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US: I was called a terrorist, and threatened...

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:32 PM

[edit on 22/8/10 by masqua]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:32 PM

[edit on 22/8/10 by masqua]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:35 PM
idiocracy in action..the future of america.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 07:32 AM
I agree that their reaction was over the top. They should have given you your meds and sent you on your way. Having said that you violated their belief their systems just as if I were to go into a bar in Berkeley and argue that obama was a muslim plant (agave, aloe, take your pick) and wanted to convert the US to islam I would be accosted and threatened. As Robert Anton Wilson said, both the left and the right are looney tunes. Well he didn't quite say that but you get the drift.

Originally posted by alyosha1981
[pressimg][/pressimg] I was called a terrorist and threatened to have cops called on me for disturbing the peace. So here's the story, a few nights ago I was at a small local bar by myself just hanging out attempting to let go of some stress. The bar contained about 20 other patrons and there was no music playing. There was a small group of people at the actual bar talking about the economy and politics and things of that nature.
I listened but did not comment, until I heard 9/11 come up. I asked the gentleman who was speaking if he had ever heard of the 9/11 truth movement? He said no, I asked him if he wouldn't mind hearing some of my views on the subject, he agreed.

I proceeded to tell him that I believe the tragedy of 9/11 was carried out by the government as a false flag operation.

It should be noted that at no time did I ever engage in any type of threatening behavior or comments that would have given anybody any reason to call me a terrorist, I was polite and respectful at all times during this debate, too bad I didn't receive the same in return.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by alyosha1981]

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:03 PM
I applaud you for trying to tell people about what I too believe to be the 9/11 attack by the US government, and I'm really sorry you had that experience.

When I read your post I too thought it likely that you had sown a seed or two nonetheless. As others have already said, one or two of them might give it more thought, or do some looking up about it on the internet.
Others might hear it again from someone else, and start to think more about it.

Your story reminded me of another thread where the OP had a similar kind of experience, although in his/her case it was with friends. A week later when he met up with them again, they had all done some research.
So I hope this helps you to take heart! Have a look at it:

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:08 PM
What I find most worrying about this is the 'terrorist' knee-jerk response.

Ok, so they may disagree with you. Ok, so they may even feel offended that you are challenging something they believe in.

But - to jump from that to labelling you a terrorist shows that the hysterical hype of the MSM has really worked on many. It's like they've been inclucated into a mob mentality.

What I would really love to see is for something to break which is so big it can't be ignored by the MSM, something which will shock people into realising that they have been seriously lied to, something which creates a chink of doubt in their blind faith.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

sorry for what happened to you
i find the exact opposite in the same situation
every time i bring up the same conversation
i find more an more people feeling the same way i do
i think more an more people are opening there eyes to the truth
good story
thanks for sharing

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:30 AM
i thinks so

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:33 AM

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:06 PM
I too have wrongly being called a terrorist!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:08 AM
This reminds me of an incident I went through about two years ago on a chilly evening in October. I had been out at the pub (thats the bar for those of you who are stateside) with some chums, and gone back to one of my esteemed associates houses for an after hours beverage. Having consumed my fill of rum , I decided to walk along the sea front, back to my home. Its a gorgeous walk on a clear night, looking across the Thames Estuary to the lights of the far shore, moon glistening on the rolling tides, the sound of ropes and lines striking the masts of the small boats which moor near the near shore.
Now, at this point I feel it might be an idea to mention my appearance. Im five foot eleven inches tall, and at the time I was a skinny little rake of a chap. I have long brown hair, and a long pointy beard, which is copper under sunlight. On the night in question I was wearing an urban camo bandana, a thick moleskin coat and urban camo trousers. It may also be a good time to mention that I am a proud Celt. That is to say that my family hail from Wales, both my grandfathers are from there, and I have a bloodline which floats around the four corners of the British Isles, so Scots , Irish, Welsh, are all a big part of who I am.
In any case, I was walking home , minding my own business when a police car pulls up along side me, and the window rolls down. The policeman inside ordered me to stop (yes, I got pulled over while walking... gota love it) and turn to face his car. I did so. He then asked me if my name was *something unpronouncable in Arabic* . I told him that, no it wasnt, and told him my name. He asked me to step forward to the car and have a look at something. It was one of those most wanted posters, detailing the names and known aliases of wanted persons, along with thier photographs, and so on. The fella he though I was, was third from top of the page. The policeman asks me " Do you know any of these men?" . Of course, I didnt, and I politely informed the officer that I didnt know any of those gentlemen then I proceeded to ask him, why it is he had stopped me. He told me flat out "You look like a terrorist." I told him, that A) I am a Celt, and utterly bound to this land, and have a duty to uphold its laws and its people, and to prevent any and all threats to it , and that B) I was disgusted by his apparant inability to see that you ought to have a better reason for stopping someone other than "He looks like a terrorist", and if he didnt get the hell out of my sight, I would take his officer number, and make a complaint.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Too right op, in london uk, i found this out in 1992 at school. They suspected me as a terrorist for nothing, they just made it up, and they used electroinc mind control techs on me to totally humiliate my life for no reason what so ever at school.

The police and gov are desperate to find anyone they can say is some sort of threat.

Op is right that they just make it up and if you upset someone wrong your marked for life.

Imagine they used high tech weapons on me in 1992 in school on made up rubbish, and have been ever since. You know how many crimes in that time in my life, none.

These peopel are just murderers, and any person can get you on a list and your life is destroyed forever, as the peopel with these techs do not care one bit.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:48 PM
This makes me
. How can they accuse you of being a terrorist? Isn't the Constitution all "freedom of press"?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:31 PM
So you walked into a bar insulted every one there in a round about way by implying they're morons for not believing what you do, and to top it off you do this in front of a active duty marine?

I wonder why on earth they reacted the way they did.......

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

It's this current generation born in the late 1980s and into the1990s. I know there's some good people out there born during the mentioned above dates but this generation is really warped to its core beyond anything I have ever seen. All you have to do is look around you at how dysfunctional this generation of kids now around 18-26 years of age. This is the generation that tells their own kind as well as older generations things like, "I'll rape your mother", "I will do your sister", "You're as homo", "Drowned a baby", etc and the scary thing is that many of them truly mean it. I see these kids disrespecting their parents everywhere I look, they kill each other in schools, they live like animals and as long as they are given the opiate they need from the mainstream they are content. I could easily see these kids becoming armed thugs almost like a Hitler Nazi youth. We are talking about almost savage minded drones that have been so brainwashed because their parents and society has morally failed this generation.

There is a reason why the military enlists kids into service who are just 18 years of age. Even if the kid was a decent kid, he probably couldn't fathom that the marine corps could be wrong. Anyhow who knows about the human body, etc knows that male physical peak is at the age of 24-26 years old. A male is not at their physical peak when they are 18, however you can easily get an 18 year old to do unheard of things that many 24-26 year old would refuse to do. The marine who seemed to act hothead towards you obviously was a candidate for generation brainwashing. I am sure if you put that kid behind a .50 quad and told him to drive into a village and kill everyone that draws breath because they are terrorists, even babies and children, that he probably would do it. If that same marine was 26 years old, he would almost certainly ask why and possibly refuse since its a village full of innocent women and children.

The bartender was probably on welfare before, lived in section 8 housing, follows Lindsey Lohan's life of drugs and scandal on the news and is still waiting for Obama to pay off her mortgage and share the wealth she thinks she so deserved. Seems like the other guy was willing to at least listen to you even if he were to disagree but once the sheep got together they overpowered you because only their shepard could be right and there was no room for intellectual debate.
edit on 15-11-2010 by helix1776dragon because: (no reason given)

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