reply to post by ravenshadow13
What happened to cryptozoology exactly?
I'll tell you and it won't take me more than a 1/2 page on here in reply.
Cryptozoology has always been taken as a joke by the mainstream scientific community, just like "conspiracy theorists" are seen as "lone nutcase"
types, when they are in fact not, on both counts.
To some people when you speak of seeing Bigfoot, and I've
not, people will look at that person like they are nuts and need to be sent to the
psychiatric facility and pumped full of medication.
The same exact thing goes for Nessy, the Yeti, or seeing U.F.O.'s for that matter.
This is a large part of why I stay away from this forum area altogether, because I know the stigma that is attached with those types of thoughts,
besides that I am here for the political, Government cover-ups, and intelligence type threads I create and read.
I have my own thoughts on the "cryptid" origins, and it is not favorable to Government whatsoever.
Aliens, the Boogeyman, and Creatures That Go Bump In the Night
That is more directed towards "aliens" than Bigfoot or any other "cryptid", but those are my thoughts on that, and I'm not trying to hi-jack this
thread, just sharing my thoughts on the topic and as well this interesting thread.
Oh, by the way, I did notice our local Cable Television company utilizing "Bigfoot" and other "cryptid" type creatures as a motif for "something
strange" out there within the community, kind of like Barry Bonds having an asterisk beside his name, that he got the record, but only on a
techinicality (because he might use steroids).
They had an "asterisk" * as well as one of their "cryptids", so my thoughts may not be too far off the mark on that.
Asterisk Hunters : Bright House Networks
See for yourself, but I see it as Government propaganda, that's all.
In the "War on Terror" these idiots will try anything to smear citizens who know what they deem as too much.
Why do you think Obama dropped the "War on Terror" moniker?
[edit on 5-8-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]