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Does man actually just enjoy killing?

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posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

There is nothing wrong with enjoying hunting or even killing for that matter. I once took a shovel and beat an o'possum to death because it kept getting in my garage and it scared the life out of my wife. To be honest, I enjoyed the heck out of it. I tried to be nice about it. I shooed it out a time or two but it kept coming back.

What would you do if you had a rat in your house, put out a bowl of corn for it?

Look the way I see it is if I was in the rainforest roaming around and an animal was hungry it would eat me and rightly so. Really we are all just meals for each other. Eat or be eaten.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

It won't be long before the mods either remove a lot of these posts as off-topic or just completely close down the thread.

I wonder if they will enjoy putting it out of it's misery?
Thats always a good line....
this is a third one

[edit on 12-6-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Well why dont you explain it to me.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I dont have a problem with it being done humanely. Obviously that is better as long as the job gets done.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by grapesofraft

I commend you for sticking around on this "pointless" thread.
Actually either its late or you are starting to make alot of sense.
Did I ever say I was perfect either? Just trying to understand
our psyche better. (I think thats how you spell it)
Thanks for being civil.....

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

Very good post! Starred!

That is all I really have to add. I hope everyone had a chance to read it and it didn't get overlooked with all the rapid posting.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I disagree. I made valid points and asked for an honest response, then I got a pointless reply that rebutted none of what I presented. Then when I challenged the OPer to answer my points. When they attempted to do so, all I got was more of the wishwashy bull corn that I saw earlier. That's why this thread is pointless. It's a good topic and a great discussion to have, but its a bad host and I refuse to give him any more ATSpoints because I've set him in the category of point troll.

after these

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

So what do you suggest, the whole world stop eating meat and just go vegitarian? There is nothing wrong with eating meat and it has to be dead for you to cook it, so somebody has to kill it.

Havent you ever been fishing and caught a fish and gutted it and cooked it up for dinner?

[edit on 12-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

Hey no problem being civil. I understand what you are saying, but I dont see how that is practical. Think back to evolution. If our ancestors did not kill they would have been killed.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
reply to post by grapesofraft

However, that doesn't mean we need to be inhumane about it. Killing animals for food is one thing. But abusing and torturing them beforehand is way over the line and it contaminates the meat, which is the whole reason for killing the animal in the first place. So all I'm saying is, can't it be done in a humane way?

That is exactly why I enjoy hunting.

One round in the sweet spot puts the animal down without it ever realizing what happened. Its adreniline isn't pumping through it, which makes the meat that much better.

Raising a steer to eat is crueler than me going hunting. A steer is shut up in a small pen for a few months walking around in its own filth, put up in a trailer, hauled to a slaughter house and is butchered.

A deer is walking along in the woods enjoying life and in the next instance it is on its side dead.

I don't mind those who don't like to hunt. To each their own. I just ask that those who don't like hunting not pass judgement onto those who do.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by midnightbrigade

I'm not really arguing your other posts, just your first one. I think you could have made your points and asked for a response in that first post rather than saying what you said.

But I'm not a moderator so it's none of my business or responsibility to deal with. I'm not criticizing you or singling you out, so don't take what I said the wrong way.

Like I said, this thread is doomed anyway. Just a matter of time before a mod reads it. So I guess none of this really matters.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Thanks but you are still missing my point or not reading my posts.
Of course I have and you are right.
I only asked a simple question and all of a sudden its all about me.
Must be a self induced guilt trip y'all are on I dont know.
Thats why I am asking these questions is to find out why.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:43 AM


posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

Ok I will give you a direct answer that is just my opinion. Your question is does man atually enjoy killing.. right?

My answer is under certain circumstances man gets a sense of satisfaction from killing.

Let us not forget that we are all just animals ourselves, just more highly evolved. Now, dont say hey you cant love God and think we are animals, because I believe in God but I also believe that he created man through evolution.. he created the big picture plan.

If a man wants to eat he may enjoy hunting. I am not saying it is right just to kill for the fun of it. But there is a sense of satisfaction in killing a meal for your family. Also, in a war. If I would kill the enemy before they killed me then it would feel like an accomplishment, or if someone was going to harm my family. I would enjoy it, though that is not quite the right word.

There is nothing wrong with killing as long as you kill for the right reason. Like it is not alright to kill someone just because he stole your rims.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by jd140

I completely agree with you and I am glad you are one of the people who kill humanely. Like I said on my first post on page 2, I have absolutely no problem with hunting for food. In fact, I would love to be able to be self-sufficient like that, especially in times like this.

All I'm saying is, abusing, torturing, or inhumanely killing is absolutely unnecessary. Killing is part of life, but it doesn't have to be done in the most brutal way possible. I don't think showing a little respect to the animals is too much to ask.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by jd140

I only asked questions and you said your point.
It is taken. I do not look down on people who hunt, my family does.
I just wanted to know why the killing part is enjoyed so much.
Sorry for any offense you have taken. None intended.
Now, why do humans enjoy killing other?
That should of been the question I guess.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I won't lie to you and pretend to be the perfect hunter. A few don't always go down quickly. I have had to track a few down after they get shot and run. That is part of hunting although its nowhere as thrilling as the instant kill.

The meat is a little tougher, but unlike some hunters out there I still take the time to track it and take it home.

Sadly they do sometimes suffer.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Star for you!
Thanks for that and that is exactly what I am asking!(finally)
YOU have nailed it, or pretty close!
We are animals too with a sense of self worth genetically imprinted to survive.
If we defeat an enemy in battle and he is dead,
yes we would probably enjoy it from that sense of perspective.
Now, can we control it and not end up in an
armeggedon of our own making?
In other words, when if ever will we grow out of this behavior?
Thanks again!

I think I know the answer, when we have no more enemies!
What was I thinkin'.

[edit on 12-6-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by jd140

I only asked questions and you said your point.
It is taken. I do not look down on people who hunt, my family does.
I just wanted to know why the killing part is enjoyed so much.
Sorry for any offense you have taken. None intended.
Now, why do humans enjoy killing other?
That should of been the question I guess.

Rarely humans enjoy killing other humans. Unless you have had to do it you wouldn't understand. I will not get into how I feel about that subject for that reason.

It may seem as a cop out, but this is one of those things that you have to expierance to understand.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

Thanks. Ok. Being completely honest, since we have no natural predators then war becomes sort of necessary to keep human population in check.

Not that I am a fan of it, but I see a need for it and it really is the only way to settle conflict once diplomacy fails. Somebody has to get their way in the end.

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