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Are some UFO's animals that live in space?

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posted on May, 29 2009 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Consider some possibilities:

1. The creatures use magnetic force. If they were to become "bloated" with electrons, perhaps they are able to utilize this as a form of locomotion?

2. The creatures have developed a method of gravity repulsion or attraction as a function of its design.

3. the creatures are products of the highly charged interactions in our ion rich outer atmosphere. Very rudimentary in form, and drifting in and out of existence in some exotic dance of "life".

OK, so the third one seems more fanciful than the other two...but i think that in our reaching for answers to the events we see we often may lack a point of reference to even compare it to within our experience. I believe it was Manly P Hall that liked to use the term "Compound Ignorance" when describing humans. We cannot be expected to consider that which we are ignorant of, or more simply: "We don't know what we don't know".

We cannot question the existence of the event. We seem to question the cause, but there has been nothing definitive presented to describe the cause. Until then, we just keep grabbing for ideas, i guess.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
While it is easy to use the solar wind to move away from the Sun, how could they move in other directions?

How does a sail boat driven by the wind sail upwind? Yet we figured out how to do that.

Since most of the Universe is Plasma energy in some form or other, and this energy is moving in all directions, perhaps there are 'currents' in the aether that we have as yet not detected.

When a star explodes in a super nova, it creates awesome colorful displays of pure plasma... where does all this energy go?

Credit: Hubble/NASA

When a black hole sucks in all that matter, we now know that plasma jets escape at the poles... where does all that energy go?


Plasma is the life blood of the Universe

We always hear talk of humans Ascending to become brings of energy and light. Seems the "critters" may already have beaten us to that state

Now why exactly do we call our blood "Plasma"?

And if they use a different system and do not rely on the solar wind, then they still have to avoid being pushed away by the solar wind.

On that note I find it interesting that 'critter' type UFO's are being seen much more frequently these days... when the solar wind is at an all time low (since the start of the space race) Perhaps they shelter behind the planet?

As a person with little imagination, I can not see how a hypothetical space creature would move through space.

If an astronaut had a flashlight in space and pointed it in one direction, he would eventually approach the speed of light (albeit it would need to be a battery that never ran out and an astronaut that was immortal
) But the point is the light from a flashlight would provide thrust. The hitch is the mass of the astronaut.

So how much mass would an energy 'critter' have? Since mass is a function of matter, does energy have mass? If not a small release of energy in one direction would propel the 'critter' in the other. Since in space you don't need to apply constant power to maintain movement, only when a speed or direction change is needed, I would say a small amount of energy in bursts is all that is needed.

And since I know how you hate to place similar things in one basket
I find it highly likely that some ghost and 'angel' sightings may in fact have been 'critters'

I do wonder what effect heating the Ionosphere with installations like HAARP, EISCAT and IRIS would have on the 'critters' if any

[edit on 30-5-2009 by zorgon]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 09:43 AM
For electromagnetic propulsion, these critters may utilize use photonic crystals which are also primarily responsible for making these creatures visible.

Due to their density, I believe these critters are not [or are rarely] visible until these crystals begin emitting light in a visible mode; similiar to deep sea creatures who are also invisible until they activate their own photonic crystals - rendering them visible.

*Why do I think photonic crystals have the greatest potential for being a component of these creatures propulsion mechanism?

"The most noteworthy feature of the photonic crystal is that there is formed therein a so-called photonic band gap, a region through which a specific electromagnetic wave cannot propagate because of the refractive index difference and structural periodicity of constituent materials. When a defect is introduced into the refractive index distribution of the photonic crystal, an energy level (defect level) due to this defect is formed in the photonic band gap. Consequently, the photonic crystal can freely control electromagnetic waves.

...A three-dimensional photonic crystal, among photonic crystals, has the feature that the refractive index distribution of constituent substances has a three-dimensional period and an electromagnetic wave present at a defect position can hardly leak out. This means that the three-dimensional photonic crystal is best suited for the control of electromagnetic wave propagation...""


*Why do I think that photonic crystals are primarily what made these critters to visible us in the STS-75 Tether Optical Phenomena Experiment?

"...Recently, I was reading several articles describing some newer photonic crystals capable of propagating visible light. The crystals do this well, except for light that falls into the forbidden range of the crystals' band gap. In that case, the band gap light is either reflected or trapped. If trapped, the light's energy is dumped into shorter wavelengths that are reradiated...""

The critters were exposed to so much energy that they began re-radiating light into various shorter wavelengths, which the TOP experiment was sent to record.

Along with giving off massive amounts of energy and plasma, the tether may have acted as a focal point for these critters to orient their attraction-repulsion based form of locomotion. It also appears to have been used as bait. (Even though the tether broke, the mission was declared a success...)

In any case, it worked so good at attracting the critters that they did it again a month later - in secret. (thanks Kirtland AFB!)

Zorgon, You mentioned HAARP et al earlier;

HAARP [et al] can be used to generate areas of plasma in the upper atmosphere... The tether was encased in plasma, which seemed to attract the critters for some reason...

Perhaps these critters could be used as a 'renewable resource' of sorts?

[edit on 30-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

teslaandlyne (6 seconds ago)
Very large Tesla craft just let out a fast luminous craft. Electricity akin to lightning, that is millions of cycles per second makes the atmosphere navigable and also lights up the gases.

NASA UFOs STS-80 "Smoking Gun" clip UNCUT.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 03:59 PM
This is the second part of a compilation video from youtube.

There is an existing thread discussing part one here to which I added this second part that I am about to post here too.

Well, watch it.. and wait until you see some of the shapes of these objects caught on film. Some resemble deep sea creatures so much that it is hard to imagine that these objects are alien craft (not that that discounts alien designs)

The way many of them just light up from nowhere is just the exact same thing we see in our oceans as bioluminescent fish light up in a 'flash'...

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Extralien

Excellent Post Extralien!

It looks like this type of discussion may behaving an effect. Perhaps this article is a precursor of sorts:

NASA Satellite Detects Red Glow to Map Global Ocean Plant Health

"All plants absorb energy from the sun, typically more than they can consume through photosynthesis. The extra energy is mostly released as heat, but a small fraction is re-emitted as fluorescent light in red wavelengths. MODIS is the first instrument to observe this signal on a global scale."

*This sounds like something you would catch me writing...

Just Substitute 'low-earth orbit' for 'ocean', replace MODIS with TOPE (Tether Optical Phenomena Experiment) and use 'critters' in the place of 'phytoplankton'.


[edit on 1-6-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 04:41 PM
I think it would fair to say the there may indeed be space animals. You can currently find some stranger than fiction life here on planet earth so I doubt that anyone could posatively speak against such a thing.

At this point there is too much we don't know about everything to make an educated guess but I we all know there is something out there.... Don't we.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Extralien

There are some interesting images in that video, but why did they include an image of the desktop of the computer on-board the ISS, do they consider the choice of desktop image an evidence of extra-terrestrial life?


posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Excellent find

It just adds to the strength of this entire concept. I am glad you have added this as I have been toying with another idea in relation to all this.

I do think it may be possible that Earth was seeded not from meteorites, but from these space going creatures. Some of their young, born in our atmosphere, adapted to the environment and took to the seas, whom eventually took to the land.

From what we see in the videos posted, space is just too busy with life. We are living on such a tiny island. We thought the Sun moved around the Earth...and it would seem we still think we are the center of the universe. Many, many other systems would have formed, bringing life, way before our system ever even got started.

This thinking led me to take a bit of a look at our ancient past. There are some similarities in shape and form as to those we see in our skies and in space.

Firstly, look at some of the structures of the 'worms' that we see flying around. Especially in the video posted above, and compare their general structure to this;

Trilobites first appear in the fossil record during the Early Cambrian period (540 million years ago)
We know that jellyfish are also ancient. We have fossil evidence of these too, which would seem impossible due to their structure, yet we have them etched in stone..

Name: Eldonia eumorpha
Geological Time: Early Cambrian (~525 million years ago)

Fossil of elusive jellyfish more than 500 million years old
Using recently discovered fossil snapshots found in rocks more than 500 million years old, three University of Kansas scientists have described the oldest definitive jellyfish ever found.

In a paper would be published in PLoS ONE on October 31, the scientists describe four types of cnidarian fossils preserving traits that allow them to be correlation to modern orders and families of jellyfish. The specimens are about 200 million years older than the oldest previously discovered jellyfish fossils.
Now do those two have any resemblance to some of the images we see floating around the NASA tether video?

Here is a similarity that may not stand out to many straight off, but the resemblance is not only the 'roundness' but also the cavity at the front of the Ray.. (ignore the tail, this could only have come about through the need to defend itself after many a transformation)
And here is a close up...
Look familiar to you?
Then how about this in the top left corner?
Creatures have developed a skeleton in order to support their bodies in this gravity. In this case, do we see a possible evolutional link between these two designs?

"Geologists have discovered strange disc-shaped features in slate deposits in California. The features, at Yreka, are between 2 and 7 centimetres across and 2 to 4 millimetres thick; some have centres stained with iron oxides. One geologist, Nancy Lindsley-Griffin of the University of Nebraska, has already dubbed the saucer-shaped features, 'unidentified fossil-like objects.'

"Geologists discoverd the UFOs in bedding planes of the slate, formed from ocean bottom that was deposited between 400 and 600 million years ago. The objects are puzzling because they lack the symmetry that fossils of living organisms usually display. They are also too large to be the droppings of any creature alive at the time, and do not look like concretions, such as agates, formed by natural chemical processes. Lindsley-Griffin says they resemble very tiny bicycle wheels, with a central core and an outer rim, but with most of the spokes missing.'"

Obviously, I am just scratching the surface when it comes to the amount that we already know about fossils, but it may be a window to the true origins of life here on Earth.

And here's a few more pics, just to get those creative brain juices flowing a little.
[atsimg][/atsimg] ssil+from+47-million-year-old+deposits+at+Messel%2C+Germany.+Credit%3A+PNAS&title=

[edit on 1-6-2009 by Extralien]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Extralien

I think that the transition from space to our atmosphere (at the time that supposedly happened, apparently the atmosphere was different from what it is now) would be much more difficult than the transition from water to land, for example, because what we know about the way living organisms function on Earth makes it impossible for them to live space, so I think that space organisms would find it harder to evolve into Earth organisms, and if that was the case then the first would have been air organism, then they evolved to water organisms and land organism and air organisms again, and I think that is a strange way of "doing things".

But I don't know about anything that says it is impossible, so that's another possibility.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 08:05 PM
I think some of these supposed beings are just big ballons and what not flying around with some swamp gas. Nothing to see here! But this does remind me of the Xbox 360 game Prey in a way that the actual aliens mothership was an organic being itself.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by OKCBtard

I personally think that when satan and his angels were cast to the second heaven, they are spirit beings, don't forget ,and the one thing they are not in possession of is a human body..I think they have tried to create human bodies for themselves..However, God alone has that authority and they have failed miserably...I think all UFO's are demonic in nature.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by Extralien

and if that was the case then the first would have been air organism, then they evolved to water organisms and land organism and air organisms again, and I think that is a strange way of "doing things".


Since when has something being strange stopped it from existing?


The environment and conditions in low-earth orbit are fairly constant (relative to what goes on in the lower atmosphere and below). It makes more sense that life would evolve in this niche, before adapting itself to ever-changing conditions on a volatile surface.

Due to the properties associated with these critters density, we will probably never find any fossil evidence. Their bodies would never reach the surface (unless they die during mitosis), and their 'physiology' would almost certainly preclude the fossilization process.

And like the marine animals to which they appear to be akin; these critters apparently utilize increased environmental pressure to aid in the Anaphase and Telophase of the mitosis process. This extra atmospheric pressure primarily aids the closure of the contractile ring, after the cleavage furrow has been formed.

(See Zorgon's Tallahassee Critter footage to view the later stages of this process. In this particular case, the mitosis results in the newly produced organism being much smaller than the parent cell - perhaps there is an advantage to this.

*Perhaps it is not truly a mitosis at all, but is actually a form of Asexual reproduction....

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Since when has something being strange stopped it from existing?

Strange in the sense that I think that it would be more natural for those beings to evolve directly to aerial life forms first, and the evolution of these life forms would easily move to occupy water and land masses, evolving on those environments.

So, the present day beings that live in the air should be closer to the oldest living creatures on the planet and not the younger.

But having said that I noticed that I do not know any real air creature, all creatures that use the air do not live there their whole life, like we do on land or sea creatures do on sea, I am not aware of any "full-time air creature", to use another strange definition.

So, maybe those creatures still exist, close to what they were initially, while birds, insects, etc. use the air but are not directly related to them.

PS: I don't think that the Tallahassee video shows any "critter", it's too close to a camera artifact for me to consider it as a different thing.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Strange in the sense that I think that it would be more natural for those beings to evolve directly to aerial life forms first, and the evolution of these life forms would easily move to occupy water and land masses, evolving on those environments.

So, the present day beings that live in the air should be closer to the oldest living creatures on the planet and not the younger.

But having said that I noticed that I do not know any real air creature, all creatures that use the air do not live there their whole life, like we do on land or sea creatures do on sea, I am not aware of any "full-time air creature", to use another strange definition.

Exactly the sort of points we're trying to reach here.. somehow these creatures must have evolved in our atmosphere, before migrating to the sea, and then to land.
The atmosphere would have been the most stable environment of the time.

Here is a very good representative of the idea that creatures in space can travel from planet to planet with very little effort, saving all their energy for feeding and breeding.
The Albatross offers us many insights into this possibility.

Albatrosses travel huge distances with two techniques used by many long-winged seabirds, dynamic soaring and slope soaring. Dynamic soaring enables them to minimise the effort needed by gliding across wave fronts gaining energy from the vertical wind gradient. Slope soaring is more straightforward: the albatross turns to the wind, gaining height, from where it can then glide back down to the sea. Albatross have high glide ratios, around 22:1 to 23:1, meaning that for every metre they drop, they can travel forward 22 metres (72 ft). They are aided in soaring by a shoulder-lock, a sheet of tendon that locks the wing when fully extended, allowing the wing to be kept outstretched without any muscle expenditure, a morphological adaptation they share with the giant petrels.

Albatrosses are so well adapted to this lifestyle that their heart rates while flying are close to their basal heart rate when resting. This efficiency is such that the most energetically demanding aspect of a foraging trip is not the distance covered, but the landings, take-offs and hunting they undertake having found a food source.[16] This efficient long-distance travelling underlies the albatross's success as a long-distance forager, covering great distances and expending little energy looking for patchily distributed food sources. Their adaptation to gliding flight makes them dependent on wind and waves, however, as their long wings are ill-suited to powered flight and most species lack the muscles and energy to undertake sustained flapping flight. Albatrosses in calm seas are forced to rest on the ocean's surface until the wind picks up again.

Albatrosses range over huge areas of ocean and regularly circle the globe.

Again, we are looking at nature in order to answer some of our questions here and the more I see from all that we've posted, I am more inclined to realise that space going creatures must exist.. The evidence for that is the hardest art, but the law of nature does seem to strongly suggest so..

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

But having said that I noticed that I do not know any real air creature, all creatures that use the air do not live there their whole life, like we do on land or sea creatures do on sea, I am not aware of any "full-time air creature", to use another strange definition.

Where did I state that they were a 'full-time air creature'?

Regardless - many creatures spend a majority of their lives in the atmosphere aimlessly floating around....

Please read through this - The References are extensive:
Bacteria in the global atmosphere –
Part 1: Review and synthesis of literature
data for different ecosystems

(The pdf :

*Here is an interesting article by the ISRO about UV-resistant Bacteria recently discovered living up to 41 km into the stratosphere:

Discovery of New Microorganisms in the Stratosphere

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:55 AM
when nasa first went into space, they all assumed they where looking at creatures, and i am not sure if they still do think this or not. But i have heard them talk about this.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Extralien

I forget where I saw it (a video perhaps) but there was a comment something along the lines..."If NASA were to disclose UFO's or space critters, it would shake the foundations of religion and cause havoc". Something like that.

So because of religious people, we can't get disclosure about the critters or UFO's. That seems very selfish to me, considering they are obviously real.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:21 AM
For those of you who are interested there were held a series of plenary debates titled: 'Quantum Effects on biology: Trivial Or Not?'. - They pertain to some of the more unique influences which were present at the beginning of life:


*This new interdisciplinary field has drawn a great deal of interest as it has a potential to answer many questions.
(I figured I would post it here as it deals with the earliest, most primitive expressions of life and I believe the critters to be both early and 'primitive'.)

Here are some names and places associated with these debates:

No Team (assertion “not trivial”)
Paul C. W. Davies, Macquarie University (Australia);
Stuart Hameroff, Univ. of Arizona (USA);
Anton Zeilinger, Univ. of Vienna (Austria);
Derek Abbott, Univ. of Adelaide (Australia); Editor of Fluctuation Noise Lett.
and Smart Structures and Materials.

Yes Team (assertion “trivial”):
Jens Eisert, Imperial College (UK) and Potsdam University (Germany);
Howard Wiseman, Griffith University (Australia);
Sergey Bezrukov, National Institutes of Health (USA); Editor of Fluctuation
Noise Lett.;
Hans Frauenfelder, Los Alamos National Laboratories (USA)

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 01:57 PM
I'm shocked that none of us have seen this thread
Mosquito Survives in Outer Space

Stunning read. More evidence to strengthen this thread...

Have S&F that thread

Edit to add this new video, supposedly shot over New York,

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Extralien]

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