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Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by blupblup
We got one of their promos delivered at work today, like you say they are racist, I'd call them haters, they are the haters and they make me scared. These people are everywhere in UK.
Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
We got one of their promos delivered at work today, like you say they are racist, I'd call them haters, they are the haters and they make me scared. These people are everywhere in UK.
Originally posted by joeofthemountain
So you believe the native stock of Britain MUST cooperate in their dispossession by alien imports from the Commonwealth?
BNP are the only sensible party in UK. Labour are corrupt and the Tories are as useless as the GOP in America - they are both bought-and-paid by Big Business and Big Welfare.
Anglo-Saxons deserve a homeland: England and the rest of the world can go rot!
Originally posted by joeofthemountain
So you believe the native stock of Britain MUST cooperate in their dispossession by alien imports from the Commonwealth?
Originally posted by joeofthemountain
BNP are the only sensible party in UK. Labour are corrupt and the Tories are as useless as the GOP in America - they are both bought-and-paid by Big Business and Big Welfare.
Anglo-Saxons deserve a homeland: England and the rest of the world can go rot!
Originally posted by AR154
I disagree, it is to do with impartiality. Too many people are "offended", too many things "offensive". We need to start moving away from that. If someone doesn't like a certain political party, then you don't vote for them, you have that freedom. Denying material that advocates a party you oppose...isn't that worse? Sounds a bit selective.
In no way will I be voting or supporting the BNP. However, I seem to be one of the very few left who see that people can have the freedom to believe what they want, freedom in voting, resist thought policing. I see that everyone is free to read what they want, and make their decisions after. Yes, I took the BNP leaflet in from under my letter box and read it, like I have all of the many leaflets/pages that have been delivered to my door recently. I didn't feign 'offense' and throw a hissy fit, I accepted it as a party that exists because a certain proportion of the people are willing to vote for it.
That's what it's all about, anything other is just thought control.
People need to understand we aren't in the days of the National Front and hooligan BNP-esqueness. 90% of BNP are ordinary British Citizens sick of being treated with disdain by our political masters.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Native stock? LMAO! Do you think you are just based from people in England, Wales and Scotland? Don't you understand we've been invaded by the French, Romans and others? You're about as native as Japanese Knotweed. It is utter nonsense you are spouting.
The fiefdom of Normandy was created for the Viking leader Rollo (also known as Robert of Normandy). Rollo had besieged Paris but in 911 entered vassalage to the king of the West Franks Charles the Simple through the Treaty of Saint Clair-sur-Epte. In exchange for his homage and fealty, Rollo legally gained the territory which he and his Viking allies had previously conquered. The name "Normandy" reflects Rollo's Viking (i.e. "Northman") origins.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984Anglo-Saxons? Maybe we should invade France then? I mean we're part French!
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984Point is you have no idea what you are talking about.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984The NHS would have failed years ago if it weren't for immigrants, as would many farms.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984You know what i find amazing? When the major influx of Asian people happened in the UK they were treated like rubbish. They got their kids into education, drilled it into them that education waskey and got them into good professions. Whereas the chavvy scum standing around on the streets is mostly white and contributes nothing to society other than crime, being a drain on benefits and large quantities of methane each time they burp after drinking large quantities of white lightning cider.
[edit on 22-5-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Not all BNP voters are racist. Some i'm afraid are ignorant of the party. They honestly believe they are just looking out for britain.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
What utter nonsense. Do you think that, because a country has a history, that the indigenous population is somehow invalid?
Of course Britain has native stock. I've seen genetic studies that suggest that upwards of 60% of Britons share an ancestry with the pre-Celtic Britons; population migrations are never quite what you think, and normally just involve a ruling class.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
So don't give me this whole "you aren't native" argument, because if someone has lived in a country all their life and identifies with the national identity and culture, they are native.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Oh, and for your history knowledge:
Normans, not French, conquered England. They were vassals of the king of France, but were not Frenchmen themselves. And less than 10,000 of them managed it, so I can't imagine they had much of an impact on a country that had at least a million people in it, genetics-wise.
This bit from the almighty Wikipedia should explain:
The fiefdom of Normandy was created for the Viking leader Rollo (also known as Robert of Normandy). Rollo had besieged Paris but in 911 entered vassalage to the king of the West Franks Charles the Simple through the Treaty of Saint Clair-sur-Epte. In exchange for his homage and fealty, Rollo legally gained the territory which he and his Viking allies had previously conquered. The name "Normandy" reflects Rollo's Viking (i.e. "Northman") origins.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Also, the Roman Occupation of Britain was just that; occupation. There were veteran colonists and soldiers from across the empire were stationed here and no doubt interbred with the locals, but not in significant numbers (for example, Boudica was defeated by 10,000 Romans under Seutonius, and there are the quite-famous 5000 Sarmatian horsemen who form the backbone of the King Arthur story) when you are talking about the population of an entire country.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Yes, Anglo-Saxons, the migrated German tribes that gave England it's very name. We are not part French, as I have explained above; we aren't even really part Norman, unless you are a descendant of the aristocracy.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Pot, kettle, black.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984The NHS would have failed years ago if it weren't for immigrants, as would many farms.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Yes, this is what happened under Labour. You'll notice that "chav" did not exist under the Tory governments.
Originally posted by Concept X
I think its a bit extreme to be offended by a leaflet,
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
If you are really going to talk about a native populous then I have also seen genetic studies of britons and it seems up to 80% have "foreign" DNA, by that i mean non celtic.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984So by that measure wouldn't it make everyone slightly foreign? Hey my dad is from Southern Ireland. He came here and worked his arse off his entire life. You've probably been in buildings he helped build, he's never been out of work, paid all taxes etc. Isn't that a great kind of immigrant? Why aren't we happy to have such people here?
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984No they're not, at least not according to the dictionary:
"characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin; "the native North American sugar maple"; "many native artists studied abroad""
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
So don't give me this whole "you aren't native" argument, because if someone has lived in a country all their life and identifies with the national identity and culture , they are native.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984However what is more British than going out on a Saturday, having a pint and a curry! Yet curry obviously isn't native. We really are a mongrol dog of a country.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984Hang on a second, they were from France no?
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984I think a line needs to be drawn to show whether we are talking native English or English by virtue of where you live. I don't accept that simply accepting culture makes you native to that country, at least not by the dictionary definition.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984I am well aware of the history, i guess we just have different interpretations.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Well we'll agree to disagree here. They were living in France for hundreds of years before heading out to England to invade it. That in my book makes them French. Not native French of course
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984Not at all but continue if you wish.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Actually no it isn't. I'm sure you are well aware that in the 70's and 80's the government went out to places like India and offered doctors money and training if they would come to England. At the time we were running very low on trained professionals. Nurses also are actively recruited from abroad because we just wouldn't have the numbers without them. So yes the NHS would have collapsed without doctors and nurses coming to England to prop it up. There was even a massive push around 5 years ago to encourage people into the medical profession because many of the doctors who had come here were approaching retirement age and the government was concerned of running low.
Ahh but maybe they recruited people from abroad for no reason huh.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984The word chav didn't, the people did. They were less common absolutely. However i don't think it's the governments fault, chavs are international and just called by different names. I'm not a Labour supporter though and their benefit system needs revision.
Originally posted by neformore
Yes, there are some problem people from ethnic backgrounds, but theres a damn site more from the "British" one, and I for one am not going to fall into the same trap that Germans did prior to WW2 by blaming one section of society for everyones problems, because we ALL know how that turned out, don't we?
All the UK needs is to accept its own problems. But no - we're too busy blaming others.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth
I think the crux of the problem here is we were arguing differnt kinds of native, the genetic kind of native where people have lived on the land for millenia and the cultural native. At least i know what we're arguing now.
The second part about France. I don't know the hollywood kind of history, i have copies of the old maps in my room actually, you know those ones you can buy online? Anyway point being is i know that France broadened out a bit but i still refer to the Normans as French becsause that is modern day France. If you don't like it then fine but i am well aware of the history and that's how i view it. It is not ignorance i can assure you, i just don't agree with you.
Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
Medieval Normandy was not a part of Medieval France. End of story. Say "I don't agree with you" all you like, but you will never have support from any historian on that issue.