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Whats going on here!!?? Taymour

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Taymour

Taymour, Sam60's advice is a very good one, but if you can't/don't want to share the sources, then i think that there is NO WAY that some serious researcher will ever spend more than one minute on the images: a geologist would need to know which is the geological contest of the area where they were taken, an image analyst would need the RAW image, an expert in exoplanets would need to know the coordinates in order to try to track down more shots from the same area etc etc etc: these are all informations that would come straight together with the sources, you are not providing anything of them, so even try to ask would be worthless: the ones who would try to analyze them as they are, wouldn't know what they are doing, in my humble opinion: most likely, some sensationalistic websites would make some of those crappy "enhancements" that we are used to see, based on decrease of color depht, wild smart resamples etc, but they won't bring you even just one step closer to thereal research. As far as i've seen so far, all i can say in all honesty is that there are NOT clear indications of any civilization in these images, i could be wrong but that's my sincere take.
Good luck

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Sam60

I do this yet. Thanks however.
My target is to disclose this epochal news via Media News and I know that isn't easy.
The task that is entrusted me is only that to try to show to the average, within a short of time, this incredible discovery and to protect professionally, my client, under all the points of view.
I think that this site, ABOVE TOP SECRET, is the Best site, serious and with very smart people.
I thanks all of you, because as i said, you are my "best life insurance".
I thanks all the ATS staff and it's moderators.

- Taymour -

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:07 AM
Hello All!

If "Men In Black" are for real, it could be possible that they miss Taymour and his client's information?

I hope they are a myth... just this time.


posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:22 AM

I registered quite recently as I had found ATS and more specifically, this thread.


I just want to make this clear. In order for this community to verify and quantify your findings we require at least some sort of basis. A scale for the pictures would be a giant leap and would help professionals verify and infer from as this will help determine the accuracy and credence of your claims.

Please note that this is nothing against you but we are eager on such news and firm proof of such a claim will in many ways revolutionise the world. If the claims are significant enough your client and you will seem rather small in front of something so great.

Mr. Taymour, the majority of human beings are born into a mediocre world where their existence will perpetuate and their lives meaningless in the grand scheme of things. You have been given a rare opportunity to change the outcome of the human race if what you claim is true.

Please take a moment here to consider what power you have in your possession. Consider this example, you have information which could lead to global ensure our species civilization if such a technology exists where we could travel to other life bearing planets for resources and development.

Thank you for your continuous correspondence. If you indeed are perpetuating hoax then I'm afraid the only thing you are achieving is letting others down.



posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by sizduman

I registered quite recently as I had found ATS and more specifically, this thread.


I just want to make this clear. In order for this community to verify and quantify your findings we require at least some sort of basis. A scale for the pictures would be a giant leap and would help professionals verify and infer from as this will help determine the accuracy and credence of your claims.

Please note that this is nothing against you but we are eager on such news and firm proof of such a claim will in many ways revolutionise the world. If the claims are significant enough your client and you will seem rather small in front of something so great.

Mr. Taymour, the majority of human beings are born into a mediocre world where their existence will perpetuate and their lives meaningless in the grand scheme of things. You have been given a rare opportunity to change the outcome of the human race if what you claim is true.

Please take a moment here to consider what power you have in your possession. Consider this example, you have information which could lead to global ensure our species civilization if such a technology exists where we could travel to other life bearing planets for resources and development.

Thank you for your continuous correspondence. If you indeed are perpetuating hoax then I'm afraid the only thing you are achieving is letting others down.



Hi Sid,
Thanks for your advices.
Days ago I sended some images at an ATS member here on this Thead, that claimed that he could verify them whit 3 skilled people (images technicians and geologists) but no one of his 3 source gave the answer at 2 simply questions:
1) Are those images a fake or hoax made by some digital images programs (photoshop or others) or are REALS?
2) Can Nature made naturally those kind of structures and other anomalies?
No one of this 3 skilled people answered.
The "scale" at this moment is not important and however I don't know. I only know that some of those areas are dozens Km. square.
For the moment, What I really want is that someone answer at those 2 simply questions. This why I need that what I claim could be verified!
I’m not a liar in looks for of crazy publicity.
I know this huge power. Really.
When I know this stuff months ago, I doesn't sleep for 2 days; never sleep for 48 hours.
I know the epochal capacity of this "event news" and whose mediatics consequences and the impact to sociological level worldwide that could produce, at the moment, escape to me in their capacity.
The task that is entrusted me is only that to try to show to the average, within a short of time, this incredible discovery and to protect professionally, under all the points of view, (personal and economic) the person who has entrusted to returned me and partecipe of this secret.
I hope to find the good way as sonn as possible.


posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:18 AM
This is a very long thread, and it is alot to expect someone just joining to read every post so....

[align=center][font=Papyrus][color=2B65EC]Thread Summary[/font][/align]

After noticing several similar posts tike this

This is not a Joke.
I'm an italian Lawyer, and I have evidences (proof) of Extraterrestrial Civilization hidden at the world and now exposed...

[font=Papyrus][color=2B65EC] on different UFO related websites, I decided to make a thread here only to find the Ialian Lawyer Antonio Di Bello (Taymour) is an ATS member. We were able to get screenshots of a video he made which were supposedly not of this planet. After much speculation internos was able to contact Mr. Di Bello directly through his information posted on a listing of Italian Lawyers, therefore verifying Mr. Di Bello was not lieing about his profession or name. The openeing of the video shows objects of the Kuiper Belt followed by several images, and Jkrog08 posted volumes of information about the belt. After more speculation I asked Taymour to allow me to have his images analized by a geologist, so he sent me additional images, and with his permission I forewarded them to internos, and jkrog. I sent the images to 3 seperate geologists. The first was unable to help since he was a soil specialist another replied with this... [/font]

One of the most interesting aspects of geology is scale. The pictures you
sent look great, but I don't know what scale they are. Are they shot from
a microscope, or from space? They could be crystal lattice structure on
the surface of a grain of sand, or mountain landscape patterns photographed
during a fly-over from the space shuttle. Hopefully on the website there
is some information as to whether the size of the image is centimeters or
kilometers and we can proceed from there.

[font=Papyrus][color=2B65EC]Jkrog08 has also sent an email to an astrogeologist, and we await his response. The other geologist i was in contact with said this... [/font]

I cannot speculate what these pictures are. There is no scale. This could be photos of a microscopic surface or another planet. You will have to provide more information for us to try to identify them

[font=Papyrus][color=2B65EC] And then this after a subsuquent question... [/font]

Our thoughts are that they look like poor quality SEM or backscatter images but not landscape images

So now we have reached a point where we are waiting for something to happen. If you have time, read the whole thread bc there are posts and insights from many other great ATS users, and I can't fit them all into this summary.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I missed anything and I will edit to include!

[edit on 11-6-2009 by MysterE]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Taymour

Mr. Di Bello,

I understand that you want these additional photos to be verified, unfortunatley the examiners needed to know the scale to asertain what they are looking at.

From what I've read, at this stage it could be a grain of sand or some type of mineral/crystal.

We need more information to confirm what you are saying.

Is there anymore you can tell us about the photos or anything that could give what you are saying more substance?

You mention that ATS has a lot a smart people, this is even more a reason to supply additional information. ATS is full of hoaxes and fake footage, and this has been confirmed by looking at the facts. If you are true in what you are saying, by giving us more "facts" then we can assist you in giving this credability and distributing this information across the globe.

As it stands you have provided us with some photos that could be many things...

If we at ATS are saying this, and we have a lot of people on here that believe almost anything, then how do you expect any other authority/media group to back your claims?

I would like to believe you, but you need to give us more than this.

Kind regards,


[edit grammer]
[edit more bad grammer ]

[edit on 11-6-2009 by dsm1664]

[edit on 11-6-2009 by dsm1664]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Taymour
Hi Sid,
Thanks for your advices.
Days ago I sended some images at an ATS member here on this Thead, that claimed that he could verify them whit 3 skilled people (images technicians and geologists) but no one of his 3 source gave the answer at 2 simply questions:
1) Are those images a fake or hoax made by some digital images programs (photoshop or others) or are REALS?
2) Can Nature made naturally those kind of structures and other anomalies?
No one of this 3 skilled people answered.

I have sent the exact question to both geologists, but I am yer to get a return email. I don't know much about images, but if any other ATS member wants to take a stab at it go ahead, although as internos stated you need the origional image to do any real analysis.


posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Days ago I sended some images at an ATS member here on this Thead, that claimed that he could verify them whit 3 skilled people (images technicians and geologists) but no one of his 3 source gave the answer at 2 simply questions...
reply to post by Taymour

Dear Taymour,

I have sympathized with you all along this wild ride thus far, and don't know if I envy your position or not. I have no doubt that you are convinced the evidence you possess to be irrifutable...or do I? If you are convinced, then why the post hoc logic? You seem to be willing to disclose more details if some of these images can be verified...Are you willing to verify the verifyers only after they verify you first? Is that what you are saying?

If so, this thread was over before it began. The rational scientific mind is reluctant to establish causality even with overwhelming amounts of evidence...and these images, frankly, are not even close. For science to support you in ANY way, the burden of proof lies with measurable, quantifyable evidence, and nothing will change that as long as you withhold basic facts and measures. But why continue? Professional ethics? Fear of embarrassment? Attention mongoring? I assure you, you would NOT be the first of us to be bilked. If you can disclose the holy grail of science...for God's sake man, out with it. If not...stop, just stop. You are only doing further damage to an already bastardized science that many of us especially here are trying to protect and nourish with strict empiricism.

Or are you convinced that this "threat" will help to force disclosure? Cause I promise, the MIB are shaking in their boots.

Are you a friend to disclosure or not? Life is full of risks...what defines us is which ones we deem worth taking. The ball, as always, remains in your court.


posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:13 PM

The diameter is 450 metres.

Zoom near yellow box

Is this natural?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Hi Taymour

please post a photo that proves your claims.

the photo you post is not proof for most people.

you have photo of a house or something that you can see clearly?


look forward to it

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Thanks for your avaliability.


posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:37 PM
Hi Taymour

thanks for the email and documents.

After reviewing them, they are interesting, yes we see lots of straight lines and right angles etc. However they are not conclusive proof.

We would all love to have proof but for the world skeptics, debunkers and investigators, these photos could be anything and serve no conclusive proof.

Not dismissing your evidence in any way, just saying that it is not enough to prove to anyone what you are claiming. Unfortunately.

But in any event, welcome to ATS. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Taymour
Thanks sam,
But do you know which are the "more credible & better quality sites"?

This one for one... it has the widest reach as all the other UFO groups stop in to see what's new.

Here there are many researchers and people who's daily job includes all the skills needed including geology, image analysis and you will even find some that work at NASA or other 'interesting' locations

On top of that if there is anything worthwhile out there someone will find it and we will discuss it here and analyze it.

But without as internos says, more info on the sources they are worthless, even I have not even studyed them closely because while they do show some very interesting 'artifacts' without knowing what these picture are or where they are from, they are useless to me.

It is hard enough to convince people there is something odd in a photo when you have the original. It is impossible when you don't

You say you are concerned, yet you spread your real name all over the web associated with these images.

You say your not after money, but your actions indicate someone looking for the best deal

Denise from MUFON told me she would most likely be the last one to hold out for you, but you have to give something

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Happyface
I hope they are a myth... just this time.

Thanks, Ron. I got a kick out of reading your note! YES..MIB's do exist. Did you get a chance to read my story about the 'visitor' I met at MacDill? He had 2 sets of eyelids...honestly...reptilian! I about # my pants when I saw his eyes... never forget them!

MacDill is MacDill AFB, the 'story' is a 580 page report and the speaker holds 23 top secret patents and was a NASA contractor for 25 years

The MIB's have no interest in people looking at anomalies in photos. If they had hundreds of websites would not exist, including mine and Hoagland's

And I have already been 'visited' once by a 'representative' He spent three days with John an me. When he left he said "You only have the tip of the cat's tail"

I replied... "Yes but we are tugging hard enough that the cat has noticed us"

I wrote the person in the first quote about the 'visit' his reply...

Your note is full of so many things that we could chat about...literally for hours. What really caught my interest was the story about the 'visitor' y'all had. I used to do similar things...get in the over half of God's Creation to 'visit' with people, scientists and some folks with special skills. Remember...for someone to be able to do that (travel, etc.)...that takes a 'budget', schedules, etc. And in order for someone to do something like that (like I used to do right after 9/11 thru early -03)...someone who has a discretionary budget generally finances those kind of 'intel' projects. Does the term 'reconoiter' mean anything to you? (LOL)! Just be careful.. They probably don't consider you guys to be a threat, or they'd have already 'bored you to death with conversation' (ROTFFL!). A futher consideration is the 'spoon-feed-effect'. No need to extrapolate on that issue/prospect.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:56 PM


Is this what were supposed to be looking at?


posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:01 PM
(Zorgon takes all my fun away by stealing logic out of my brain and typing it first.)


I think I can answer both of your questions for you.

1. Yes, they could be fakes via Photoshop. Since we don’t know where it is, what it is, how big it is, what took the photo and where the photo originated then it COULD be fake.

2. Yes, they COULD be natural. (See above caveats). Erosion, different minerals, bedrock, shale etc and how it reacts to millions of years of precipitation, freezing, wind, thawing, chemicals, meteor strikes, vacuum, tectonic activity etc can produce a near infinite variety of shapes and sizes as well as anthropomorphic and linear/cubicle structuring that suggest artificiality or at least perceived artificiality.

NO ONE can verify your claims without the whole story. If you're client KNOWS they have irrefutable evidence of a non terrestrial civilization, then choose a trusted agent, give them the whole story, take their advice and publish.

If its money you are holding out for, they are going to want the whole irrefutable ball of wax before you get a single lira.

If however, you want the information to get out there to a target audience of subject matter experts, this is the place.

So what'll it be? verità o soldi?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Taymour
1) Are those images a fake or hoax made by some digital images programs (photoshop or others) or are REALS?

Here is the problem. If they are real, then they must be available somewhere to verify the source.

If they are photographs that are NOT available online. like Apollo 15 role 83 then proving that they are real becomes very difficult.

So if they are on the web somewhere, revealing the source won't hurt, as sooner or later some other anomaly hunter will find them. There are millions of people looking..

Sone of those images you showed DO look like photoshop, at least enhanced and colored, which is acceptable IF the original is also available

2) Can Nature made naturally those kind of structures and other anomalies?

Yes it can

Here are some Basalt Columns on Earth created went a certain type of basalt (lava) cools and cleaves in a hexagonal column

Just google "Devil's Postpile"


No one of this 3 skilled people answered.

That is because skilled people or lay people cannot give an opinion on something without details. All they can do is guess, and the professionals don't play guessing games. You expect a pro to make a statement, but a pro has a reputation at stake and will not just wildly speculate on nothing

The "scale" at this moment is not important and however I don't know. I only know that some of those areas are dozens Km. square.

The scale is most definitely important. It is the key to analysing these pictures. Is it a microscope or a landscape... no way to tell without reference

Look at this one... this is a bismuth crystal about 1 inch in size


For the moment, What I really want is that someone answer at those 2 simply questions. This why I need that what I claim could be verified!

I just did, and geology , mineral identifying and lapidary are my 'thing' (amongst others

[edit on 11-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:14 PM
If you look at the top of those Basalt columns... and you were not told what they were, you might conclude that these are man made paving stones


But they are natural

If you look at these below you might ask "Old ruins?" Imagine seeing these while scuba diving in dark waters when they jump out at you in your light? I can hear it now "I found ATLANTIS!!"


But they are natural

[edit on 11-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:16 PM
Here's another similar natural rock formation. Not trying to say anything really just thought I'd stick it up cos I live near it!

Maybe Finn Mac Cool was on this planet to?


P.s. Its clearly the Giants Causeway that your looking at?

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