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What Happened to Cryptozoology?

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I agree that anything is possible.

However, I think that every possible rational option should be explored completely before some fairly out-there explanations are even considered.

As far as Bigfoot is concerned, It is far more plausible that the sightings relate to an unknown primate, possibly Gigantopithicus, that is simply a flesh and blood creature, rather than jump to the conclusion that it is some kind of teleporting ghosty.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

Maybe they're not jumping to conclusions. I mean, maybe it's an explanation that people have decided to endorse because they've done research on the topic. I really don't know. I tend to think they're all either flesh and blood, or non-existent.

Again though, I can see where they're coming from.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I was really into cryptozoology as a kid. I even wanted to be a cryptozoologist, and a ufologist too! But then I just grew up. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying crypto enthusiasts are pathetic men-children, just saying that as childlike wonder and awe get older...more interests and more concerns then the cryptid stuff seems less important, and instead of ACTIVELY participating in searching and researching and all that you kind of just become a leisure-time observer.

I still like the subject. I believe Bigfoot could be real. And I loved Nessie as a kid; but as an adult I have to be honest with myself: she's probably nothing more than people's mind playing tricks on them or some big fish.

Do I think there are animals on this planet of ours that has yet to be discovered? Of course, thousands I'm sure...tons of microbes, insects...the occasional small mammal or weird sea creature...once in a great while something extraordinary. And that's really what it all comes down to: the improbability of it all. Most people haves jobs and families and bills and so many things to fill their lives that this cryptid stuff just gets swept aside as a pasttime for all but the few who decide to make it their career/life.

But I always check out an article that claims to have found a new creature; the kid in me just lights up.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Threadfall
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I was really into cryptozoology as a kid. I even wanted to be a cryptozoologist, and a ufologist too! But then I just grew up. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying crypto enthusiasts are pathetic men-children, just saying that as childlike wonder and awe get older...more interests and more concerns then the cryptid stuff seems less important, and instead of ACTIVELY participating in searching and researching and all that you kind of just become a leisure-time observer.

I still like the subject. I believe Bigfoot could be real. And I loved Nessie as a kid; but as an adult I have to be honest with myself: she's probably nothing more than people's mind playing tricks on them or some big fish.

Heh almost the exact same with me
although I havent quite fully grown up yet. Although i have developed a healthy dose of skepticism to temper my sometimes over the top enthusiasm. Heck if things had gone the way I had originally planed em a decade ago id be currently residing in America in Washington state spending my weekends out in the woods...

Unfortunately reality kicked me in the backside as it tends to do at 21, followed by 9/11 and all those other things that make me question even thinking about going to America its just not realistic. If I had the money (since i have the time) id still love to take a 4-5 month vacation to Washington State (got some family friends up there) and just mill around looking for the hairy one full time.

Unfortunately its couch cryptozoology for me for the foreseeable future.

You actually did some active field hunting?... if so, you lucky bugger.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:39 PM
IMO- I think the reason that everyone hears about the same ones over and over again is because you constantly hear about them in the news. Not many media outlets want to be the one to have the story about the bug that was discovered in the rainforest, or the mysterious caves in the Alps that make you unconscious. Everyone wants to be complacent in their storytelling.
Honestly we need some new blood in these cryptids, I think the best news I’ve heard in the last 30 years was when they actually classified the giant squid from myth to real. They did it with this one animal that was a cryptid for so long, why can’t we have the same research for the others? We need real definitive and complete research on them. I personally am tired of seeing the same set up go out and explore for them. They go to a remote place in the woods, set up some cameras, spend the weekend and come home. How is that appropriate research for an animal that has eluded people this long? Maybe something will happen soon that will change everything. Change is in the air I know that!


posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 03:42 PM
wow! great thread! i've been away from ATS for a few years, and i'm really glad to see threads like this one! the Cryptozoology thread used to be interesting more for its over the top strangeness than anything else, but since i've grown up a bit, it's nice to see that the forum did too! this may be my new favorite!
also, i think it's kind of lame that spellchecker doesn't recognize the word Cryptozoology, but i guess it makes sense

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by ghostryder21

I think that Cryptozoology is always developing. Just recently a toad was discovered in California that was supposedly extinct. That's awesome! We find new species all the time.

Rock- I hope it's your new favorite! I'm glad you're back and interested in the topic.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Yes I do agree it is always developing and evolving, but how many steps forward can cryptozoology take before it is yanked back by people claming a rubber suit is Bigfoot, or Fiji mermaids turning up once again.

Something should be made where threads that are posted and answered and identified with credentials in their answers should be moved to a different folder within the Crypt folder as resolved. I think this would clear up this whole section a lot, and leave room for new post, and not have the same ones repeating for months at a time.

Personally I wish I had the tools and money to actually go out and investigate some of these cryptids. It would be wonderful to attempt to track something down.


posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by ghostryder21

Not a bad idea. The problem is however that if we do it in the Crypto forum, we'd have to do it on the whole of ATS. The crypto forum is a bit quieter than some other forums - for instance compared to the Aliens & UFOs forum the crypto forum is pretty much a small town somewhere in Alaska where A&UFOs are New York.
The point is however that it would be more practical in the bigger forum. The Crypto forum is small and slow enough to keep up with all the threads.

Then there is the "I don't agree" factor. An animal can be positively identified by someone. However there will always be someone that disagrees. The "sewer blobs" is a great example. Many people are convinced that it's tubifex and therefore consider the thread concluded. Many others are far from convinced.

In the end there would only be a handful of threads that are concluded beyond reasonable doubt.

For a start things would be better "organised" if people gave their threads proper titles. Or perhaps we could change the title after a creature has been identified - for example we could add to a title such as "OMG! Whats this creepy crawly?!" and it could read "OMG! Whats this creepy crawly?! (ID House Fly)". And so on?

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

What happened to cryptozoology exactly?

I'll tell you and it won't take me more than a 1/2 page on here in reply.

Cryptozoology has always been taken as a joke by the mainstream scientific community, just like "conspiracy theorists" are seen as "lone nutcase" types, when they are in fact not, on both counts.

To some people when you speak of seeing Bigfoot, and I've not, people will look at that person like they are nuts and need to be sent to the psychiatric facility and pumped full of medication.

The same exact thing goes for Nessy, the Yeti, or seeing U.F.O.'s for that matter.

This is a large part of why I stay away from this forum area altogether, because I know the stigma that is attached with those types of thoughts, besides that I am here for the political, Government cover-ups, and intelligence type threads I create and read.

I have my own thoughts on the "cryptid" origins, and it is not favorable to Government whatsoever.

Aliens, the Boogeyman, and Creatures That Go Bump In the Night

That is more directed towards "aliens" than Bigfoot or any other "cryptid", but those are my thoughts on that, and I'm not trying to hi-jack this thread, just sharing my thoughts on the topic and as well this interesting thread.

Oh, by the way, I did notice our local Cable Television company utilizing "Bigfoot" and other "cryptid" type creatures as a motif for "something strange" out there within the community, kind of like Barry Bonds having an asterisk beside his name, that he got the record, but only on a techinicality (because he might use steroids).

They had an "asterisk" * as well as one of their "cryptids", so my thoughts may not be too far off the mark on that.

Asterisk Hunters : Bright House Networks

See for yourself, but I see it as Government propaganda, that's all.

In the "War on Terror" these idiots will try anything to smear citizens who know what they deem as too much.

Why do you think Obama dropped the "War on Terror" moniker?

[edit on 5-8-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

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