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Debunker harrasses and terrorizes 9/11 family members and truthers

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posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 09:32 PM

If he were a TRUE redneck then he wouldn't be calling a dead man's family to harass them. A redneck is first and foremost about family and respect of their elders. I think the correct term you should use is trash or thug... not redneck. Rednecks come in all intelligence levels from completely ignorant to genius...Just like ya'll "northerners". Rednecks may not have the best table manners but they are about respect of the elders... if they were raised as true rednecks.

Later shuger.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by mhinsey]

I have tried to explain this 5000 times. Nicely done..


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:24 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:30 AM
Thank you for posting this information. People like 'him' shuold be locked up. His IP should be blocked in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:20 AM
He's currently here using the name "conrad x". I reported it to the mod/admin team, but he's still being allowed to post here. I guess you can get banned, come back under a new name, and continue to post as long as you don't violate the forum rules under the new name.

This person is dangerous, a threat to society and yes, he should be locked up.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:35 PM
The person who posted the following post, who's also the same person described in the OP, has yet again demonstrated that he is a danger to society and should be in a mental institution:

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
The person who posted the following post, who's also the same person described in the OP, has yet again demonstrated that he is a danger to society and should be in a mental institution:

Well Bonez,

It looks like we'll have to just spot his next username as I'm pretty sure he's been banned for calling a member out on his most recent thread that was just deleted by the mods.

Good riddance!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I don't hink McIlvaine is a danger to society, per se, but it is disturbing how he feeds america hate to citizens of other countries.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Ok....what's with all the baseball names?

First Orlando Hudson and now Juan Pierre, this is fishy.

Some may not recognize them but I'm a big baseball fan and I promise you those are major leaguers.

So what's up Juan? How does it feel to be back on the bench now that Manny is back in the starting line-up?

Ok also please add Casey Blake to the list of Major Leaguers.

So no we have:

2B for the Dodgers - Orlando Hudson
CF for the Dodgers - Juan Pierre
3B for the Dodgers - Casey Blake

This is too much of a coincidence, I smell a rat!

[edit on 18-7-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
He's currently here using the name "conrad x". I reported it to the mod/admin team, but he's still being allowed to post here. I guess you can get banned, come back under a new name, and continue to post as long as you don't violate the forum rules under the new name.

This person is dangerous, a threat to society and yes, he should be locked up.

Oh please...I feel that way with about half the people here.

If he bothers you, is as simple as that.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Well don't worry Travis Bickle,

because Mr. Conrad is Bu BYE NOW! Banned!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:59 PM
I guess we will be playing the Monty Python game of 'Spot The Looney' from now on in 911 postings! I had noticed that reading a great deal of his posts on certain threads just did NOT pertain to anything in the thread. Totally off the wall. He sure is NOT a redneck. I'm also sure he would NOT like to meet some of my Red Neck Brethren should they know who he is and how he spends his time. Disagreeing on points and opinions is one thing but to harass the families of victims because of some warped idea of retribution is way out of line!


[edit on 7/18/2009 by ZindoDoone]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by OnTheFelt
Ok....what's with all the baseball names?

First Orlando Hudson and now Juan Pierre, this is fishy.

Some may not recognize them but I'm a big baseball fan and I promise you those are major leaguers.

So what's up Juan? How does it feel to be back on the bench now that Manny is back in the starting line-up?

Ok also please add Casey Blake to the list of Major Leaguers.

This is too much of a coincidence, I smell a rat!

Check out the new members joining. 160,000 different ones. Hundreds every week.

Lots of celeb, historical, sports figure name used. Often kids fooling around joining on dozens of different names. Post something nasty or obscene just to have it appear online before it's killed. They get a kick out of it.

Welcome to open source Internet.


posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:13 PM

Oh you like the movie? I can identify. Guess who I consider to be "Sport" metaphorically speaking , of course.

Don't worry, he will come back in a few months.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:19 PM
He's currently going by the names of:

juan pierre
casey blake

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Yea he's actually pretty easy to spot here. The guy has a very small brain, because every post he makes looks just like any other post he's made. You can figure that out fairly easy. Small brain = inability to make a post with more than 1.5 sentences

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:43 PM
So this guy in the OP just basically trolls other trolls? Not sure about the outrage.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Just an update on our boy Troy Sexton. Seems that he's a child abuser as well. He was arrested last week for abusing his children at a ball game in front of dozens of witnesses who ended up blocking him from leaving until police arrived.

Sexton admitted to treating his two sons in such a manner but said he did not see why everyone was making such a big deal about it.

Here's the link for the full news story:

For those not familiar with who Troy Sexton is, check out the OP.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:11 AM
It looks like there is a "new?" A. J. anti-groupie in town...

"aLEX jONES LIES ABOUT Operation Northwoods."

"Are BROWNIES, young girl scouts spies? Alex Jone says YES!"

So is Troy from WV out of jail now? More about Troy on these threads:

A&E911truth Alert

Former JREF Member Harrassing A&E Petition

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by rhunter

Was about to post this as well. Thank you!

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 01:00 AM
this is so shady .... im i a firmly convinced "truther' (i hate that word) so i dont hang on this forum much, but you always hear about the rats, agents or whatever you want to call them. (insane victims of an insane society?)

now theres one flopping in the boat and the *ahem mallarkey appears to be coming apart at the seams. very interesting

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