The second time I tried that methode, although again on a 'lazzy' half doing:
This time I made indeed an impressing experience and it still keeps my mind trapped from thinking about it. I just cleaned the kitchen in a completly
mind-away state.
I am used to have lucid dreams and lucid dreams have the characteristic that you are concious and do know that you are dreaming. But this was
But let me start from the beginning. I went to bed in the intention to get up earlier this morning because I have to get up early at monday.
When my alarm clock rang I fighted to get up. I sat up a little looked at the alarm clock and thought about the methode in the link above. Why not
give it another try instead standing up, it is sunday! So I set the 5 min interval. I decided to go with 5 min intervall all the time because I
thought this is more unusuall for me then to go to long intervalls. (I am used to awoke with 15min).
A number of the 5 min interval went off . The first 1 or 2 I failed to find sleep again but the others I found sleep. In between I did one time a 10
min to break the regularity. I think I spend a whole hour or one and a half with this intervalls till to a vivid dream that took place in my house.
But it looked all different also my sleeping romm and the bed orientation and I was not lucid, it was just that a vivid dream.
Then I 'awoke'. I was in my bed the right way the right bed. I cant remember to have heard an alarm of my alarm clock. I was still in sleeping
position and I heard noise. Since I read about rivers' noise I heard noise shortly bevore awakening from time to time (never before) in the
'awakening' process. It didnt vanish like it usually does. So started playing with my wight. I imagined I am heavy and indeed my focus (sight)
changed I was about going flat on the matrass. I tried to get through but didnt work. So I changed to imagine I am wightless. And my body feelt light
and my focus or sight moved a upward not enough thought. And I started to alter between heavy and light pumping. When I was light I suddently thought
about uesing the noise as a buster like a rocked buster. Sounds strange but indeed that worked and I find my self flying in the room. But the room
itself then was different. Basicly it was my room and the walls and furniture were all at the right place. but not the doors and the windows. Also I
noticed that I could not see me in the bed and my bed was prepared and it had another bedcover.
So I figured I was out somewhere but doesnt seems to be the etheric plane. rather the astral one. One of my walls with windows was replaced with a big
glas door.
And behind this door I saw the most incredible beach and sea view I ever saw. It was right there at my door. I could have opened it and stepped out
and were on the beach. Aboslutly overhelming place. I didnt go out ..I feard this would change it into a dream. After a time I found myself back in
the bed.
What then followed I have to summorize because it takes a lot of space.
The experience continued the way that I did the seperation more than one time always when I was back in my bed I tried and always seperated into my
room with a different wall set and outsides and a different bedcover and always the bed was prepared and I couldnt see me in it.
In the third time it came to my mind that I forgot about doing a dream check. I was all the time concious but somhow it was all real enough that I
didnt doubt it.
So I tried to summon a flower with pot. Successles. (note: in a lucid dream I am able to summon things).
When I finnaly awoke in real I was surprised Because I really thought I was already awoke in real before I started my first seperation.
False awakening I usually identify very fast as such. Not this time.
So I finnaly was astral projecting just from where? The dream check failed and it was all real enough for me.