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AUTEC... The underwater Area 51

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:11 AM

The same way they do on a submarine nuclear reactor

Electricity is not generated on a submarine nuclear reactor. The reactors are for making heat. The heat is transfered to a system which heats water and turns it into steam..which in turn turns generators for making electricity.

As to whether they have These down there??...they have these....

and these...

and these....


posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by brianrx77
I have a friend Barnaby that works in the Aerospace industry and he has told me some stories about what our government has and what he works on, and we even talk about aliens...what he has told me creeps me out.

Well share...

What did he tell you? spit it out we are all ears here

[edit on 10-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Electricity is not generated on a submarine nuclear reactor. The reactors are for making heat. The heat is transfered to a system which heats water and turns it into steam..which in turn turns generators for making electricity.

Okay so what your saying is... the nuclear power plant makes electricity on board..

Do they need a cable from shore to the sub to do this?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

Perseus Apex,

I am not that familiar with various GPS systems. Am I to understand that there is a model made which is waterproof?? Had to think for a minute as to exactly what was a waverunner as well.

I am not sure as to how far the range is on one of these? Can you elaborate on this?? Or how one would extend the range on one if needed??

History, I find to be a fascinating subject when one can find good history. I have become somewhat suspect as to the official versions of much of history. I somehow feel that much of real history has been filtered and cleaned up for public consumption.

I have even been given to ask how much archeology has been covered up to support this historical cover up.

I have also thought to myself that there must be a huge store of artifacts in private collections which would shed much light on what passes for official versions of history today.

Was actually thrilled some years back to go to the Richmond Museum of Fine Arts and view their collection of Carl Faberge eggs. It is so rare to ever be able to see one of them. They had some seven or eight of them on display. Fascinating and also beautiful...wonderful workmanship in them. Of course they also had multitudes of other pieces by Carl Faberge..but the Eggs were their centerpiece.

I should tell you that I am not a big museum person per se..but this piece of history was of great interest to me. History is what interests me.. and greatly.

Thanks for your post and the details provided. I found this to be very informative.


[edit on 10-6-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:33 AM
Originally posted by zorgon

Okay so what your saying is... the nuclear power plant makes electricity on board..

Do they need a cable from shore to the sub to do this?

Yes..the nuclear plant is only one facet of the operation including generating electricity. They do not need a cable from shore to do this. Once the various systems are up and running they are completely independent of shore ...with the excpetion of food sources. As long as the crew are in good health..they can stay out as long as their food sources last.

The only time they use an electric cable from shore is when they tie up at a pier for any length of time ..they pipe electricity to the boat via a shore power cable and run systems off shore generated electricity because the nuclear power plant and associated systems are shut down.

Hope this helps.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:35 AM
hey!!! i can actually say I worked here!!! back in 1996 i was a electronic technician working on some neat stuff there... i heard of a rumor that something was recovered there back in the early days... but for my time there of one year.. i saw nothing out of the ordinary. Great training for our troops in the subs...
I had a secret clearance but that was it, just some cool beach scenes and some great hangovers over there... nothing to report, move along...

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by maddogron
hey!!! i can actually say I worked here!!! back in 1996

So can you tell me if they have an entrance to the 'tubes' there?

[edit on 10-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by FtheNWO

A cable only one and half inches? That isn't that big, I wonder what that could be for, it sure isn't power, maybe a data cable.

That is pretty interesting.

It is big if it's fibre optic cable...

Imagine how much data can be pushed through fibre that big.

Why are we assuming it would be a power cable? Do you think if aliens are working with the military, they would need a plug socket to power their equipment?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

I am not that familiar with various GPS systems. Am I to understand that there is a model made which is waterproof?? Had to think for a minute as to exactly what was a waverunner as well.

I used a Garmen GPS 12 channel of which is supposed to be water resistant though I never wanted to find out. I never had a reason to put it underwater anyhow. The more satellites overhead, the more precise the reading.

History, I find to be a fascinating subject when one can find good history. I have become somewhat suspect as to the official versions of much of history. I somehow feel that much of real history has been filtered and cleaned up for public consumption.

History? More like fiction, sometimes science-fiction. Every country paints a pretty picture of itself.

I have also thought to myself that there must be a huge store of artifacts in private collections which would shed much light on what passes for official versions of history today.

My personal favorite is the Louvre in Paris though I'm not alone. It takes at least 3 full days to attempt to see most of it. A must see if your into museums. I prefer to go alone to museums since I've yet to meet another who's willing to wait for me to attempt to see 'all' of the exhibits.

Was actually thrilled some years back to go to the Richmond Museum of Fine Arts and view their collection of Carl Faberge eggs. It is so rare to ever be able to see one of them. They had some seven or eight of them on display. Fascinating and also beautiful...wonderful workmanship in them. Of course they also had multitudes of other pieces by Carl Faberge..but the Eggs were their centerpiece.

You might want to visit the Windsor Castle to visit the crown jewels and other rare artifacts. Pictures of the collection are 'forbidden' though I don't have much use for the 'word'; I had to take a picture of the Queen Anne's dollhouse for my niece.

It's an awesome world, less folks like these:

Can O Worms

Got hook?

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 04:33 AM
I lean more toward the believer end of the spectrum, so please bear that in mind while reading this. I am not a knee-jerk skeptic trying to deny the possibility that something unusual is going on in or around AUTEC.

Watching these videos, it became apparent to me that while a secret testing facility in the Bahamas is extremely intriguing, the evidence used to suggest some sort of extraterrestrial-related underwater facility seems sensationally presented and appears to be spotty at best.

They stated themselves that the large body picked up on radar could easily have been some sort of submerged vehicle test involving large false radar signatures. That seems plausible to me.

The person who saw the elongated object he himself described as "tubes" was in the process of retreiving torpedos, so it seems conceivable to me that it could have been some manner of ordinance, some sort of large animal, etc. He didn't see the ends of it, and so is unsure as to its true length or size. In short, there is literally no way to know what it may have been.

As for the cable running along the sea floor, it seems highly improbable to me that a secret, highly sensitive military installation would rely on power, communications, or any critical link of any kind, which could so easily be accessed by civilians (and thus adversaries,) to say nothing of so easily being interdicted (by cutting said cable.)

The helicopter which flew overhead looked like a coast guard chopper to me, it could have been totally coincidental, and the police never approached them or inquired as to their presence. They were not accosted or questioned in any way.

As I said, I lean much more toward the believer end of the spectrum than the (pseudo) skeptic, but I am skeptical enough to see that - at least in my opinion - this does not constitute strong or compelling evidence.

It is, however, very interesting, and does pose a bit of a mystery.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
AUTEC has nothing to do with Aliens...UFO's or any such nonsense.
It has to do with submarines and that alone tells one why it is so classified.

Look at what the initials stand for....

The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center. If Navy had UFO's what for would they need submarines..or aircraft carriers..or any other surface/subsurface ship ship.??

I am so glad I did not go out and watch the latest Star Trek movie to hit the big screen. I think some of you got to big a dose.

Submarines are the original Stealth Vehicle. How do you think they know just how quiet they are?? Try thinking people..not emoting.


Where do i start?

"UFO's or any such nonsense"?! Are you seriously suggesting the millions of witnesses, photographs, video and film, radar trace tapes, CCTV, Sonar, studies and files by just about every government on earth, high profile witnesses even including presidents, monarchs, governors, military personnel from the lowest to the highest rank, commercial aviators, astronauts, police officers, scientists, judges, whole towns of people, in fact people and physical evidence who and what would normally be credible beyond reasonable reproach, are all classed as nonsense by you?

I'd suggest it is you that is talking nonsense my friend. Either deliberately, or through sheer least there's a reason to rubbish this topic if you are doing it deliberately, even if it does look idiotic in light of the weight of the massive amount of all of the above people and recordings.

Even the church (Catholic religion) has come out and said the ET's and UFO's are probably 'real', and that it's OK to acknowledge them, as they would be our celestial 'spiritual brothers' (their words), yet you know better that all the people mentioned above do you?

I'd be interested to know exactly why you think ET's and UFOlogy is nonsense?

And the obvious answer (well, obvious to me at least) as to why the Navy and Army and Airforce, all maintain a 'conventional' or otherwise ordinary fleet and equipment, is to maintain the lie.

Don't you think there would be some probing questions posed to the military, if they didn't posess these ships, carriers, jets, tanks and so on?

If they each had a fleet comprised entirely of exotic, highly advanced technology that is kept tightly secret, don't you think the people would want to know exactly how the military intended to protect us, when they appear not to own any hardware, that we are familiar with?

And you have the cheek to condescend and instruct the rest of us to think?

Pot's and kettles mate, pot's and kettles.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by GEORGETHEGREEK

A little something for your eyes only:
RIGHT CLICK on image below, then show image to get the big view.

[edit on 9/6/2009 by GEORGETHEGREEK]

erm...anyone realise that in the aerial photos of Autec, there seems to be a dark outline of "something" from the facility towards the tongue of the ocean.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:02 AM
I flagged this thread and advertised it in my USO Research thread because its always great to uncover something new nobody has ever heard about. Good job

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:21 AM
The real Navy undersea base is off the coast of Brazil. It is constructed of several nuclear submarine pressure hulls and contains a nuclear reactor for power. It is so large that a Navy nuclear sub can come in underneath it and dock. It has been there for many years and U.S. Navy personnel work there alongside with Alien creatures.

It is so interesting to me that so many people are so skeptical of the presence of UFOs and Aliens on Earth. There is so much evidence that has accumulated over the past thousands of years that the truth of it is absolutely inescapable.

Fact is governments are unwilling to admit it because they are scared of the effect on the population. So what we have is lies, lies, and more lies out of our government. I am sick of the lies. I am sick of the secrecy. It is time for full disclosure.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by expat2368
So what we have is lies, lies, and more lies out of our government. I am sick of the lies. I am sick of the secrecy. It is time for full disclosure.

I agree... Enough is enough already. The funny thing is that only about half of the world actually believes in alien existance on earth. I guess if you think about it, it would become a bigger shock to the world than we think it would. I'm sure to us we would just be like "Told ya so..." An others would think along the lines of the movie Independence Day. I have a suspision that the people that just flat "don't" belive they are there have just decided that way because they don't want to do the research, and... they keep their world inside their comfortable little box.... But still have a feeling, and are frightened about it, that aliens are out there and there is no stopping it no matter what they "want" to believe.

There are too many questions all over the world on the topic that need answers. Like this AUTEC place for example. What is the cable? Why in a super deep part of the ocean? Why, coincidently, in the Bremuda Triangle? Why all the security? Why are people scared to talk about it? Why so many sightings of strange things in the wather around that area, and in the sky over it?............. And these are only questions about AUTEC! We could go on and on asking question that skekptics can't answer. Questions that reflect from EVERY ERA IN HISTORY OF MAN...! I say get it over with. Put them on TV shaking hands with people and telling everyone it's a new time and new age....and we are all in this together. Where is the harm in that?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:49 AM
UFO Hunters as a source... may I laugh?

God, I just cant take that guy with his glasses... they are ALWAYS on, so stupid.

Have a look at their website; stay come and real.

You can even reserve a flight and more here;

[edit on 10-6-2009 by DwaynetheSpecious]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:56 AM
It's been on (I think) the history channel lately. They've done some pretty bad reporting on it. Just enough to scan the surface (pun intended). There has been more exposure lately to the subject of USO (Unidentified Submersible Object) sightings. More presentations indicating either alien or ancient civilizations are based at sea in the deep ocean.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

"My personal favorite is the Louvre in Paris though I'm not alone. It takes at least 3 full days to attempt to see most of it. A must see if your into museums. I prefer to go alone to museums since I've yet to meet another who's willing to wait for me to attempt to see 'all' of the exhibits. "

i will go with you, i am in the uk so not far from france...

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by jblue1978

I would've got someone to cut the cable , just to prove a fact that we the people should be informed of any activity involvng aliens and that we can control the flow of information if we wanted to, even to a 'top secret' base .

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by jblue1978

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by FtheNWO

A cable only one and half inches? That isn't that big, I wonder what that could be for, it sure isn't power, maybe a data cable.

That is pretty interesting.

I would say it's for computer data transfer and communications cable.... I'm sure they are too deep underwater for sat. com. links...

There is absolutely no way that they would leave a data cable where anything could come within miles of it if there is a base with any classified projects being conducted. On any data line that is used with classified material, there is shielding applied to the line to prevent any possibility of being able to pick up on what is being transferred on that line. I have heard a story about some of the measures that are taken to ensure absolutely no "leaks" occur due to data transfer. It is unfathomable that any data would be transmitted over a cable that the public could gain access to.

Unless it is a red herring, so to speak. Transmit mundane data over a mundane connection to placate the obvious questions among those with absolutely no need to know.

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