posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 05:55 PM
But 2012 is too.
Even with Timewave Correction theory we can clearly see that the END DATE EVENT is present both in 2010 and in 2012, there are TWO OF THEM.
The amount of sinchronicities I met in my personal life this year is mind boggling.
Whenever I meet a person I know why is that precise person.
There are no coincidences ever. All is connected.
Global consciousness is truth.
Our reality is what we think it is. We can determine reality with thoughts.
That's what I understood when for weeks in April, before my friend died at 20 at the end of that month, I remember being watching you tube videos of
River Phoenix and Brad Renfro tributes ( both died in their 20s ) and maybe that thinking made me experience the death of my friend...
Can you get it? Maybe we all live in our personal view of reality...
Or maybe its a example of previous knowledge, subconscious knowledge of what was coming.
The event of April 25 changed the way I see life and connection to all things.
March 18 was his birthday. That day in 2010, I experienced a series of strange events that made me aware of something big. I called it the weirdest
day of my recent life.
His conception date was June 26. The eclipse's day. I know another person that died in March whose conception date is June 26.
June 26...Sometimes eclipses take away dear people.
I also experienced some events like whenever I meet a person called witha certain name and makes to me a certain impression, suddenly EVERYONE new is
called with same name...
Or, when I got my first job this month and next day every person I know has just got a job...When the other week our conversations were about
something else entirely...
Can you understand? It seems reality is a different thing for everybody...And you can determine what's coming...
And than there are two theories of mine, retrocausality ( our feelings toward a certain topic seems to be echoes of future events that arrive to
influence the past ) and time loop.
Time loop. This year is definitely the major year for time loop theory.
Do you have a diary with written dates of 2007- 2010? Because I have one and I noticed that similar events happen in 2010 that are like...Repetitions
of past events in 2008...
For example, on March 19 2008 I met a person which later would have become significant for me because of very important dreams.
( guess what, he has same name of the friend whose birthday was March 18 and died at 20 )
I knew him better on April 9.
I never knew he had a brother until this year.
In fact, on March 19 2010 at same time of day there was a certain person always in front of me while I was talking to some friends, in a luna park.
On April 8 I look on facebook and discover, oh look he has a brother.
We don't talk.
Next day I was thinking " I would like to talk to him someday, to know him ". A second after I hear someone calling me.
" Hey, you ". I turn my head and wow, its him!!!
They are significant to me because I'm known by my friends as the one whose dreams come true, and I had dreams about those 2 people that make me
think they will eventually become important to me this year.
But what's amazing is the time loop thing. I've known them on same days.
I didn't say all of what happened, anyway, there is more beyond those 2 days.
Another example is the one when on June 23 2007 I've known a certain person in a summer campus and on June 23 2010 I've known a certain other person
in a summer campus.
Well, the first one became like a brother to me, this one who knows.
But this makes me think about my life.
I looked to my friends and said to myself...Wow, there are connections between people.
There are friends of mine which don't know each other though they practically show same kind of behavior and interests, like there is a repetition
cycle not only for historical events but also for personal events and friendships.
Now, tell me, for what's concerns your personal life, does 2010 recalls 2008? Does it?
And 2009? Can you get what I'm trying to say?
Now, do you think is just the chance that makes you meet certain people? Have you looked at conception dates, birthdays, names,surnames, family names,
behavior, personal events that somehow connect this person with you or someone in your family?
For example, recently I met a person and his sister, a new friend, that:
- Has same name of the last new best friend I got in late 2009
- His sister's conception date is my birthday
- His mother has same name of mine, his father has same name of my mom's brother
- His best friend's name is the same of the friend of mine who died at 20
- His family name starts with that same name
- His sister's birthday is very near to the day of the saint called like that friend of mine who died
- His sister's conception date is birthday of that friend who died
- Guess when I knew her? Yes, very near this friend's conception date
I think the April 25 event has somehow ended up to influence strongly my reality and all the connection in its future.
And now is determining which people I will meet.
So, what can we understand from this?
The Oil Spill disaster. Now, from now on, whenever we will experience something that concerns oil we will think of Deepwater disaster.
The event happened so very near to the event that changed my persona life.
I pin pointed that date as one of the most novel days of Timewave Zero graph, the corrected one.
Novelty in my life went sky high during April end and beginning of May. Because of my friend's death I experienced a reunion of people and met a
person who was a past best friend of mine that never in a millennia I would think she would return in my life but she did.
What about June 23? Well, I knew a important person in a better way, I got my first job and a whole group of people reshaped the picture of my life,
just like at the beginning , in April.
June 23...June 23 2008, I was in a pool park and was one of the best days ever in my life...Knowing better and enjoying friendship with a friend who
is like a brother to me...
June 23 2010...I was in a different pool park enjoying my time with a new friend that I met only days before...
And a woman I know at a certain points asks us " Are you two brothers? You seem like it is "
Have you experienced the same thing? Some novel event in your personal life both in April's end and near June 23 ?
[edit on 26-6-2010 by Zagari
[edit on 26-6-2010 by Zagari]