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Can Obama be Stopped in 2012?

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posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Unless we wake up, no

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I see that lots of you people of USA are afraid of OBAMA because he could/would install a " socialist " society ...... ????? do you really believe that is socialism ??? because he did help GM ? because he wants better health care for all of your children up there ? because he wants more welfare for all and not only for the rich and famous ? Who did bring USA into such a desastrous situation ?? the republicans !!! BUSH/REAGAN and Tatcher at our side !!! who did kill normal market business ? ENRON + MADOFF and all the other bankers that did abnormal investments and fraud !! Who did ask for help ? GM and Chrysler and others in the first time ?? or did Obama nationalise them in full healthy and rich form ??? It would have been much more dramatic for USA and for the workers over there ( and for the world with crisis everywhere ) if Obama did not help GM for exemple. Even Bush wanted to help them : it's always the same : the profits are always for the same when things go well but if there is a crisis it's the others that have to pay for the mess !!!
but that is NOT socialism !! I am sure Obama wants to get his money back when GM and others will go better !!

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

" OBAMA a left wing fascist " ????? I am sorry but there I think I have to let you in your malware dreams ... that is no longer a serious discussion here.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by georgepatrick

Obama didn't help GM. Gm failed. Obama bailed out the UAW and all the unions for their support.
And yes, Obama wants socialism.
He wants more government control.
He wants bigger government.

And, yes, yes, yes, Bush was bad. . .blah blah blah he is also retired. He is no longer our president. This is the Obama show brought to you live!!!

And sponsored by GE

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by georgepatrick
I am sure Obama wants to get his money back when GM and others will go better !!

I have to disagree. He's already turning down payments. He/they will never relinquish their control. The controllers are simply eliminating the middle-management. The likes of Enron and Madoff are fall guys and minuscule in the scope of the US and certainly the global agenda. The GM bailouts alone could have built a new, efficient, well paying auto manufacturer without a union. Instead those funds were thrown down an economic black hole. How can this union crippled clunker compete with foreign sweatshops? It can't and so the black hole will continue sucking money for another decade.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

You beat me to the punch by minutes Mike. You're damned right.
Consider too that this other poster is a foreigner and our anguish is his pleasure.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Hemisphere]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:33 PM
when I say Obama did help GM etc. I should be more clearspeaking : I mean Obama and Bush could do nothing else than help the BANKS in the first place and then others and no that is NOT socialism, it is the only thing they could and can do before the great collapse !
and I prefer the OBAMA show going on than the BUSH one we had before, that was a very bad show with some very bad cowboys like RUMSFELD ( how is he going - with such a name that reminds me some cruel history on our side of the world ... ) Cheeney ( the satanic voice in the bushbrain ) and CARL ROVE
( the spooky man on the side ).
I wish you all the best up there in USA !! first of all : a better employment ! a better healthcare ! less fraud in the banks and everywhere else, a dollar that gets stronger because if more people will take euros instead of dollars ( do not forget China is paying your debt !! ) then bye bye the USA leadership.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by georgepatrick
" OBAMA a left wing fascist " ????? I am sorry but there I think I have to let you in your malware dreams ... that is no longer a serious discussion here.

It's the truth. Obama is a left wing facist. And as for the rest of your posts ... you may be pro-socialism but America is supposed to be a republic with democratic institutions and a FREE MARKET SOCIETY. Obama is destroying that.

You can take all your euro-centric rhetoric and go worship Obama all you want. In fact ... you can have him. I'd be more than happy to ship him over to you free of charge (if I could).


posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

I have no true idea about the foreign MSM but I can imagine that it is as bad there as it is here. If that's the case then he is as misinformed (and blind to the truth) as the Obama-ites we have.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by georgepatrick
when I say Obama did help GM etc. I should be more clearspeaking : I mean Obama and Bush could do nothing else than help the BANKS in the first place and then others and no that is NOT socialism, it is the only thing they could and can do before the great collapse !
and I prefer the OBAMA show going on than the BUSH one we had before, that was a very bad show with some very bad cowboys like RUMSFELD ( how is he going - with such a name that reminds me some cruel history on our side of the world ... ) Cheeney ( the satanic voice in the bushbrain ) and CARL ROVE
( the spooky man on the side ).
I wish you all the best up there in USA !! first of all : a better employment ! a better healthcare ! less fraud in the banks and everywhere else, a dollar that gets stronger because if more people will take euros instead of dollars ( do not forget China is paying your debt !! ) then bye bye the USA leadership.

When the government owns 60% of a company, I call that socialism.
Healthcare is fine if he leaves it alone. The problem is with the lawyers and not healthcare in general. Nationalized healthcare will degrade the quality we have now to the levels you enjoy in Europe.
And the dollar is just going to get worse because Obama has sold out T-bills (by the trillion) to China and we are just months away from a massive inflationary crisis.
bye bye to the American way of life. . .

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by georgepatrick

Don't worry about your grammar and master of the English language, my first language is Spanish and I be darn If I am going to allow anybody to make fun of the fact that I am not an English major.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

When the government owns 60% of a company, I call that socialism.

NO NO NO !! it is not !! because the intention is not to OWN that company but only to help it survive and to keep the employment !!! the intention is to get that money back when things will go better, it is not the role of a government to own such companies !!!!! isn't it important to keep employment ? is it better to have bankrupties with loss of money for all other companies involved ?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by georgepatrick

You seriously need to read Altas Shrugged. Go see if it's available in your language. I'm sure it is. It is very educational and you will learn that when the leadership of a country 'temporarily' nationalizes a company like GM .. they aren't really doing it 'temporarily'.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:06 PM
I do think this is Fascism.

There's no way to get around it. The Government wants to make it look like there's private control over these companies but there's not. You have Obama controlling advertising budgets of private companies, firing managers, setting pay guidlines for executives and picking where new plants should be opened.

This is a takeover of the economy by Government. They want total control of the healthcare system in America.

The things Obama is doing are troubling to someone who loves freedom, liberty and democracy. He has more czars than the Romanovs. It's like he's building a government within a government.

During the campaign he pushed for a local police force that was stronger than the military. These things don't make sense but America keeps putting their heads in the sand and smiling and saying Obama can do no wrong.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Matrix Rising]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

It's the truth. Obama is a left wing facist. And as for the rest of your posts ... you may be pro-socialism but America is supposed to be a republic with democratic institutions and a FREE MARKET SOCIETY. Obama is destroying that.
Text Obama is destroying that ??? who did destroy the american dream ??? the Bush neocons !!
Free market ? yes : very free for the rich and famous, free for the fraud Enron and Madoff and others, but not for the millions of poor people up there !

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by georgepatrick
reply to post by mikerussellus

When the government owns 60% of a company, I call that socialism.

NO NO NO !! it is not !! because the intention is not to OWN that company but only to help it survive and to keep the employment !!! the intention is to get that money back when things will go better, it is not the role of a government to own such companies !!!!! isn't it important to keep employment ? is it better to have bankrupties with loss of money for all other companies involved ?

I'll give you the benefit of doubt and work under the assumption that you don't get the whole story over there.
GM is gone.
Obama fired the CEO earlier this year and has put in place a "Pay Czar" to determine salaries of ALL companies that have received money (bailout) from the government. Thousands of GM dealerships have closed. Thousands have lost their jobs because of this.
The only people that are ok are the union members who are sitting at home, but are still collecting a paycheck.
The Chinese have bought the HUMMER line.
Fiat has bought other parts of GM.
What is left is nothing but government owned.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:20 PM
its not about Obama...he's just the current puppet...
TPTB, whatever you wish to call them, will be defeated. though not until it gets much worse, i'm sure. i shudder to think how bad it may get before enough people stand up and say ENOUGH. they may win however many battles they want...they will not win the war.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:25 PM

I have to say that all the pro-Obama people on this thread are seriously delusional, along with the people that think the Republicans are going to come back in and change everything.

I thought the motto of this site was "Deny Ignorance"/

The reason why I say this is because, the rate things are going there won't be a 2012 election, 2010 mid-terms will be last straw for a peaceful revolution. If the dems continue to have supreme control then the country will fall into revolution or civil war. People are fed up with both parties, people see things are not right with what the government is doing and has done.

The economy is just going to continue to deteriorate, READ YOUR HISTORY PEOPLE!!!! The same polices that Hoover did and FDR is now what Bush and Obama are doing is what caused the Great Depression.

The fact is come 2012 we will be luck if their is even an election held.

Edit to add -

The only way real change and real reform is going to come about is if the entire federal government is disposed of and replaced.

Edit - Added FDR after Hoover so the sentence made sense.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Tell me about it, the bond market due to Obama fiscal irresponsibility and the credit crunch is about to crash anytime.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by georgepatrick

and I prefer the OBAMA show going on than the BUSH one we had before,

Many US citizens on this board take issue with your dutch views that either Obama or Bush is your president. They aren't. They work here in the US and not for the EU. The EU has its own president. Maybe you could present your views about that, as they more directly affect you in ways our president can not.

When it comes down to US policy and power the ONLY nations who's opinion I could respect would be Mexico and Canada because we are all in the same boat and all three of us are having this NAU BS shoved down our throats. However, none of us consider ourselves "Citizens of the world" as you do georgepatrick. Never before have I seen someone so committed to the ideas of the NWO .

Citizen of the world indeed.

Obama has already given us the cyber security czar and the payment czar. We have Sotomyer of La Raza nominated for SCOTUS. Don't get me wrong I see Jorge Arbusto as a bad guy but this Obama is no better.

Thats what you fail to see from your isolated dutch point of view. To understand us better you should come one over here and hold up a sign of anykind at the next Democratic national convention and then tell us how nice the freespeech zones are and how fancy the temporary detainment facility's are.... or maybe you could ask the gitmo detainees that have been asked to plead guilty without a trial so that they can be put to death what they think of Obamas plan for them? Did you read about that in your news? That is one of the plans for them under the Obama administration. In addition to closing down gitmo.

A devil with another name is still a devil.

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