posted on May, 30 2009 @ 10:24 PM
I believe in reincarnation and just the paranormal it's self, it's actually the only reason why I wont call myself an atheist.
But often to myself I think I was a African slave here in America and I often joke about it with fellow friends but since I was little I have
thought this.
And I haven't met anyone but my ex who I think, and also he thinks, we knew each other in past lives. Immediately when my friends brought him to my
house, never seeing or meeting him even though he's in my school(year below me though), he's in German class( i'm a year above), and he actually
lived right down the street from me for the past like 4 years, and my mum knew him like a few months before i even did. We had all the same friends,
but we never knew each other and the moment we met from then on we were together (just as friends and even after I broke up w/ him) 24/7 pretty much.
And if you knew me you would know this would be weird because basically I don't talk to people and to become my friend you really need to just have
basic conversations with me for like a year and then I will be comfortable talking and hangout with the person, I mean talking on online is even hard
for me. But it was really weird, we just clicked in like a really weird way, like a a way that we were together in a relationship before but it just
doesn't work and I end up being really depressed and unhappy like I was, until I break up with hi and then we are friends and everything is fine and
We are still really close and hangout often, and It always goes back to like we have know each other forever .
I can truly say I do believe I was with him numerous times in my past lives and we always get together but in the end we realize we are better as
friends, and that's how he has always described the feeling he gets when he is around me also.