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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:28 PM
This will appear off-topic, but bear with me a moment.

I read once........ I think it was on the disclosure forum, but could've been another UFO-related forum: There was a series of some 50-odd questions to determine if one had a probability of being and abductee. I read and checked off the items one by one. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Toward the end, I got the sense that they were so indicative of the human experience, that they were crafted to bring people into the idea that they "might" be abductees.

I draw this parallel to these questions here not as a means of debunking the questions and answers here, but as a means of provoking thought.

I want to state here that I don't disbelieve anyone's post that I've read here. Truth be told, I could answer 'yes' to all the indicators of starseeddom as well.

I feel that we are all on a magnificent journey of truth and awareness. I have no problem with the possibility of reincarnated souls, and if that is an accepted notion, then certainly many of them, if not ALL of them, might well be originating from other star systems. It makes perfect sense.

Item: Humanity is ever-increasing. Not everyone can be a reincarnate of a past human life. It's mathematically impossible. Ergo, if a person has a belief in reincarnation, SOME of the souls must come from elsewhere.

I don't make this post in an attempt to diminish the ideas talked about here....... I see it as a reinforcement. I think we're all kindred spirits.

m'Bride and I sit outside at night, looking up and wishing/asking for answers. we will find them on this plane, or the next.

peace and love ................. and if that's too fuzzy for you..........


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:31 PM
Yes, I believe I am an indigo or lightworker. One time I was in my language arts class last year and I was thinking about the power going out. About a minute or less later, the lights went out. I was so surprised I didn't know what to do. It happened to me this year, too. These are just some of the many experiences I have had though.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

I'm curious.

Do you have any proof of any of your statements?

If you do not, how do you personally know this? Please don't respond with links to others. I'm asking you personally?

Did you just decide that you are not human on your own, or were you convinced by those questions to which most of the human race could answer yes to? I'm betting everyone has those thoughts at some time.

Have you ever paid anyone for anything based on this? Purchased a book or tape or the like? Sold anything yourself based on this?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
we can affect thousands by merely being who we are. Without any political movements, organizations or propaganda.

Just being who we are.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]


you may just be an alien after all mulder, from my planet apparently

political movements, organizations, and propaganda are primitive and inefficient indeed

honestly, your the first person that i ever thought was actually from where i was from

there must be a reason im in this thread right now rambling on, so i will sit and contemplate what the meaning of all this is (everything has a meaning if you look for it)

oh, i will say tho

be careful about alot of these new agey people tho, you must be very careful as many of them are corrupted and narrow minded
(i call them the new age xtians for this reason)

there is some good information to be found within the "New Age Movement" but i must warn everyone that there is also tons and tons of BS all over it as well, and it is up to you to ASK QUESTIONS and determine what is fake and what is most likely "real"

that is why i generally ignore the entire New Age Movement altogeather, despite the fact that im clearly alien to this world

it is because the New Age Movement has been hijacked by the same negativity that has ruined everything else in our society lol

i have tons more to add but i prolly should cut this post

ive been following your posts for a very long time Mulder, and I honestly like what i see from you,

thx for keeping it real

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:34 PM
i just want to retract my earlier comment about if there is anyone who can relate i was in the middle of typing this post and was interrupted and did not bother reading other posts.

Again i want to apologize for being an idiot.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by Mr Green

It says many of the humans that think they are aliens have special powers in the OP. Here:

6) You may posses supernatural abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, super empathy, etc.

supernatural abilities, is that the same as superhuman powers? Is an ability a power? I would class all the above as abilities but not powers. Aliens dont have powers they just have increased abilities.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by mystiq

So couldnt your family setup a video cam and film one of these craft flying by since it happens regularly. If I were being abducted on a regular basis I would want to create some proof so everyone didnt think I went over the edge.

For instance maybe you could take video of some of the wounds that you get from these abductions or go have them analyzed by a doctor with some credibility.

Money would be nice. I have an old Sony cybershot that doesnt have night vision. But its also a lack of privacy. If there was a group like Acern or Exopolitics chapter or something very interesting in long term monitoring it would be more interesting to me, but I'm not going to buy fancy equipment. Also, there is an issue of loyalty here. For example, when I was sharing a monitoring by the nordic couple that have been connected since childhood, and my friend had his group do the same the same day, so I was sharing this with another friend who is also an experiencer on skype, we had 2 evenings, the only two evenings like this in the nearly 2 years we've lived here, of what looked like scouting out back. Over an hour each evening in the late winter just after dark fall at around 6-6:30 pm, where the planes would go out two at a time and fly around in circles, then fly back over our the roof of our townhouse, or just adjacent.

I know the loyalty I chose is to those who will set us free, not those who run this ugly twisted world!

Edit to add: SoulOrb's thread is very good: People shared some sitings there. But also, I shared in depth what I consider survelliance, and warned him to protect his contacts, and offset days when you have sitings, and get confused over the dates, and muddled thinking as much as possible. Then he and another had several days of not only a chopper flying around there, but a cop car parked right there as well. Very interesting. Sharing with others who are experiencing or wondering what is happening is one thing, but specifics arent really required!

[edit on 2-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by nerbot

Sorry I misunderstood. Got ya now.

Ok you are right we are made up of atoms and they live on in one form or another, but I guess beyond that I dont get what you are saying. After all I am just a fancy monkey, so could you explain your point?

Simple terms:

All my atoms existed before I came into conscious being as "ME"...most came from my mum until I was born who got hers from her mum etc....

I'm also made of the food I've eaten and the stuff that food is made of....

All those things came from earth, but the earth came from "starstuff"....dust and particles from the formation of our solar system.....

There have been many, many sources of what I am currently made of and in many years to come when my body has decomposed and those atoms have been spread out again I will be parts of something else, or parts of someone else...multiples of things. In fact I could be part of as many things as there are atoms in my body but I'm sure most of them would remain dust in the cosmic void for quite a while

Other planets, other times in the future......who knows?

But imagine those "things" I may be part of, imagine the possibilities.

And imagine now.....I am made from as many other things that have already existed as there are atoms in my body. One atom from each of them.

There's just SO many "things".......Big innit?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Well call it what you like. Does anyone have proof of special abilities. Like can someone give me the winning PowerBall numbers for this Friday?
Really anything... just proof of a special ability that is outside of the human spectrum of abilities and that can be verified.

[edit on 6/2/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:41 PM


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

I'm curious.

Do you have any proof of any of your statements?

well since they have finally created a technology that will allow a computer to visualize a persons dreams on a computer screen, within a few years it will become widespread then i can blow your mind

see i have dreams about these other worlds, and I garuntee you that if you saw these dreams you would crap your pants

however i will admit, that is just subjective evidence

sooo, we would have to actually get a spaceship to land for you i think to prove it to you. But you still may remain skeptical...

but ya honestly that is the ONLY proof you would accept, a alien spaceship landing in your front yard
----and that wont be enough because then you would say its a coincidence

so the Aliens would have to actually tell you "Yes they are alien souls that we implanted in human bodies"

that would be the only possible proof that would be accepted as reasonable IMO by skeptics

and still even then, you could argue that its just a extensive plot lol

therefore there is no proof that would satisfy you, none
zero 0%

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:42 PM
This is just another example of a psychological need in the human brain.

It is no different to teens turning emo or goth.

The need to be different from those around you and feel special; To stand out.

You aren't aliens... you are just craving attention.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Well I would give you the money for the camera, but this is the internet and all. Not that I have any reason not to trust you.

Why dont you contact someone in your area that can help you. Wouldnt life be much easier if you could give proof. I mean instead of me bugging the crap out of you, I would hail you as a genius, a forward thinker, etc... Not just me but everyone.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

so when people talk about a subject you dont like, you have the mods come try to close down the thread??

wow your really open minded and friendly now arent you?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Ive seen a vid of a member on here move items with his mind. So yes these things can be done. Hes a well respected member and I believe him. Its a private video so its not as if hes broadcast it over U tube, hes not showing off, he just wanted to record it to see if it was actually happening and that others could see these objects moving.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr

You aren't aliens... you are just craving attention.

craving attention by hiding on the internet and keeping our feelings secret in public

GREAT ANALYSIS!!! (Sarcasm is your friend)

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well I for one would believe you if you could produce an alien craft and I and a team of scientists of my choosing (or someone respectable) could validate its not of this earth. It doesnt have to land on my front yard. Just be tested. Same thing for an alien, living or dead.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Hey, thanks, but I wouldn't ask that of you either. lol. I may believe in an equal moneyless society, but I don't ask people for things. I did add to my answer to you, which might also explain what is involved in being an et friendly experiencer, like I am. In other words, I have loyalty to them. But also, I don't think its possible to actually capture a et on camera. I only saw one when I was little up close, the rest are memory leaks. I don't know how they do their abudctions but I really imagine our technology is useless, unless they would agree to pose for the picture. I wish they would. I think disclosure would be speeded enormously if someone could publish a magazine say, and have photos and interviews of ets of various species. Might be a nightmare trying to get it out over the black ops trying to stop that though. But its one of the crazy ideas I threw out there at night when I was asking for help.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Can you please ask him to reproduce it on a private video with views of the important angles that would be needed to prove it is more than just a magic trick?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well I for one would believe you if you could produce an alien craft and I and a team of scientists of my choosing (or someone respectable) could validate its not of this earth. It doesnt have to land on my front yard. Just be tested. Same thing for an alien, living or dead.

no thats only proof that aliens exist

that does not prove that a human being is an alien soul on vacation at Earth

the aliens would have to show you charts and graphs and scientific proof of reincarnation and things of this nature

it would take ALOT more than aliens landing to prove this one...

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