Originally posted by ugie1028
They are calling for a high opening today. Ummm what am i missing?
It is not about the DOW. In fact, do not even pay attention to what the DOW Does. It is only an index of 30 companies, not a good indicator of
anything. Pay no attention to the Nasdaq either, it doesn't have financials. If you're thinking stocks, watch the S&P 500, that
is the
market. It's got it all. In short, technical analysis is far more accurate if based off of historical charts from the S&P, when you are going for
broad indicators.
But we are not talking about The S&P, or the DOW. What we are talking about my friend, is something much, much more dangerous than a mere stock market
collapse. The Bond Market, the Dollar. It is the Sword of Damocles, and good ol' "Angel of Doom" Karl Denninger thinks that it has been dropped.
Imagine all imports costing 10 times as much as they do now. Imagine food prices spiking. A loaf of bread costs 20 bucks, a gallon of milk, 25. How
long could you keep up? A gallon of gas 10 bucks. And they continue to rise every day.
With an economy this size, I doubt it will all happen at once. But just remember. One day you will wake up and there just simply will not be enough
money. One evening the entire middle class will go to sleep, bellies full, blankets warm. And they will wake up the next morning, hungry, unemployed,
and no longer able to afford simple items at the grocery store.
This is the predictable and historical outcome of every single paper currency that has ever existed. The Dollar
will die, because the Dollar
was born. Brought to it's grave by our Government, and buried by our hands. It is inevitable. It's as simple as that.
[edit on 28-5-2009 by aravoth]