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Why do people dislike Glenn Beck so much?

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Fremd

Mixed up how? I never said the man should not be criticized. Merely that he is entitled to belong to any party that he chooses.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:10 PM
The talk show hosts in general, both sides of the fence, are there to do one thing and one thing only.....DISTRACTION, DILUTION & DELUSION... the 3D's of the propaganda machine. Distract the people, dilute the situation and give the delusion of reality.
Regardless of who is speaking, from the right or left that is, put those 3D's to the test and you'll see what I mean. What really pisses me off is that everyone falls for the crap....wake america.....this war is almost to a close and the casualties are "We the People".

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Badfuture

I wouldnt exactly call the right wing nut jobs. At least they have the good sense to cry out when they see that the current Administration is destroying the country. The ones I worry about are the idiots that blindly follow and cheer the praises of Obama while he has them bent over a chair.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I am sure a good group of the people that hate Glen Beck are all watching Keith Olbermann as they salivate and change the channel with their one free hand.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by ufoptics

So where do you get your information? What is a reliable way to find what is really going on?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

I cannot ever remember a Beck thread on ATS until he moved from CNN to Fox.
That should tell you all you need to know.

I am just not a big fan of his TV show but find his radio show hilarious.

To me, guys like Beck, Hannity, O'reilly, Rush are all entertaining but I tend to not look to them for news, that's what ATS is for

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Anjin

Well I dont really look at him as news. I look at him as one view with a great deal of analysis and research behind it. I take some of it and look into it and decide for myself. Nobody is going to be right all the time.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Anjin

You didnt see a thread about Beck till he moved to Fox, that should pretty much make it an open and shut case right there.

By the way, hes not a republican, hes a libertarian and has been since i started listening to his radio show 5 years ago......way before cnn, way before Fox.

Its pretty clear that the people that dont like beck that state NO other reason to dislike him besides personal attacks, only dislike him because hes on Fox.

I can almost guarantee you, that if you watch this guy with an objective view, and dont blind yourself with all your preconceived bullcrap, that it will start to make sense to you.

Yeah hes cried on the air........ive heard him on radio too , years ago......the guy loves his country, he honestly does and he thinks that we are letting the politicians F it up and the fact that people would rather bicker about BECK because hes on FOX, then actually listen to what he has to say is CASE IN POINT!

You can call him a talking head if you want....all i know is that years and years ago , when he wasnt even a concern to the liberals or elitist wanabes on ATS, he was saying the SAME THING hes saying now.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

A star for a great reply. I agree. He has been saying the same stuff for years and he even predicted most of this economic mess months and months before it happened.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:42 PM
I just find it funny the following Beck had during the Bush administration, and as soon as Obama gets sworn in those same people despise him 'to the core'. And those individuals swear they are 'independent', and are 'highly critical of Obama'. Hmmm.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I'm not sure who he is a tool for but that's the million dollar question I guess. Granted if I knew that they would probably have to kill me right? I also think he is just a tool as in a negative term for somebody.

I find him to be a fake and disingenuous. He is an entertainer that has found a niche market that works well for him. If it didn't work out I'm sure he would would try and find another way to get in the spotlight like an evangelical or maybe a stock analyst since those have gullible followers also.

To the other person that made the John Stewart comparison, you hit the nail on the head for my opinion also. Stewart bills his show as comedy spoofing whats in the news. Beck is covering the news and now trying to bilk more money out of his audience with his comedy tour.

I'm not saying I don't find his topics interesting, I just think he is a fake and not to be trusted.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 04:32 PM
By right wing nutjobs I mean the neo-cons, O'reily,Rush,Fox etc these people are trying to throw as much mud at the govt by any means.
Glenn Beck isn't saying all these things for any other reason than cash and fame, same as jon stewart, Alex jones,rush,Icke and all the other book/dvd sellers.
I have no political belief that Beck is a neo-con he's just an entertainer making a living, reading lines and picking up a check at the end of the day.
I'll give you all a tip, don't believe the media,do the research, make your own mind up.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:46 AM
I happen to like Beck. He has a sense of humor, absoulutely no sense of taste when it comes to fashhion (or so my wife tells me. I see nothing with the way he dresses.) When he does interviews, he usually does them well, although he has a habit of interrupting a little too often sometimes.
Something people need to remember is that he literally does hav A.D.D. which causes him to sometimes jump from tiopic to topic.
I admire Beck because he did what a lot of us have to do. He educated himself. If he cries because something touches him, so be it. The same thing happens to me.
There are so many Fox haters on here that I won't even mention O'Rielly, except to say this. The man does not report the news, he analyzes it.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:02 AM
Glen Beck is a Mormon.
He talks about being a Mormon all the time on the radio.........he PUSHES a Mormon agenda which includes being a die hard republican. The Mormon Church wants ALL the members to be republicans and to hate gay people.

My entire family is Mormon.
I live in Salt Lake City and listening to Glen Beck is like any other Mormon Church Sunday service where they intermix religion and politics constantly.

I think THIS could be a reason WHY the man is so intensely disliked.
OR I could be wrong and its his choice of Ties.
Mormons BELIEVE they are far superior to all other people, and Glen beck reeks of this core belief in everything he says.

I do not care for people who push a religious agenda under the guise of politics or vis versa.

I am a Pagan and my family prays for me.
lol.......I pray for THEM.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Once again hes a libertarian.......i know what mormons are part of my family is mormon, i have quite a few mormon friends......i live in boise ID , they are everywhere....

I have heard him profess his faith many times......thats great, but never have i once, EVER in the 5+ years of listening to this guy, EVER heard him push a mormon agenda......

Your statement has absolutely NO basis whatsoever..

Libertarian........let that sink in a little bit......mmm feels nice doesnt it?

In all his radio shows, and tv shows, he has never been partisan to any head of government, hes was critical of Bush when he was in office and hes critical of Obama, he cried out about policies during the las presidency just as he cries out about the ones now......

really people knock off the bias and right and left BS, it clouds your judgment and your thinking

It sounds like your letting YOUR religion and YOUR bias of the Mormon religion get the better of YOU,and push YOUR agenda of discrediting someone...... which is interesting, because your claiming that this is what Glenn Beck is doing

[edit on 11-6-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:50 AM
I do not like Glen Beck. When I first watched his antics were amusng but theyrapidly got old. Than I realized something. He is in effect using a tactic I have had to used for far to long at work. When you cannot tell someone something directly and you need to tell them you have to tell them indirectly where they do NOT REALIZE the message is for them. I have often had to tell someone who didn't care what I was talking about or wish to discuss it something that was NOT MEANT FOR THEM TO HEAR OR UNDERSTAND. It was meant for the person next to us. If I told them directly they would fight it but hearing it told to someone else they were willing to think about it and later it was their own idea. In Beck's case he does it as a joke, trying to make it funny, in hopes that later you will think about it without the initial resistance. It seems to me that his major message is "THINK" about what is going on rather than his having the final answer. That is the reason people dislike him. He is not telling people what to THINK. He doesn't HAVE the anwers. He just has the QUESTIONS. People prefer to be told the answers, they do not want to be told to figure it out on their own. Human nature.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by Badfuture

I wouldnt exactly call the right wing nut jobs. At least they have the good sense to cry out when they see that the current Administration is destroying the country. The ones I worry about are the idiots that blindly follow and cheer the praises of Obama while he has them bent over a chair.

Too bad their "sage wisdom" didn't apply to the last administration, no?
Turn a blind eye when it's your party ruining the country, but when it's someone else, call their every move.

That doesn't help a damn thing.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Because he is a CIA agent. He is a shill for the new world order. He is pushing an anti-9/11 truth, anti-gun, anti-milita, anti-freedom movement agenda, same as O'riley, same as Hannity, same as Geraldo. Same as CNN. Same as MSNBC.

Glenn Beck is the Arch Nemesis of Liberty, and this Republic. He is the most slippery snake in the MSM at the moment.

He is enemy #1 to free thinking, freedom loving, American Patriots.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by downtown436

He is not anti-gun, anti-militia, anti-american, or anti-freedom. There is no proof he is from the CIA, unless you have some. Do you?

Have you ever watched his show? He is all about freedom and the constitution.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:02 PM
I used to listen to Glen Beck.

I stopped listening to him because he never coments on stories which are relevant to me. So I listen to other more informed people.

Last time I caught an excerpt of his, he was genuinly worried land owners in the Southwest( he called them Billy bobs)would stage a rebellion.

I thought he looked and acted like he had lost touch with reality. This must be what happens to people who try to run a T.V. and a radio show at the same time.

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