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Which Celebrities, NewsCaster, Or Politicians Are Reptilian Shapeshifters?

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Again, danlickius, I'm 'claiming' I saw the ORIGINALS a long time ago. I don't carry around copies of the original videos; as I don't talk about this all that much.

The fact remains that the MSM, has the ability to change their originals after the fact. I do think these Youtube videos are the originals.

I've told you over, and over again, and over a little more that after studying these I've seen other TV personalities 'morph' out; in semi live appearances.

Let's say I did have like I said, 5 originals......I'll gaurantee you that you'd not believe them. Why??? Because you believe what you are told by the Power's That Be.

I'll ask you where are the anti defamation lawsuits against these Youtube hoaxsters???? My god, Youtube just yanked Alex Jones. They only put him back on because they were afraid of a decent lawsuit.

So, with as big as Youtube is, why wouldn't they just yank these videos as frauds. They could end up being liable for defamation of charactor as well.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by mjfromga

LOL actually LMAO!!! Funny you mentioned witch trials, my family heritage is traced back to a few of those souls that got burnt. Um, No, I don't think I'm a shapeshifter; I'd like to be a werewolf maybe, but I'm no lizard. I don't have double eye lids, and I don't have cold many ways!!! I find it odd that so many people refuse to just look at the facts with an 'open' view point. How odd! Is it fear? No, of course not. At least no one would admit that. I could care less should someone be a reptile, but since they are usually in roles of power ruling over us, I do care. They are evil

Yes, but...I'm related to numerous people who have been in power over the years (on my mother's side), and I can tell you that none of them is reptilian. So, we tend to be tall, pale, blond or red heads, big blue eyes, neg blood, intelligent...those "facts" which are sometimes given as proof. It just pisses me off that ignorant people will point and say, "reptilian" when it's not so. I mean... I would know. The whole thing is just stupid, and David Icke is playing you all for fools.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:46 PM

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

What's with the name calling?

Are you going to take up my challenge?

There must be several hours of proof there, surely the team of video editors who work around the clock to cover up Brian Todd's reptilian features must have missed a bit somewhere.

Here's a thought, if this guy is shapeshifting all the time, why have him on tv all the time?

Not a very smart or cost effective thing to do is it?

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by mjfromga

Well, I don't know what to tell you about off shoot well distant family members.

I've got 'half *ss relations to a few of the politicos............However, they aren't 100% of my lineage. With my semi blood relations I could sit on fox noise, and spew heritage all day long; as to show my good patriotism heritage. There is blood there, but not 100%. I cannot say what they are. However, that in itself doesn't make me quit looking for the truth.

David Icke has pointed that out several times. These things aren't always 100% family by family.

You can second guess me all you want, but I'd consider David Icke to be well studied.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Pauligirl

Studios use bright lights to properly illuminate their subject, this will often cause the black pupil to become white as it reflects the lights. Usually in the center of those lights is the cameraman, which will appear tall and black in the pupil reflection. With the proper angle this will often give the illusion of a vertically slitted pupil like that of a snake, when in reality it is just the studio reflections.

Good link Pauligirl. And here's the GW pic close up. It's not a camera effect. It's what David Icke calls eye "morphing".


[edit on 13-6-2009 by CoolBlackHole]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by Sparkey76

David Icke 'ain't' no wacko. He's a very articulated man. IF all this was untrue as dicklickus was pointing out, then Icke would have been in a lawsuit already for his books. The NWO is ruthless, and wants all the money.

With that said, they'd already taken his money; should he not stand on any solid ground.

Hey, don't take my word for it, but just watch the semi Live MSM...Not the arhived "ORIGINALS".

You'll see some weird stuff...

Oh, and as for the "archived" "originals" what happened to all the archived originals of OKC, and 9/11 where they were talking about second, and third bombs? What about all those 'not quite archived originals'?

Definetly, David Icke was golden boy with the BBC before he woke up, he got the sack shortly after and then appeared on wogan talk show to face huge ridicule.

I sure would love to find some really good solid evidence though about reptilians.

Ive read all the text and been on his website to research.

Do you think this may have something to do with this story?

[edit on 13-6-2009 by Sparkey76]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

No name calling, possibly spelling errors.

Here: For your ego, You win.

There are you happy?

I hope so.

However, I do not believe the MSM, in any guise. In the metaphorical sense they are reptilians; beyond what is in the videos.

I don't find credence, validity, or any other amount of truth in what they have in their archives.

The Branch Davidians, Oklahoma City, and 9/11 are all examples of how the 'archives' aren't so hot.

I'd like to know why David Icke who makes money is not in a lawsuit.

I'd like to know why Youtube is not in a lawsuit. I'm sure a large majority of the ATS readers believe in the existence of the NWO. Heck, the existence is proven by the politicos themselves by actually saying "The New World Order".

They are ruthless; so why haven't they taken the money David Icke, or Youtube has earned off of these defamation of Charactor's???? Youtube has earned off of the advertisements.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Sparkey76

The coin is interesting. I think the different power elite leave their mark throught out modern society.....As to say, we own YOU. Sure, it is unfortunate, but they do consider us chattle property.

Good find. I think um, Einstein up there left a video/audio feed in which they talked about that very charactor.

In the audio they referred to it being a mingling of the blood. This could also explain why many are 'related', but left out of the 'family' more, or less.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Spelling errors? What a load of crock.

Clearly you're unable to engage in a debate without resorting to childish name calling, which makes your credibility on par with David Icke.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Dude, I don't know what to tell ya'. You keep coming in, and giving your opinion. It is backed up by old archived MSM stuff.

It is mispelling. You keep coming in with the same arguement. I'm thinking your trying to kill my thread.

I'm sorry, if I cannot remember your name. It is long, and odd; at least for me to remember.

Truly no hard feelings, or rude intentions. I just want my thread to flow without continually telling you that I don't agree with your opinion, or what you consider evidence.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones


To summize. I don't agree with the MSM. I strongly believe in a NWO agenda. I strongly feel that they "maybe" of a reptilian origin. My opinion. I think that the MSM is their control mechanism over the masses. I know much of their 'archived' footage regarding 'sensitive' topics just isn't there anymore. This shows, or can act as the factual proof that they manipulate what we can see. I don't think many of us would look at videos such as "loose change:, and say the entire video is fraudulant. The Waco footage which isn't quite archived, but is present becasue of home recordings. It's real, but surpressed.

I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings on any level. However, when anyone is continually coming in apparently to kill a thread, based off of what I've told them again, and again I do not find credible as well, then why keep coming in other than to kill the discussion?

Now, I want to know why Youtube, which has made money off of advertising, and why David Icke have both not been sued for defamation of charactor? The amount of money made by those two groups would net "Bruce Todd" a tidy retirement fund.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

I think you actually know the whole thing is a crock. I think you are doing this to get attention. It's attention seeking behaviour.
You are intelligent enough to write as you do, so you are intelligent to know this reptilian thing is not real.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Sam60

Yes, I am intelligent. I will not deny that; I'll hang my IQ on the wall in fact. It is around 160. No beating around the bush here.

I do find the evidence completely factual. Laugh, and attack all you want. We all can read, feed our egoes, and vanity all day long with how we're 'indigos'. However, to believe in something else, like this must be what? Scratched off the face of the planet; as hogwash? Why not ban all Youtube links on ATS? Why not ban all video, audio, and pictoral footage which isn't of the highest high of technology?

I'll ask you sam560 person, why are there no lawsuits on behalf of especially Bruce Todd? He'd stand to make a mint between Youtube, and David Icke.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:39 PM
no, i think there is something under all of this

video 2 and 3 are still a utter mystery to me

and i require a very in depth technical explanation if im gonna believe there isnt something very funky going on with those 2 guys

i take it as an Insult that someone would say to me "it is pixelation or an artifact" or "its just the camera guy" sorry thats not possible for vid 2 and vid 3 from where im standing

read my previous posts for reasons why that explanation does not make sense

saying an "opinion" is not a technical explanation of how a piece of technology works

im sick of people acting like they know everything about this subject when in fact NO ONE HAS DISSECTED them yet to find out for sure!

i have alot of theories of how it could be possible tho, if it were some sort of non-human

1) hologram field device?

hmm that is the only way i can see it being an alien, because i still cannot fathom biological shapeshifting (just because i cannot fathom it does not mean it is impossible tho)

it has to be a hologram box they wear or something like that ?

i really do not know, but i am at least willing to entertain the idea because i am not a closed minded ignoramus like the average sheep are

look i will gladly admit they are just 100% human fascist scum , no problem

but i REQUIRE a logical and legit explanation for vid 2 + 3

everyone keeps bringing up the bogus jenna bush video but yet skillfully ignores vid 2 + 3

why ? because no one can explain it sufficiently? thats pretty freaky i think

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:46 PM
"Sonia Maria Sotomayor, born June 25, 1954) is a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. On May 26, 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor for appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice David Souter. If confirmed, she would be the court's first Hispanic justice and its third female justice." (source:

Guess why she was nominated. The close up isn't very good, but we can clearly see it's not a human eye. No pupil. Just some kind of skin fold (


[edit on 14-6-2009 by CoolBlackHole]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:47 PM
any of you wondered why these so called anomolies only seem to oocur on youtube ?

why isnt any of this happening on actual tv?

you would need something more than a few dud youtube vids to give david ike any credibility or this so called reptillian conspiracy.

think people its not hard.

now my wifes constantly cold hands and feet are more telling evidence of reptillian entities than those posted vids

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

they think this is about belief or disbelief like its a religion

they are wrong tho, this is about trying to understand how on earth they could possibly have 2 eyelids

i think they keep denying it to themselves and keep blowing it off as nothing and pretend its just a trick of the light, if you will ; because if it occurred to them that this stuff may be in fact real, than their minds would be blown away and they would not know what to do or think

i am not so lucky to be like them tho, i saw a flying saucer up close once so i do not have the privilege to pretend this crap is bogus

i know for a fact there is some weird crap going on here at Earth right now, ive seen some of it i know its real

that is why i refuse to just blow the reptilian theories off as junk, because the truth may be stranger than fiction

i have no problem believing they are purely human fascist scum - but i am stuck between trying to determine what the hell is going on with their eyes

trust me i Really want to believe that they are just human

there is still a chance in hell their theory may be correct...i still want to do medical exams on them personally to be absolute certain

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by CoolBlackHole


[edit on 13-6-2009 by CoolBlackHole]

i am sorry but i do not see anything weird there, just a reflection of light?

it just seems this would be easy to debunk

as opposed to vid 2 + 3, which i am utterly baffled by

to the posters who keep blaming youtube
the "oh its just youtube" explanation only works for the jenna bush video as far as i am concerned (and it does work excellent there)

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:55 PM
So does anybody think its possible to do with our mammal like reptiles who was our distant relatives around 270 million years ago?

according to our rocks and fossils this is where mammals originate."> k/nature-online/life/dinosaurs-other-extinct-creatures/non-dino-reptiles/mammal-like-reptiles/index.html

what about the reptile brain that is supposed to be inside our new grown brain?




[edit on 13-6-2009 by Sparkey76]

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