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Originally posted by SGTChas
reply to post by johnny2127
The directions given with the length of travel alluded to in the Hebrew tends to collide right with the archeological evidence that this is so. Did you know that Talmudic Scholars had wrestled with this verse for years for the reason that they did not KNOW there were Assyrians in Germania, even though they concluded that this is exactly where this verse had the Assyrian coming from?
So this is the enemy—the one that these two witnesses are face to face with in the ring, so to speak. They are the opponents. And so God puts up His human champions, and they go blow for blow against the Beast. God's champions are no less powerful, no less up to the challenge, than Satan's champion. The next word we need to look at here in Revelation 11:7 is ascends. I just want to bring this up because it's very interesting in comparison. We'll see that there's a comparison with the Beast and the two witnesses throughout this section that we are looking at here. In verse 12, you'll see that the two witnesses ascend to heaven. They go from this middle area here on earth (And you'll know why I use that term in a minute.) up to heaven. But it says that the Beast ascends out of the bottom, up to the middle area; and that's as high as he'll go. He ascends out of bottomless pit, in order to reek as much damage as possible—specifically upon God's people and upon God's plan. So we have a comparison here—a contrast—between the two witnesses and the Beast. The two witnesses are of such a quality that they go from earth to heaven; and the Beast comes out of the bottomless pit (which is the ultimate of depths) only up to earth, in order to reek destruction. I'll point out these contrasts as we go. But I thought that was interesting. By the way, in both places ascends is the same word. Out of the bottomless pit identifies the Beast's source—his origins and his inspiration. In Revelation 9:11, we'll see that this has been mentioned before. This is part of the fifth trumpet, the first woe; and talking about this army that had come, it says: Revelation 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. This obviously identified Satan, the devil, as the king—the angel of the bottomless pit. So you see the origin, then, of the Beast. He's a descendant—a child of—Satan, the devil. He traces his lineage to Satan. Not literally! I don't want you to get that impression. But he would definitely call Satan his 'father' in a spiritual way. Now this word bottomless pit. I think the best way we can look at it is the word abyss. He ascends out of the abyss. Literally this word means "the bottomless" or "the deep." Actually the word "pit" is not there. It's been supplied by the translators, because how else do you explain something like this? It's like a great hole. But it's really just "the bottomless." And now you have this contrast again. God is the God of the infinite heaven. And here Satan is the king over the bottomless—over the deep. So you have this contrast of up and down, heights and lows, light and darkness. What we are showing here is totally diametric opposites. The two witnesses and the Beast, and God and Satan. They are just poles apart. Two ends of the spectrum, you might say.
Originally posted by sinthia
In the endtimes there will be false prophets by the score. You'll forgive me if I trust the Bible, rather than an internet identity!
Many will be decieved. You don't need to search for Jesus, there will be no doubting his arrival, and he will not lose a single one of his followers, so there is no need to watch demonic stars, or fear antichrists.
See that no-one deceives you.
I'm not convinced that hitler will return, but it does kinda loosely fit.
For my money, the "one yet to come" at the time of John could represent the islamic 'empire' which claimed Temple mount in 688AD, Gods holy mountain.
The islamic empire has had a more significant effect on the world over the last 1400years than hitler (of course I do not mean to denigrate the attrocites of hitler or the nazis as trivial).
Originally posted by watchtheashes
In short why the Anti-Christ will definitely come from space is explained here. It should read the Beast that ascends out of the bottomless. So space. Space is bottomless, no specific directions and the like.
So this is the enemy—the one that these two witnesses are face to face with in the ring, so to speak. They are the opponents. And so God puts up His human champions, and they go blow for blow against the Beast. God's champions are no less powerful, no less up to the challenge, than Satan's champion. The next word we need to look at here in Revelation 11:7 is ascends. I just want to bring this up because it's very interesting in comparison. We'll see that there's a comparison with the Beast and the two witnesses throughout this section that we are looking at here. In verse 12, you'll see that the two witnesses ascend to heaven. They go from this middle area here on earth (And you'll know why I use that term in a minute.) up to heaven. But it says that the Beast ascends out of the bottom, up to the middle area; and that's as high as he'll go. He ascends out of bottomless pit, in order to reek as much damage as possible—specifically upon God's people and upon God's plan. So we have a comparison here—a contrast—between the two witnesses and the Beast. The two witnesses are of such a quality that they go from earth to heaven; and the Beast comes out of the bottomless pit (which is the ultimate of depths) only up to earth, in order to reek destruction. I'll point out these contrasts as we go. But I thought that was interesting. By the way, in both places ascends is the same word. Out of the bottomless pit identifies the Beast's source—his origins and his inspiration. In Revelation 9:11, we'll see that this has been mentioned before. This is part of the fifth trumpet, the first woe; and talking about this army that had come, it says: Revelation 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. This obviously identified Satan, the devil, as the king—the angel of the bottomless pit. So you see the origin, then, of the Beast. He's a descendant—a child of—Satan, the devil. He traces his lineage to Satan. Not literally! I don't want you to get that impression. But he would definitely call Satan his 'father' in a spiritual way. Now this word bottomless pit. I think the best way we can look at it is the word abyss. He ascends out of the abyss. Literally this word means "the bottomless" or "the deep." Actually the word "pit" is not there. It's been supplied by the translators, because how else do you explain something like this? It's like a great hole. But it's really just "the bottomless." And now you have this contrast again. God is the God of the infinite heaven. And here Satan is the king over the bottomless—over the deep. So you have this contrast of up and down, heights and lows, light and darkness. What we are showing here is totally diametric opposites. The two witnesses and the Beast, and God and Satan. They are just poles apart. Two ends of the spectrum, you might say.
Originally posted by helen670
Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
reply to post by helen670
It's just that I don't understand why you have to worship with all those priests in fancy dresses and hats with their monotone voices with the occuring ba-bu interval reading the exact same text as the year before. Worshipping dead saints, angels, flashing occult symbology infront of the altar where a picture of a fairhaired, blueeyed, bloody dude being tormented being nailed to a cross. Your happy go lucky death cult is immoral, blasphemous, awful and you all believe it is how it should be. The only organised thing I like in our church is how we can buy a candle or two and light them for loved ones.
We don't WORSHIP priests ???
Christ SAID...Do This IN HONOUR OF ME...And so it IS DONE!
People should stop ''Googling'' and start reading !(I wonder who owns google???
Priests are not worshipped but revered...Did not Christ sit with His Apostles?
Did not Christ say "do this in remembrance of Me" (1 Corinthians 11:24).
And also ''If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. (John 13:14-15)
also we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the same loaf. (1 Corinthians 10:16-17)...The Body of Christ.
All, everything that is done, is done to Honor The Lord Jesus Christ.
for I tell you I shall not eat it until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God" (Luke 22:16).
The Passover Meal was a very important, annual event.
It was a meal of thanksgiving.
During the meal the Jews remembered their deliverance by God from Egyptian bondage.
The meal also pointed to the future fulfillment of the Lord's promise to deliver Israel from all its enemies.
During the meal a specially slaughtered passover lamb was eaten; bread broken and wine was distributed to everyone at ritually ordained moments.
It was precisely during this last Passover Meal with His disciples that Jesus revealed Himself as the Fulfillment of all that the Jews had both remembered and anticipated.
He was the final passover lamb, "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).
The breaking of the bread pointed to the imminent breaking of His own body and the shedding of His own blood on the Cross, "for you and for many, for the remission of sins."
Jesus Christ was the ultimate deliverance from all bondage.
He was the new and final Passover, the Passover from death to life and from earth to heaven (Ode 1, Paschal Canon). To this day the Orthodox Church calls both Christ and Pascha(the Greek word) which is the Passover.
Originally posted by bootsnspurs33
reply to post by watchtheashes
Wrong, wrong,wrong, there is nothing definite ANYWHERE in the bible that says the Rapture is a pretrib rapture,mid trib or post trib.YESHUA warns that he comes as a "thief in the night",and tells us to to be wary,to be vigilante, that this guy is so convincing that the deciples could possibly be decieved by him.YHWH left more warnings about this time in history than any other,why would he need to do this if we're all gone,there is nothing that says we arent those believers that he(the antichrist) wages war on.The two prophets could easily start their ministries at the beginning of the tribulation,(look at how despised & villified Christians are right now)the antichrist(a/c) would be viewed as a hero for finally taking these christians to task for not going along with the rest of the world especially if there is some kind of E/T revelation made that connects us as off spring of these e/t's or something like that.And what a perfect cover for the rapture,he (the a/c lovingly sent us someplace else where we would be happy & the world would be better off without our narrowminded & backward religon).The world would see his destruction of the two prophets as a GREAT deed done only as the true world savior could do it. Look, i'm not saying it isn't a pretrib rapture & i'm not saying it's not going to be a post trib rapture either all i'm saying is that we really dont know for certain so we best be prepared for any eventuality.May YHWH bless & keep you & yours safe & healthy.
The fact that the present temporary world will be transformed was predicted many centuries before Christ by the Psalmist who said: "Of old You laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of Your hands.
They will perish, but You will endure; Yes, all of them will grow old like a garment; Like a cloak You will change them, And they will be changed.
But You are the same, And Your years will have no end" (Psalm. 102:25-27). In other words, the end of the world will not be its destruction but its total renewal.