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9/11 Truth finally hits Mainstream Media

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posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by foxbat68
Someone once stated perhaps "people" were aware of a planned OKC attack and other "people" wanted to make sure it was very thorough so military grade explosives were pre-positioned. Could this be similar and if so, this is indeed very, very dark. It would be alarming to discover that we knew in advance that an attack was coming but instead of thwarting it operatives made sure the attack was spectacular!

It's alarming as you say how similiar in some ways both those attacks were.
What I find a bit disheartening is that if the micro details of OKC attack have never really come out, what chance do we have of ever seeing the truth of 9/11 come out?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by brad james
I saw Richard in Cincinnati. It was an awesome speech. I was saddened though that Richard flew across the Country to an audience that was only 115 people.

Wow. only 115 people cared enough to show up. I really hope those 115 can pass along the info to as many people as possible. (I"m sure you're doing your bit already
I'm quite happy after hearing this news about his speech , that he did the tv appearance.
I'm sure he reached a lot larger audience. Hope the viewers were as shocked as the interviewers.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:39 AM
On 9/11 it was pretty obvious to me that something hinky was going on , it was of course horrific but tower 7 comming down like it did for no reason well thats just unbeliveable, I never ever bought any of it.
Any of youu know what was in 7 ? Had to be big ... I also have to take the advice of O.North follow the money some relly huge sums of money have been spread around some sketchy firms.
As for the rest of the events of that day gotta call BS as well I'm no expert but I have seen quite a few crash site photos of airliners and none of them looked like those 2 sites.
All that being said great find thank you for the info S and F for you now lets hope they have the A&E people on something besides affiliat mornning shows although it was nice to se the penny drop for the lady.
Still along way to go before the general public will start to get it ,I will be sending this to all of my freinds who think I'm a nutjob.
Thanks again

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:42 AM
He says high grade thermite over and over again and its lots of thermite being used, tons of thermite. There is no way Al-Qaida could have shipped that into a high security building. He means to go to the source of the security of those buildings, the firms and its owners. He also mentions some meintenace being done 5 months prior to the attack, interesting to find out who those guys were.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:45 AM
And what happens if they say it wasn't caused by explosives?
Do we merely ignore them and say they are liars?

9/11 "Truthers" will only be happy if some one says the towers were taken down with explosives.

Lets go over the whole jet fuel thing again.

Steel melts at 2750°F
Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F

Some other things to keep in mind.

Things in side the building were on fire to.
Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F
The buildings was just hit by planes, causing structural damage (the building swaying).
We never saw melted steel. we did however see twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. This is caused by the steel expanding at both ends, but when it can no longer expand it sags.

Here is how it went down in my head.

The planes hit the buildings causing them to sway. The swaying caused the buildings to weaken. The jet fuel then catches on fire. The jet fuel catches things in the buildings to catch on fire. The buildings collapse.

Three strikes and its down.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Anubis_4400]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Anubis_4400

I didn't see any airplane flying into building 7, but it also collapsed.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:52 AM
Pretty cool how your three strike rule droped a building without an aircraft hitting it hmmm... never mind the odds of three towers dropping into thier foot prints in less time than it takes to start a charcoal bbq.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by MightyAl
reply to post by Anubis_4400

I didn't see any airplane flying into building 7, but it also collapsed.

That's because one didn't.

This explains why WTC7 collapsed.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Anubis_4400]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Anubis_4400

Thanks a lot for the info. I checked it out, and it appears as quite credible information, unless of course those listed in the acknowledgement found it a conveniently realistic answer to cover up the truth. Nevertheless, no one can tell.

Some engineers will say it was a controlled collapse, others will say the penthouse collapsed resulting in a kink causing the entire building to fall into itself due to the single point of failure.

I do think however that the buildings in Madrid and recently in Beijing showed that even an average building can be completely set on fire and will not collapse. The structure remains intact. However, one can also argue that the WTC7 collapse is more due to structural failure than the fire itself, but then that would not explain WTC1 and 2's collapse that are related to the fire, not structural failure first.

In that case we can turn back to the WTC1 and 2. How come they found thermite in the debris? Why was it lying there? What was it used for if the planes did the job in themselves?

Lastly, if a plane can make a 110 floor building (and moreover one of the most important buildings in the world) collapse, then again, how come the Madrid and Beijing buildings (buildings unknown to most of the world) did not collapse with the high hest. It surely would have been at least 1100C there also? What was the difference speaking from the engineer's point of view?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Anubis_4400

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Guys, not only does steel loose its strentgh at the temps that jet fuel burns, lets take a look at how you make thermite. The 9/11 truth people keep saying it was hi grade thermite. Did you ever ask yourself what makes it hi grade versus low grade? Do you even know how thermite is made? Its a combination of aluminum oxide and iron oxide. There are also other types of thermite made with different oxides. To ignite thermite, you will usually use magnesium of some sort. The ignition temperature of magnesium is 883 degrees F. Magnesium burns at 2,500 degrees F which is more than hot enough to damage the structure of the building. You also have to consider the fact that there would be a lot of pulverized metal from the plane and the structure. Which would be a combination of iron, magnesium and aluminum. Within 24 to 48 hours, the powder that has been well mixed from the impact would begin to oxidize. HEYHEY, thermite! If they where to say, look we found Iron, you would say no kidding, the building was made out of iron. If they where to say, look we found aluminum and magnesium , you would say, no kidding the plane was made out of that. So why can't you put two and two together. For a site such as this that seems good at connecting the dots, it seems odd that some people here can't figure out the answer for two plus two.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by passingthough]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Anubis_4400
And what happens if they say it wasn't caused by explosives?
Do we merely ignore them and say they are liars?

9/11 "Truthers" will only be happy if some one says the towers were taken down with explosives.

What will you do if a new enquiry ( if one gets up ) finds that to be true?
Will you accept those findings?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:14 PM
Three buildings falling down exactly like in a controlled demolition plus the huge amount of thermite substance found in the scrap metal and the dust fallout, what are the odds for that ? It is highly unlikely. I think this guy is dead on with his hypothesis and it will be very interesting to find out who was in charge (owned) those security firms and who had access and was able to ship in and apply all that thermite prior to the attack.

Someone in the US made the call and they shot themself in the foot blaiming al-qiada, then they attacked Iraq, Afghanistan setting up a spearhead in the middle east, the war on terror. Sounds like an agenda to me, some twisted #s are in charge of the operations.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by passingthough

So what about the nano thermite that was found as well as the plain old thermite? You know the nano thermite that is only made in DoD contracts Labs?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:14 PM
If you read my above post you know where I stand on this issue. I will give you this though, say there is something, what will the dog do when it catches the car?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:15 PM
wow, so anyone know how old this is?

any of you guys see the realization of 9 11 truth and the subsequent prosecution of the people involved as a catalyst for consciousness shift? I bet it goes down in 2012.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Ok, you got me there. Like I said, I'm just putting a theory out there. What do you think would happen if the truth came out? I honestly don't think any thing would happen. It would just go away and so would the people talking about it. There is no way America will believe it. Its just to scary for them. I personally don't believe it myself. The way America think right now, a UFO could land outside in front of your house, you could video tape it and even have a conversation with the aliens, still nobody would believe you.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Richard appeared on the show on 28th May, if that's what you are referring too.

And the 2012 consciousness shift would never have thought of that.
They better get cracking and start up a new investigation thought to meet that time frame. It will take them years to sort through all the evidence that's been accumulating over the last couple of years.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

A shift is coming soon.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:22 PM

Steel melts at 2750°F
Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F

Most of the fuel burning nowhere near the temp required to melt steel or significantly damage it would have burned off in the initial explosion or soon after not allowing for such temperatures to be maintained long enough for the steel to weaken as you claim.

Some other things to keep in mind.
Things in side the building were on fire to.

You mean like office furniture? Definitely hot enough to melt steel. :@@

The buildings was just hit by planes, causing structural damage (the building swaying).
Never mind they are designed to sway do the wind...

We never saw melted steel. we did however see twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel.

Image from debris:

The planes hit the buildings causing them to sway. The swaying caused the buildings to weaken. The jet fuel then catches on fire. The jet fuel catches things in the buildings to catch on fire. The buildings collapse.


This video caught my attention because I watch these guys on my local fox channel. So happy to see this going mainstream.

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