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The God Gene. Are many of us from the lineage of angels?

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posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I thank you for your recommendation on Mark Booth's book "The Secret History of the World." I am going to buy it as I perused it at Borders.

I am now reading Isis Unveiled by Helen Blavatsky.

I have read many of the lost books of the Bible and gospels that were not included in the canon. All very insightful, but not enough. Looking into the mystery school teachings adds much more information into the mix.


posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Sundancer

Great thread and one that I have been following.

I have been studying more lately the quantum theory with the study of String and M theory components. Someone mentioned the number of dimensions and I would like to add my 2 cents.

String theory has 10 dimensions which are very small, while M Theory has 11 and they can be quite large. Cosmologists are now starting to believe that there may be an infinite number of universes, however.

I did a thread Are We Humans an Experiment in a Petri Dish? that kinda goes into my take on how DNA fits into a divine scheme or experiment.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by helen670

Are you sure you have the Right and HONEST Bible?

What is ''Blessed prince o' Din will save Ma'Efer through 'no ledge", he is owl a boat Zion's.''
Doesnt make sense?


Sorry, I was just drunk and my keyboard had become quite funky, can't even remember typing it. Zion's lambs are the lights in this darkness. Somethig like that. Nevermind, I had taken a few beers too many....

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

I read your post about Humans in a petri dish. It certainly fits with the conclusion of Dr. Chang here that was posted earlier.

I recall reading in the RA material that we were nothing but an experiment. The contemplation of this is said to be why one of the members took his life. Of course, this is only channeled material and would put little stock in it had I not ran across the Chang conclusion.

I tend to think along the lines of a light, sound or some other source programed into us to make the change based in part on genetics and in part on choices.

Very interesting stream of thought.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:09 PM
I sent GuiltybyDesign a link to DNA and serpent research but he never used it so I will post it here. This will be somewhat disjointed as I have several thoughts on different issues. Hopefully someone will pick up on some of it and either clarify, confirm or refute these thoughts.

I believe this is the link I sent Guilty and is a good synopsis.

Knowledge, he concludes, may be able to transmit itself though the 'twin serpents' or 'Cosmic Serpent which is also DNA' directly into human consciousness.

For a time he lives with Peruvian Indians and his account of his own experience of drug induced trance and an encounter with two giant talking snakes is spell binding. He later learns that this direct transaction with the twin snakes is a common experience, and that much of the knowledge of the chemistry of active herbal agents in the rainforests was purportedly gained through such trance experiences.

Narby says it would be impossible for indigenous peoples to have discovered all the medicinal properties of the hundreds of thousands of plants around them through trial and error, and that direct communication (through DNA knowledge - the 'Cosmic Serpent') actually seems more likely! Narby demonstrates that indigenous and ancient peoples have known, and even drawn, the double helix structure for millennia - though conventional science only uncovered it in 1953

He believes that the twin snakes depicted in so many religions are actually the basis of all reality behind appearance and that under certain circumstances it may be possible to access the knowledge contained in the universe by direct communication with the source of life itself. From the snake in the Garden of Eden to the twin snakes of the cadacus and of Hinduism, snakes and dualism are all around us...

This is a different link I found today here and speaks to several other areas.

First about the plant he used

The enigma was all the more intriguing because the botanical knowledge of indigenous Amazonians has long astonished scientists. The chemical composition of ayahuasca is a case in point. Amazonian shamans have been preparing ayahuasca for millennia. The brew is a necessary combination of two plants, which must be boiled together for hours.  

The first contains a hallucinogenic substance, dimethyltryptamine, which also seems to be secreted by the human brain; but this hallucinogen has no effect when swallowed, because a stomach enzyme called monoamine oxidase blocks it.

The second plant, however, contains several substances that inactivate this precise stomach enzyme, allowing the hallucinogen to reach the brain.

I was familiar with many prescriptions warning not to be taken with an MAO inhibitor as well as foods not to be taken with MAO inhibitors. So I looked up MAO inhibitor


Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors are used to relieve certain types of mental depression. They work by blocking the action of a chemical substance known as monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the nervous system. ...

While they are quite effective, they can be dangerous if combined with the wrong foods, drugs, or supplements. The substance tyramine, found in some cheeses, beer, fermented soy products, and other foods, is particularly dangerous to combine with these medications. Stimulant drugs such as pseudoephedrine, certain over the counter drugs, and various herbs can also cause problems.

The following is a partial list of herbs and supplements that may perform similar functions as a MAO inhibitor and therefore may have negative interactions with MAO inhibitors. If you are taking a MAO inhibitor you should consult with your doctor before takeing the following herbs or supplements.

Among the list is vitamin B6. I picked up on this for two reasons. First I have experience with increased dreaming and dream recall with B6. There are many links on the net that speak to this but I will give this one. My second reason is the US government's plan to ban B6. naturalnews

As for the other ingredient dimethyltrypatimine I went to wiki because it is easiest to understand.

Dimethyltryptamine ('___'), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine and potent psychedelic drug, found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body where its natural function is undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin and other psychedelic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-'___' and 4-HO-'___'. '___' is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism[1] by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase.

So all this is also natural to the human body. I have never taken any drug other than prescription and certainly do not promote such. I am proposing we are given what we need in order to access our own dna, if indeed what the author of Cosmic Serpent proposes is true.

Okay, I have other thoughts on this material but need to regroup a bit and start thinking in another direction.

Any thoughts or comments so far? I think reading the link to Cosmic Serpent (second link) could generate some out of the box thinking for many.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I tend to think along the lines of a light, sound or some other source programed into us to make the change based in part on genetics and in part on choices.

Which are of course; vibrations.

Here is an abbreviated take on how I believe our consciousness works in a higher vibrational way (I just put this onto another thread and thought I would share it here):

We can experience shifts in our lives while time seems different to us. Dates may remain the same while we feel things are taking place much quicker than they should.

I have found that when making shifts, a lot around me may shift, and yet be the same. Same home and family, and perhaps job, but then we notice that many other things are different...suddenly different.

I believe vibrational shifts take place once we move our thought to higher plains (this is by choice). This usually happens by taking in new information and understanding it.

But…there are “blocks” and “traps” that can keep us stuck in the same vibrational frequency. Once a person transcends all that the world relies on, and places hope on, along with looking at what may cause blocks and traps in ones lives, then I believe that we can through thought move to higher dimensions. This of course is done individually and perhaps with those who are on the same frequency as yourself.

Either one transcends the blocks or traps, or they will consume you. They will keep one at a lower consciousness level. I believe awareness and acceptance is a huge key in recognizing the shifts. There is this old saying; “You will see - when you believe.”

I used the Petri Dish analogy for the scientific minded who have a hard time with the concept of a Creator. I do feel that the universal energy is one of love. But with that said, where there are choices, there are consequences. The Gods, or God, allows for this. This would be the ultimate sacrifice in love.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 10:32 PM
There is more from "The Cosmic Serpent..." by John Narby related to the concept of twins (but I am thinking this could also be akin to opposites). It relates to mythology and being born of twins by relating this to the double helix of dna and perfect replication. Alas, this is for someone else to explore.

I would like to get into his thoughts on light and sound in DNA

When they say their knowledge comes from beings they see in their hallucinations, their words mean exactly what they say. According to the shamans of the entire world, one establishes communication with spirits via music. For the ayahuasqueros, it is almost inconceivable to enter the world of spirits and remain silent.  

Angelika Gebhart-Sayer discusses the "visual music" projected by the spirits in front of the shaman’s eyes: It is made up of three-dimensional images that coalesce into sound and that the shaman imitates by emitting corresponding melodies. I should check whether DNA emits sound or not.

This is part of a discussion with a friend

"There is a last correlation that is slightly less clear than the others. The spirits one sees in hallucinations are three-dimensional, sound-emitting images, and they speak a language made of three-dimensional, sound-emitting images. In other words, they are made of their own language, like DNA." There was a long silence on the other end of the line.  

Then my friend said, "Yes, and like DNA they replicate themselves to relay their information."

I jotted this down, and it was later in reviewing my notes on the relationship between the hallucinatory spirits made of language and DNA that I remembered the first verse of the first chapter of the Gospel according to John:

"In the beginning was the logos" - the word, the verb, the language.

Then there is this.

The Science article reports on a paper suggesting that the non-coding 97% of the DNA, commonly referred to as junk DNA, might have a function. The authors of the paper employed linguistic tests to analyze junk DNA and discovered striking similarities to ordinary language. The scientists interpret those similarities as suggestions that there might be messages in the junk sequences, although its anyone s guess as to how the language might work. * F. Flam, Hints of a language in junk DNA, Science 266:1320, 1994.

So Narby is speaking of the language of DNA which today is referred to in scientific circles as logos. And another source determines it is a language.

Still I am looking for the use or effect of sound and does sound emanate from DNA? Seeing that sound is vibration, perhaps it does.

In the early 1980s, thanks to the development of a sophisticated measurement device, a team of scientists demonstrated that the cells of all living beings emit photons at a rate of up to approximately 100 units per second and per square centimeter of surface area. They also showed that DNA was the source of this photon emission.

During my readings, I learned with astonishment that the wavelength at which DNA emits these photons corresponds exactly to the narrow band of visible light. Yet this did not constitute proof that the light emitted by DNA was what shamans saw in their visions. Furthermore, there was a fundamental aspect of this photon emission that I could not grasp.  

According to the researchers who measured it, its weakness is such that it corresponds, "to the intensity of a candle at a distance of about 10 kilometers," but it has "a surprisingly high degree of coherence, as compared to that of technical fields (laser)." How could an ultra-weak signal be highly coherent? How could a distant candle be compared to a "laser"?

I came to understand that in a coherent source of light, the quantity of photons emitted may vary, but the emission intervals remain constant. DNA emits photons with such regularity that researchers compare the phenomenon to an "ultra-weak laser."

I could understand that much, but still could not see what it implied for my investigation. I turned to my scientific journalist friend, who explained it immediately:

"A coherent source of light, like a laser, gives the sensation of bright colors, a luminescence, and an impression of holographic depth."

So apparently DNA emits vibrations in the form of waves of light and although weak they are steady pulsations.

Definition of Chromatin from

Chromatin is that portion of the cell nucleus which contains all of the DNA of the nucleus in animal or plant cells.

According to Rattenmeyer and Popp "we have now found that chromatin is a photon emitter. ...

"If DNA is a photon store, particularly in certain confromational states, then as it unwinds ( or as the amount of decondensed chromatin increases )it should release photons. Hence would would expect a relationship between the DNA unwinding and the number of released photons.

Okay enough.

Add to this that somewhere I found that photosynthesis was a function of mitochondrial DNA in plants. I can't find the link now but will try to pursue it tomorrow as it relates to the ancient teaching from "The Secret History of the World" which says life on earth was/is believed to have originated from a vegetative form and if photosynthesis is a part of the vegetative body then it may yet be in our undiscovered DNA or perhaps it has changed to the ATP process of cellular respiration.

Also think about the many cultures that still believe that we have a vegetative body from which the 'flowers' or 'chakras' originate.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

I believe we are actually on the same page here.

I have chosen to go with strictly scientific data as I think that is what most people can relate to. However, if they are of a metaphysical bent they will see beyond or use it to reinforce their belief.

I was once heavy into the 'love and light' crowd but found, at least what I was reading, was mostly 'pie in the sky'. I am gradually coming back around but it is based on research that reinforces what it being said. My only drawback from that group it that they mostly ignore the darker side of humanity and what is happening in the reality we are living in.

Somewhere I hope to find a balance because I believe it is all about balance and recognizing the 'good and bad' and being able to accept both and not allowing the dark to consume me. So yes, I believe the focus should be love and light, light not just in the physical sense but metaphorically as well.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I was once heavy into the 'love and light' crowd but found, at least what I was reading, was mostly 'pie in the sky'. I am gradually coming back around but it is based on research that reinforces what it being said. My only drawback from that group it that they mostly ignore the darker side of humanity and what is happening in the reality we are living in.

Somewhere I hope to find a balance because I believe it is all about balance and recognizing the 'good and bad' and being able to accept both and not allowing the dark to consume me. So yes, I believe the focus should be love and light, light not just in the physical sense but metaphorically as well.

Yes, I relate. I am not of the New Age crowd either. Although I am surrounded by them, hehehe! I am too pragmatic and too much of a realist. There is definitely a very dark side to humanity. We are in many ways not that evolved and have IMO "devolved" at least in this dimension.

Like you I am studying the scientific aspects to what we are discussing, and am reading books and watching videos on quantum theory, etc. It helps to have so many theoretical physicists who are leaning in the multiple dimensions arena, etc.

The cosmos has natural laws. This I believe follows all the way down to the lowest dimensions and or universes. Nature has a beautiful side and a violent side. It seems to even out the earths evolution and mans.

Love is a subjective thing. I find it to be used more as a verb with God rather than a feeling, having more of an action meaning. I do not find that the Gods implement unconditional love, nor do I. It has taken on a sort of; mealy meaning. Nature has conditions as we all do in connection to love. There is a balance as you say. It helps to view LOVE in a different way.

Fear, hate, shame, judgment and human control I believe to be conditions of the lower dimensions and not the upper densities/vibrations or dimensions. It would explain why God is so indifferent in many instances with our dimension. As a persons; thought vibrations elevate, taking one to higher levels - I think a lot changes. The higher the dimension - the more love and beauty with less conflict.

Anyway, this is the area I am pursuing in my knowledge, and I certainly have experienced many shifts as I talked about earlier.

The whole DNA with the Junk aspects is fascinating. The junk parts may be the countless lives our DNA has taken on in our many generations of recycling. It may be indicative of our growth and changes, or even alterations by God in improving us between lives. DNA after all, is our memory tag for the Gods. It all makes complete sense to me.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

Love is a subjective thing. I find it to be used more as a verb with God rather than a feeling, having more of an action meaning. I do not find that the Gods implement unconditional love, nor do I. It has taken on a sort of; mealy meaning. Nature has conditions as we all do in connection to love. There is a balance as you say. It helps to view LOVE in a different way.

Fear, hate, shame, judgment and human control I believe to be conditions of the lower dimensions and not the upper densities/vibrations or dimensions. It would explain why God is so indifferent in many instances with our dimension. As a persons; thought vibrations elevate, taking one to higher levels - I think a lot changes. The higher the dimension - the more love and beauty with less conflict. Anyway, this is the area I am pursuing in my knowledge, and I certainly have experienced many shifts as I talked about earlier.

The whole DNA with the Junk aspects is fascinating. The junk parts may be the countless lives our DNA has taken on in our many generations of recycling. It may be indicative of our growth and changes, or even alterations by God in improving us between lives. DNA after all, is our memory tag for the Gods. It all makes complete sense to me.Text

Hi Matrix. You are way beyond me in your understanding of dimensions although, from personal experience I do believe it is real. I watch shows and read about them but only have a minimally basic understanding.

On the subject of love. I came to understand that love is knowledge and tried to deny love on that basis. Alas, you can know (as in knowledge) without really knowing why. I agree, that the term seems to be thrown around too easily, using it when another term would probably better describe the meaning one is trying to convey. Love is a feeling that you can't explain and, for me, in fact, may have no explanation other than it just is.

I like your understanding of the dimensions and can only hope it is true. You certainly have a better grasp than I. I do know that as I have allowed my vibration to diminish in the last few years ( the reason is unimportant) I have noticed a very obvious decrease in my sensitivity to other levels of the universe. I could think of no other way to say or explain it.

But I do thank you, dear friend, for showing me that I need to refocus. I know that was not your purpose in the response but it is the result.

DNA just is and some knowledge of it may help in increasing our life but what is meant to be will be. Better to focus on the things that truly change your life.

Best wishes

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I like your understanding of the dimensions and can only hope it is true. You certainly have a better grasp than I. I do know that as I have allowed my vibration to diminish in the last few years ( the reason is unimportant) I have noticed a very obvious decrease in my sensitivity to other levels of the universe. I could think of no other way to say or explain it.

Yes, I do understand. But it is the journey, not the destination. Everything is part of the process and helps us to gain wisdom that we often need to experience, in order to move upwards and forwards.

But I do thank you, dear friend, for showing me that I need to refocus. I know that was not your purpose in the response but it is the result.

Ya, you are right. I had no motives that way. But glad I could add my 2 cents!

DNA just is and some knowledge of it may help in increasing our life but what is meant to be will be. Better to focus on the things that truly change your life.

Very true! It is amazing to me how the puzzle is kinda coming together, or NOT!

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

Exactly. I would love to see hard research on this.

And don't forget the genealogy DNA project. What better way to find and eliminate long lines of people once they discover one in a family line. Then just develop something to knock it out or prohibit something that keeps it going.

an amazing threat, i can not believe i never thought of this. It truelly does just tie into EVERYTHING, it makes more sense at least, than what the bible "says" haha
my question is...
would it only be jew's that would have this "god like gene" or do u think that most of humanity has it?
my question is, those who feel a sudden spiritual change or shift...will those be some of the "angel lineage" that are living today? i have never truelly be spiritual, for 2-3 years i was depressed, didnt care for living...this when i was 16-18...and all the sudden i just kinda got out of it, and forgot about it.
but now it seems that all the sudden within the past few months, SOMETHING has clicked for me...
have dreams

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 12:18 AM
I am sorry I do not buy the whole monkey "god man" thing, Satan realy out did himself on that one. LOL... Very funny... Sad thing is some people actualy bought it.

Ok on to the real reason TPTB are collecting DNA. They are searching for the anti-christ. The anti-christ must be a pure decendent from Abraham. If he is not then the Jews will not believe he is their "Jesus". Monkies aside I like the theory of the 144,000 having a special gene. This is a very interesting concept, I will enjoy reading the rest of this thread and any furthur information you come up with to validate your claim. So all in all S&F for you. I do have one question, you seem to believe in our God, why do choose to not be a Christain? There are only two catagories for God or for Satan? Is Satan your master? You openly accept him as your "god" and reject your true creator? I cannot help but ask....

Edit for spelling...

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Melissa101
I am sorry I do not buy the whole monkey "god man" thing, Satan realy out did himself on that one. LOL... Very funny... Sad thing is some people actualy bought it.

Hehe, yes, it's so bogus it's funny. If man develloped from monkey into man in Africa, well, it just doesn't fit. Lokk at an African and a monkey.

African: Tightly curly hair, no body hair except for in the arm pits and below, black skin, no tail, strictly proportional body as if it was drawn in 2D and then turned 3D, a brain weighing about 1.5 kilos.

Ape: Straight hair, no facial hair, but the body covered in straight fur, white skin, tail, completely unproportional body, as if it was made to be something cute, rather than something to fear for it's godliness, not to mention a brain weighing in at 150 grams, that's 1/10th of a human brain.

And people calling themselves empirical claim we have developed from monkeys? Get fkn real! If anything, monkeys are degenerated humans and time goes in the oposite direction (if it was linear) than most of us would admit.

For instance: The only places I have hair is in my face on my head, on my chest and in my arse and the other side. Monkeys are completely diametrically different. They have no facial hair, but covered in fur, and have no hair in their arse, and often scarsely cladded with fur on the chest.

If we were not designed, then why are humans and monkeys diametrically or atleast complementary oposites?

And how could they say back in the seventies that Chimps and humans share 98% of their DNA when the human genome was first mapped in 2003? Beats me.

Just like sailors have known forever that the earth is globular, and masons have known that there are no real problems in moving mountains, every artist has known that life on earth is designed since they started drawing picts of game on cave walls. More and more nuclear biologists admit that genetics and life is technology. Hey you can even spice up your corn in your garden with genes bought over the net. The secret is we've been playing with these things since day one....

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Good points, something that bumfuzzles me is why is something so simple so complex for others? I mean if the monkey evolved into humans why does the monkey still exsist? If they evolved then they would be no more. So elementary my dear Watson...

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

And another thing. Why does evolution always turn the species into something more advanced? We vever see degeneration in evolution, only lower more primitive species turning into higher lifeforms. And why does all the bacteria, algae and stuff we are supposed to have evolved from some 2 billion years ago, still exist more or less unchanged? And time and time over just about all life on earth has been eradicated by different kinds of cataclysms. From millions of species to just a few. And then as if just over night, the earth is full of life again, new life, lifeforms that have never walked the earth before?...

I used to be a designer until I burnt out, well, I'm still a designer, but these days I use my gifts and knowledge to draw and paint. Anyway, the only reason I can see these evolutionists can believe what they say, is that they have never made or designed something in their life. Development and progress doesn't come from nowhere, you have to push things forward, if you don't, it will all but dissapear into mud and seamless stupidity.

When intelligent people claim evolution.... poor souls.... there is no hope....

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by autowrench

That's an excellent view of the tribes. I've never thought about it like that. I wonder if the 144,000 angelic, or elemental spirits are indeed of the four elements, then that would mean that there are possibly 36,000 of souls of each element. Like the number 11 would = 2, 36,000 would = 9.............Now I'd wonder where else we could possibly see repetitions with those numbers?

Creation is Geometry and Mathematics, combined with a great energy of male/female chi. I think what you are referring to is your connection with Time. We all have this "Zero Point" thing that attaches our soul to a particular time. this Zero Time will come up in every life, only it will have different occurrences. This is where to idea of Fate comes into play, and Deja Vue, a rememberence of a time connection in the past that is playing right now in real time.
Time is not understood completely, and most people see time as a means to get up and go to work, have a cup of coffee, or take a morning constitutional. Time is the Matrix Program that we all live in, unaware of the workings, just riding along and experiencing.

We need to realize that we live in a multi-dimensional universe(s). For example, if there are three dimensions, it stands to reason there would be a fourth. If you, a human being, could descend down to the second dimension, and speak with the two dimensional creatures there, and you talked about the third dimension, they would think you crazy. We in the third dimension have not the tools to understand, or access the fourth dimension. In other words, the Higher Realms cannot be measured, (scientific way, if it cannot be measured, it does not exist) or can it be isolated using the tools of the third dimension. Therefore we can give credence to a Higher Realm, simply by going beyond conventional thought. This is what the study of the Occult is all about, going beyond conventional thought to access higher realms of conciousness.

Taking this all in, it is now abundantly clear that the God-Like and Angelic (both creative) forces that take us into the Higher Realms, and it is the satanic and demonic (both destructive) forces that try to keep us in the lower realms.


Regardless it is obvious that our heritage is so mixed now that it would be near impossible to determine who is genetically of this lineage and who is not.

I heard that! I too think that the original "Adama," and the "Eve" were the original beings created by the Annunnaki. Other humans were simply copies of these two. Then there came a time of placing the "God Stamp" on the humans, so they could then be controlled by thought.
The Annunnaki women, such as Innanna went to her brother Thoth, the DNA scientist, with a plan to give the humans procreation, so that they could mate and bear children on their own.
I believe through time other ET beings came here, and mixed their DNA with ours. We are all mutts now. And, we are as they are. Never forget that. We are as They Are, we are "like unto the Gods." This means we are beginning to know who we are, in that sense of the word. "I AM."


Yeah, I agree the Cabal secretly running the show from the shadows know the true usage of last 8% of the human genome. They can't afford to allow us to reach a more evolved level of consciousness or their whole house cards falls down in an instant! Just like the part of our brain that no one in neuroscience has any idea what it is there for. Again, I'm sure someone knows what that part of the brain is for. Quite possibly the human genome and the human mind are some of the last frontiers left to discover on the earth.

Yep, there are some who know these things, I believe strongly that the leaders of the world are all of the same bloodline. and, to keep their power, they will do Anything to keep us from finding out the secrets. But the secrets are coming out, and there is no stopping it. It is like Pandora's Box, it cannot be opened just a little bit.


What if man's original sin, or fall was combined with a DNA tampering by Evil. Hence the veil; in which we will have a coming apocalypse(unveiling).

I have never seen how we, man/womankind, the inhabitants of planet Earth can be blamed for something the original copies did so long ago. The very word "Sin" came fro a Babylonian God, sin is not something you do. There is a cycle, part of the cycle is Positive in nature, and part is Negative in nature. Our solar system revolves around a much greater space than is thought, and has a Central Sun called Alcyone.

Aquarius (as in Age of) relates humanity to the Pleiades and therefore to Taurus in an unusual manner. Alcyone and Humanity constitute a most interesting triangle of force. Alcyone is one of the seven Pleiades and is called the "star of the Individual" and sometimes the "star of intelligence." It was potently active during the previous solar system wherein the Third Person of the Trinity was peculiarly omnipotent and active, just as today the cosmic Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, is peculiarly active in this solar system. The energies coming from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind.

Earth is now on a positive path, I believe, all of the little electrons in our carbon based bio-mechanical human bodies are turning positive instead of negative. TPTB knows this, this is why they would like to kill as many as possible before this becomes fully into being. with all of us on the planet right now, more than ever before, together we have an Energy that would be a force to be reckoned with, and they know it.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Sundancer

Every choice made -- materialised in our genome -- were made from your own choices and presedence among our gods, in the presence of the l'Åord in our lives.... IOW every protein in our genome is part of God's Word and Name, it's written "in the skies", the Heavens declare our Lords Plan and it's confirmed on the Earth, Dragons fight for it to remain that way.....

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Ok, my first post ever and I'm explaining evolution to a Creationist. This is about as futile as trying to teach an actual monkey. At least the monkey will try to understand, if I offer it some fruit.

*Nobody has ever claimed that humans evolved from monkeys. We evolved from a common ancestor.

*There is no degeneration because evolution is an adaptive process. It cannot, by it's very nature, make any species less capable of survival in its current environment.

*Also, black Africans are not closer to apes than other races, so comparing their superficial traits to chimps is pointless and insulting. Some people might try to use evolution to promote racism, but then religion has been misused for the same purpose. Just because some people twist the facts to promote harmful agendas doesn't make the facts any less true.

*Designers seek simplicity and efficiency. Evolution is messy. Complexity is therefore not evidence for design. When I write a program, I seek to create to create elegant simplicity, not a needlessly complicated jumble of code.

Have I hit everything?

I don't see why anyone would have a problem with evolution - why you wouldn't want to accept it. I rather like the idea of everything being connected. We are family to every living thing. That to me is no less spiritually satisfying than believing that we just popped into existence by magic.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Blue Alice
*Designers seek simplicity and efficiency. Evolution is messy. Complexity is therefore not evidence for design. When I write a program, I seek to create to create elegant simplicity, not a needlessly complicated jumble of code.

Not nessasarilly simple and thereby the best. Rationality in code, doesn't mean scaresness of shapes (always symetric and unique, showing off perfect composition, taste and purpose), colour (again, you don't see misuse of color) , composition (just about every species alive is like a Rembrandt or a Giza pyramid). Life is technology, and the makes of vessels filling up this planet are ancient angels' pride and life purpose. You can't possibly believe that the square gave birth to the pentagon.....

Have I hit everything?

I don't see why anyone would have a problem with evolution - why you wouldn't want to accept it. I rather like the idea of everything being connected. We are family to every living thing. That to me is no less spiritually satisfying than believing that we just popped into existence by magic.

YOU may be family to all life, just like YOU were made of stars too. Evolution as a noun is vital to creation and technology, but Evolution as a religion is at best comedy.

[edit on 28/8/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

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