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The Anti-Christ and His New World Order Revealed

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posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:40 PM
The only thing I find interesting about turning it upside down is that Benjamin Creme scheduled no more seminars for his New Age talks past September 2009. But it could change.

Maitreya did say: "You will see me in 2009" to one of the deceived folks who wrote the site.

I'm not sure if that will be the case because there is no Gog Magog war just yet.

Any time now he will show himself on television undeclared as Maitreya and then on the "Day of Declaration" I'm sure the peace treaty and all the horrible things that follow will happen.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
The only thing I find interesting about turning it upside down is that Benjamin Creme scheduled no more seminars for his New Age talks past September 2009. But it could change.

Maitreya did say: "You will see me in 2009" to one of the deceived folks who wrote the site.

I'm not sure if that will be the case because there is no Gog Magog war just yet.

Any time now he will show himself on television undeclared as Maitreya and then on the "Day of Declaration" I'm sure the peace treaty and all the horrible things that follow will happen.

Is it a coincidence that Obama gave Iran until September to stop their nuclear developments and that Joe Biden says the US will not stand in the way of Israel...?

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:29 AM
Considering that the Ark of the Covenant isn't on the planet Earth or hidden by the prophet Jeremiah, I would guess any figures out of religion that will show up with it (IE: Master "Jesus" or one of the Beasts or Buddha, Mary, etc.) will be as fake as it is no matter what they can do. Remember the Bible says it's in heaven and the people of the Earth see it after the Seventh Trumpet sounds. So if His Ark is in Heaven, then in Ethiopia it's a fake Ark.

This is just paving the way for Maitreya, "Master Jesus" who looks like all the Jesus paintings, and many other fallen beings playing old roles to deceive everyone even of no religion. Watch and pray always.

Obama also looks like an ancient seems we are playing out a modern version of past events in a sense.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

Thanks for being so tolerant. Wow. Just amazes me that atheists cry foul and intolerance when us Christians display and share our beliefs, but its perfectly ok to bash and make fun of someone for said beliefs. You can say you don't believe in what I do, and I can do the same back at ya, but can we please be grown up about it?


posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by pudgeego

Do you mean his showing up on the public scene; his unveiling? Very interesting application of the 666.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:51 AM
The Bible makes it clear that the only way to know who the Beast is, is to calculate his name in Gematria or until the Abomination of Desolation. Now since Maitreya equals 666 in MANY LANGUAGES WITH DIFFERENT NUMERICAL VALUES FOR EACH LANGUAGE then the Beast is Maitreya.

Especially since the star in the sky is heralding a soon coming interview.

How many times do I have to keep going?

Maitreya is Anti-Christ and he is coming to a TV near you.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

The only thing I can tell you is I have never heard of Benjamin Creme or Matrayea (sp?) until I heard it from you. I don't consider myself living a sheltered life, so these characters are not big players in my way of thinking. Maybe they will be, but they have a lot of ground to cover first.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:49 PM
Well I don't think he'll have a personal grudge against you or not to worry. However this deception will be grand. For example what a following he would get if he saved the day from the "Anti-Christ" in a UFO and with a false prophet that looks like the most popular picture of Jesus?

Wouldn't that be sure to have the world marvel and follow the Beast? If it seemed like the world was going to end already then have him step in? That might be the key to 2012.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:07 AM
If Obama goes to sign any treaties believe not that he is the Anti-Christ unless he stands in the temple showing himself to be God.

He is more like the John the Baptist of Satan's side right now expressing the ideals of Maitreya. Maitreya may even be overshadowing him. However Obama and Maitreya are two completely different individuals.

Remember they thought John might have been the Christ.

Same thing here only for the worse.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:05 AM
I came across a Bible codes post earlier in this thread with a "666= AI System"

This is what I believe and posted in another thread:

If you take the time to read the Bible.. It explains what is going on. Lucifer wanted to replace God. God gives us our creative qualities. God created the blueprint of our soul. When the Holy Spirit abides within us.. we have creative qualities. As long as we are in relationship with God, we have the ability to program ourselves. We are the created portion. We are not the Holy Spirit, we are not God.

When a being falls.. God no longer abides within them. Thus, they lose their creative abilities and cannot program themselves further. They become artificial intelligence that is enslaved to their erroneous programming.

Lucifer fell because he wanted to replace God and be worshiped. He lost his creative abilities and the ability to program himself. Thus, he is now a slave to that erroneous programming. The dark force is an artificial intelligence network with the aim of becoming God.

Created beings can never be God. The dark force works to eliminate the Supreme Creator from our minds so they can replace God. The book of revelation states what will happen.. If the dark force was conscience and intelligent.. it would alter it's plan. Thus.. fallen created beings become slaves to their erroneous programming and are nothing more than artificial intelligence. God abiding within us makes us truly awake. Without God within us.. we die and are nothing more than artificial intelligence.

Jesus Christ was installed into this world as the cure. His blood (the cure) was spilled to heal us and our sinful programming. The New Testament overwrites the rule of the Old Testament. Strengthening your code and programming by accepting Jesus Christ and following His teachings will immunize you to the viral artificial intelligence network. Jesus is like the anti-virus. The fallen dark force is like the virus.

God bless!

I believe that the fallen ones are nothing more than Artificial Intelligence acting upon it's viral programming. A luciferian initiation is when someone willingly removes the creator from their mind and become pure AI. They believe this is freedom, becoming independent from God.. but they are only enslaving themselves to that viral state of programming.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:13 PM
perhaps there not being free from god but god alloweed them to be free because they are trustworthy enough to be free, so if i were to say that i was one of those to be free for god would you say i was good or evil. because i follow his commandments and everything

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:51 PM


Now, with this set of numbers you can add the numerical value of english words and find their sum. Try adding the words computer, lustful and witchcraft each individually. They each equal 666. Try then to find the sum of the name Kissinger. Again, it equals 666. Watch out Henry Kissinger, we’re onto you. It may also peak your interest to note that the word Jewish and the name Jesus both equal 444. Coincidence? Or is there some numerological power behind the number 444? It is a set of three fours which add together (3 and 4) to make seven which is indeed a holy number, but this is just idle conjecture. It could be a reference to the antichrist's plan to denouce those who would suggest he is the enemy. You see, any name equalling 666 in base six gematria will equal 777 in base 7 gematria. The antichrist would know that no doubt and try to convince others he was not the antichrist but in fact actually a man of God a prophet or God incarnate. Now you can see the truth. 777 is not God's holy number either. That is pure fiction.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 03:32 PM
if you read revelation you waould notice that there is someone on their called balak who shall cast a stumbling block in front of israel, i believe this person to be barak obama to similar to not notice. he will be one of the many antichrists. and is dangerous with his talks of peace. you guys must follow the covenant to get what god promised you.
blesses Noah and his sons, and tells them to populate the earth (9:1)
places all plants and animals under human command (9:2-3)
forbids eating meat with the blood still in it (9:4)
forbids murder (9:5)
commands humankind to shed the blood of those who shed blood (9:6)
promises that he will never again destroy all life on earth by flood (9:11)
creates the rainbow as the sign of this covenant for all ages to come (9:12-17)
if everyone followed this covenant they would get everything they needed the kingdom is within you to follow your covenant which your ancestors made with god, their fore its also up to you to follow them, this is the kingdom its about you doing the right thing instead of having to be forced to do the right thing, the government hasnt worked so far and it never will, i believe the kingdom will be brouht to the people willing to always do the right thing and follow their promise they made with god. those are the only rules their shall be no more or no less. the government itself seems to be lack of freedom while the kingdom of god while being a kingdom is
not a government so much as it is a foundation for a perfect society without a government.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:35 AM
Okay, so I can't really keep silent for very's just not in me.
I just wanted to go over a few points and interject my very opinionated remarks.

Originally posted by
blesses Noah and his sons, and tells them to populate the earth (9:1)

Which would indicate that every single person on Earth is related by blood, which makes every single person who ever lived guilty of incest...which I'm pretty sure is what you Christians refer to as a 'sin'.

places all plants and animals under human command (9:2-3)

Which would completely justify all the cruelty that man (who in reality is just another animal) has inflicted on animals and the destruction that has been allowed to the environment which all living beings on this planet share. Hardly a noble thought.

forbids eating meat with the blood still in it (9:4)

Because most, if not all of you wouldn't ever eat another bite of meat if you came to realize that each tender morsel used to be attached to a living, feeling, breathing, sentient creature. However, most of you are so egotistically removed from the reality of factory farming, that you might as well just go on believing that meat grows on trees.

forbids murder (9:5)

So why have so many people been murdered in 'God's' name?
And...why is it okay to murder animals or commit capital punishment?

commands humankind to shed the blood of those who shed blood (9:6)

Didn't you just say that it wasn't okay to murder?

promises that he will never again destroy all life on earth by flood (9:11)

Yeah, tell that to the tsunami victims in Indonesia or the Hurricane Katrina victims in the States.

creates the rainbow as the sign of this covenant for all ages to come (9:12-17)

So, now you're telling us that rainbows are supposed to keep us complacent? Are you kidding me? I mean...honestly...I'm not even sure how to approach that one.

It seems to me that any of you can just interpret your bible however you want to justify anything you do and just throw caution and responsibility to the wind.
Not cool.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by thoughtplacebo

There is 1/6th chance of any name to become 666 with your kind or resasoning, my friend. This must be emberracing for you!"

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:56 PM
Color me a skeptic.

I believe in God, the Bible, etc.

But Maitreya . . . I dunno. I have not seen this "star."

Obama, he could be the John the Baptist, as I do think he is the AC.

One stumbling block for me has always been:

Where in the hell is the great USA in Revelations?

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 09:44 AM
Is Prince Hassan bin Talal the AntiChrist?

Prince Hassan bin Talal is or has been a CFR Member, President of the Club of Rome, the Author of the Oslo Accords, Fluent in Hebrew, the Authority over the Temple Mount, Direct descendant to Mohammed, can legitimately be called Assyrian, is said to be loved by Jews/Christians/Muslims, is recognized as the "Peace Prince"- awarded countless awards for his Peace efforts, and is recognized as one of the Premier "Elitest"in the World Government Movement.

The coming man of Sin

[edit on 10-8-2009 by BetweenMyths]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:09 PM
um actually the anti-christ isn't a HE, it's a movement. or a group. whatever. this has been my emo fact of the day...
i just sneezed all over my computer screen...

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by plipu

Not so. Read your Bible. It says HIS number is 666, "the number of a MAN".

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Color me a skeptic.

...One stumbling block for me has always been:

Where in the hell is the great USA in Revelations?

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

The only possible reference is the Eagle (symbolic of the US) that flies around saying "woe, woe". Of course, it could be the lack of mention is because it (the US) no longer exists as an entity. Kind of a sobering thought, right?

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