I'm not sure who started the rumor that Christians were "responsible" for the world -
Or the rumor that Christians are all without fault or sin. Christians are human, just like everyone else on the planet. We struggle with the same
issues that everyone else does.
The Bible is out there for anyone/everyone to read and study. Some choose to, some choose not to. It isn't my place, nor any other Christian, to
take a poll every year to see who is reading and who isn't.
I can encourage you to read and study - but ultimately, each person is the captain of his/her own fate.
If you read the Bible, you will understand that what's going on in today's world has been predicted, and day by day prophecy is being fulfilled. I
think even the most hardcore atheist would have to agree that we are now beyond mere 'coincidence' on these things.
I can give you a heads up though, from a Christian point of view. God will not allow anyone to "understand" his Bible unless that person is truly
seeking Him. Believe it or not, He can, and has trust me, blocked a person's understanding of the Bible - if He knows they aren't ready to
understand, or accept what is written, that person can read all day long and wont' gain any insight.
As these end days continue, all of what's going on out in the world IS going to only get worse. The false prophets, as the OP spoke of, are out
there and are only going to increase in numbers. That is satan working through mankind - it has nothing to do with God or Jesus.
The biblical plan is, this is God's planet, God's universe - in the end, He will take all of the believers with Him - but satan is working through
'man' to steer as many souls as he can away from God. As we get closer to the finale, the Bible says that even the 'very elect' will be deceived.
People say "Oh, doomsday talk, we've heard it all before". Guess what? So have I. I have brushed off hundreds of "doomsday" prophets with their
predictions. Why? Because their views didn't coincide with what the Bible says. And now, today, there aren't any dates being set, unless you
count the 2012 issue - and that is only part of the "end". But things are much different today - Christians and alot of non Christians agree that
things seem to be heating up.
Preachers used to preach about the end days but it was done in a 'someday' way. Today, most ALL of them are now talking about it in the present.
Satan has been busy this last generation - you'll be hard pressed to find morals or ethics in today's world. He has worked through, and used,
society to push his agenda as well. I thank God that He brought me in this world back when we actually said the Pledge of Allegiance first thing upon
arriving at school, as well as the Lord's Prayer before we ate lunch, every single day.
Because I see now, looking at society and the people's mentality today, and I see how very easy it would've been for me to have fallen into the same
"trap" that I see soooo many people today having fell into. By 'trap" I mean the mentality that it's acceptable to question if there's a God,
and to question why gay people can't marry, to question why stealing is wrong, or murder or other sins running rampant on the planet.
I just missed this generation - and I am extremely blessed to have missed it. Had I not, my eternal fate could be a whole lot different.