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Strange daytime footage taken in British Columbia [video]

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Their info on the video makes me wonder though...

this was a real ufo we spotted in victoria british columbia on june 29th 2008 after a sailing trip. the interesting thing is that if you look at my youtube page you will notice all the videos about this kind of #### that I have been posting, I was in the row boat you see at the beginning and when I spotted this ufo and began to point and shout it sped up and went right over my head, I also saw one two days before and I also had a dream about this scenario happening about 4 months ago, with me shouting look look a ufo and then it flying over my head, I am currently working on a movie based on my prophetic dreams, so many coincidences. they seem to be multiplying exponentially. all very fascinating and exciting if you ask me. what do you think? I do not tolerate closed mindedness, no negative comments please, I honor truth above all things. I believe in the ten commandments and the teachings of Jesus, buddha, swami prabuphada and many other spiritual teachers and I believe in all things honorable, virtuous, noble and truthfull for if you come to know me you will know what I stand for. may the source be with you.

ps can anyone help me contact JAIME MAUSSAN?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by beautyfrompain

Looks bonafide to me. It was definitely on a mission. All in all one of the clearest videos I've seen (vision wise). The comic relief was nice for a change.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:41 AM
So instead of arguing what it is, could be, or isnt why dont we look at what we know for sure.

First thing in the video they edited it. So we cant say for sure that when they spot it they were expecting it it could have been minutes into the video we dont know for sure.

Their reactions say alot as well. We know they take shots after assuming they had a drink before they video they might be a little buzzed which would explain their excited reaction. But put yourself in theri spot if you saw a uufo in broad daylight flying so low you could almost make out exact details wouldnt you be excited? And they are young so they arent going to have the same reaction as someone who is calm cool and fifty. Added with the people in the backround all asking each other whats going on its adds some validity to the video.

Then you account for the spped at which the object is moving as well as the path its on. Its moving at a high rate of speed in a straight, or seemingly straight line. There is little wind from what I can tell the trees in the backround arent moving and the water is pretty calm. So how would you account for a balloon moving on its own at such a high rate of speed?

it would have been nice if the thing would have done a flip or something to make it easy to identify, but we just have to take a closer look at all the evidence in the video.

Lets pick this thing a part and see if we cant make up our minds as to what this is. stop with all the assumptions that it is or isnt anything, we dont know what it is and until we have enough facts to tell us we should jump to saying that it is an intelligently controlled craft or that it is a balloon.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Kandinsky

Their info on the video makes me wonder though...

this was a real ufo we spotted in victoria british columbia on june 29th 2008 after a sailing trip. the interesting thing is that if you look at my youtube page you will notice all the videos about this kind of #### that I have been posting, I was in the row boat you see at the beginning and when I spotted this ufo and began to point and shout it sped up and went right over my head, I also saw one two days before and I also had a dream about this scenario happening about 4 months ago, with me shouting look look a ufo and then it flying over my head, I am currently working on a movie based on my prophetic dreams, so many coincidences. they seem to be multiplying exponentially. all very fascinating and exciting if you ask me. what do you think? I do not tolerate closed mindedness, no negative comments please, I honor truth above all things. I believe in the ten commandments and the teachings of Jesus, buddha, swami prabuphada and many other spiritual teachers and I believe in all things honorable, virtuous, noble and truthfull for if you come to know me you will know what I stand for. may the source be with you.

ps can anyone help me contact JAIME MAUSSAN?

If you look at some of my previous posts back I have a video that he uploaded too I believe to be around January of this year. I think he just happens to be one of these open minded gentleman who keeps his eyes on the skies. I am not saying that because of this it makes the video any more or less legit, as video munipulation could very well be the case in both videos. His Youtube channel has a lot of videos of chemtrails and he seems to have a general interest in Ufology. I don't believe that him thinking of himself as prophetic makes it any less credible (I can only hope).

[edit on 25/5/09 by beautyfrompain]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:38 AM
After about 15 minutes searching Google Images for a turtle balloon that may resemble the one we may be seeing this is all that I find to be the closest match:

Turtle balloon

Which, in my opinion does not look like the one floating above.

I also searched Google for a manufacture that may supply realistic balloon animals and turned up nothing.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 01:22 PM
It is not one of these types of RC Airships:

RC Balloons Link

These things are barely controllable in stadium environments with no wind. They barely go 1 knot.

IMO there is no way that a blown-up helium turtle balloon would travel in such a direct manner and with such speed.

How about someone go and buy one (turtle balloon) and video it flying like Myth Busters. No way it's a balloon.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Look at the field of vision distortion when you first see it.. it is still a humanoid but distorted wildly - just as the UFO/saucer is in the Adamski films (Adamski stated this was due to the power source/magnetic fields effect on light waves). Then towards the last part - you can clearly see the humanoid not distorted. It appears to have something on his/her back (power source?).. just as in the Central and S. American flying humanoid footage.

Highly interesting.

Do you see what I see?

[edit on 25-5-2009 by theem]

[edit on 25-5-2009 by theem]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by theem
Look at the field of vision distortion when you first see it.. it is still a humanoid but distorted wildly - just as the UFO/saucer is in the Adamski films (Adamski stated this was due to the power source/magnetic fields effect on light waves). Then towards the last part - you can clearly see the humanoid not distorted. It appears to have something on his/her back (power source?).. just as in the Central and S. American flying humanoid footage.

Highly interesting.

Do you see what I see?

[edit on 25-5-2009 by theem]

[edit on 25-5-2009 by theem]

Thanks for your contribution but I need some clarification. Are you saying that from your perspective you see a flying humanoid figure rather than a ship/vessle/craft?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Yes - absolutely. It has a head, two arms and two legs... with a bronze coloured thing on it's back - to me at least.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by theem

Im not saying its NOT that but ive watched it like 100 times now and I dont see much of a humanoid form. Im leaning more on the prob/drone idea... why its in Victoria tho there is no military bases or anything on the island ... judging from its direction have we figured out where it could be coming from yet?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by theem
Yes - absolutely. It has a head, two arms and two legs... with a bronze coloured thing on it's back - to me at least.

The only thing I can think that is if that is a humanoid it is awfully small...?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by beautyfrompain

Anything that can be filled with helium or other lighter than air gas can function as a ballon, while not really being a balloon, and that is what I think happened in this case.

Imagine something like this inflatable turtle inflated with too much pressure, it would probably look like the one on the video.


Obviously, there is no real way of knowing, and I do not have the means of making a test.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by beautyfrompain

Anything that can be filled with helium or other lighter than air gas can function as a ballon, while not really being a balloon, and that is what I think happened in this case.

Imagine something like this inflatable turtle inflated with too much pressure, it would probably look like the one on the video.


Obviously, there is no real way of knowing, and I do not have the means of making a test.

It is my assumption that helium rises...? I have never seen anything like a balloon travel in a straight line horizontally.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by beautyfrompain

A balloon rises to an altitude at which the air it displaces weighs the same as the balloon, then it stops rising.

It's the same principle used by fishes when they compress or dilate their gas bladder to change buoyancy.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Helium will seep out of most plastics and rubbers, this is why you can buy helium specific balloons which are thicker walled to try to prevent the seepage.

So, just because we aren't seeing the object rising doesn't mean it isn't filled with helium, what it could mean is it's been in the air for some time and has seeped enough helium out to hold a reasonably stable altitude.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:55 PM
I thought I'd post these again so the images can be viewed on the site rather than just the external links :



To looks like a turtle. The "head" is green and so are the two "flippers" on the side. What do you all think?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:45 PM
My I make another suggestion? Paredolia could be another factor playing with us (again, I'd like to stress that I don't think this may necessarily be a UFO, but may explain some of the flying turtle balloon theory) that makes us think it's a turtle? Maybe our brains are trying to come up with a logical or practical picture to what we're seeing that it makes us think it's a turtle when it could be an object shaped similarily like one?

Once again, just tossing it up there.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Techie2012
I thought I'd post these again so the images can be viewed on the site rather than just the external links :

To looks like a turtle. The "head" is green and so are the two "flippers" on the side. What do you all think?

With these images I'm getting farther away from an over inflated turtle balloon/advertising balloon for a couple reasons

1. The difference in the scale of what people are calling the "head and flippers" in ratio to the "shell". That could imply over inflation but the magnitude off over inflation of the "shell" based on scale would have likely caused a rupture/tear thereby rendering the balloon useless and most certainly flightless.

2. If it were for promotional use/advertising there's a few things that are missing. a) Some sort of logo, b) the what sounds like lack of population density, so therefor a complete lack of planning meaning MANY an ad firm employee would have lost jobs. c) You would make sure that it was easily indentifiable as something then. Because if you're going to spend the money to send up a turtle balloon you're going to make sure EVERYONE can tell its whatever it's supposed to be

BUt yeah that's just what i think

[edit on 25-5-2009 by conspiredenial]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:46 PM
I have also been going on Youtube looking for flying balloon videos to see if I can find one that moves any way like that one does and so far I've been completely unsuccessful (a highly humerous waste of time)

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:10 AM
Has anybody been able to find a manufacturer that makes real life looking balloons? Maybe we should try to find one to help us out.

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