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Dinosaurs- Are They Alive Today

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Serious Evidence

The Dinosaurs of Ancient Israel


The artwork demonstarted above, represents what appears to be a dinosaur similar to a T-Rex. It maybe hard to see, so a more of a disection needs to be done:


Now there is a dinosaur very similar to a T-Rex called the Cryolophosaurus. If you look closey the details can be shown. The picture appears to show that it is some sort of dinosaur.


Now another picture shows that the Israeles (is that right?) anyway, came into contact with some very large lizards and possibly large birds:


If you look closer a lot of detail is forged in the head region of the animal and again 3 visible toes and a long tail. Very interesting...

While the Above was interesting. The following is going to blow your breath away. Literally. I will post the story first, and please read the story first and then go to the pictures:

The Acambaro Dinosaurs- Yet More Hard Evidence

Waldemar Julsrud, a German hardware merchant in Acambaro, Mexico, was riding his horse on the lower slope of El Toro (The Bull) Mountain on a sunny morning in July, 1944. Suddenly, he spotted some partially exposed hewn stones and a ceramic object
half buried in the dirt.

Among the thousands of artifacts excavated were items that turned Julsrud’s mansion into “the museum that scared scientists.” Sculpted in various colors of clay were figurines of dinosaurs, various races of people: Eskimos, Asians, Africans, bearded Caucasians, Mongols, Polynesians, and objects that had cultural connections with the Egyptians and Sumerians as well as others.

SAY WHAT? This is huge and mind blowing!

Dr. Ivan T. Sanderson was amazed in 1955 to find that there was
an accurate representation of the American dinosaur Brachiosaurus, almost totally unknown at that time to the general public. Sanderson wrote about this particular dinosaur in the Julsrud Collection, “This figurine is a very fine, jet-black, polished-looking ware. It is about a foot tall. The point is it is an absolutely perfect representation of brachiosaurus, known only from East Africa and North America. There are a number of outlines of the skeletons in the standard literature but only one fleshed out reconstruction that I have ever seen. This is exactly like it.”

The collection at its largest numbered thirty-three thousand five hundred figurines including musical instruments, masks, idols, tools, utensils, statues, faces of races from many nations, and dinosaurs.

There is a great controversy, if these pieces are from the past or recent makes. However, many experts and I mean many state that these artifacts are the real deal. Infact a test was done and PROVED that they were from the right period, however:

In 1968, Charles Hapgood returned to Acambaro accompanied by Earle Stanley Gardner, whose detective mysteries became the basis for the famous Perry Mason television programs. Mr. Gardner, trained in criminology and a past investigator of archaeological problems, was himself supremely impressed with the vastness and variety of the collection. It was quite clear that Mr. Gardner considered the theory of the collection being fakes completely asinine.
The radiocarbon 14 method of dating was still in its infancy, but Hapgood acquired specimens for C-14 testing. Gardner and Andrew Young (inventor of the Bell Helicopter) financed the testing. Hapgood submitted the samples to the Laboratory of Isotopes, Inc in New Jersey. The results were as follows:

Sample No. 1: (I-3842) 3590 + - 100 (C. 1640 B.C.)
Sample No. 2: (I-4015) 6480 + - 170 (C. 4530 B.C.)
Sample No. 3: (I-4031) 3060 + - 120 (C. 1110 B.C.)

The radiocarbon dates of up to 4,500 B.C. for Carbon on the ceramics would make the collection the oldest in the Western Hemisphere.

Wow look at those DATES. That is amazing, but WAIT, hold on:

In 1972, Arthur Young submitted two of the figurines to Dr. Froelich Rainey, the Director of the Pennsylvania Museum for Thermoluminescent Dating. The MASCA Lab had obtained themoluminescent dates of up to 2,700 B.C. In a letter dated September 13, 1972, addressed to Mr. Young, Dr. Rainey said,

. . .Now after we have had years of experimentation both here
and at the lab at Oxford, we have no doubt about the dependability
of the thermoluminescent method. We may have errors of up to
5-10% in absolute dating, but we are no longer concerned about
unexpected bugs that might put the whole system in doubt. I should
also point out, that we were so concerned about the extraordinarily
ancient dates of these figures, that Mark Han in our lab made an
average of 18 runs on each one of the four samples. Hence, there
is a very substantial bit of research on these particular pieces . . .
All in all the lab stands on these dates for the Julsrud material,
whatever that means in terms of archaeological dating in Mexico, or in terms of “fakes verses authentic pieces”.

The lab tested these pieces over and over and came up with consistent dates! Thats right, these pieces are real. Its over right? The argument of these pieces validity? Not quite....

But when the lab at the University of Pennsylvania found out that dinosaurs were part of the collection, they conducted a retest and retracted the hermoluminescent dates as invalid. They came up with a ridiculous assertion that the ceramics gave off regenerated light signals and could be no more than thirty years old. A thermoluminescent technician admitted that no other ceramics existed, in his experience, that produced regenerated light signals, and no other thermoluminescent dating of ceramics had ever been done by utilization of a regenerated light signal. In short, the testing was a hocus pocus laboratory trick to avoid the obvious conclusion that dinosaurs and man lived together. John Tierney demonstrated the phoniness of the University of Pennsylvania’s thermoluminescent test. Tierney had two fragments of Julsrud-type ceramics excavated at El Toro Mountain in Acambaro, and in 1956, in Julrud’s presence, Tierney submitted these pieces to Dr. Victor J. Bortolet, Director of Research at Daybreak Nuclear/Archaeometrics Laboratory Services for dating. Dr. Bortolet determined the pieces’ upper limit of age to 2,000 years old. He definitely demolished the MASCA Report of the objects being made thirty or even a hundred years ago

Wow, what a battle of wits. Turns out these pieces held strong.

And now the pieces:







View more from the collection and more evidence of man and dinosaurs walking together


How? How is it that these people know about these dinosaurs if they never SAW them. The evidence suggests that man did walk with dinosaurs, but the real question is:

Do we still walk with dinosaurs?

[edit on Jun 2nd 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

Perhaps the same reason bull sharks do it, as well as crocodiles. Not odd behavior when you look at other large ocean predators who have the ability to cross over from salt to fresh water, and do so often.

How many do so by swimming up a shallow river through a city withoiut ever being seen?

There is absolutely no evidence of tunnels linking Loch Ness to the sea - and the whole geology of the region makes it impossible.

During the ice age Loch Ness was buried in ice - indeed, it was a glacier which carved out the deep trench in which the loch lies. The sea has never seen encroached that far inland.

The only was Nessie's ancestors could have got there is by swimming up river after the end of the ice age. So why?

On the other hand, we do know that eels swim up the Ness and eunuch eels can grow very large indeed, especially in cold bodies of water like Loch Ness.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Essan

How many do so by swimming up a shallow river through a city withoiut ever being seen?

Actually, there are bull sharks that swim up shallow rivers all the time, without being seen, until there is an unfortunate encounter, there was one that actually went on a killing spree in New Jersey river a long time ago, it was blamed on a white shark originally and was the inspiration for the movie Jaws. But whites do not have the ability to go into fresh water like the bull shark, which is also in a perpetual state of 'roid rage' with the highest level of testosterone in any animal. There are even some that live in land locked lakes. Saltwater crocs do the same, and nobody sees either one until it's too late, usually.

Not saying that explains the nessie thing, but it isn't impossible for sea creatures to make their way inland due to differing circumstance. As for a reason why, like i said, competition and maybe even to escape predators ...when you look at plesiosaurs, you wonder how well they would do against giant squids and such, they are big and soft, and have a little head that doesn't offer much defense against large ocean predators...

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 07:25 PM
Are dinosaurs alive today? Papua New Guinea has some interesting evidence....

According to a report in Papua New Guinea’s The Independent newspaper, a ‘dinosaur-like reptile’ was seen on two occasions in the Lake Murray area, in Western Province.

On December 11, 1999, villagers travelling in a canoe reported seeing the creature wading in shallow water near Boboa. The following day, a Seventh Day Adventist pastor and a church elder say they saw the animal not far from the first sighting. The creature was described as having a body ‘as long as a dump truck’ and nearly two metres wide, with a long neck and a long slender tail. It was walking on two hind legs ‘as thick as coconut palm tree trunks’, and had two smaller forelegs. The head was similar in shape to a cow’s head, with large eyes and ’sharp teeth as long as fingers.’ The skin was likened to that of a crocodile, and the creature had ‘largish triangular scoops on the back.’

So what did these eyewitnesses really see? The description does not seem to fit any species known to live on the earth today. However, its large size and crocodile-like skin certainly bring images of dinosaurs powerfully to mind.

Yet more evidence for a Dinosaur still living.

The circumstances in which it was encountered are strikingly reminiscent of the river-dwelling sauropod-like animal known as mokele-mbembe, whose sightings in the vast, remote swamps of Africa’s Congo region have led even some evolutionist scientists to speculate that dinosaurs may still be living in the world today.

This is despite the recent discovery of the living Wollemi pine tree, also believed, from fossils, to have been extinct since the ‘dinosaur age’.

We keep finding evidence that things once thought to be extinct are alive and what better evidence than the actual specimen thought to be extinct. It just goes to show that we really do not KNOW for certain what is extinct and what is alive.


1.The Independent (Papua New Guinea), December 30, 1999, p. 6.

2.See Mokele-mbembe: a living dinosaur? Creation 21(4):24-25, 1999.

3.See Sensational Australian tree … like ‘finding a live dinosaur’, Creation 17(2):13, 1995; Creation19(3):7, 1997.

4.Estimated extinction rates vary wildly, from 1-50 species per day. Myers, N., ‘What we must do to counter the biotic holocaust’,, September 15, 2000.

5.UniSci (Daily University Science News),, August 15, 2000.


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:31 AM
Boy as I said on page 1, you really have done your homework! It is much appreciated.

I wonder how many other things will come to surface that were once believed extinct and are proving to be wrong?

Good job mate!!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by 27jd

Perhaps the same reason bull sharks do it, as well as crocodiles. Not odd behavior when you look at other large ocean predators who have the ability to cross over from salt to fresh water, and do so often.

How many do so by swimming up a shallow river through a city withoiut ever being seen?

There is absolutely no evidence of tunnels linking Loch Ness to the sea - and the whole geology of the region makes it impossible.

During the ice age Loch Ness was buried in ice - indeed, it was a glacier which carved out the deep trench in which the loch lies. The sea has never seen encroached that far inland.

The only was Nessie's ancestors could have got there is by swimming up river after the end of the ice age. So why?

On the other hand, we do know that eels swim up the Ness and eunuch eels can grow very large indeed, especially in cold bodies of water like Loch Ness.

Actually, Loch Ness was carved out by millions of tons of ice which made up a massive glacier. At the end of the last ice age the glacier melted allowing the sea to rush in before the land rose free from the weight of all that ice trapping the body of water we now know as the Loch Ness. That is why the Ness is some 50 feet (approx) higher than the surrounding sea level. Any creature which enters Loch Ness would have to come up the River Ness, struggling through a series of loch gates and then pass by the inhabitants of Inverness without anyone seeing a thing.
However, there have always been rumours that there exists a film made back in the 30s or 40s which showed a large animal struggling up the River Ness but which had it's way hampered by a loch gate. This film is said to have been placed in storage and wont be released until the subject of the Loch Ness creature is taken more seriously.
My view is that the animal trapped in Loch Ness is either an extremely large eel or maybe a large fish of some sort. It definately Isn't a plesiosaur. For one thing the water is far too cold.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

Excellent points you bring up. I was going to post something along those lines, but you did it quite well and saved me from doing much appreciated and great research.

reply to post by MatrixProphet

I appreciate the kind words, just maybe, history will change.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:41 PM
I love cryptozoology. It is so interesting, i remember when i was young the giant squid was a myth and today it is a real animal.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by spiracy

Yep, its cool to see the things of Myth, become a reality with time. It just goes to show that we have a long way to go in zoology..

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:27 PM
Congratulations people we made it in the ATS news section:

Dinosaurs Alive- Has been Featured!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Just my tuppence before reading the entire thread and doing my own research.

Some people are talking utter bunkum on this thread and I'm only on page 2.

1. NO not all reptiles are cold-blooded, somer are even nocturnal while others live in caves never seeing the sun!!

2. NO not all of the caverns at the bottom of Loch Ness have been mapped, radared etc. The main body of water has, but the loch is so deep and murky much has not been recorded. There are caves that could (even suspected to) lead to other bodies of water including open sea.

3. Every time I try to follow links and verify the OP I get led to some crap creationist site. Where are the photos of the elephants that time forgot?

4. Someone mentioned all the earths surface is covered by and monitored with satellites and any wierd animals would have been seen. Firstly do you think we'd be told if any showed up on satellite images? Secondly new tribes of humans have been discovered since satellite imagery, it's perfectly possible for the same to occur with animals. Thirdly there are many relatively unexplored areas of Northern Asia that could hide living mammoth herds. Fourthly how is it that gigantic country sized bits of antartica can melt and break away from the mainland and we don't discover it til weeks later. NObody is watching all of the Earth all the time. Not to mention the many places that are blacked out on google earth or have very low res imagery.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Congratulations people we made it in the ATS news section:

Congratulations! Well done!

I think the news site is a good contribution to ATS and I am glad you are part of it.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

Much Thanks. I hope I can stay up there for a little I get bumped out the way by the true Press Corps Journalists. But its cool being featured..

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by sharps

3. Every time I try to follow links and verify the OP I get led to some crap creationist site. Where are the photos of the elephants that time forgot?

Not trying to be rude, but calm down.

All you have to do is read the websites and if they were crap I wouldn't have used them

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:05 PM
The Giant Squid as mentioned earlier:

Here's a Creationists video talking strictly about Crytpozoology specifically about Dinosaurs being ALIVE. Very interesting you can fast forward, but I recommend just watching it.

Prehistoric Shark Found Alive:

[edit on Jun 3rd 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:08 PM
id say its safe to say some exist out there. now lets go find bigfoot!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
The artwork demonstarted above, represents what appears to be a dinosaur similar to a T-Rex. It maybe hard to see, so a more of a disection needs to be done:

Okay (I know this is "pulling rank"), I've worked on some T-rex stuff before. This bears as much of a resemblance to the T-rex or Crylophosaurus as my cat does.

Now another picture shows that the Israeles (is that right?) anyway, came into contact with some very large lizards and possibly large birds:


Alas, wrong. That's from Pompeii, I believe, and shows the hunting of wild animals in Africa (the ostrich is the giveaway) to bring back to the Circus Maximus for the games. The three toes on this one and the big ears give it away... it's a hippopotamus. The artist had never seen one and was going on secondhand description.

Dr. Ivan T. Sanderson was amazed in 1955 to find that there was
an accurate representation of the American dinosaur Brachiosaurus, almost totally unknown at that time to the general public.

Sorry... they're all frauds, and very evident ones. They seem to be copied from kids' books. Many of those species never went through Mexico at ANY time, and I have never seen one that is anatomically accurate even in a "folk art" way.

I've seen a lot of dinosaurs, I've seen a lot of folk art, and I've seen variations on a theme.

And his "almost totally unknown" is a complete fabrication. It was one of the better known dinosaurs, since it was an early "superstar" after its discovery in 1900.

Time and again they're exposed as frauds... yet the hoary old fake still has legs. It's a shame that the Information Age can't kill it and instead let the beauty of the real discoveries shine.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Byrd, I do have some questions. These evident frauds, as you put them, appear to have been dated and appear to be correct. It doesn't make sense. Also there are witness's who saw them being dug up from the excavation site. Also why would they appear with "Proven" artifacts from the time period before? It doesn't make sense.

Many of those species never went through Mexico at ANY time

Lets not forget that many species that are noted as not being somewhere have been.

For instance here in New Orleans we found a Dingo, we don't have Dingos here. In the Mississippi river when we were fishing we thought we saw a dead baby whale, but couldn't pull it in 9It probably wasn't real, but it was big). Animals are all over wether by accident or some other reason. Remember land bridges of the past, and other things. Its not impossible.

[edit on Jun 3rd 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Hi TheMythLives,

I believe that some dinosaurs still live, I may have seen one myself years ago when I was about 30 years of age. Two birds, tremendous in size, never seen any birds that large since then.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

That is very interesting, do you remember by any chance the color of the birds or the estimated size of the wingspan or any other characteristics...?

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