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The Emergence of President Obama's Muslim Roots

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:16 AM
This thread blatantly shows the intolerance and bigotry of the people against Obama.

As I have said, if you are going to discuss his policies and politics, Ill have to concede the argument because he after all is a crooked politician.

But to chastise a man because of religion, or his middle name? People should be ashamed of themselves for falling for intolerance and bigotry.

Muslims aren't evil. Yes there are some that are. Just like in every other culture on Earth including Christian cultures. But to base scorn and hatred for a person based solely on speculation on his religious affiliation? That is low.

If your going to discuss his politics, the man is as crooked as they come. He promised change we can believe in, so far that change isn't something that this country needs. I won't argue for or defend this mans politics. But I will argue and defend his religious freedom.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:16 AM
When it comes to the issues of whether he is a natural born citizen I can at least comprehend people's concerns, because if that were true then there is a genuine legal and constitutional problem. I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve the theory that he is not a natural born citizen. I'm just saying that if it were to be conclusively proved, that would be a legitimate legal and constitutional conflict.

However, I fail to see what his religion - on its own - has to do with his eligibility or qualification to serve as President. We don't conclusively know that he is Muslim, but for the sake of argument, let's assume he is. Are we really saying that a Muslim can't or shouldn't be President? If so, then that's extremely disheartening and disappointing. A person's individual religious beliefs should have no bearing upon their legal right to run for and serve in public office. So, is it his background then? Are we trying to make the argument that a Muslim who spent time in largely Muslim countries or regions in his youth is somehow automatically a threat? If so, then that too is extremely disheartening and disappointing, because it implies a blanket judgment and generalization that I just can't swallow and consider deplorable.

Or, is it that he supposedly concealed his religious beliefs while campaigning? If that's what it is, then I can at least fathom why people would take issue with it. However, since the article itself points out that it was done for political reasons, I can't say I'm shocked or surprised to learn that a politician might have lied about something during a campaign in order to win votes. Do I agree with it or support it? Absolutely not (if it happened.) However, it's certainly no worse than what any other politician would have done when running for office. Moreover, we don't know conclusively that this is the case. Obama has asserted that he is Christian, so it is possible that he wasn't outright lying about anything, but rather - as the article itself states - downplaying.

I did not vote for Obama. I do not agree with everything he has done, everything he says, or all of his policies. (In fact, the majority of them I actually take issue with, but that would be the case with almost anyone in office in any party.) However, in the absence of conclusive proof that he a) is Muslim, b) lied about it, and c) that this constitutes some sort of threat, to take issue with a perceived Muslim faith on his part - by itself - is in my opinion the exact opposite of what we should be striving for i.e. religious tolerance and the separation of church and state (or politics.)

As always, this is only my personal opinion and I respect that of those who disagree.

[edit on 6/3/2009 by AceWombat04]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:17 AM
Wake up people! Did you grow up with Obama? Did you follow him through out his life to this point or are you going by what you have been told? Assuming that you have been told all the facts and the truth. Assuming that information about him is not being held back from the all trusting American People. The days of trusting the government is over! We are all frogs in the pot here and in a year or two when people finally start catching on, I will do my best not to say "I told you so." Although I probably will!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:17 AM

What's the problem if he is black,muslim,white,christian,hindu,gay?

I understand your point, in fact, except for Hindu he has those all covered,

[edit on 103030p://bWednesday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:18 AM

reply to post by Starseed32

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Best commentary I have seen all day! Keep it up!

reply to post by Stormdancer777

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:24 AM
This thread saddens me.

Who cares if he is Muslim??? Why don't you just call him a terrorist?

A politician lied or misled? I can't believe what I'm hearing.

Give me a break. I'm not an Obama supporter, but you're all acting like you found out he's a child molester.

So what if he s muslim? We do have freedom of religion in this country correct??? Last time I checked that was just as important as all of the other rights we have - if not more important. If you can't appreciate that, then you probably should question why you REALLY live here.

Freedom of religion might be the most important right we have. If you take that away, you're no better than Iran or any of the other middle east countries that you are so afraid of.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Who cares if he is Muslim???

I do, I care, I want to know who the heck he is.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:33 AM
come on so what is he Muslim? NWO? Antichrist? lol or just a standard scumbag politician. You cant push his Muslim roots and than say he's a NWO Anti-christ. its just dumb. pick one and just go with it lol

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by InsaneInTheOlMembrain
If i were you Americans, i wouldn't care about my leaders religion, orientation, or even the groups they are in (that goes for you anti-freemasons too), It seems very oppressive that maybe some of these presidents do hide certain facts about them selves so they aren't frowned upon by the voters. Don't be so intolerant.

look...your going to see these posts everyday, they are obsessed with his birth cert. and his religion. they don't care how he helps the country, it is their pathology to call names, make up crap, pump up the hate, and hope for a abortion-doctor killer to make their day with the same type of murderous action. there are millions of people in the country that can not stand having a half-black guy for president, especially one that cares about the poor and middle class. there are people in this country that want to nuke any other country that poses a threat to the US. they want want abortion doctors killed, as well as women that get them, to go to jail. they want everybody believing in god and jesus christ and if they don't to leave the country. they want all brown people to shut the hell up. they want taxes cut to the point of only providing money to the military. they want all welfare and poor people to get a job or die on the streets. they want more prisons. they do not want liberals in any type of government job, only white christian conservatives. they want a free market economy with no government oversite power. they want laws that if you walk onto their property, they have the right to shoot and kill you. they want cops to beat the hell out of anybody that gives them the wrong answer. they want your nieghbors to spy on you, and have your phones tapped, but only if your a liberal.
that's the republican party!!!

[edit on 3-6-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:36 AM
Well, the Liberal has belched!

reply to post by jimmyx

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:40 AM


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

look...your going to see these posts everyday, they are obsessed with his birth cert. and his religion.

Both of which are irrelevant, the birth cert is none of their business, and his religious freedoms are his.

they don't care how he helps the country, it is their pathology to call names, make up crap, pump up the hate, and hope for a abortion-doctor killer to make their day with the same type of murderous action.

They should be concerned with his politics. That is a valid concern. The government should deliver the mail and stay the hell out of peoples lives. I have said before and I will say it again that I will defend this mans right to religious freedom all day long. As I would defend every other Americans same right to those same freedoms.

These people however aren't concerned with his religious freedom. They are Fascists. If a person doesn't fall within their narrow parameters of what is right. Then obviously he must be evil.

there are millions of people in the country that can not stand having a half-black guy for president, especially one that cares about the poor and middle class.

And when he does actually start caring about the poor and middle class I will be personally surprised. This guys politics are as crooked as the day is long.

there are people in this country that want to nuke any other country that poses a threat to the US. they want want abortion doctors killed, as well as women that get them to go to jail. they want everybody believing in god and jesus christ and if they don't to leave the country, they want all brown people to shut the hell up, they want taxes cut to the point of only providing money to the military. they want all welfare and poor people to get a job or die on the streets. they want more prisons. they do not want liberals in any type of government job, only white christian conservatives. they want a free market economy with no government oversite power.

Look where that mindset got us the last 8 years.

they want laws that if you walk onto their property, they have the right to shoot and kill you.

I'm on their side on this particular issue. Come on my property uninvited and and unwanted and hope you can outrun a bullet.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Heisenberg
Add some deplorable rap music behind that post and you would have a great start at the huffington post!

reply to post by jimmyx

i don't like rap music, i am white, i have legal firearms, and a respect for the bill of rights, and a disrepect for any mythical-being led religions.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:48 AM
I will once again ask (and probably be ignored) where does the Koran say that it is okay for a Muslim to renounce Allah and the Muslim faith and 'practice in secret' while being a member of another religion?

I will also state: what is the penalty for a Muslim who renounces his faith for another?

If you know the answer to any of these, you know it's ridiculous to think that he's a Muslim.

There is no evidence Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii. There is no evidence that Obama hasn't been a Christian for decades.
No court has taken any case against Obama, because there is no evidence against him.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
wouldn't TPTB be taking a huge risk in promoting somebody with such a sketchy past?

naaaah .. it just makes him more easily manageable.
More easily blackmailed by TPTB. They probably LOVE it!

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
He has been going to a Christian Church pretty much his whole life.

No he hasn't.

When in Indonesia he was listed as Muslim.

And as I pointed out, here in the USA for the past 20 years he's been attending a Black Liberation Theology Cult. It's not Christian.

As I posted before -

Black Liberation theology

Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

Obama's Church not your average Christian Church

HOWEVER ... In Obama’s March 6, 2007 interview with Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times, entitled, “Obama: Man of the World, Obama said that the Muslim Call to Prayer was the 'most beautiful sound in the world'. Obama proceeded to chant it in perfect accent that which no Christian would agree to ...

This is the Muslim Call to Prayer -

“Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet… “

Originally posted by upnorthtrip
I don't understand you Americans! Isn't it supposed America to be the Dream land where everyone can make it etc? What's the problem if he is black,muslim,white,christian,hindu,gay?

You have entirely missed the point. The point is he's just like every other politician. He's a liar and he's spending a whole lotta money to hide information about himself - his birth - that we have a right to know about.

No change. No hope. No unity. No transparency.

Originally posted by whatukno
But to chastise a man because of religion, or his middle name? People should be ashamed of themselves for falling for intolerance and bigotry.

whatukno .... of course we have freedom of religion in this country. But the problem is that he is TELLING LIES. I don't care if he worships the man in the moon ... but the fact is that he's telling LIES. That's what the problem is.

As for his middle name .. I don't care. He didn't pick it.

Originally posted by jimmyx
they don't care how he helps the country,

Bud .. wake up .. he ain't helping !! He's making it worse.

Originally posted by whatukno
the birth cert is none of their business,

Actually .. it is.

It's just as much our business as it was our business, years ago, when the AWOL charges were against Bush43. He came up with military medical documents that showed he was actually on post and doing his duty at the time that people thought he was AWOL. Bush43 was capable of putting these things to rest. Apparently, Obama isn't.

[edit on 6/3/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Does anyone here remember, or see, the movie "Mars Attacks"? Near then end, a Martian was carrying a translator device that was barking out "I come in peace"...all the while the Martians were shooting, blasting people. Funny...huh?

We are in a "War" against terrorism, in Iraq, in Afghanistan and more home. The enemy doesn't wear a military outfit, they are cowardly, sneaky suicide bombers and hide behind their children and (property) wives. They claim to be peaceful and then shoot (or bomb) us. They exist here in "cells" where they act and lie to keep their true agenda hidden.

We now have a President that, in my opinion, is questionable. Full disclosure should be REQUIRED before getting the job of the most powerful person in the US...or maybe the world. We don't have that with Obama. There are some questions, by some people, about his credentials to be President and questions about possibly lying about his religion. And anyone with any intelligence only lie when you want to hide something from others. The same way Islamic (Muslim) "radicals" lie to forward their agenda. NO PERSON SHOULD BE ABLE TO LIE THEIR WAY INTO THE PRESIDENCY!

We should not, and can not, have things hidden from us by a presidential contender. You know...the same way an employer can fire you if he finds you lied on your resume?????? I know all politicians lie...I know Presidents lie...etc. But we can, and must obtain, full disclosure before sending someone into such a position.

But here in the US, we have been brainwashed by liberals to "embrace diversity". This has muted the voices of many people who have a different opinion. Some have been labeled "racist", some are labeled "intolerant", and some have been put in the "conspiracy" asylum. It is our right to ask any question, for any reason, regardless of the label we are made to wear. We are all Americans...nut-jobs and all. We (everyone included) is a citizen and has a right to get answers during the interview process...even if some of you don't agree. Or...just a thought...let all the questions be asked, get all the answers and then make an educated decision about a potential President.

The Democrats, to me, have always had the agenda to weaken the US so we are on a more even foot with other world powers. I hope the idea behind this that it would be for the better of our country...though I strongly disagree. Well...Obama sure has accomplished that in a short period of time. We are now broke, weak, fools in the eyes of the world, about to loose our guns, a possible federal tax, GPSing our front doors, etc., etc., etc.

"Weaken your enemy, claim to be their friend, use their own prejudices and tools against them...then, kill them all." Sounds like a plan...doesn't it? question or "thought to be pondered" is this...If there was a plan to bring down the US by Islam (excuse me....Islamic "radicals") or whomever...wouldn't what has and is occurring now a "good plan"? Use the Democrats, elect a Muslim president and tear the country down around us? Wouldn't this be the plan of strongly religious people? Wouldn't this be the plan of less powerful nations? Wouldn't this be the plan of our current enemy and the plan multiple Taliban leaders and Osama himself have boasted about? Attacking from ways that would confuse and devastate us? A surprise attack...a suicide attack? (an Anti-Christ...if you are religious). Then what? Team up with Russia and China (you already have their attention via Iran and N. Korea). Wipe out Israel? get the projected idea.

I'm not saying it is true...I'm not saying these are all facts, etc. I'm asking...doesn't the result, the path that appears to be unfolding before us, raise the question of how we got here? And give good reason to question those making it all possible?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:53 AM
It's a known fact that all politicians lie to get into office, while they are in office and after they leave. Sometimes it's just a twisting of words to fit a point of view and other times it's flat out.

reply to post by Stormdancer777

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
Does anyone here remember, or see, the movie "Mars Attacks"?

We have it. I love that movie.

Originally posted by js331975
It's a known fact that all politicians lie to get into office, while they are in office and after they leave.

And just because this guy is popular with some folks doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to his lies.

He's just like the rest ...

No change. No hope. No unity. No transparency.

.. and full of lies and coverups that need to be exposed.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:57 AM
Mythical being? You need to read Pascal's Wager. You are on the losing end of the bet.

reply to post by jimmyx

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