Just my two cents - after reading all the previous posts here;
Why does no body mention that when McKenna was quizzed about the mathematics/system behind "timewave zero", he could not or would not answer them?
Nor the fact that he came up with this idea when he was trippin' hardcore and was given the idea by Aliens. . .
I gave a link, pages back, that broke down his theory (by a mathematician) and picked it to pieces. This idea of "novelty" or whatever it's called
- i cannot remember - is an incredibly obtuse variable with no actual discernible value. What are the valued representatives of said "novelty" -
what properties does it govern itself by and how is it measured/acted out - What are the methods by which you can break down this "Novelty" into a
mathematical sentence?? . . none. It's fluff.
When people who were not as easily fooled asked this same question to McKenna himself, he had no answer or flat out refused to answer. That's only
one incredibly HUGE aspect of why this is wrong.
That brings me to the point of; if this ENTIRE system is fundamentally based upon a variable by which has absolutely no meaning or answer - a
"false" data point if you will, then how can anything else be relied upon as fact? What about the FACT that he changed the end date of TW0 to better
fit the other prophecies that were going around at the time?
Again, this was to peak interest in "Terrence McKenna" and to get people to listen, buy books etc. It's ALWAYS about money. So when people see this
"zero point" in the graph, they wonder what will happen.. Well why don't we all buy his books and DVD's on the matter to better educate ourselves?
The End date was modified by McKenna also (wiki TW0, it tells you on the page), it was not originally 2012 - it was a year or so later. But i suppose
he was making more than just the date fit - he was forcing data to fit a model and structuring a computer program around all of the above.
Btw - I have noticed there are obvious oversights by people wanting to view this as some kind of guide. For one, When some "bad" things happen, the
graph is on an incline? and when other "bad" things happen, the graph is on a decline - where is the logic in this? Am i to believe that the graph
interprets human stance on matters? Impossible as point of view is biased and different to every individual on the earth.
This makes no sense, as it seems the graph is heavily biased (giving the benefit of the doubt here, that there may actually be some relevance to
reality in this idea) towards one view of an event over another.
Also, why are people looking at the dates that a certain change occurs in this graph and then "googling" to see what happened on that day?
Seriously, BAD THINGS happen every day - not to mention things of notability occur every other day. Though a plane full of Westerners crashing might
be considered "bad" from our side of the fence, i'm sure there are people with other beliefs that would see this as a positive occurrence.
Or is TW0 just a view of the events from a certain defined perspective. Apparently, No. This thing tried to talk about affects on the whole HUMAN
RACE. So how can some things, i.e. death, be considered "positive" in one instance, then in another instance with similar events occurring, be
considered "negative".
This whole program wreaks of rubbish.
If Climate Gate showed us anything, it's that computers can undoubtedly/obviously/purposefully be made to give a desired end result, not truly
reflective of the data being input.
Sorry to the true believers out there - but after having researched this to the fullest, it's just as bad as the "substantiated" claims of Zacharia
Sitchin and his kin.
Like i said, just my two cents.