posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:49 PM
There is a reason the ATS Motto is linked in my quotes of choice.
This serves as a reminder, to the standard, of which we all should hold our selves and others.
It's the one thing we as ATS'ers, are supposed to have in common.
That is the minimum, as a standard it should never be taken away from, only added to.
Thus through it and higher standards, we improve upon our self, which in turn rubs off on others and they will also improve.
One must adhere to that which is mutually beneficial serving a selfless role.
Selfish dispositions are interuptive and cause disruption. That is not for the better, and their actions show division, not unity as the agenda.
Together we are ATS, together we are stronger, together we #DenyIgnorance @AboveTopSecret