Zagari and others:
I've been on and off this thread for a long time, coming back now and then to check on things. The more I read and pay attention to celestial events,
the more convinced I am that novelty is not what is being tracked by Timewave theory.
Follow me here... I wrote a post a while back about something similar, but it is becoming more evident as time goes on. To me, Timewave is purely
speculative, and here is why -
novelty means something completely different to everyone. A novel event for you might be your 21st birthday,
while for me it is not. A novel event for Catholics would be a major announcement from the Pope or Vatican on something of extreme religious
importance, yet for Muslims, it might not mean anything at all. Trying to put any kind of measurement on how events effect mass consciousness is
actually impossible because we can't even measure an individual's consciousness, so how on earth could anyone measure it for the entire human
population? We don't even have any unit of measurement for consciousness of an individual yet, and while Timewave attempts to measure novelty for the
entire human race, I personally think it is an inaccurate observation and as such, is being completely misinterpreted.
I know for some, Timewave has represented and tracked similar changes in your personal lives... but I ask you,
is this really and truly what is
going on? Or are you experiencing observer bias? Meaning that since you have already seen the expected outcome (the Timewave graph), you are
observing only what you are expecting from the Timewave's interpretation? Almost the same way as a self-fulfilling prophecy? The reason I ask is
because think for a moment what it was that
really influenced those changes in your life? This is what I have posted about before... your
entire day, the timing of events, what you do or do not do that day, are all effected by the sun and possibly (probably), the movement of planets and
planetary systems.
Life on this planet and everything about it, is effected by the sun and planetary mechanics. Without it, we all cease to exist. And isn't Timewave
theory based completely and totally from the I-Ching? Well, what exactly was the I-Ching? It was a
tool created for an emperor to help him make
decisions for his personal life and his people through the understanding of the sun and planetary mechanics (astrology and astronomy). The emperor
used this tool to make day to day decisions based on the advice from the I-Ching to prevent famine, chose when to go to war, when to conceive
children, how to grow strong crops, avoid bad weather, etc. So what this means, is that Timewave theory would be almost entirely anchored, in
principle, to the same things - the sun and astrology/astronomy. Common sense should then take hold and help you to realize that no matter how much
math you apply, you are still working with the same foundation.
Now, taking the above and extrapolating it out over time with all of the mathematical algorithms is not going to predict the future UNLESS you were
mapping cycles that occur naturally and repeat in PREDICTABLE fashion. This would not give you predictable events, but predictable patterns of energy,
and those patterns could be what is influencing our thoughts and consciousness. So it makes sense to see repeating cycles and patterns in the Timewave
if it's based on the repeating cycles of movement and energy that occur with the sun and stars. If you want to get scientific about it, our entire
existence hinges on gravity, which is a very careful balancing act of the sun and planets (and probably other factors). What happens as planets move
and the sun expels different amounts of energy? Gravity is ultimately effected, yet we have no idea what this does to the human mind. Even if the
effect is small, it would mean that the movement and energy from these events would impact our day to day lives and therefore, our choices that lead
to change/novelty. See where I'm going with this? I could get pretty deep with the scientific side of this and how neutrinos could effect us, and
photons with their relationship to light and how without light, we wouldn't be able to see things to make decisions the way we do now.... but that is
for another time.
Back to the sun.... if you know that it's going to be cold out because the sun isn't hot enough to keep you warm, what do you do?
Your entire day
changes! You dress differently, drive differently (depending on weather), perhaps take a different lunch break, or possibly make plans to go
sledding.... my point is that whatever the sun does, is what YOU do and if the sun were less regular, every conscious thought you have would be
centered on it. Thankfully, our sun and seasons are pretty regular. But, very very small changes in the sun can create all kinds of changes for humans
and this is why it was so important for the emperor to understand how it works. Do those changes effect consciousness? I would think it changes it
more than any other events we could and would experience. If tomorrow, the earth got 5 degrees hotter because of the sun, would that be a novel event?
Even if you do not believe in astrology, it is not very different from Timewave as far as predicting events.
So what I'm getting at in this long post that might not get fully read is that does it make more sense to believe that Timewave is more like a
Chinese Farmer's Almanac with more focus on how it also effects human behavior or to believe it is a tool for predicting the future? Or even a tool
for mapping out human consciousness? People use the I-Ching to get a close approximation of how their day might go based on math derived by the
I-Ching, so why, with some extra fancy math, does this all of a sudden make a tool for full blown prophecy? When you look into astrology, it reveals
that as things move around the galaxy, energies change, and these energies effect people in different ways. Every person is akin to a tuning fork and
is born with a very specific "imprint" of energy that as it fluctuates and changes, will have a direct impact on the individual and their behavior.
This is why some days, you might feel more calm than others or feel more "sharp" mentally, etc. If this is the case with astrology, and the I-Ching
is based mostly on astrology, what is the Timewave providing in addition that normal astrology is not?
In my opinion, the Timewave is tracking the fluctuation in energy as it arrives to Earth. That's why on the days where there has been an eclipse, the
graph has shown it with a huge spike. On days where there were meteor showers, the graph reflected it with a huge spike. With human beings having free
will to make choices and then change our minds at any given time, it means that a new timeline is created for every new choice someone makes, for
every person on the planet, and I just don't feel it is possible (no matter how much psychoactive drugs you use) to map that when we can't even map
out our own brains or DNA.
While I totally respect the work of Zagari and Evasius and others, I firmly believe a serious change in direction is needed to get at the heart of
Timewave and really get back to understanding what McKenna was seeking to better understand himself before he passed... his work, as of today, is
still incomplete... isn't that why we're all here???