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My two spirits

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:14 PM

If you are having a romantic or erotic relationship with other souls, how are you able to justify that as not cheating? Are you not of a monogomous relationship?
That is the only negative aspect of this.

Higher level entities are higher in the sense of dimensions- they are progressing spiritually, they are not involved in 'attachments' and they are united with loved ones.

I have always known guides are attached to specific individuals.

Just because you have been to people who were not successful doesn't make it right or meant to be. It means these entities are stronger and probably dead so long they got the hang of it. Keep in mind a bunch of words and herbs aren't going to effect souls. This is why I use angels and spirits to fight on their level.

Dead things are just that- dead. Being dead they can no longer function.

I am not with a corpse. My spiritual partner is full of life, vitality and energy.

I've been to far more than what you catagorize as "to people". It's involving a strong, true Christian faith and all the power available from the Church and a fairly large number of believers who I consider strong in faith who love and pray in ernest. Serious and sustained effort for years.
Later from a white wizard who employed his own powerful spiritual beings.

He lives in Michigan, I live in Georgia. His spiritual help was able to identify my location, even leading his google map search to my specific home-even my own driveway. He too uses Angels and spirits.

Negative-manipulators- can prey on you for years tricking you as a predator does a child- more sexual oriented-I have no clue what the symptoms are. I haven't watched people go through it in real life,, I just banish them.

Negative- harming energy right away- or months after- this one does symptoms like depression.

It's your description that doesn't fit.
I've only known love, happiness, fulfilment, joy, protective etc and not been depressed. I am a generally happy, calm and contented person.

I am understanding the only solitary aspect you are judging my spiritual mate on is about our intimacy while tossing out everything positive. I think that is being very selective.

Maybe you'd agree that 30-almost 50 years is a very long time for parasitic activity to manifest or drain energy or cause adverse effects. It's only logical.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by FormerlyConfused]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:34 PM
"I am understanding the only solitary aspect you are judging my spiritual mate on is about our intimacy while tossing out everything positive. I think that is being very selective. "

Is it really being narrow - or a bad thing to point out that a relationship no matter how many positives has a negative quality that shouldn't be tolerated? Should a much loved wife stay in arelationship with a man who punches her once in a while - as long as she feels pleasure and security and is loved? Or should someone say, hunny-this is sooo wrong.?

Keep in mind I said there were at least three types of Earth bounds who prey on people and that I did not know the symptoms or consequences of those who steal sexual energy. I do not think they cause depression as the others do, but I would suspect very real spiritual consequences if your guide is being shoved back and you listen to Earth bounds instead.

I really do not know this wizard, so I cannot judge. I can say, Your energy is your own and simple intent should be enough to bannish spirits. It's all in 'will' but a lot of the time, when it becomes addicting- the 'will' power isn't there. Even when a medium or your wizard bannishes them- your will may allow them to come back. Just as the police can take out a robber but if you keep that door unlocked, by golly he'll come back if he's got his free will still.

I also know there's a slight chance you aren't receiving sexual intimacy from these spirits- they may be your guides-and men have the ability to experience a lot sexually without being touched..It's completely normal for some men to be highly aroused and if you associated this with them and it wasn't..that's possible too. In this case..It would be embarrassing for you perhaps to find out...but not harmful.

How do you know the spirits-? for example- I can see and hear them..and feel them. If I have a problem I will out right ask my guide.

As for guides being attached- Not in the same sense. You see, yourn Earthbound spirits are bound to you through your energy- possibly sexual energy which may not have any consequences physically for you- yet. They will have spiritual consequences if they are blocking your guide's work. I do not know you, so I cannot know if they have manipulated anything in your life- or if you have kids they take advantage of instead. I do not know. Not everyone has a physical consequence, doesn't make it less wrong. It is still probably limits your spiritual awareness and progress-

Like discussing wisdom and philosophy with someone who is in prison for murder instead of the umm Dalai Lama or something..It's going to limit you because you are talking to someone not qualified to help you and someone with their own agenda. Can you know these earthbounds history? what kind of life had they lived before dying? Why didn't they cross over? Why do they want sexual gratification from you? If they murdered someone or raped people while alive-would you still want them around? Any time a person says no to being touched- It is considered rape- agree? You've said no to these beings before, you've told them to leave. Does this not make them as such? Do you feel it is safer having them in your home around your loved ones bc they are not in the same type of physical existance you are in? I would not not want or risk a soul like this around my children, grandkids or loved ones- once I had them of course- I am only 25.
But I can tell you, souls like this would never be allowed in my house. It's too risky- what if one day they move on to your loved ones?

A spiritual guide is bound to you by contract- you made a mutual agreement before being born. At that time you were both on the same level of consciousness- (Keep in mind once on Earth we lose awareness of all our lives, wisdoms, and knowledge- this includes Earth Bound souls).

So while you both could consent and understand everything- you both worked on lessons, goals, and such. They protect your energy (providing free will you have to bypass this).

Spirit guides have no need to attach to your energy or use you. They
don't see you as a sexual object any more then you see a baby in the bathtub as such. It's just that feeling of being the care taker and the adult.

Souls may not have a physcal body, but they do have a body and can have an intimate encounter with a consenting soul who is on the same level they are maturity wise- but---Understand how on Earth we do not have that capability to be as mature as they are there

This is VERY hard for us to understand. We have ego here and want to feel very intelligent and spiritually aware- but we are bound by physical limits here-Which is okay...we are here to learn.

- we are like the child who hasn't grown up yet. A guide won't feel the need to abuse or take advantage of our state.

An earth bound can give you all sorts of good feelings, but you have to ask yourself- is something you asked a few times to leave you alone- Really good if they won't back off? If you tell someone to end touching you- are they abusing the relationship if they don't stop? Isn't that abuse?

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be in control of yourself again? your energy? and your intimate encounters? Wouldn't it be sort of a relief to have them back off for a while and let you work things out for yourself? How is a relationship healthy no matter spirit or physical if you asked them to leave and they don't?

Guides shouldnt be intrusive or abusive. In the end it is up to your own self. You will have to deal with all this at some point, there's a consequence to everything- even if we don't know what that is yet-if it is here or on the spiritual plain. If you feel any ounce of wrongness, that is within you to deal with- justify that or to end it.

Even if there is a reason they are in your life- Most karmic lessons are easily deciphered as getting rid of attachments, loving what is healthy, letting go of anything that is negative....What if you aren't learning from your 'there's a purpose' to this..?

Again, up to you- just some things to consider.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by Zerra]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:21 PM
FromerlyConfused, have you ever asked them how they came to pick you, or what you did if anything attracted them to you in the first place?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by ZerraIs it really being narrow - or a bad thing to point out that a relationship no matter how many positives has a negative quality that shouldn't be tolerated? Should a much loved wife stay in arelationship with a man who punches her once in a while - as long as she feels pleasure and security and is loved? Or should someone say, hunny-this is sooo wrong.?

Actually, I mention no negatives except infidelity. It is you who assume the rest.

Keep in mind I said there were at least three types of Earth bounds who prey on people and that I did not know the symptoms or consequences of those who steal sexual energy.

You keep refering to prey and stealing energy.

Do you consider a normal consensual relationships between people as prey and stealing energy? I don't know, some people do. Some people also consider any sex as rape. I disagree.

How do you know the spirits-? for example- I can see and hear them..and feel them. If I have a problem I will out right ask my guide.
If a loved one quietly enters a room without a sound, one can usually tell they are there without looking. More, they recognize the presence of them and can identify.
It's the same way with me. She's been with me all my life, at least as far as I can remember. We communicate through thought, although it has proven to be less than reliable for understanding what she is actually telling me.
I've seen her with my physical eyes these ways:
* As a house cat-size shadow in my peripheral. I often mistake her for our housecats and turn to say "Hello" to them and there's nothing there.
* As a short person form in my peripheral. Again I look and see nothing.
* A cloud or mist.
* A cloud about the size of a basketball that flashes like it has internal lightning (Can't see the bolt, just the flash)
* Tiny sparks of light in a dark room
* Once as a regular person sitting 3 feet away across from a table. Regular except she was translucent - I could see the chair through her.

You've said no to these beings before, you've told them to leave. Does this not make them as such? Do you feel it is safer having them in your home around your loved ones bc they are not in the same type of physical existance you are in?

The church told me my habit was sinful. I took it as face value but doubted their assessment. If it were actually sin I trusted God to cleanse. She remained.
I later came to realize the activity is 100% normal and the sin is probably another form of religious control.

Spirit guides have no need to attach to your energy or use you.
It is you making this claim about her. I 100% disagree. If she is using my energy then I am also using hers in mutual interaction.

is something you asked a few times to leave you alone- Really good if they won't back off? If you tell someone to end touching you- are they abusing the relationship if they don't stop? Isn't that abuse?


Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be in control of yourself again? your energy? and your intimate encounters?

She doesn't come demanding sex. It doesn't work that way-you continue to take things for granted and twist everything into negative. She is extremely mindful of my worldly wants & needs and only when it's right then we interact. She does not dictate terms.

If I need space she doesn't interact and gives me room. I don't even need to ask. She already knows.

I used to communicate through pendulum with her but I found it too unreliable. For example a set of Q/A first indicated she was formerly a Navajo Indian. Later it indicated she was with a Navajo man but not one herself.
I'm not psychic- and although not perfect I hope our communication keeps improving.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:32 PM
we are child like in our state on Earth compared to that of a spirit. A child can agree to have sex-but the adult will still go to prison.
The general understanding being that a child cannot understand , does not yet have such knowledge to make these decisions. To a higher being- on earth we are the them we are kids who can't fathom or remember what is on the other side.

I'm not saying you can't really consent..I'm saying it is wrong that a higher entity would take advantage of you b.c they should know better. We aren't at their level mentally.
I know you won't see it as such, because you haven't had that opportunity to see things or remember seeing things from their perspective. It is your lesson to learn from. If you disagree it is okay..this is your path to follow.

Though I'm not entirely convinced that spirits are with you sexually...I just don't know. Men can have orgasms without being touched. The brain is a complex and powerful thing. It's possile you have two good guides and a very sexual body with no correlation between the two. It is possible to have sexual experiences and communicate with guides at the same time. I wouldn't recommend it for privacy issues, but it could be what you are doing.

Again, I don't know.

I do know I am curious enough to find out who you are hanging around with-I mean the spirits. And I may look into them for my own curiousity.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by Zerra]

"I also believe God would never break his own laws for any reason what so ever. Period. Mary's encounter simply couldn't happen if it were Taboo. "

God never allowed any sex-Mary was known as a virgen. God is a creator- he can make something out of nothing according to Christian belief-in the creation story. It would seem highly likely God created life without any sex or feelings. The holy Ghost is part of the trinity- it is god, jesus is god -to many christians..I am not of this faith though.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by Zerra]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:39 PM
confused, are you really sure these are not real people behind this? witches are historically blamed for old hag syndrome.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by phatkhat
confused, are you really sure these are not real people behind this? witches are historically blamed for old hag syndrome.

Old Hag Syndrome is the name given to a particular experience related to sleep problems, nothing paranormal in it.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:49 PM
This is a very interesting thread! I've heard of other people having sex with spirits, but I find it difficult to picture it. How can you have sex with something that doesn't have a physical form? I'm not asking this to riddicule you, but I'm just curious.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Gwynniver
This is a very interesting thread! I've heard of other people having sex with spirits, but I find it difficult to picture it. How can you have sex with something that doesn't have a physical form? I'm not asking this to riddicule you, but I'm just curious.

Simply put, you can't.

More likely to be a psychological condition that includes sexual release.

Having sex with spirits is a new low on here for me.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

You mean in regards to recent times, I'm talking about history. But some still think that. Hell, it's happened to ME. I had my share of visitations, but actually had the fortune of meeting one of those 'spirits' right in a public place.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Huh? no wet dreams ever?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by phatkhat
reply to post by Death_Kron

Huh? no wet dreams ever?

Strangely enough I can't ever recall having a wet dream....

But thats besides my point, I'm fairly open minded about most things but having sex with spirits? Sorry but I don't believe that one.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Didn't something like this happen on Torchwood?

I'd be careful you don't turn into dust if I was you!

Thanks for the thread though. Made my day...

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:09 AM
thats strange but i have nothing to say other than i dont know what you should do

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Gwynniver
~ I find it difficult to picture it. How can you have sex with something that doesn't have a physical form?

That is exceedingly difficult to describe for all readers on a PG rated forum. But it's a valid question and may answer some others too.

If someone doesn't believe spirits, ghosts or invisible beings exist they certainly won't consider this. But many of us have experienced the general paranormal with noises, things moving by themselves, shadows etc.

I've thought a lot about the theory of the mechanics of it. This is one:
In order for them to interact in our physical world - to move physical objects, form physical particles of air we see as shadows, mists, ghosts etc they themselves must form physically themselves, at least the part that performs the interaction. Otherwise they would just pass through objects without interacting with it.

Some have learned to recognize the feel of spiritual touch. Maybe on the head, arm etc. Sometimes it seems like normal touch. Other times it's a tingly-vibrational under the skin sensation. She uses both every day sometimes almost constantly and sometimes very pronounced.

Some experience the intense feelings intimacy can bring between two people who genuinely love each other. At some point in the interaction it gets so special and intense. You feel a loving bond between you. Your brain releases dopamines creating euphoria.

In my case it starts with a very, very intense sense of intimacy which originates somewhere in front of me. I'll signal the OK and it will intensify along with soft intimacy and compulsory body reaction. Our connection is disturbed if I physically move so I am very very still.

Things form in important places. I can't tell if it's physical or simply energy but it makes no difference. Things escalate either very slowly or rapidly.
All the intimacy, love, devotion, joy, happiness and mostly spiritual bonding increase well beyond any human to human possibility. Dopamines release at a high level creating the intimate euphoria as two sentient beings, her and me intermix together.
That is the height of it all and no words can describe. Amazing.

That state lasts maybe 5-20 minutes before the physical intimacy drops off, leaving behind all the heightened love, joy etc. Maybe 5-10 minutes might pass as it begins to taper off a bit- and she'll trigger more compulsory intimacy which again deepens our bonding. That usually remains the cycle for sessions that last 10 min to 6 hours (or more).

We communicate telepathically and by touch. Communication out of session is difficult. But in session it's clear as bell as we discuss very intimate, private things.

This is not a sexual relationship. It's a very soft, sincere spiritual bonding which is reniforced with intimacy. It is usually brought right up to and almost to the point of "Finishing" and is held there for a very long time. "Finishing" only with her spirit is probably impossible. Things hardly ever "Finish" except very, very rare occasions.

I believe she induces a form of OBE or AP which is a spiritual medium we both can interact more completely. I see her in my 3rd eye in that state. Our connection gets incrementally stronger, sessions get better over time and told it won't ever plateau. The experience is simply amazing. I don't believe conventional interaction is possible.
However, the physical would be extremely limiting on a spiritual level- at least in this case.

As beautiful and fulfilling the experience is, it can never take the place of human to human interaction. I can't physically touch her or have normal conversation.

This could be all imagination. It drove me "Crazy" considering it until she proved herself by interacting with others as I outlined in my OP.

Since then I've conversed with a lot of people with almost exact parallel experiences. It is not imagination.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

'Strangely enough I can't ever recall having a wet dream....

But thats besides my point, I'm fairly open minded about most things but having sex with spirits? Sorry but I don't believe that one. '

Real spirits, maybe. And maybe it's just something from the ID. And for mystics and conjurers and such involved, maybe they just employing some form of hypnotism.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:20 PM
This thread deeply disturbs me.

I wonder how deep schizophrenics can actually get.

I've known about those that have sex with spirits/demons/aliens. A lot of them get so addicted to sex with demons/spirits, they only will have sex with them. It becomes their orientation.

What disturbs me, is that you can have a sexual relationship with your own parts of your own subconscious for decades on end. DECADES.

Some sort of very intense masturbation, becomes a real sexual relationship over decades.. with your self.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by OdovacarDvilhelm]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by OdovacarDvilhelm
Some sort of very intense masturbation, becomes a real sexual relationship over decades.. with your self.

If you can post or document any account of masterbation or skitzophrenia - or if you've ever known a case where it caused others to witness then I'd like to study how it can cause:

* Doorknobs turning, doors opening like someone's coming through
* Shadows walking, shadows floating
* Rapping, tapping, sliding sounds, scratching odd distant music
* Voices calling (your) name, unintelligible faint conversation, breathing
* Unatural water redirection
* Objects moving by themselves, objects sliding
* Touches, brushes, taps, slap, nail digs into shoulders
* In some cases you're told they're going to happen, just not exactly when.

All created in to prove existance. Once I had enough and believed ... those unexplainable things stopped happening.

There's also the factor of all the other people with nearly parallel encounters with very similar traits.

This is not about self pleasure. It's about sharing it.
We interact almost every day and try for 3 scheduled times. I "finish" with her about once every 1-1/2 months to 2 months. That's roughly 150 sessions without doing so.

I really don't mind if anyone doesn't believe this. It's expected. But it's not what you say it is.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:55 PM
Just a couple of question here...

You say that you are a "born-again" Christian and you've had elders in the church pray for you. What kind of church do you go to; Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc...and do you still go to church?

Do you read you Bible and pray daily?

IMHO, I would tell you to stay away from this and be careful in what you are dealing with. I have seen with my own two eyes and my spiritual eyes just how deadly Demons can be. There are only 3 things Satan wants to do...kill, steal and destroy. Do you believe Jesus would condone this situation? If you died today, do you believe you would go to heaven?

You must repent of your sins, welcome the baptism of the Holy Ghost, go through your house and throw away any "unclean" objects (DVD's, Blu-Ray movies, books, music CD's, etc anything that could have any satanic influence or attachment) and get into touch with a Pentecostal preacher in your area to help you. You MUST get rid of this addiction. They will drag you down into the pits of hell with them, I promise you.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Patron SaintWhat kind of church do you go to; Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc...and do you still go to church?

Today me and my family attends Sunday Mass.
I was saved in a non-typical UMC (Methodist) church which was filled with the Holy Ghost.

Do you read you Bible and pray daily?

I pray daily and read a few times a week.

Do you believe Jesus would condone this situation?

Yes, based on past experience and his unwillingness to aid.
If your husband had no transgression against you - and you asked Jesus to remove him ... would he? No. Since I had no intervention I can only suspect the same reason.

If you died today, do you believe you would go to heaven?


You must repent of your sins, welcome the baptism of the Holy Ghost, go through your house and throw away any "unclean" objects (DVD's, Blu-Ray movies, books, music CD's, etc anything that could have any satanic influence or attachment) and get into touch with a Pentecostal preacher in your area to help you.

You say she's a demon.
May I ask, do you consider any Earthbound spiritual being, spirit or ghost to be demonic? I'm not sure if you do or not but many Christians subscribe to the idea.

I know you mean well but I've thoroughly beat that same path 30 years ago. I lived a completely sterile life as you describe back then for years. There was no help, no intervention or interference with her.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by FormerlyConfused]

[edit on 20-3-2010 by FormerlyConfused]

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