I honestly felt the need to finally join ATS after months of lurking, just to post here.
About a year ago, approximately 6 months after reaching my 16th birthday, I had the most amazing dream. I was walking along an autumn hillside toward
a small timber-framework cottage with smoke piping from its small chimney. I then saw a large white wolf with emerald green eyes sitting on the hill
near the cottage, and his name instantly came to me as Hadaukin. I felt no fear, just complete calm, and felt compelled to sit in front of him, and so
I did.
The remainder of the dream became fuzzy upon waking, but I know that I sat for a very, very long time with him as he actually taught me how to use
many skills I'd unknowingly been harboring. We spoke telepathically, and I would work on guessing numbers he was thinking to fine-tune this telepathy
until he was satisfied. Then, we moved onto much more advanced things (almost all of which I forgot once I woke up), but one image I specifically
remember is looking up at the twilight sky and seeing a grid mapping all of the stars...I could then read the stars to guess numbers and future
This dream effected me well into the next day, and couldn't get it out of my mind. The whole day seemed...different. After telling my father about
it, he was silent for a while before telling me that Native Americans supposedly talked about white wolf spirit guides whom communicated with them
telepathically, and that my dream wasn't likely a coincidence. (I have pretty strong Native American background.) My friend, who is Cherokee, told me
that in her family, animals come to the girls around age 16 and tell them something that will greatly impact their lives, and gave several
Well, yadda yadda...Before long, I started realizing that every night when laying down to sleep since having this odd dream, I would get strange
"vibrations" in my head several times before I fell asleep. A very, very hard thing to explain...as if my entire being was being violently shaken
inside of my head. This never really disturbed me for whatever reason, and I even learned how to manipulate and control them, but after experiencing
this for months, I googled "head vibrating at night" or something to the effect back in about April of this year, trying to find some answer as I
was generally curious. Eventually, I landed on the term 'out of body experience', and something clicked.
I did some research on techniques, and that same night, totally skeptic, I waited for the vibrations while laying in bed. As soon as they came, I held
onto them and tried to shoot them down my body to my toes...and instantly, it was like my body came alive with energy! I could feel vibrations of
energy coursing from my head to toe over and over again; the most euphoric thing I'd ever felt. That alone was enough to satisfy me, and I became an
instant believer.
Since then, the vibrations have still come every night, usually starting within MOMENTS of laying down to sleep, and continuing until I do. This has
proven to be quite annoying, because most nights I'm too tired to try doing anything, and this is when they tend to come most frequently.
never 100% consciously had an OBE, but come EXTREMELY close (even last night!). Lately, even when I lay down and say "I'm too tired to project
tonight. It's really late. I'm going to sleep.", the vibrations come and go, and I can feel myself start to separate as I drift into much-needed
sleep...definitely annoying.
However, looking back, I've come to believe that I really have had legitimate OBEs before. A few nights ago, I fell asleep on my left side, and I
specifically remember waking up as I rolled out of my body to the right, propped myself up on my elbows, and sat there casually as if it was nothing
out of the ordinary. My "body" was a silvery light blue, transparent and somewhat sparkly. I specifically remember looking over to see my sleeping
body and looking around my room, although I couldn't see anything since it was so dark. I suppose I was bored and wanted to go back to my dream
world, so I promptly rolled back into my body just as easily as I had rolled out, and remember the sensation of my body tingling before snapping back
into my dreams. Maybe this was my mind's way of showing me that I actually DO leave my body every night, and it's nothing new? I was sort of
disappointed when I woke up and remembered that, wishing I had flown around and done something interesting!
The other incident I remember very clearly is one that I just recently linked to OBEs within the past few days. I was having a dream ("dream"?)
where I was in this very large, VERY tall mansion, just wandering around, but with somewhat of a purpose. (This was shortly after having my dream with
the wolf.) I entered a doorway with an extremely tall, dark-wood door, where I saw my grandfather talking with another man who was rather obese, and
dressed in what appeared to be a suit from the 19th century. My grandfather was known for having "abilities", but died before I was born. We share
remarkable similarities, and I had even seen him at the graveyard when I was very young. They were speaking (or perhaps using telepathy?) in a
language that I knew I had never heard before, but somehow understood what they were saying. Suddenly, he must have become aware of my presence and
listening in, and he looked directly at me. As soon as this happened, I felt like I was thrown back into my body, and woke up in the middle of the
night with what I thought were goosebumps all over my body...except it was summer and I had a comforter on, and there were no goosebumps at all. Just
a strange sensation under my skin that I now attribute to returning to the body. So, is it possible that while dreaming, I traveled to a different
dimension to visit my grandfather? I never seemed to understand this dream or the "goosebumps" until I got into OBEs. Now, it all makes sense.
On a side note, I've always had abilities with lucid dreaming, and found a way to induce them when I was 8 years old.
So, like Dontrunwithknives, I'm pretty much stuck at the same level. I know a lot of it has to do with relaxing, because despite being mentally ready
to separate, my body seems to freak out every time I'm at a high vibrational level. My heartbeat skyrockets as soon as I start lifting out, and while
this doesn't knock me back in, I feel as though I have to calm my heart before I continue, at which point I get too distracted and have to start
over. Once I have a night where I'm not too tired, I plan to try the tunnel technique, and hopefully that will take me where I need to go? Any tips
on keeping calm? Like I said, I'm fine mentally. I guess my body just doesn't like the idea..
And also, is there anything I need to be prepared for when I get out? Any beings I need to be aware of, or things to look out for/not do?
This topic has been of great help and interest for me for a very long time, thanks OP!
Sorry about the length; it's hard to explain such things without writing a mini-novel!