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Which Celebrities, NewsCaster, Or Politicians Are Reptilian Shapeshifters?

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by argentus
... thanks so much for taking the time to explain the compression and these anomalies. Apparently, David Tice's suit can also shapeshift, as well as Jenna Bush's blouse. cheers

Your avatar reminds me of something, but I just can't place it...

[edit on 13-6-2009 by CoolBlackHole]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

You've misinterpreted original with credible, an easy thing to do it seems.

As for your argument that the video could be doctored to make her look normal, one could spin that logic round to say that who ever posted it on youtube doctored it too.

It's a poor, straw clutching argument.

Just another point of interest as well, the Jenna Bush video has been on youtube since October 17 2007, one week after the original interview.

Plenty of time to doctor it

Here's the vid:

Strangely, the poster claims she has Predator skin and you claim she's reptilian.

I think you two need to sit down and have a long chat about getting your stories straight.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:54 PM
It's more telling that there were "serpent" gods worshipped in the past.

As we know, "gods" are usually mistaken derivatives of otherworldly beings that existed at the time which did not fit into the lowly knowledge of humans then.

Flying suns = UFOs
Magical men = "gifted" healers

For all we know, the reptilian gods are really alien species from another planet, who have visited us before and are still visiting. Maybe they haven't even left, and are still reproducing!

Would also answer the question of why many members in high power are seen as reptiles - but not all - and that is because some of them have had extensive lineages in history, and thus, have a connection to the ancient histories of these "species".

For example, the Clintons are usually said to be reptiles. More Bill than Hillary, but Hillary has got her fair share of theories too, least of 'em reptilian ones. Bill, however, has entire books dedicated to his "reptile" heritage. Likewise, for Bush, though the Bushes have been theorized to be another type of alien altogether, with guns ablazing, economy a-crashing, and world a-destroying.

Why doesn't Barack Obama get these claims?

Because while Obama is Muslim, yada yada, closeted terrorist, yada yada, the one conspiracy that he is exempt from is the "President is Alien" conspiracy, because he does not have lineage in US politics and has no particular presence in history.

Whereas the Clintons, Bushes, have, and in UK politics there's the Queen and her entire monarch, etc.


[edit on 13-6-2009 by KarlG]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Well I am not sure on this guys really, have researched it and cant get my head around it, but do believe we may be owned by some kind of evil whats linked with this nwo.

here is a few pics that look kinda creepy with the face shape..." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

same kinda pointy features...

serious tho, we may have all derived from reptiles too, mammal like reptiles that existed around 270 million years ago that could have evovled into mammals so not sure....

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Sorry, I don't believe in shapeshifters. Just a question...what would you do if someone decided that you were a shapeshifter? Do you really want to get people worked up about such an illogical subject? Are you, then, like those pointing fingers during the Witch Trials? Extinguish whomever you don't like because they aren't able to prove they aren't shapeshifters? My point is that you need to be careful of your accusations -- they could do irreparable damage.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

CoolBlackHole, LOL, I know where you were going. I was thinking the same.

Dadwickens, How do you determine what is credible? Do you need the Power's That Be to tell you what is or isn't? Do you eat the dumb porridge with sprinkles of stupid powder on top? I'm guessing the average Youtube subsriber, or "poster" has the technology to doctor it up, but who does have the tech. to fix their mistakes would be the MSM.

Poor straw clutching? How about you show me all those videos where in your opinion they aren't doctored up? Explain to me, and others why after studying those videos; some of us have been able to see 'similar' things on the news........No, your crazy, doesn't tread water.

I guess there is no convincing you, and that is fine. I couldn't care; however, we can argue 'views' of logic all night long. It will only serve to keep this thread up at the top.

I'm sure you'd rather promote some of the other indigo threads... Much more popular

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:02 PM
Personally I don't think the videos function well as evidence.

Instead of sitting on your butt and criticizing the proof people have found for you, go search it up yourself.

Keep your eyes peeled for proof on YOUR television, where there is no way it can be due to pixelation. I have found a couple of instances. Not many, but a couple. It's not enough proof for me, but experience dictates that there are more things that exist in this universe than we can place a naysaying finger on.

I'm not saying there IS or there ISN'T reptiles - to each his own view - but without a doubt it's best to find evidence and KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED at all times.

As a good character from JK Rowling's imagination once said...


posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by Chadwickus

CoolBlackHole, LOL, I know where you were going. I was thinking the same.

Dadwickens, How do you determine what is credible? Do you need the Power's That Be to tell you what is or isn't? Do you eat the dumb porridge with sprinkles of stupid powder on top? I'm guessing the average Youtube subsriber, or "poster" has the technology to doctor it up, but who does have the tech. to fix their mistakes would be the MSM.

Poor straw clutching? How about you show me all those videos where in your opinion they aren't doctored up? Explain to me, and others why after studying those videos; some of us have been able to see 'similar' things on the news........No, your crazy, doesn't tread water.

I guess there is no convincing you, and that is fine. I couldn't care; however, we can argue 'views' of logic all night long. It will only serve to keep this thread up at the top.

I'm sure you'd rather promote some of the other indigo threads... Much more popular

Some people just refuse to believe.

I call them "Flat-Earthers". They still think the Earth is flat. Got that name from a Stephen King novella, The Mist.

If you don't believe in these videos as proof, it's fine. I don't think it's much evidence either. But very clearly, common "sensically", there ARE aliens. Aliens HAVE penetrated government organizations and the media.

And if you refuse to believe it... it's your call.

Disclosure may occur, and you will still be going, "Nope. I'm being played! I need REAL physical proof" and even then if an alien were to slap you in the face and say in its native language, "HELLO?" you'd go, "Get outta that costume, man!"

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by mjfromga

LOL actually LMAO!!! Funny you mentioned witch trials, my family heritage is traced back to a few of those souls that got burnt. Um, No, I don't think I'm a shapeshifter; I'd like to be a werewolf maybe, but I'm no lizard. I don't have double eye lids, and I don't have cold many ways!!! I find it odd that so many people refuse to just look at the facts with an 'open' view point. How odd! Is it fear? No, of course not. At least no one would admit that. I could care less should someone be a reptile, but since they are usually in roles of power ruling over us, I do care. They are evil

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by KarlG

Good points overall. The hard part with 'serpent gods overall' is that these cultures were not allowed to 'illustrate' what their gods looked like. What kind of being would ban drawing a picture? I find that very odd.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

No where have I said my source was credible.

For the third time, I said ORIGINAL.

It also seems you've missed my question in my first post in this thread:

Can you provide an uncompressed video of these reptilian shapeshifters?

The burden of proof is on you to show that this isn't just a youtube thing.

I've already shown that you haven't researched your claims properly by finding the original uncompressed Jenna Bush video.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Sparkey76
Well I am not sure on this guys really, have researched it and cant get my head around it, but do believe we may be owned by some kind of evil whats linked with this nwo. here is a few pics that look kinda creepy with the face shape.....

Nice pic, Sparkey76. And now ye shall bow before the Queen.

Well, we all know Diana wasn't murdered, or, could it be ....


[edit on 13-6-2009 by CoolBlackHole]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by KarlG

KarlG, I'm no nut job. I've got a real career, and I really have to pay attention to world affairs.

The whole point of posting these videos is that what I learned to 'see' from them. I've actually seen these 'things/reptilians' several times on market watch type videos.

I'm sitting there listening to market analyst's, and all of the sudden their face starts 'morphing' out with cr*p, and there are shadow lines around the morphing area.

WTF??? I'm sitting there thinking. Which is the grand stock pick of the week. Which stock is the NWO going to crash, which are they going to carry....................Then WHAM!!!! The dude talking starts wigging out!!! Their face just isn't all that human.

This is something I'd never had paid attention to before these videos, but now I NOTICE. I'm asking WTF???? It is not normal.

I know I've seen it before, but always put it off to camera glitches......ha ha ha, camera glitches; which cost 400,000 dollars for their clarity.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Ha ha ha, okay ORIGINAL... I think I said I don't have an original already. I don't think your ORIGINAL source is all that original. FOX news is also known as FOX NOISE, and that is for a reason. It is called doctored footage.

To point at me mentioning CREDIBLE, If I could present FIVE home recordings of the originally delayed live air piece, I don't believe you'd see those as credible, or ORIGINAL as well.

I think it is a moved point. You believe FOX NOISE, and I believe what I've seen on Youtube; which in turn has allowed me to see many more.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Sparkey76

Okay, so I've got you down for the Queen being a reptile....GOOD FOR YOU!!! I think David Icke agrees with you, and I do too!

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Studios use bright lights to properly illuminate their subject, this will often cause the black pupil to become white as it reflects the lights. Usually in the center of those lights is the cameraman, which will appear tall and black in the pupil reflection. With the proper angle this will often give the illusion of a vertically slitted pupil like that of a snake, when in reality it is just the studio reflections.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Pauligirl

Sure I see your point, and that one is very valid. That would be the reason I didn't post one of those as one of the sources in this. Again, I see your point, but like the queen up there above, you don't think she had the finest camera people doing her photography?

I'll gaurantee you they had the best of the best photographers. The same stands for CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC. Not only the best cameramen, but the best equipment.

From there standards I'd think a pornographer would make better film for news.......... I am not seeing to many men, or women in those with slitted eyes, or morphing faces.............why not? They are using 4,000 dollar camera's.

Yet, I'm led to believe that the morphing is normal on million dollar budgets? C'mon La Gente, C'mon.

Yes, thank you for your credible comment, but again I'd think that would be more common with glammer shots.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by Sparkey76

Okay, so I've got you down for the Queen being a reptile....GOOD FOR YOU!!! I think David Icke agrees with you, and I do too!

thanks, I will try to stand up for good

Im not sure if they are or not literal reptiles, can not dispute bloodlines tho, that is there throughout history, Britain does have a bloody history and not very pretty really
it was David Icke that got me interested in the subjest in the first place and one thing he aint, and thats he aint no whacko like people say he is.

The problem I have not found really good evidence so far to prove it or disprove the reptillian theory.

either way I still dont like history very much and what I have seen.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

You've claimed to have viewed the originals of the youtube videos, where did you view them? Or are you lying?

Here's a challenge for you, Brian Todd is the guy we see in the first two videos, as we can see he reports on CNN.

Apparently he is a reptilian.

Here is a list of CNN videos with reports done by Brian Todd:


There are 659 videos you can watch.

Find me one of those showing him shapeshift.

Oh wait, they doctor ALL of his reports to hide his shapeshifting as well right?

[edit on 13/6/09 by Chadwickus]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Again, danlickius, I'm 'claiming' I saw the ORIGINALS a long time ago. I don't carry around copies of the original videos; as I don't talk about this all that much.

The fact remains that the MSM, has the ability to change their originals after the fact. I do think these Youtube videos are the originals.

I've told you over, and over again, and over a little more that after studying these I've seen other TV personalities 'morph' out; in semi live appearances.

Let's say I did have like I said, 5 originals......I'll gaurantee you that you'd not believe them. Why??? Because you believe what you are told by the Power's That Be.

I'll ask you where are the anti defamation lawsuits against these Youtube hoaxsters???? My god, Youtube just yanked Alex Jones. They only put him back on because they were afraid of a decent lawsuit.

So, with as big as Youtube is, why wouldn't they just yank these videos as frauds. They could end up being liable for defamation of charactor as well.

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