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What year was 9/11?

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posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by kyle6677

That combined with the whole recording set up they have going on. Some of those questions were asked to people getting ready to get into their cars who seemed to be caught off guard. I have no idea what I would say if somebody stuck a camera in my face and started asking me questions.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:22 PM
How many people were asked that question?

Ask 100 people who won ww1 or ww2 and at least 10% wont know not just Americans.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Ha, and to think that these are the same people that voted for Obama!

» What year was 9/11?

The question in the video is is not the same question being asked by the OP in this thread, keyword being "attacks".
The way the question is being asked here is the same as asking:
"What year is your birthday?" which the answer is, EVERY YEAR!

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
Problem is, as this video is an example of, that the average US citizen either feels powerless or simply doesn't care about what their country does to them or other nations.
I'm still confused why you're taking this so seriously, and think that 8-9 out of maybe 100+ asked is the "average US citizen", like you so loosely put it. You talk about the media, and how we're all "brainwashed" by it, yet, you can't figure out a simple editing bit.

I mean, it's easy to say you know how the world should be run while typing stuff out on the internet, but what exactly do you do to help the world? Its just a funny bit, bro, nothing more.....

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:31 PM
OK...a little levity.

Stupid, as stupid paraphrase someone...

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:38 PM
im american. i dont get along with these people. but you are naive to think it is the american people. maybe its the education system! not a place on the globe

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:43 PM
This reminds me of the movie "Idiocracy"

I wonder why people tend to forget big stuff. I mean, it was all over world news for a long period, and nobody could get away from the news.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Which countries are in the axis of evil?

idiot 1: Jerusalem.
idiot 2: Jerusalem?

Ok, theres more than one...

Really people? I mean how do you function on a day to day basis?

I was talking to this girl I worked with about one of our friends who was moving to Israel and she says, "How is she going to stay on her diet? Don't they eat a lot of pork there?".

It turns out she didn't know that Israel was the Jewish state. I was trying to explain to her how important it was for her to know what was happening in the middle east, since it was at the height of the 2008 election. "How am I supposed to know that Israel is a Jewish state?? was her response. At that point I said screw it, and ordered a couple shots.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:38 PM
blah blah blah you idiots from other countries to love to laugh at the "stupid things americans do" but i GUARANTEE YOU if you went around the streets of your own country asking these questions you'd get some pretty stupid responses too. Its not just america the world is full of idiots.

I've also reported this post and a bunch of you anti american idiots posts too because you guys are extremely rude. I hope you all get banned.

As matter of fact on youtube they have one of these same videos going around the streets on london i think and they are asking the same questions and most the responses are RETARDED. So its not just america.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
You think that is bad?

Us Aussies have been laughing at the sheer ignorance of (many) Americans for years now.

We even have a TV show dedicated to letting us laugh at idiots:

The Chasers War On Everything

Yeah heheh you are so funny man! Americans are so stupid and the rest of the world is so smart! hehe. Idiot.

And I can't believe some of you idiots in here that are from AMERICA just sit here and let all these guys say this stuff about you. Do you like being called dumb, you do realize when people say americans are dumb they are talking about you too, right? Do you have no pride whatsoever? I hate our government and stuff too but all americans are not stupid. Like I said you could go in ANY COUNTRY in the world and ask these questions and youll get the same responses.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:43 PM
9/11 happens every year, right between 9/10 and 9/12.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:44 PM

watch that. God all those europeans are so stupid (thats sarcasm, see how dumb you guys sound saying all americans are stupid, you can do the same thing in your country and get idiotic responses)

and thats just one video i found. there is tons of them.

Also just so people know im not some "mr america" patriot guy I'm just simply pointing out how stupid things like this are and you can go to any country and get dumb responses.

And chasers war on everything is not funny at all... they are doing the same stuff on that show that tom green and jackass and all those idiotic shows did ten years ago. To me thats stupid that people in any country like to watch retarded stuff like that, so I guess I could call all aussies stupid because they are into that type of humor.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
reply to post by Copernicus

Sorry, but I can't find the apathy of a nation as active in world affairs as the US amusing.

The only people stopping the average US citizen from changing the world are themselves. The media has had them in a zombie-like state for far too long, and the ones that aren't playing good little clone are considered fringe and unstable.

If the general US populous decided as a whole to stop illegal wars, to stop the rape of the constitution and to stop the power being passed between the same group of old money then I'm sure they could enact that change.

Problem is, as this video is an example of, that the average US citizen either feels powerless or simply doesn't care about what their country does to them or other nations.

So, sorry but I don't find anything about this funny. Yeah, it is entertaining to laugh at the silly Americans getting the questions wrong. But really think about it.

Are these the kind of people you want voting for presidents? These are the kind of people that probably still think Iraq had something to do with 9/11 (what years was that again?) and that Saddam had a huge stash of WMDs that was found during the invasion (oh, I mean liberation).

What animosity do you have towards americans?

Also please explain to me how I can change the world since you think all americans can change the world if they really want.

Also I dont see you doing anything or anyone in your country doing anything to change the world either, its not just up to us americans to change the world. So stop being a hypocrite.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:52 PM
wow, I #ing hate living in America. I am NOT THIS #ING STUPID OK??? I know all of this, NYers are stupid by the way.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:04 PM
and btw this thing is so set up they are asking people who are in a huge hurry and they are asking people getting in their cars... etc. I'd do the same thing as these people if asked a question id just say the first thing that poped in my head or id just say get the hell outta here.

This video is not an indicator of how smart our entire nation is, and if you use this video as a indicator of how smart we are, you are actually the idiot, not us americans.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:06 PM
It's not just a few people on tv that are this ignorant. I have noticed that no matter where you are, big city, little town, a farm, many people have absolutely no idea what is going on in the world. The standards of education in the U.S has been getting lower and lower for decades. To much grading on a curve, or making it easy for the students to pass their tests. I even noticed that this is going on in universities as well. "Let's raise the cost of tuition and make the teachers salaries bigger, but let's make it easier for the students so we can keep getting money from them!" It's not so much the universities fault, it's the elementary and high schools that are doing this. They don't prepare students for higher education probably, only the determined students are the only ones trying to learn while the rest are allowed to get by.

People are more interested in pop culture, video games, "reality" tv shows, and not to knock sport fans but i know people that will sit and watch any sport they can find on tv throughout the day and nothing else. But ask them about politics, "oh that crap is boring, they don't do nuthin anyways", or if you bring up world war one or two, people shrug and say "well we nuked the germans and won the whole thing" you bring up anything about history, and you get the same response about politics "that stuff is boring, who cares that's the past and what's that got to do with what's going on now?"

Lot of people don't even know who Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are, most people only know the first and second amendment of the constitution, many people don't know who Malcom X was, many people don't know who Issac Newton was and i've had some tell me he was a musician. This isn't just an American thing, I've met people from other countries and they are pretty clueless about where they came from.

Blacks born in the U.S that refer to themselves as African-Americans can't even tell you what part of Africa their roots can be traced back to, in fact many don't even know Africa has different countries in it. I've talked to many Mexicans, and they have no idea that Spain once occupied their home country, and same can be said about Puerto Ricans when they say they are "Pure Puerto Ricans" not knowing a single bit of their history. I could go on forever obviously. But as an American, I really get made when I see this kind of thing on tv. Makes me very unproud to be associated with these idiots.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by belfast
How many people were asked that question?

Ask 100 people who won ww1 or ww2 and at least 10% wont know not just Americans.


ALSO I guarantee in this video TONS OF PEOPLE responded with the right answer and they dont show the ones of people responding correctly.

And also I dont even see what the big deal is A LOT, I MEAN A LOT of people get stuff with dates confused, thats one of the most common things to forget or get confused about. And with everyone, not just americans.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Darth Lumina
It's not just a few people on tv that are this ignorant. I have noticed that no matter where you are, big city, little town, a farm, many people have absolutely no idea what is going on in the world. The standards of education in the U.S has been getting lower and lower for decades. To much grading on a curve, or making it easy for the students to pass their tests. I even noticed that this is going on in universities as well. "Let's raise the cost of tuition and make the teachers salaries bigger, but let's make it easier for the students so we can keep getting money from them!" It's not so much the universities fault, it's the elementary and high schools that are doing this. They don't prepare students for higher education probably, only the determined students are the only ones trying to learn while the rest are allowed to get by.

People are more interested in pop culture, video games, "reality" tv shows, and not to knock sport fans but i know people that will sit and watch any sport they can find on tv throughout the day and nothing else. But ask them about politics, "oh that crap is boring, they don't do nuthin anyways", or if you bring up world war one or two, people shrug and say "well we nuked the germans and won the whole thing" you bring up anything about history, and you get the same response about politics "that stuff is boring, who cares that's the past and what's that got to do with what's going on now?"

Lot of people don't even know who Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are, most people only know the first and second amendment of the constitution, many people don't know who Malcom X was, many people don't know who Issac Newton was and i've had some tell me he was a musician. This isn't just an American thing, I've met people from other countries and they are pretty clueless about where they came from.

Blacks born in the U.S that refer to themselves as African-Americans can't even tell you what part of Africa their roots can be traced back to, in fact many don't even know Africa has different countries in it. I've talked to many Mexicans, and they have no idea that Spain once occupied their home country, and same can be said about Puerto Ricans when they say they are "Pure Puerto Ricans" not knowing a single bit of their history. I could go on forever obviously. But as an American, I really get made when I see this kind of thing on tv. Makes me very unproud to be associated with these idiots.

I'm sorry man I didnt read all this but go ANYWHERE in the world and you'll find tons of people who don't know what is going on the world.

Edit: nevermind iread your post wrong.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Jeasaaone

I must say, the indicator is W's two election wins.
i mean, c'mon.

take it all with a grain of salt, tho.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by Jeasaaone

I must say, the indicator is W's two election wins.
i mean, c'mon.

take it all with a grain of salt, tho.

he didnt fairly win those elections though... atleast in my opionon and its pretty obviosu to everyone. There is no way in hell he fairly won those elections. Only people I've ever heard of (and people I gladly don't associate with) that voted for him are stupid southern hicks... people on the west and east coast did not vote for bush.

Bush winning is no way a indicator of american intelligence either.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Jeasaaone]

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