posted on May, 27 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by bpg131313
That's what I can't figure out. Who wins? OK - so here goes worst case scenario:
NK nukes SK. Then either the US or Russia nukes NK. Then what? China certainly wouldn't step-in once NK is already leveled. Further, there
aren't many people in the world that could claim NK didn't bring this upon himself.
The only thing I can come up with is that if this turns into all-out war, China will be forced to choose a side. But that seems rather a small prize
for all of this potential disaster.
Lastly, maybe we should starting looking at what's in the ground in NK. Are there any resources? I would venture to say there is not much of
anything worthwhile there.
A new NWO capital building site? It would be ironic if North Korea becomes the new location for a centralized world government.
*Please Note: I am not throwing the word nuke around casually nor am I overlooking the incredible loss of life.