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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by Adrifter
reply to post by Mr Green

Yes but I would presume villains would exist as well... Not all people would use super powers for the good... Which would more then likely present itself immediately if such a thing existed.. Hell in this day and age, bro just thinking out of the box is a super power...

Hey that sounds like the script for a TV show
You are correct, Im totally sure there are higher beings here that use higher psychic powers against us. Thing is we ALSO have these psychic tools we just have forgot because we KEEP reincarnating and forgetting! Humans have a very powerful light force within them, we need to remember how to activate it and use it to raise our soul frequency. We need to raise the frequency of love
It is this frequency that is required, of this I have no doubt.

Whoa there, slow down a bit. What's this about psychic tools and power light force and raising our soul frequency?...

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Adrifter

Its not like people do bad, then good, then bad. Unless you're talking about imperfections, and have some hangups about what is bad. For example, I don't consider sex out of marriage bad or a sin. Most Christians do. I consider our corperate slave system and many corporate heads to be extremely evil men, most Christian's don't. I believe anything that is not an equal moneyless world that looks after its own and respects nature is evil incarnate, yet I love all the sleepers.. I consider most violent psychopaths extremely damaged and broken people since childhood and do not judge them at all. Because their last moment of free will was say 6, and therefore they're innocent.

For non-broken people, or half ways normal people, our state of soul is evolutionary, and normally people progress towards the positive. Only in a slave system if you're wiped over and over again as the "Living Game" technology might do, a prison planet, would people bounce around like yoyos in their orientation.

The point I'm making is Christians aren't the only ones with a grip on righteousness.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Deus Ex Machina 42

No matter what the case their will always be two sides, a good and bad, add subtract, negative, positive, etc. etc. it is all their to balance and counter act.. I have debated this before.. Allot of people do not believe such things exist.. yet life would not exist without these components in all that is known.. Sigh, I do not wanna sound crazy or wake up tomarrow morning regretting my posts so I will leave it at that.. I hope others will step up to explain further.. thank you..

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Yes but their is a right from wrong..

This is part of the principal of life...

or our existence for better or worse dear..

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:06 PM
I have always felt like I belong on this planet, and that it is my home.

I am very different, and people who know me will tell you that, and in a different kind of way. It is hard to explain. However, most people think of themselves as different from everyone else, as special. It is a very human, and I think, animalistic trait. Most people also like to think they have a special purpose on this planet.. I think these are normal things.

A great many people have ESP and such, and I suspect that these abilities in humans will grow over time.

The thing is, I can never get used to the 24 hour day. It seems that a thirty hour day would work better for me.

Nano nano!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Adrifter

I totally agree with you and I try to do good by everyone on encounter on my travels. I didn't intend to make you think I was referring to revelations. However, I used it as a reference to our current state of affairs. Pressure is ratcheting up on humanity and there is no getting around it. Either we do right by ourselves and weather the storm together, or the great experiment (humanity) may seize to exist. You following me? We are truly on the front lines this time and this is quite different than what we have encountered in the past. Our very nature as human beings is being squeezed out of us by sinister forces. Just my opinion though and good response.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:09 PM
Cool now I get to shoot lasers out of my eyes.

you people need to get out more.

Those emotions that you feel are normal, It makes you HUMAN.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

yes sir your exactly right.. The more complex the more pressure we feel.. Exactly... Thats where bad start becoming the imbalance..
Good to see ya bro..

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina 42

Whoa there, slow down a bit. What's this about psychic tools and power light force and raising our soul frequency?...

whoa dont play the innocent with me R

You know more than I. You are playing with me and unless you are serious I am not going to answer you. YOU ask me about psychic

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:13 PM
a very interesing concept I see here. Do you really mean this or is this just a though you are throwing out here?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:17 PM
Ok before you all flip out, I was referred here by a mod from another thread that they closed that mirrored this thread.

So I say that it is not true that you are alien, unless you have some proof other than you feel disenfrachised or special. For example, if one of you can display special powers, I would like to see them.

So tell me what you are capable of and I will try to pick one that is easy for you.

EDIT - typing is not one of my special powers of the day.

[edit on 6/2/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Interesting and who knows...
Personally from childhood I have been literally obsessed with anything alien and with space and cosmos along with other phenomena. This obsession has tailed me my entire life and even though I can usually manage to live more materialistic as those around me do, I am always drawn back to the feeling of "Why the hell am I in this hell?". However I feel that this dimension and planet are training grounds and have always felt that. Kind of like basic or boot camp for something else. Perhaps initiation or something.

As this repetitive cycle of mankind's relentless state seems to continue without learning or change I wonder why and wonder if this is really training grounds meant to not ever change.

I don't know if I'm alien even though I feel that way sometimes.
Time will tell, I hope.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:20 PM
I've always preferred my own company and wanted to go to my home and I feel so out of touch on earth.

I'm also highly sensitive to boot - I cry and end up feeling emotionally drained?

I also fit the bill of the alien person but Venus strikes a chord with me and I can't remember past lives!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by mystiq

People have to be very careful, and keep their wits about them. There is going to be a time, providing certain things happen, in which they may be gathered together. But there may be another group of people interested in who finding out who the starseeds are too, with far more nefarious reasons.

I wouldn't be too concerned about wouldn't the golden ones be 'in tune' with one another? The source of strength of a 'people' is found in the realization of their collective spirit. The source of strength of the individual is self-realization of one's purpose. One's life is a work of Art in the making as long as their Will is not compromised unto another.

Be your own Chief, hold your feather high and if your purpose is worthy, others will naturally follow your path till they discover their own. A human being is a social being by design, needing more attention since birth than any other. When one feels estranged from the world, it is because the people of the world have become estranged from one another. Those of sound mind and soul have nothing to prove though alot to give.

From the one of strongest form of body and mind, to the one awkward in appearance and word; they all possess gifts. When one assists another in their path............. or to turn/expose the key to their Brother's identity, that per-son increases/enhances their own enlightement in the process.

To achieve a Golden Mean (an even scale) led by the Golden Rule in one's existence is the ideal.

Human natural law trumps anything man has attempted to put to paper and needs no interpreter. Why is it so difficult for one to do unto another as one would have done unto themself? Seems so obviously foolish for one to do otherwise.

May the search for Truth be your Spear of Light unto the world.

Imagine the power and creativity of a people united in purpose as to End. True power Is non-material in nature.

The suit doesn't make the man, the man makes the suit.
The dress doesn't make a woman, the woman makes the dress.

People wear all sorts of masks for all sorts of reasons though in the End their only concealing themselves from themselves while distancing themselves from those that hold the collective keys to their identity.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Adrifter

Yes, but so far, many people's rights seem so dreadfully wrong to me, even primitive evil beyond belief
(capital punishment for example which is being done in cold blood by unrelated judicious people so it goes beyond any murder one rap I've read, and is so ugly and evil to me, that it gives me nightmares litererally to share a planet with such a primitive concept!) Other people think its wrong say, to walk around naked. Why? Explain what you were wearing when you were born? But its OK to allow people to live on the streets or die of hunger, or without medical treatment, if they aren't able to procure a slave labor job for a rich EVIL corperation that doesn't cover their rent half the time, or they're smart enough not too! A little twisted these values. Your right could very well be my EVIL.

However, I believe this is going to end, and we're going to be free, and with luck, not in 300 years.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:28 PM
I feel all 6 on that list, but I smoke. Ooops.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by mystiq

I also disagree with Capital Punishment so does that make me an alien as well? I am just curious as to what makes people think they are alien when they are in fact human.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder

Originally posted by pieinthesky
Wow. Just found out I'm an indigo child
Any other indigos here?

Welcome to the club, Pieinthesky.

Yep, I fit the Indigo Child discription to a 't'.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by Adrifter

Its not like people do bad, then good, then bad. Unless you're talking about imperfections, and have some hangups about what is bad. For example, I don't consider sex out of marriage bad or a sin. Most Christians do. I consider our corperate slave system and many corporate heads to be extremely evil men, most Christian's don't. I believe anything that is not an equal moneyless world that looks after its own and respects nature is evil incarnate, yet I love all the sleepers.. I consider most violent psychopaths extremely damaged and broken people since childhood and do not judge them at all. Because their last moment of free will was say 6, and therefore they're innocent.

For non-broken people, or half ways normal people, our state of soul is evolutionary, and normally people progress towards the positive. Only in a slave system if you're wiped over and over again as the "Living Game" technology might do, a prison planet, would people bounce around like yoyos in their orientation.

The point I'm making is Christians aren't the only ones with a grip on righteousness.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by mystiq]

Sex in marriage is what makes us different from our animal brethren. We are not creatures of instinct, where as, animals are. You follow me? I don't think sex out marriage is a sin but it is a crutch all of us have to deal with daily. However, we have the right to rationalize our decision. Sex in marriage too me, is becoming whole with that other person; you choose them and they choose you. Where as sex out of marriage is just a carnal act no more and no less, it doesn't replenish the soul. Of course there is a release but that is all there is. The act of sex is no different than going to the grocery store for a pack of gum. It means nothing.

I agree with you that corporatism is evil and many Christians do as well. They are losing jobs right along with Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and atheists to name a few. Your views on psychopaths are very much Christian and you don't even know it. Remember when that psycho almost killed John Paul II and he extended his hand to the man in forgiveness; his response is identically to the way you feel about psychopaths.

Just my two cents in response to your post.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:31 PM
I don't believe anyone here is an alien.

If we are not "the first", you may have been a tiny part of one in the distant past and if we are not "the last", you may be a tiny part of one in the distant future.

We are everything and for ever. We have always been and will always be....just not in one continuous consciousness.

Specks of starstuff in the cosmic soup temporarily gathered together as a thing called "human" on a ball of dirt we call "earth".

Enjoy the ride "humans".

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