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I have never convinced anyone else that 9/11 was an inside job

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:01 AM
I have found that some people just already know it. Those who believe the official story simply do not understand the physics involved with demolishing a sky scraper.

Those people that I have met that already knew 9/11 was an inside job have one thing in common. They understand controlled demolition.

I think that the only way for a person to throw away the BS official story is to understand this. The official story can only hold water through the utter stupidity of the public, and by constant NLP to keep people on the wrong track.

Have any of you all had any luck convincing people that 9/11 was an inside job? Even my parents don't believe me. I don't know if it is just that they don't want to believe how dark things are right now, or if they just trust the gov't so much that they can't bring themselves to dig up the info they need to understand.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:44 AM
I remember telling my (ex) girlfriend about my thoughts of 911 being an inside job, and she freaked! She refused to listen to anything I had to say, and got so upset I got the silent treatment for 2 days! It made me realize how some people will just accept what they're fed and never question anything...

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by downtown436
I have found that some people just already know it. Those who believe the official story simply do not understand the physics involved with demolishing a sky scraper.

Those people that I have met that already knew 9/11 was an inside job have one thing in common. They understand controlled demolition.

I think that the only way for a person to throw away the BS official story is to understand this. The official story can only hold water through the utter stupidity of the public, and by constant NLP to keep people on the wrong track.

Have any of you all had any luck convincing people that 9/11 was an inside job? Even my parents don't believe me. I don't know if it is just that they don't want to believe how dark things are right now, or if they just trust the gov't so much that they can't bring themselves to dig up the info they need to understand.

In alot of ways I completely agree with what you're saying. It is almost like you have to have some special receptor in your brain (previously) to be open to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.

But that's the point....You can't really blame all the sheeple out there who refuse to question things for themselves. The sheeple who actually believe that their government is out for their best interests

The mass have been mind manipulated their entire lives!

So, you're right, if you were'nt already immune to this manipulation, then guess what, there's probably no way you're getting out of the matrix.

Thank goodness that there are people who are immune to this!!!!

[edit on 2-6-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:07 AM
funny you started this thread. I commented in the other thread about 9/11 and the Fresno morning show video, that I had sent that video on to friends and family, and of course got back a snide remark from a family member, here it is:
" Please! There is not overwhelming evidence that suggests controlled demolitions on any of the buildings. Not now not ever! By the way, the earth’s temperature has been changing since day one, it’s called the Sun. And Al Gore is a moron. I think that bout cover’s it. Your dear Brother In-Law, Chuck"

I have sent really good info to people, all with just about the same response. I used to have hope that people could read something and change their old ideas, now, I've just about given up. Almost.

Forgot to mention, out of 8 people I sent that video to, that was the only response I got back at all.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:52 AM
Well I'm having a hard time convincing myself it was an inside job. With 6,783,904,945 (minus 1) suspects I'm having a hard time determining just who is involved. (okay, make that minus 3... I guess I shouldn't suspect my own mother and father.)

But seriously, I find it hard to discuss 911 in any detail with anyone in real life. Once details come in to play, their eyes begin to glaze over and they start thinking of another plate of nachos. It seems to me they are only concerned with four details: 1) some bad men hijacked some airplanes, 2) some airplanes crashed into some buildings, 3) some buildings fell down, and 4) a lot of people died. Anything beyond that, they are just not interested.

Most of them do believe this is the darkest moment in US history that they have seen and they do believe the government is irreparably corrupt, but I believe I believe that's more of a gut instinct rather than a rationally informed opinion. So I'm thinking it's nothing more than they neither have the time nor inclination to sift through the details of what supposedly happened. If I ever mention that it's a possibility it was an inside job the most common response I get is "wouldn't surprise me, now eat your nachos."

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:12 AM
I have a few people question the 9/11 report by showing them footage of building 7. It's the most inexplicable event on that day that I feel shows someone, or some group had a hand in the days events.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:19 AM
Thats what the elites call the profane. Most people would not be able to handle the truth and the elites laugh openly giving out messeges in public. They must laugh about how all of the people do not understand them,a nd that term profane really applies to so many people.

There always is that saying that not everyone will get it.

People very rarely open up about stuff unless they experience it themselves. This is how the elites keep people from knowing there secrets as alot would be too absurd to alot.

remember too that arrogance plays a massive part to this, and people all think they would know if they where conned by the masters.

The elites openly laugh at the general public, and put out sayings in the media, that mean totally different things to what you think they mean, and they laugh about the fact that everyone is just too stupid to understand there games.

Being an elite must be weird, and the profane will for the most part be asleep and never know anything in there lifes.

One thing ignorance is not bliss.

[edit on 6/2/2009 by andy1033]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:24 AM
In the last 8 years I have convinced exactly one person. It was in a conservative chat room. The magic words I typed were about the ability or lack there of, of the hi jackers flight training. I asked if they used clouds as land marks to fly their way around our airspace.

All of a sudden one of the staunch 911 official story believers kinda freaked for a moment and then told everyone he had to go. I never saw him again in that chat room.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:26 AM
yup...if fact, i don't discuss it at all anymore...people look at me like i'm mentally ill. these people don't care to research on their own, and simply want to live their lives with their own problems. believe me, it took until i was in my 30's before i myself started peeling back the layers. and you know, ignorant bliss is alot easier to live with. but, i have a better understanding of how the world works, and i don't have any illusions about whether i can change anything.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Yeah, I think there are a lot of people that just can't handle the truth, and their way of dealing with it is to completely block it out. My Mom has even told me "I just don't want to believe that the government it that evil".

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by titorite

That is 100% better than I have done. Good for you.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

I gave up e-mailing people 9/11 evidence long after about 95% of the people I know decided I was a nutcase. Because of the exact type of responses you got.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:41 AM
I think even the idea of 9/11 being an 'inside job' is extremely terrifying to the average U.S. citizen.

Hell, Obama mentioned 9/11 when talking about how we need to meet threats which intend to do us harm in his interview with Justin Webb from the BBC yesterday.

I don't talk about the case for an inside job with anyone but my close friends. As much as I'd like to tell my father, I just don't know what it would to him.

So I give him little pieces. He said one of his high school buddies was really into Jim Marrs, so we started talking about government, etc. I told him about the BBC footage of WTC7 standing while reporting that it fell 20 minutes before it actually fell. This unnerved him, but I didn't want to take it any further.

I think bits and pieces of the puzzle should be set out; don't show them the truth, but put them on a path which leads to it.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Elepheagle]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:54 AM
It's such an uphill battle to relay the story to family and friends that
don't know all the details.

I've been trying for a couple of years on and off; just recently again
with two close friends who are stuck on the official story they saw
in 2001.

They never heard of Lloyd; they don't know the names of the 'hi-jackers',
or the flight numbers; they haven't come across Gage, Jones, P4T, etc.

When you show them the thermal images of ground zero, or ask them
how liquid steel could be produced and flowing at the trade center, they
simply shut off.

Even after backing them into a corner with logic and video testimony
they would rather resort to changing the subject, or not replying at all.

Just two weeks ago we all met up for a couple of hours to talk face to face;
once I began getting into the hard core details, the disbelief seemed to
grow stronger and the interest level shut off. It was a great display of
what happens when you present someone with solid evidence.

Maybe they'll come around; we still fire off e-mails weekly and plan to
get together again for round #2.

Now these are my closest friends; imagine the difficulty doing this with
a stranger.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
yup...if fact, i don't discuss it at all anymore...people look at me like i'm mentally ill. these people don't care to research on their own, and simply want to live their lives with their own problems. believe me, it took until i was in my 30's before i myself started peeling back the layers. and you know, ignorant bliss is alot easier to live with. but, i have a better understanding of how the world works, and i don't have any illusions about whether i can change anything.

This has pretty much been my experience. I got one guy believing one night when we were sitting around enjoying excessive adult beverages, but since that time, he won't talk about it.

People are scared of the topic because of what the truth implies. If you ponder the implications long enough, it shatters illusion of what they have been taught this country is from birth.

I'm struggling with what to do with this knowledge, the more I have talked about 9/11, the Federal Reserve, the need to be on a gold standard, the corruption of politicians, the concept of liberty, the more I'm looked at like I'm a kook.

I can't talk about 9/11 with my wife at all, she isn't there yet and gets very upset, but all other areas involving personal liberty, she's finally starting to get.

Originally posted by Elepheagle
I think bits and pieces of the puzzle should be set out; don't show them the truth, but put them on a path which leads to it.
[edit on 2-6-2009 by Elepheagle]

This is the strategy I use now, planting little seeds, but by asking THEM questions. I typically ask, like I'm dumb, how can a building fall at free-fall speeds? I was reading "blah, blah, blah" and someone said something about Building 7 falling at free-fall, how does that work?

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Finalized]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:55 PM
I have found that the following three films tend to have more impact on people than any details I can normally present:

Loose Change - Final Cut (good for laymen)
Jersey Girls (good for women)
Blueprint for Truth (good for more technical types)

This is largely due to an interesting mechanism the Brain has for dealing with sensory input.

When an average person is confronted with substantial facts that differ from his current belief on a subject, then the brain rejects the evidence to avoid leaving one in an "unsure" ambiguous position. In fact - quite unintuitively - the more excellent evidence presented the more completely the brain rejects the facts outright.

This is (in part) to insure that the fight or flight response, and other lower brain survival mechanisms, are not "short-circuited" by excess indescision.

(i.e. it is better for survival for an animal to react to it's environment in a confident way - even if it's perceptions are flawed - then for an animal to become prey due to mental uncertainty)

Of course, modern civilization allows us the luxury of being critical thinkers - who can overcome limited or false paradigmns in our life - but it's not most people's first instinct to do so - it requires EXTRA effort.

So - what is the solution to this dilema you may ask - well, their is a shortcut to influencing people and this shortcut is emotion.

Propagandists like Bernays and Politicians like Ginrich have learned to exploit this short cut - in order to manipulate people - unfortunately often for personal gain - and using deception.

The "Drill Here, Drill Now" campaign being a most recent example - I dunno how many bumber stickers I have seen with that inane slogan - an illogical stance since it would neither effect current gas prices nor is it of interest to Oil Companies who originally lobbied for the restricitions in the first place - since scarcity increases profits.

And that is why those three movies seem to work for me - when targeted at your audience - they create an emotional response that makes the viewers much more receptive to the information you are giving them.

(unfortunately this doesn't necessarily increase their critical evaluation of the material presented - you could probably convince many that Barney the Purple Dinosaur did it)

I have probably influenced a couple dozen people to accept the problems with the Govt's version of 9/11 using these techniques - with very little effort on my part.

And I have finally accepted that - if some people are not going to critically evealuate the evidence - it is still best that they believe the more logical and accurate of the competing conspiracy theories regarding 9/11.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by TruthMagnet]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:17 PM
I thoght I'd post this link to a relevant panel discussion you might find helpful.

It at least shows what an unbiased audience does when presented with both sides of the story.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
I have found that some people just already know it. Those who believe the official story simply do not understand the physics involved with demolishing a sky scraper.

Time for a reality check, friend- the "truth" as you seem to regard it isn't the truth. It's a SUSPICION. Moreover,it's a suspicion based not upon the truth, but speculation being used to fill the large gaps in your knowledge of the events of 9/11. Are you a demolitions expert? Are you a materials engineer? Have you ever actually set foot inside the WTC? Did you talk to anyone who was actually there and saw what happened with their own eyes? Did you even read the 9/11 commission report?

I'll wager it's all a big, fat NO, so when you try to claim you're all oh so wise and in the know when the entire summary of your knowledge comes from con artists running those conspiracy websites trying to get paranoid people to buy their books, DVDs, t-shirts, baseball caps, etc, well, let's just say that it's sorely lacking in credibility.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by downtown436

I don't think it's so much being you unable to convince them. I think it's a ginormous pill to swallow and you simply presenting info for them to consider isn't going to cut it. People have to be ready to accept it on their own and I don't think it's something we can persuade them of. If they're open to the possibility or curious, they can do some digging and maybe slowly be able to wrap their mind around it. My family looks at me like I'm nuts if it's brought up. Just out of curiousity, what were the circumstances that led you to doubt the official story, if you don't mind me asking?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Time for a reality check, friend- the "truth" as you seem to regard it isn't the truth. It's a SUSPICION. Moreover,it's a suspicion based not upon the truth, but speculation being used to fill the large gaps in your knowledge of the events of 9/11.

Your lack of knowledge of 911 is only dwarfed by your denial of the truth.

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