reply to post by Evasius
Both peaks and troughs presently (considering we're experiencing history in such a compressed and accelerated way) tend to be unsettling in there own
individual ways. The rate of change throughout human history was for the most part comfortably accepted by each generation, that is until the last
century. Now in the last few years of the Timewave graph, we're strained to the very limits of human adaptability. It's now become so rapid, so
jarring, that we're fighting to just hold on and make it to our destination, wherever - or whatever - that is. If we could step outside of our
conscious perception of the flow of time and experience it as a visceral, palpable ride from point A to point B, I get he impression it would resemble
something like Ellie Arroway's journey at the end of the movie 'Contact' where she travels from wormhole to wormhole and the ride gets faster with
each transition (until she unstraps herself and floats freely away from the chaos).
Evasius, I think you bring up a very important discussion point with regards to the TWZ. I have bolded the two lines that I think are especially
You point to us being "strained to the limits of human adaptability...fighting to just hold on and make it to our destination".
I am inclined to think that indeed we are not strained to our limits. I suspect that we really have not limits (I suspect you would agree) and that
what we are straining against in these final years of the timewave, are the expectations that we are perhaps unreasonably so attached to.
We expect to wake up each morning with everything more or less unchanged from the night before. We expect that we can control our experiences by
constraining them within certain paradigms whether they be scientific or religious. We expect that our days will unfold each day not unlike the day
before. What we fail to realize so often is that none of these things ever happen to us as we expect them to.
On September 10, 2001 I went to sleep expecting to wake to a material world that was basically unchanged from the day prior. Now of course, I see
that the events of the following day changed everything. The world I lived in was very very different (if only realized in retrospect) on september
11 than it was on september 10. Furthermore, I have had faith in the capacity of our sciences (medical and otherwise) to protect us, I have had faith
in the veracity of religious doctrine (well not so much "I" as others) to guide us and yet, everything keeps changing no matter how hard we try to
keep it the same.
No matter how hard we try to constrain the universe, to force it to fit into our box, to fit within that which we are comfortable with, the universe
finds it easy (and I think a little bit hilarious) to say to us: "Are you kidding? Really?"
The fact is no matter how hard we try to shape the world we live in, we cannot. It is well beyond even our collective capacity to understand, let
alone to control.
The clip from "Contact" that you linked is such a very poignant clip for this very reason. In those first two minutes, we are presented with the
very key to spiritual enlightenment--the key to living in this world. Ellie suffers horrific turbulence shaking her to her breaking point while
strapped to that chair. Yet it is the simplest of actions that saves her from what would have ultimately been her demise. In allowing herself the
peace of mind to simply
notice the necklace floating in front of her, she is able to reflect upon and relieve herself of her attachments.
And so we see that the chaos that Arroway frees herself from is not the chaos of the universe, but rather the chaos that is created by trying with
hopeless arrogance to control that which we do not understand. This is what religion and science for their own part have always tried to do.
And so here we are, looking at the timewave, some of us simply trying to make sense of the world; others of us trying to identify and prevent
re-occurrences of past horrors; and yet others of us looking forward for glimpses of what our future holds--all of us working on hijacking the great
riddle of our existence, all the while trying to bypass the great mystery and outflank the great enigma.
As the timewave continues to spiral in on itself. I imagine that we will continue to be perplexed in trying to understand. A previous poster
suggested in jest that he or she might be insane. Indeed the civilization we live in is mostly insane by definition, and so long as we continue to
attempt to find mastery over our universe we will continue to spiral into deeper and deeper insanity. Each time we will expect to achieve mastery and
each time we will find ourselves hopelessly outmatched until we finally decide to stop trying to do that which is impossible. It is at this point
that humanity will trancend our current paradigm and "ascend" into the next.
It is exciting to think that the next few years may bring with them a much greater understanding of our place in the universe than, for all our might
and magic, we have ever, in our recorded history, even hoped to achieve.
thanks again for all your work on this thread, it has been a great inspiration to me. I am eager to see how your research develops. I am especially
intrigued by the tighter and tighter spiralling, self referential resonances that your have been looking at in your most recent posts.
kind regards
[edit on 10-3-2010 by Tamale_214]