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I have never convinced anyone else that 9/11 was an inside job

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Sorry man we are way past it. Stay on topic please.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Abbby

In December 2004 I finally decided to watch some videos of the twin towers falling down. At this point I bought the official story hook line and sinker. I thought we should nuke Afghanistan, and Iraq off the face of the Earth. I was a neocon warmonger. I voted for Bush 2x.

Then I saw a video of building 7. I remember hearing about it falling down at 5:20 in the afternoon, and they said it had sustained heavy damage and had extreme fire damage.

When I saw the video of building 7 fall, I knew the first time I saw it that, it had been demolished with explosives. Then I looked it up and all the MSM was saying that it had been damaged severely but It clearly hadn't. When the two core support columns give way at the same instant, right in the middle of the building you know that they had been severed at an angle by a shaped charge at the bottom of the building. End of story, I figured out who the guilty parties were. Why they did it. And of course, the outcome they were able to achieve because of it. I am now awake I suppose.

It was very upsetting to say the least to find out that my whole belief system was total BS. This fact caused me to re-examine every single aspect of my life. My morals seemed to be intact, and I was forced to proceed into a rabbit hole of unbelievable proportion.

I am a better person because of it, and realize how incredibly bad war is. I was a Christian that believed in killing Arab children. How messed up is that? Needles to say I have come full circle on many subjects since those days of darkness in my life.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by downtown436

Your post is very reminiscent of my own experience.

I went koo koo bananas after 9/11 and totally supported Bushelzebub. I did care who was responsible, and was a little surprised when Bush put Iraq in his gunsights, but finally accepted it, thinking that the US should just go to the middle east and rag doll somebody as a lesson to the rest of them.

Talk about a neanderthal attitude!

It was only when I started looking into the details, especially WTC7, that I started to smell a rat. Ever since then my opinion has only gotten stronger that the government version of 9/11 is as straight as a broken arrow.

I think I have helped convince people that 9/11 is an inside job, but by this time, everyone worth convincing has already been convinced. People have to start informing their legislators, in no uncertain terms, that they can very easily be thrown out of office unless they start doing the right thing on 9/11 issues.

They can start by getting their legislators to inform the president that he can expect trouble in congress if he supports immunity for Saudi princes being sued for helping to finance 9/11.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:33 PM
Actually, when you all bring up the family... My family is the first people I told. In fact I drilled it in. No way am I gonna have this kind of noose on my neck with out sharing it with them. I made them all copies of "911 in plane site" and gave it to them... Then I sat down with them and made sure they watched.

I had to get them to understand because I knew on day one it was bogus. I knew because the media was reporting heavily on how we were in Afghanistan but not because of 911. Then the showed "LIVE" footage from the middle east (just the indiscriminate middle east no exact country named) and in the "live" footage people we dancing and celebrating in the day time and then I realized that the sun can not shine in its noon day glory on both sides of the world at the same time.

I knew from day one it was bogus.

They know too but they believe themselves powerless to do anything about it.

At least they know.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by titorite]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by downtown436
Sorry man we are way past it. Stay on topic please. me, the topic of this thread looks to be "I have never convinced anyone else that 9/11 was an inside job" and I was responding to it. Thus, I can't agree it wasn't on topic.

What do *you* believe the topic is about?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by downtown436

i feel your pain my friend this is TOTALLY true. people you tell already are convinced in whatever they believe so usually,,,futile words.... everything...

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by titorite

i did the same thing man except my family end comment after all the info was "son, our government would NEVER purposefully hurt its own citizens" i felt like banging my head through the wall....

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by KnowerOfSecrets

It never ever EVER ceases to amaze me when people (of any age) say that...

I mean - have they never read a history book - or looked at human nature!??

(or even just watched Brave Heart or Gladiator!?!!)


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by TruthMagnet

yea how about this FACT, every government in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD that was a democracy turns corrupt and murders its own citizens for power.....UGH...and the timing of how long a democracy lasts...well we are exceeding that already so it shouldn't be a surprise...

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave. I have done all those things. Did you know about the sketchiness of the circumstances under which the 9/11 commission was run? Did you know that 10 of the 9/11 commission members were Council on Foreign Relation? Did you know that Bush and Cheney were asked to be interviewed separately but they refused in the sketchiest way possible?

Did you know that the 9/11 commission report omitted numerous evidence that did not fit in with the official theory, i.e. mention of Building 7, and its near free-fall rate of collapse?

Or how about some of these questions for you:

In 2000, some 70 planes were intercepted by NORAD within 10 minutes of going astray or losing radio communication. On 9/11 2001, 4 planes were off course and not in radio contact for HOURS. Even if they somehow screwed up and missed the first plane, there is no way that the trillion dollar defense budget of the US did not even attempt to intercept the other 3 planes, especially after the first plane hit. What happened Dave?

Did you know that Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD command on 9/11?

How did building 7 displace all of the resistance to fall at a rate of free fall?

How did an office fire [lets even pretend it was fueled by jet fuel and is really really hot] heat the steel beams in towers 1 and 2 uniformly throughout to cause the sky scraper to collapse straight down into its own footprint?

Just a few questions for you Dave

[edit on 3-6-2009 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by downtown436

I was on the extremely opposite side back then as well. I voted for Bush twice, watched the countdown to the invasion, watched Powell trying to convince the UN, I even replied to several posts (not here) that questioned 9-11, mocking them, telling them they better get their tin hats on. Now people tell me that. LOL! One day I clicked on a link that was in one of those posts and never saw things the same way again.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by italkyoulisten
Dave. I have done all those things. Did you know about the sketchiness of the circumstances under which the 9/11 commission was run? Did you know that 10 of the 9/11 commission members were Council on Foreign Relation?

No I didn't, actually, but so what? Don't drop innuendo, please come out and say what you're implying here.

Did you know that Bush and Cheney were asked to be interviewed separately but they refused in the sketchiest way possible?

Yes, I did, and the reason should be obvious- they both knew they f**ked up in their leadership responsibilities and like a little boy who fell asleep in the pasture and let the wolves eat the sheep they did what they could to avoid having to come forward and admit they f**ked up. I know this becuase they pulled this exact same thing after the Bush camp outed that CIA agent and hordes of journalists traced it back to them.

Did you know that the 9/11 commission report omitted numerous evidence that did not fit in with the official theory, i.e. mention of Building 7, and its near free-fall rate of collapse?

That wasn't the purpose of the report. The commission report was meant to document the details of who committed the attack and how they did it, not the physical mechanicis of how the buildings collapsed. That was what the NIST and FEMA reports tried to explain.

In 2000, some 70 planes were intercepted by NORAD within 10 minutes of going astray or losing radio communication. On 9/11 2001, 4 planes were off course and not in radio contact for HOURS. Even if they somehow screwed up and missed the first plane, there is no way that the trillion dollar defense budget of the US did not even attempt to intercept the other 3 planes, especially after the first plane hit. What happened Dave?

a) The four flights each turned their transponders off, forcing ground controllers to try to track them on regular radar and makign them find a dot amongst hundreds of dots flying around the country. That's one reason why they ordered all civilian air traffic to land immediately. In cases like flight 77, it was flying over the appalachian mountains and ground clutter obscured the radar return until they were almost on top of Washington, DC.

b) who the heck told you that no interceptors were sent after the planes? Interceptors were sent from bases in Mass and Virginia. The problem was that the controllers didn't know where to send them until it was too late.

Did you know that Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD command on 9/11?

Wrong. It was a naval officer from Canada.

How did an office fire [lets even pretend it was fueled by jet fuel and is really really hot] heat the steel beams in towers 1 and 2 uniformly throughout to cause the sky scraper to collapse straight down into its own footprint?

Where the heck DO you get your information from? The fires by no means "heated the steel beams uniformly", and in fact it was the nonuniform heating that caused the collapse. According to MIT engineer Thomas Eagar (to whose scenario I accept) the difference in temperature between the steel still protected by the fireproofing and the steel exposed from the fireproofing stripped off by the aircraft impact was enough to cause uneven stretching and warping from the heat. The great weight pressing down upon the beams did the rest.

Just a few questions for you Dave

And if I have an answer, I will be happy to give it. After all, it's lies, not the truth, that needs to fear critique, as Patrick Henry once said.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:30 PM
I was young(er) and still in middle school when 9/11 happened, and I didn't even know about WTC 7 until months after. But I saw the footage and ever since then I knew something was up... I mean really, the way it fell and how every other building that was just a skeleton was still standing. If no one believes after that, there's no point in saying anything further.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:45 PM
man. thats the same for religion

every religion is corrupted ... but people think its easy to follow a religion than to think for themselves ... the same for the 911 ... it would be very hard for them ...

for me, no problem

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by downtown436

9/11 was too important of an event and played so much significance in this era (still does) and that is the main reason I smell a conspiracy there.

I would strongly suggest that when talking to others about this; that you refrain from labeling 9/11 as; "an inside job" - because that would imply that it was Bush, or the U.S, or 'just America' - when that is hardly the case. I also believe that calling it a 'controlled demolition' is equally negative in the eyes of those being introduced to the research, and it limits the possibilities. After all, it could have been a missile, or an orbital weapon platform. Point is you never know, try to deal with what you do know.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Well I'll tell you what it is not about. It's not about getting de-railed into the same yes it is, no it isn't argument that nearly every other 9/11 thread turns into. It is about the brainwashing that has taken place, and is so deeply rooted amongst the people of this country including you, that not even one's own son or daughter can break through.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
I have found that some people just already know it. Those who believe the official story simply do not understand the physics involved with demolishing a sky scraper.

Those people that I have met that already knew 9/11 was an inside job have one thing in common. They understand controlled demolition.

I think that the only way for a person to throw away the BS official story is to understand this. The official story can only hold water through the utter stupidity of the public, and by constant NLP to keep people on the wrong track.

Have any of you all had any luck convincing people that 9/11 was an inside job? Even my parents don't believe me. I don't know if it is just that they don't want to believe how dark things are right now, or if they just trust the gov't so much that they can't bring themselves to dig up the info they need to understand.

You know you might have been better off just presenting the facts that are debated and instead of saying "inside job" just mention chances are another country/group of individuals was involved with coordinating the attacks.

People will latch onto that in a heart beat as opposed to just saying it was an "inside" job. At that point you are asking people to grasp an idea that is so profound and dangerous they wouldn't want to believe it even it it was 100 percent proven.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by italkyoulisten

While I agree with some of what you said, you are falling into the classic trap, of debating with someone off thread topic, to de-rail the conversation.

As I told the poster that you are responding too, stay on topic please.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:11 PM
I have actually lost friends as a result of this subject.

Some people's minds will only allow them to believe that which they are capable of handling. Some people are such fervent believers in their system and in their elected officials that they would rather die than admit that they have been lied to and that their safe, orderly idea of nation and country has been destroyed.

To me it is a simple matter of basic physics, common sense and the willingness to maintain an open mind and look at all of the overwhelming evidence from an objective stand point.

It may not have been done by Bushco, it may not have been done by Israeli boogymen, it could have been done by space mutants as far as Im concerned, but one thing I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt.....the official story is pure, unadulterated bull****.

We need to know the truth, no matter how painful or hard to swallow it may be.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

I don't just walk up to people and say "9/11 was an inside job". I show them videos of WTC 7 falling down, I talk to them about the melting point of steel ect and show them the evidence that convinced me. They just can't get past the gov't lying about it part.

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