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Originally posted by Silver Shadow
So you are saying there are no longer secrets in Masonry ?
It is all completely pen these days ??
Well it is if you surf the Internet. It is all there if you search. But Masons will tell you it is all lies.
Try turning up to the local Lodge on night and try to get past the Tyler guarding the front door.
Tell him you are just curious and wish to enter and sit in on a Lodge meeting as an observer. No way will you be let in.
You will have the trap door slammed in your face if you are lucky.
If unlucky you may be beaten up, or even murdered.
Originally posted by supranode
Freemasonry is a power tool for the presenters of this old ideology. People with a need for influence will succomb to it.
Who are the presenters of freemasonry? The Semitics, or commonly called Jews.
In the book Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion one can read:
7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the Page 27 of 54 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 3/31/01 for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS.
Mod Edit: BB Code.
[edit on 23/5/2009 by Mirthful Me]
Originally posted by Roark
Right, so the Freemasons are allied to the Wiccans in this "war"?
What side are the dragons and vampires on? Coz I'm totally sticking with them... They've got the good stuff, with the flaming breath and immortality and whatnot.
Firstly, you don't seem to understand that 32nd & 33rd degree Masons are no more senior than 3rd degree Masons. Furthermore, the 32nd and 33rd degrees are of an appendant body of Masonry called the Scottish Rite which, similarly, has no authority over the rest of Freemasonry. Thirdly, some Masonic appendant bodies don't even HAVE 32nd or 33rd degrees.
There is nothing magical about the 33rd degree. It is a great honour within Freemasonry, but it isn't the point at which the "veil is lifted" and suddenly the Mason becomes aware of all kinds of secret mystical stuff, nor is he invited to join some vast cabal of hand-wringing puppetmasters.
Originally posted by RuneSpider
Actually, most of the supposed secrets were revealed years ago. You can get copies of all fo the ritual works, the words, hand grips, ect.
In fact, you can get the Scottish Rite Rituals from their main site.
Any cult that keeps their wives in the dark is also filled with truth and by no means is an abomination to the sanctity of marriage and your life long partner. I wouldn't dream of doing that to mine. Need I go on?
Originally posted by RuneSpider
Most of the rituals in Masonry deal strictly with legends inspired by the old Testament. If you count Solomon as one of the dark forces, well, then that's your call.
Originally posted by RuneSpider
Originally posted by Egyptia
They fill you with bits and pieces of ancient mysteries that date back to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and the time they are done you don't know which way is up and which way is down.
Masons take blood oaths in which they swear undivided primary allegiance to Masonry - over Christ, over country, and over their wives and family under pain of a violent death. Oh yes this is also quite good right?
Er... no. The exact opposite in fact.
Obviously, your grasp of people is no doubt impeccable. I can tell by how you so easily quote known fakes, speak condescendingly towards everyone who disagrees with you, and willingly support people who post replies that have nothing to do with the persons statements.
Jeter Brock
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