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Bach To The Future - New Deep Meditation Tool!

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

Thanks for the information.

Not a one line post.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by XXXN3O

You're welcome.

My suggestion, if you're intrigued, maybe having read some of the information further down on page one, outlining the miriad of benefits that are possible, including an increase in brainpower and thinking ability, but are reacting to the new stimulous - would be to just listen to the first two songs, sitting with eyes closed, then stop it and just sit in quiet stillness for the duration of your meditation session, or for at least another 20 minutes. In other words just use it as a doorway for entering the much deeper meditative states, and if you like what that does for you, you can add some more as you wish, or not at all..

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:12 AM
Long time listener, 1st time caller at ATS. I felt I needed to extend my gratitude towards miss_silver and omega point for these excellent tools. I downloaded when they first came out so its been a few weeks I have been using them. Unfortunately, I haven't been as consistent as I would like. However, the few times I have actually used them properly, I have had amazing results. While meditating the old fashion way, I always achieved that "twinkle" behind your eyes. When I listen to this that twinkle becomes the sun bathing me in light. Truly, I am impressed. I think you've done an ultimate kindness by providing these for free to people. I hope more folks here will take advantage of it. I do have one question: my time is limited, but I still would like to use these during my day. I have about 1/2 to 1 hour between classes in the afternoon where I look over notes, read a textbook etc. Is there any advantage to listening to these while doing these tasks?

Thanks again and hopefully I'll have better feedback in the future.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by mcfizlow

It takes you pretty deep, as it progresses through the hour long track, so I'd think that the first two songs, which are imo, the most enjoyable to listen to, could be used during your study time why not. But whenever possible, try to get in your hour long + "sit", which could be done before bed, moving bedtime ahead an hour (you don't need as much sleep with this), or, waking up an hour earlier in the morning and doing it to set up your day. In my view, although the sessions are amazing as you've pointed out (bathed in the white sunlight), the point of this whole thing are the benefits realized between meditation sessions, which are astounding. For example, I was starting to get some grey hairs, but they've gone now, and I look younger, and people are even commenting on it. The changes, the transformation has been so great, it's almost hard to fathom, looking back, how much more energized I am, how much happier and joyful, it's incredible.

So by all means keep it up as a daily practice whenever possible.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 10:05 PM
Thank you miss-silver and OmegaPoint for this. I really need something that will help me relax and "open" up.

Awesome gift!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Omega, mega, what are you doing here?

It felt like I had a somewhat objective experience of my own consciouness, "viewing" my very awareness from the outside along with some "million-me's everywhere". It felt like one giant party going on. What the heck is that?

I only tried this once and that experience was rather intesting. Thanks. Who knows what happens next.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Most of the time I think my experiences or expressions thereof are so abstruse that often noone knows how to make comment.

And that isn't to imply I don't expect someone not to comment. I darn well do!

I suspect it's that "greater self" awareness every one goes on about but it would be nice to hear other views. Now it seems pitiful that we could have fallen so far.

[edit on 7/12/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I don't know, but someone else reported seeing many faces when they used the Tibetan Compassion Meditation along with the Bach To The Future. I've never had that. Remember, all it's doing is resonating your brain with sound, so what you get is all inside of you, nothing's being added or programmed into you in any way, although to be perfectly clear, a wonderful silent affirmation has been added to the Compassion Meditation track. The Bach contains none of that, only the Bach music, the entrainment binaural beat + a Shumann Resonance earth healing frequency, and that's it.

Experienced meditators appear to have THE most profound experiences with this I've noticed howver.

Here's both

Bach To The Future

Compassion Meditation (in mp3)

Sounds like you went on quite the trip there EnlightenUp, so if you want to continue and go full bore, also use the half hour long Compassion Meditation afterwards, which entrains to a Beta pattern, and imo is even more ah..visionary evoking. Oh and I should point out that in that case, there is a silent affirmation "subliminal" in there, which is the "Metta Bhavana" Tibetan Yogi compassion statements, outlined earlier in the thread, which are all about everyone being well, happy and free from suffering.

But that sounds to me like you accessed the collective consciousness of infinite me's or you's.

Best thing I've experienced was this radiant white sunlight shining down on me, like I was outside under a bright sun, and that was kinda cool.

Just remember that the experiences are also "maya". You don't want to or need to place TOO much emphasis on them, though they can be pretty cool and insightful, when you catch a vision doing it.

I feel that the good karma around this has now been restored, with the post prior to yours, and with your report.

Keep it up, and don't forget to report in with your experiences.

Remember, you're going deeper with this than a Yogi master, who generally only touch into delta, and rarely sustain it.

Best Regards,


Compassion Meditation

Metta Bhavana meditation method, uses the following repeated affirmations:

May I be well

May I be happy

May I be free from suffering

May my friends be well

May my friends be happy

May my friends be free from suffering

May those beings I do not personally know be well

May those beings I do not personally know be happy

May those beings I do not personally know be free from suffering

May those I thought to be enemies be well

May those I thought to be enemies be happy

May those I thought to be enemies be free from suffering

May all sentient beings everywhere be well

May all sentient beings everywhere be happy

May all sentient beings everywhere be free from suffering

I am kind

I am patient

I am loving

I am caring

I help others.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

Thanks for the reply.

I did have other things like being stretched, light, infinity and warm loving sensations but that's quite familiar from childhood. To be frank, these supposedly extroardinary things are actually quite ordinary and feel correct. The limitations are what should be considered an anomaly.

The one described was new and also had the sensation of being packed in a matrix of sorts as if I were a cell in a larger "tissue".

It wasn't only "higher" others but "lower" ones as well.

The experience still hasn't entirely faded away.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Before using this, how much experience did you have with meditation?

I've noticed that anyone with experience as a normal meditator, has the most profound and powerful experiences when using this, which is interesting in and of itself, and shows the value of meditation without the stimulous.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Before using this, how much experience did you have with meditation?

I guess ever since it was suggested that I do it about 20 years ago. I would say I'm somewhat of a slacker and generally have done it as needed more out of distress than as a daily regimine.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Interesting how I knew that, though your name only perhaps suggests it..

If we want to in some way objectify your experience (as I said, it can still be considered all 'maya' at least according to the Eastern tradition), my suspicion is that you 'saw' and had a momentary relationship to all your past incarnations, since like I said, it only surfaces what's already inside of you and nothing more, although according to the Eastern tradition, that would have to include by extension everything!

Glad you liked it, hope to hear more about your experiences with it, both within, and between meditations ie: how well you sleep, your dreamlife, and your waking consciousness and general energy levels, which tend to increase dramatically as a result of using this kind of thing.

This may be a long thread already, but there still aren't that many reports on what people are getting out of it, and what they're experiencing, so I hope to see more of those, which is where the thread only starts to get interesting imo.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Glad you liked it, hope to hear more about your experiences with it, both within, and between meditations ie: how well you sleep, your dreamlife, and your waking consciousness and general energy levels, which tend to increase dramatically as a result of using this kind of thing.

I ran the program again. Then Alex "got it" in that other thread. I didn't sleep for poo. I just stayed up with too much stange stuff to say over there, all cranked up. I had to keep myself from getting carried away to the extreme.

I know that's not the general energy level as you asked for. Things got manic. I think manic is actually far under what my true energy level should be though.

But, this time was different than the last. I kept feeling balled up in my head as though I was going to pop out the top of it. I wanted to scream, in extacy or agony I don't know. Pure confusion. A decent laser show.

Who knows, perhaps I shouldn't have had the OJ before doing it. Perhaps that doesn't matter. Still interesting though.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:51 AM
I tried it last night until I started to feel a bit of a headache. So I stopped figuring it was letting me know it was time to stop. However, I did the 15 minutes of quiet after and there was a definite energy vibe.

I felt more awake though. It did not make me sleepy. Could be because I didn't do the full hour? However, once I laid down to sleep I slept VERY well. Woke up refreshed and clear headed. More so than in a while. Granted, it could just be the placebo affect. I will continue and build on the time listening to it and verify if there is continuing benefit. I will keep a journal if anyone is interested.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by mhinsey]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Hey that was nice. I only listened and meditated for about five minutes the first time though. I've always been interested in meditation and eastern thought, etc. but never really knew where to start...

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:03 PM
Ah -
now THIS is the way to get a loving new world order.
Raise those vibrations.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:43 AM
For those who may be having some difficulty bringing their run-on mind to stillness, let alone, plumb the depths of the unconscious mind to surface and resolve otherwise repressed material ie: shadow work - or, if you would simply like to evolve your capacity for dramatically increased awareness, these tools cannot be underestimated as to their value for the seeker and the explorer.

Speaking of which, it's time for my next dive.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:02 AM
Thanks very much for the music.
For me its not (I prefer the softer tones of nature, bells, chimes etc).
But its still well done.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by The_Seeker

You're welcome, but it's not really "music" per se, that's just placed on top of the thing which does the trick, along with ocean waves starting after the first song, but it's the background "hum" which drives the brain into alpha, theta and delta, and I think the Bach and the waves actually does a pretty good job of it.

I like it when I end up tripping out and find myself sitting under this bright white sunlight, which has happened to me a few times with it.

Also the Compassion Meditation is just waves, with an even slighter hum in the background. There's no music with that one, and it's free also.

Best Regards,


[edit on 15-7-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:28 AM
Thanks for the music you posted, i've trшed to find good music for meditation for long time

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
Keep it comin'!

Ah man i love you.

Its sad to say, but almost everyone else in the world would of attached a $100 price tag to that, i swear

Do you recommend to incorportate both into meditation, as i do a daily med which normally consists of a breathing exercise, and clear you mind technique. I will then do the "Bach" med, and then the Compassion. But thats an awful lot of work on my brain, so i think ill vary the Bach and Compassion around each day.



you are very right, there are many people that sell these kinda musicle sounds for meditation.

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