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AUTEC... The underwater Area 51

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:17 PM

info on autec

Mr. Dave Harris, Commander of the American Legion, and Commander Jeffrey Pafford, Officer-In-Charge of the AUTEC. ...2007

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by george_gaz
Your picture of the pyramid with the red orb ... is that lifted straight from the movie?

Yup Part 2 on the link

On the first page somebody mentioned a diver who, around that area in which we are speaking, found a pyramid with a red gem inside.

A pyramid in the BT has been long rumored but it was so long ago I almost forgot. I will have to go digging up old files again

It would be interesting to find more on this diver so we could see whether the movie got the idea from the diver or the diver from the movie ... too much of a coincidence to ignore?

Yes that is why I asked for someone to find this movie... I do not believe in coincidences either

Hollywood has long been a tool of the DoD, even Bugs Bunny made war propaganda cartoons.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Been searching the Internet, inspired by this thread but there is not much information to be found about the area other than tourist-sites. Some of you will be aware of the indiginineous tribes of the island having been entirely wiped out and most of their artifacts having been found not on land but under water. Some will also know about this:

Has an ancient Harbour, perhaps from Atlantis, been found at Andros Island?

Funny I was just about to post this from my other favorite topic

Bermuda Triangle Stargate?

(I-Newswire) - Archaeologist William Donato and a team of researchers have confirmed a complex of ancient harbor works in shallow water off Bimini, 50 miles from Miami. In May 2005, the team investigated a little-known line of underwater stones located a mile from a controversial site known as the “Bimini Road.” The new mile-long line of stones was found and videotaped from the air. Subsequent dives revealed several large stone circles on the bottom, formed from large blocks of limestone arranged into circular patterns. The circles were spaced at regular intervals. Stone anchors, identical to ancient Phoenician, Greek, and Roman anchors, were also found. “These finds took us by surprise,” stated Dr. Greg Little, who organized the expedition. “The circles may be similar to ancient Mediterranean harbor ‘mooring circles.’”

[edit on 11-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:34 PM
Here is one I recall, 6 years before the movie..

In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, went scuba diving with some friends near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, close to a popular area known as the Tongue of the Ocean (This was depicted in the television show, "In Search Of...Atlantis," originally made in 1979.
During one of his dives, Brown became separated from his friends and while searching for them he was startled when he came across a strange pyramid shape silhouetted against the aquamarine light. Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible. Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside. Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He was totally amazed that this room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. ...

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by need2know4me

That links to an html cache file at DTIC Here is the original PDF

Thanks for the find

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:08 PM
What's up guys?

People, please consider this: There is absolutely NO proof that this complex has ANYTHING to do with ET's. There is absolutely NO evidence of any kind of "alien" existence except for the stories and many blurry photo/video material. Do you think that the agencies presumably covering up the phenomenon are really that effective at hiding all the evidence? I would like to believe these things also, but it's really more probable that everything has a very natural explanation.

As far as the abduction phenomenon goes, I think it might be about some psychological experiments. I mean, the US government has a history in these weird projects, like MK Ultra, which actually existed, and may still exists in some form. I think all these strange operations are orchestrated by some very messed up individuals in high places.

This is just an theory 'tho.

EDIT: actually, I think that the Alien Question is - in the end - a very philosophical question about human existance itself: if by all odds the universe should be swarming with intelligent life, why haven't we encountered any? Are they all hiding? That would be very strange and improbable also. All these things raise many questions about who we are and where we should be heading.


[edit on 11-6-2009 by cehas_ultra171]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by cehas_ultra171
There is absolutely NO proof that this complex has ANYTHING to do with ET's. There is absolutely NO evidence of any kind of "alien" existence except for the stories and many blurry photo/video material.

Welcome to a conspiracy site

Do you think that the agencies presumably covering up the phenomenon are really that effective at hiding all the evidence?


I would like to believe these things also, but it's really more probable that everything has a very natural explanation.

You would LIKE to believe. I am beyond that stage, I need to KNOW, hence I spend hours digging up leads to satisfy myself.

As far as the abduction phenomenon goes, I think it might be about some psychological experiments. I mean, the US government has a history in these weird projects,

I agree I do not believe abductions are done by them

like MK Ultra, which actually existed,

A statement like that around here requires proof
and is no different than us thinking the NAVY is up to something in the triagle

And if MK Ultra or something like it exist, then you contradict yourself when you say "do you think they can kep it a secret/"

and may still exists in some form.

Very likely, yes... just like Project Stargate privatized and 'became' Psi-Tech

I think all these strange operations are orchestrated by some very messed up individuals in high places.

Messed up in our way of thinking, but I am sure they think differently

if by all odds the universe should be swarming with intelligent life, why haven't we encountered any? Are they all hiding? That would be very strange and improbable also.

Not really... ever watch Star Trek with their 'Prime Directive'? If they were friendly and superior they would have a hands off policy or at least limited contact. Besides that we are out literally in the boonies, currently 50 light years out of the galactic disk and moving out, at the rim of a third rate galaxy

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:46 PM
Reply to post by george_gaz

about the diver. dr ray brown. his sphere he found was studied by the smithsonian institute which gives some credibilty.

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posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by FtheNWO
They found a 1.5 in thick cable that ran out of AUTEC thousands of feet to the tongue of the ocean and then just dropped right off into the abyss.

That cable is most likely part of the Sound SUrveillance System (SOSUS) test site at AUTEC.

the sosus is a ocean sound tracking system for subs. - KkJ5jCMojmqYcK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:57 PM
I really wish UFO Hunters went more in-depth with the abyss cable. That left me hanging. Sorry for the pun. As for the underwater obviously constructed ruins, I believe there are ruins all over the ocean floor.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by jblue1978

Well I guess, being that this place is so secret and all, that only you, myself, the members of this website and anyone who has the history channel know about this.
I couldn't imagine what the 'shadow government' would do if this information got out.

Heh, I'm just playing.
Seriously, interesting stuff.
I've always been most curious about what possibly goes on under the waves of the world's oceans.
I'm sure there's all kinds of cool stuff there.
Alien bases, secret military installations, ancient's all just so darn fascinating.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:26 PM
humans were around in the ice age. When the world was gripped under the hand of ice most intelligent civilizations were located around the equator, where it was warm. when the ice melted, the ocean levels raised as much as 400ft. So, knowing humans build populous centers near water sources, its only plausible that remnants of most our ancient civiliazations would be buried underwater.

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:48 AM
I have read up on this facility, I live in Florida and i was also in Military aviation. so this base is some what known to very few in the military beyond the autec employees. They are in fact using back engineered underwater propulsion vehicles, that move at speeds far exceeding the known speeds of known submarines, and torpedoes or other underwater weaponry. They are also Like Like Dulce NM in which Alien beings are working there and with them. They dont live there though they live in caverns that reach far into the earth that can only be reached through underwater caverns at the bottom of the see where the depth drops for miles.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by zlots331

I thought about this while I watched the episode. The cable isn't for power or data I believe. First off, the cable is only about 250 mil and only 1 cable meaning 1 phase or leg with no nuetral or ground. If there were 4 or 5 condutors in an insulated jacket then the cables are laughably too small for anything but a vaccuum cleaner after thousands of feet of voltage drop. As for data cables I'm kinda skeptical also. I wouldn't think that a secret base would have such an important link like a data cable accessible to anyone with a boat and a curiosity. Personally, I think that cable is some sort of tether that was used when ppl were initially exploring the droppoff or abyss. It gets extremely dark underwater and divers can get disoriented and run out of air. I think divers use it as a tether or tag line to find their way out of the abyss. Assuming theres something worth going down there for. Hmmm??? Id love to find out, that's for dam sure

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by DerelictJ
I really wish UFO Hunters went more in-depth with the abyss cable. That left me hanging. Sorry for the pun. As for the underwater obviously constructed ruins, I believe there are ruins all over the ocean floor.

and this, to me, is the crux of it. Whatever is on the ocean floor is likely a "known" to the Navy. But they share NOTHING of what they know. Understandably, there is the issue of national security...but given the whole concept behind the law signed in by Clinton, if there is no obvious reason to classify it, or if public interest is better served than security interests, it should be declassified. Of course, and especially post 9-11, this is likely not even remotely adhered to.

But the point is that humanity KNOWS the truth, but the "truth" is locked up in the annals of the classified. Nothing has changed since the dark ages, really. Knowledge is power, and in this case the Navy has the power.

For those who are familiar with the FOIA process, this would be a good tree to bark up to see what falls out. If you are not aware, the Navy runs everything. There is not telling what you will find...but i bet that you could likely find the reason that the Navy was able to wrestle the power over classified material away from the other branches of the military, and how they moved into the forefront of Defense Intelligence.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by FtheNWO

the 1.5in cable that they found in the vid could possibily be an air supply to something down there.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

I see were your idea of an underground base came from as I thought at first the same but when I started to think about it its not possibil coz man has'nt made a substance/material that could stand the pressure at 6,000 ft.

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 04:02 PM

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