posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:55 AM
Originally posted by RRconservative
When a Democrat/Socialist says we are out of money, it never means we have to stop or cut spending. It means we all need to be taxed even more.
It's our Patriotic Duty to ensure that Government doesn't have to do without.
Well, if you'd like a government that goes without, there are several nations that can accommodate you. Somalia's one of them. Afghanistan's
another. Have you ever considered El Salvador, I hear the weather is lovely, so long as you can handle humidity.
I don't think you understand how this system works, really. You see, our government benefits us. Maybe not in every single thing it does, but
overall, I'd rather have a healthy government than one that someone's trying to, as the saying goes, drown in a bathtub.
So, I suppose it's really a rhetorical question, but... Where was the outrage when your good ol' boys in the GOP were racking up this deficit? I
mean hey, you want to bitch and moan about the socialists, but hte plain fact of the matter is... your team is the one that vacuumed out the treasury
and did their level best to put control of government operations into the hands of private individuals that the public could say nothing about.
Cigarette taxes can't pay for everything. There are backroom meetings being held right now trying to figure out what to tax next. Soda,
chips, fast food, alcohol, health benefits, legalizing mariquana to tax it, income on people making less than 250K, everything is on the table. If
Obama wins in 2012 I guarantee you will see a huge rise in the gas tax.
I have to agree, some of the taxes proposed are pretty silly. The big problem is that each and every one of those taxes targets the people with little
money in the first place.
Of course if we tax the fat bastards who actually HAVE the money to not only make taxing them worthwhile, but also enough money that such taxation
doesn't scratch them nearly as deeply as it does the rest of us, then you and yours would probably be the first out of the ring screaming and
squawking about a socialist class war.
I'm continuously amazed by how many Americans the Republican party has turned into kapos.
In a few years people are going to say "I miss the days when we ONLY had a trillion dollar deficit."
I was lamenting how much I missed that juicy surplus that was hanging around on January 19, 2000 just the other day. I wonder where all that went.