posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:15 AM
Rest assured people, our great wise lord and savior and messiah Darth, I mean President Obama will magically make money just reappear because it's
loose change we can all believe in, so don't worry there's hope! Now bow and chant to Obama statue in your house now, do it he's watching!He's
just pretending right now that we are in trouble, we are a nation that lives by TV, so he's got to add in the drama now and come back in a few weeks
to save the day! He's got to relate to us regular folk. Anyway, what a joke, I can't wait to hear what comes out of his mouth the rest of his
I have been telling people this since the moment he even hinted he was running, that he will make Bush look great. I almost miss that stuttering fool,
but maybe that's why some thing barry is such a great speaker. I almost fall asleep when he is giving a public address. You could have a fun drinking
game over a Bush speech, for every stutter take a drink! You'd be out cold midway through. Anyway, I also have been saying that resurrected jesus
will not fulfill any promises and that he's just another politician. But the followers called me everything from racist to antique, close minded,
stupid, and everything else. I wonder if all the free loading people out there that thought Ol barry was going to not only give out more handouts, but
have it all in fancy gift bags, complete with tissue and a ribbon bow. Then again, I suppose it doesn't matter who the clown with the POTUS title is,
they are puppets after all, so you can't really hate on him too much. Even though it is very easy to do so.