posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess
Once again hes a libertarian.......i know what mormons are part of my family is mormon, i have quite a few mormon friends......i live in boise ID ,
they are everywhere....
I have heard him profess his faith many times......thats great, but never have i once, EVER in the 5+ years of listening to this guy, EVER heard him
push a mormon agenda......
Your statement has absolutely NO basis whatsoever..
Libertarian........let that sink in a little bit......mmm feels nice doesnt it?
In all his radio shows, and tv shows, he has never been partisan to any head of government, hes was critical of Bush when he was in office and hes
critical of Obama, he cried out about policies during the las presidency just as he cries out about the ones now......
really people knock off the bias and right and left BS, it clouds your judgment and your thinking
It sounds like your letting YOUR religion and YOUR bias of the Mormon religion get the better of YOU,and push YOUR agenda of discrediting
someone...... which is interesting, because your claiming that this is what Glenn Beck is doing
[edit on 11-6-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]