.

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by mastermind77

I am one of "them". I am a mason. I tried to hide it, but that silly avitar with the masonic emblem on it seems to blow my cover all the time. I am not a cop. I do know some cops. I also know some criminals. I am also not afraid of very much so keep your threats to your little friends. There is nobody following you. There is nobody out to get you. You are paranoid and in need of some help. How many people here need to tell you that before you listen. I don't want you to get hurt or hurt yourself. I don't know you but I care about what happens to you. Go back and read some of your threads when you are not spaced out. they are all over the place. You need some help.

backatcha bro. Though im not one of them. maybe its a subtle invite? They just love me it must have been my piano recitals for the ones i gave back in the day.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by subject x

If im wierd, its because i for years have been more than wierded out by people sensless mistreatement of me. As if a machine is telling people things and they react. As if we are all vicitims. That is my main allusion to seeing that a very large mind control program has been in place for years and getting worse. hence the fascist machine of deflection, accusation and deliberate silence. Wierd. If being right and true in life is wierd, paranoid or strange, then ill by your mistake, accept that terming. I equally am not afraid, as there was a record made in the 70s with a baby crawling over an ocean connected to the sun via tesla energy. Cool concept. I have been finding things a tad bit fringe in my life lately, the syncs and all the conciousness intrusion. Its indicitive of our minds being linked to something, someone knows it and uses codes to instigate a desired effect in people who are blind subjects.

free your mind neo.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mastermind77]

Mod Note: Excessive Quoting – Please Review This Link

[edit on Wed Jun 17 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77

backatcha bro.

I am sorry, I must be a bit slow, what are you trying to say here? You are a mason? you are a cop? You are a criminal?

I don't understand.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:30 AM
Gangstalking is very real and participants come from every walk of life. I have no idea as to who is behind it, why they do it, or what is to be gained. I've watched many experience it throughout my entire life. After decades, my personal conclusion is they either want to "break" you or they want you to work for them. Who are "they"? I don't know, but there are many spokes to the wheel.

What can you do? Be STRONG in mind and spirit, keep your side of the street clean, avoid drugs, meds, and addictive substances, obey the law, stay POSITIVE, and sometimes it is really amusing to do it back at them

Who knows? Maybe it is their way of "sorting" people out. Maybe our personal "energy" plays a part in it, attracting what we put out there on a subconscious level.

If you have ever experienced it or witnessed it, it really is the exact opposite of someone who leads a "charmed" life. You know, the guy who just has everything he wants or needs seemingly placed right before him, at the perfect time, ALL the time.

Things definitely aren't always what they seem. Maybe we are just looking at it wrong?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by mastermind77

backatcha bro.

I am sorry, I must be a bit slow, what are you trying to say here? You are a mason? you are a cop? You are a criminal?

I don't understand.

asking nicely that you back off with your absolute b.s.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:34 AM
I keep having theories from that picture i mentioned of a man coming along who is gifted with having a direct emotional connection to frequencies of earth, which can resonate upon the sun and return here influencing human activity in general. I just wish he would come someday. Maybe hes already here.
what did they call him again..oh yeah the NEW name of Christ.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:03 AM
You hurt my feelings
That was mean of you to swear and also will not be encouraging me to depart, now I'm fairly confident you will ignore my questions, but if you could be polite enough to address them, that'd be excellent... I'm sure you can only strengthen your argument by providing answers and that not providing them is only going to make you look like a hoaxer/timewaster etc...

1) In your OP, you stated that this was Satanic, I realise you've heavily edited and re-edited that first post and it is my opinion that you have removed inconsistencies in your argument, please discuss this and also explain why references to Satanism have been removed?

2) You stated in your reply to my first post that "i can offer you whatever it is you wish to see as you like with your victims of torchure" - by this do you mean that you CAN offer some evidence of your statements? If so, please answer the questions.

3) If this has been happening to you since Grade I, have you never, ever contacted any authorities about this? There was surely some point you told your parents, a teacher, a trusted authority figure? - I'm expecting your reply to be along the lines of "It IS the authorities" - but then how did you first come upon that knowledge?

4) The youtube video implies religious conspiracy, again, please discuss.

5) Again, have you ever confronted any of these people following you, what were their reactions?

6) Is it consistently the same people that are following you?

7) Please explain this statement " I never wnated anything in life but for people to stop messing my life up and lying me into a world of name death. But the trickster snake is slithering in a garden of very itchy plant life".

8) "i think your one too, see this what they do folks, your sick you need meds you need to be this or that..F OFF
I F ing mean it. I will sue ATS for allowing this BS". Ok, what am I? Part of an organisation? Have you ever been on medication for any kind of "disorder", I also resent being sworn at, it's not terribly adult or doing your argument any good.

There may be a lot of points for you to address here, but there also seem to be a lot of inconsistencies in your statements, to be frank, I'm also dubious about the heavy editing of your posts.

Edit: For Spelling

[edit on 17/6/0909 by jokei]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:21 AM
To say that the boss hogs involved in corruption will not harrass those who expose them is a sign of insanity ,or it is a sign of naivity, or it is a sign that you are just a crony. It will not matter that you support or deny gangstalking. The people who are poisoning the food and water really do not like good old boys and girls. Watch them when you are around the high class people who are your controlers their smiles are twisted down a sign of subconscious disgust. When they are done using you, they will dispose of you like dixie cups. At this point you may die early anyways. The least you can do is let them know the feelings of revulsion are mutual.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by mastermind77

I know you've been told before, but realising it yourself is the biggest hurdle you'll ever be faced with as what you've described are classic symptoms of schizophrenia and if you've suffered this for as long as you say you're not going to miraculously get over it without outside expert help.

Do yourself a favour and start seeking that help.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Pilgrum
reply to post by mastermind77

I know you've been told before, but realising it yourself is the biggest hurdle you'll ever be faced with as what you've described are classic symptoms of schizophrenia and if you've suffered this for as long as you say you're not going to miraculously get over it without outside expert help.

Do yourself a favour and start seeking that help.

All the activists need do is drink a nice glass of tap water full of flouride and psychiatric drugs. Then they will have all the help the elites ,err, I mean they need.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by eradown]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:04 AM
This is a classic case of paranoid schizophrenia. Whats sad is people afflicted rarely see it themselves and it usually takes an "episode" to be diagnosed.

Please get help.

Good Luck Friend

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by eradown

I'm waiting my reply from the OP, but there do seem to be many similarities with schizophrenia - I'm willing to hold judgement though, whilst waiting to see how his responses weigh-up. Just because people are questioning and asking for some proof other than just hearsay doesn't make me or any of us government stooges.
I'm as willing to believe as the next person on here, just show me some evidence not wild claims.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by jokei
The stooges and the drug dealers who take part in harrasing whistle blowers can't string together a sentence without using colorful langauge. Gangstalking is impossible to prove. Even if you can prove a gangstalker is acting abusive without wire tapping it is impossible to prove they are not just bipolar people off their medication. I think when whistle blowers and protesters describe obscene phone calls , and strangers walking up to them in stores and saying crazy and insulting things it is related to the cabal which has hijacked most of the civilized world.

The very best thing the victims can do is keep a diary. Observe the gangstalkers. There is always the chance the gangstalkers may give themselves away. Otherwise the victims will need to read up on legal herbs which will aid them in staying calm and maintaining clarity. Last thing I want is for innocent victims of gangstalking to take hard core psychiatric drugs; that sounds like something Stalin would want.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by eradown]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by eradown

Totally agree with you, almost. There's a difference between schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.

Also, if the OP is purporting to be a whistleblower (he's in the right place), maybe he should share his knowledge of that with us? Where would be the harm, especially if he's already blown that whistle?

There also seem to be large holes in the anecdotal evidence that has been offered, I don't keep a diary ~ yet there are lots of incidences I can vividly describe as they have had a large impact on me, as this "Gangstalking" incidence would, yet all the statements seem very vague and lacking in logic.

I do agree the phenomenon exists and that it is a particularly vile (and effective) means of repression ~ I'm just not seeing anything here to back up those claims. If you read my post that has lots of questions in, I've shown the points I have issue with and only feel that non-evasive answers would only strengthen the OPs case.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:45 AM
is there a test on the web to detect bi-polar or schizophrenia? Because i thank all you caring people for your concern for my health but heres the scenario i see.

Isolate. create paranoia and self doubt.
convince he/she is crazy and needs meds.
excuse to continue..remote insanity.
Its how enemies of nations secretly take over.
1 by 1 they attack good americans who love truth in liberty.
not a fascist dream based in a jaded view of a fragment of time and belief.
that truly is insanity. also pure using humans as psychology expirements is also insane. As the expirementer is committing a crime of subtle force. With the excuse of plausable deniability. Even a white lie is still a lie.

"no way what are you talking about, ive never heard of that" " you may be crazy" "seek help"

these words constantly form, shape and create a self image over time, not with me because thanks to a God that saved my mind ahead of these losers. i am now impervious aside from mild frustration and furthering these tirades of utter suprise against a grain of a world madness in its own accusing and lying self. And the power in the end is to the victim, not the oppressors. Loss is relative to what is gained in the end.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mastermind77]

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by mastermind77

There are tons of tests on the Web but they are all for entertainment purposes and not valuable in diagnosis or treatment.

I personally am not advocating medication of any kind. Only a person who is licensed in your state can do that for you. I do feel strongly that you should call whoever is applicable (IE your insurance provider, doctor, or county mental health offices) and just commit to going in and talk to them. No risk. No danger. Just open yourself to that one step and see what they say.

Being as worried about things as you seem has to be a difficult way to live. Take a step towards this in faith and it will be the first step towards not having to live in fear.


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by mastermind77

There are tons of tests on the Web but they are all for entertainment purposes and not valuable in diagnosis or treatment.

I personally am not advocating medication of any kind. Only a person who is licensed in your state can do that for you. I do feel strongly that you should call whoever is applicable (IE your insurance provider, doctor, or county mental health offices) and just commit to going in and talk to them. No risk. No danger. Just open yourself to that one step and see what they say.

Being as worried about things as you seem has to be a difficult way to live. Take a step towards this in faith and it will be the first step towards not having to live in fear.


thats cool, im my own psychologist. No one knows me better than God, then myself. Thats my heiarchy of thinking. God, the one particle scientists still cant find.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by mastermind77

Gangstalkers can not turn smart people or descerning people against you; they can only turn worthless hipocrites against you. If the community you live in is full of people who treat you like dirt on the word of some gangstalkers, you need to move to a better community. The wheat is being separated from the schaff. The gangstalkers unwhittingly have done you a favor by making you aware that you are living among back stabbers. They have only removed the illusion of safety from you, but you were never safe.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by eradown]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:04 PM
one day i made it obvious that I was filming them with my cell phone rigged on my dash for the drive like their nice cars have in the them except better cause they have more money..yay for them. While the picture was low quality i narrarated. And miraculously as the day wore on, they reduced how many people were doing it. As if being on camera was a bother to them. Hmm i wonder. Is it illegal to harrass and stalk a person in a country with laws that prohibit such behavior..yes it is good job heres your b+

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by eradown
reply to post by mastermind77

Gangstalkers can not turn smart people or descerning people against you; they can only turn worthless hipocrites against you. If the community you live in is full of people who treat you like dirt on the word of some gangstalkers, you need to move to a better community. The wheat is being separated from the schaff. The gangstalkers unwhittingly have done you a favor by making you aware that you are living among back stabbers. They have only removed the illusion of safety from you, but you were never safe.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by eradown]

thank you the first reply that has some fruity taste to it. Yes indeed backstabbers are everywhere in life. whether they are organised or not. I have known this from day 4000 or so.

People with too much money can never do wrong, because when they do a media crew is always waiting with a broom and dustpan, and a rug.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mastermind77]

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